Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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I am going to start tracking data from missing persons cases, where the vic has been found, to see if I can get some kind of bead on direction and distance. We seem to have described the place she was found quite well, a field, by mountains/hills. She was found in a field, and one side of the field is a mountain/hill range. I will continue to work on the rest.

I just wrote a long post about this individual and about mapping locations and then the connexion to our website was lost. I'll just say that, if born 1989 as per the registry and with the birthday in the court records, there are ties to the event charts. Some of these are positive but Howell has progressed Mars dead bang on the Mars of the night, 0° Leo. He is an Air Sign.

I believe when I saw the chart for the eclispe, after you mentioned the perp could have an AIR SUN SIGN, from the location of the eclipse Mars, I thought, a Gemini. If I'm wrong, so be it. If correct, it's another learning tool/clue.

ETA: Yes, my thoughts were from this chart. Mars at 6:58 Gemini: Cases/MetallicaConcertMarsEclipsed001.jpg

The sun when the day began on the date in question, 1989, was at about 7°46" Gemini.

This taken from an article posted above by our Angel:

“A lot of my neighbors who are outdoors people have said to me that they think the most logical entrance is from Blandemar Farm subdivision,” Dave Bass said.

Along with the info about the perp-in-question from the Virginia State Police Website, I located his house and his place of work. Maps below. Very, very close, and lots of opportunity, for sure.

Place of work (arrow), notice John Paul Jones area also.


Residence (see little house) on Hwy 29, and Anchorage Farm Rd, with Blandemar Farm not far at all.


Location, location, location.
I invite anyone to do MH's 2009 solar return w/asteroid #4954 Eric. I used 24th July w/birthtime 2:45am (to get a Gemini rising). Interestingly Eric falls in the 8th house, directly on her natal Pluto 12:22 & Vertex of the 9:30 chart that Soulscape put up on the 1st page.

After perusing several of my family's charts over the years, I found that not all solar returns are equal. Some are filled with destiny. That destiny may be fulfilled in that year or later.

I've been wrong before, and don't want to impugn the wrong person. But a rape conviction in 2006 is worth a look-see if this could be the one.
Today Show video: Cops say skeletal remains are missing student 1:51
Jan. 27: Police say in Virginia say "significant items and evidence" indicate that they have found the body of missing college student Morgan Harrington. NBC's Ron Mott reports.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

Today Show video: Police believe body is missing Va. student 2:10
Jan. 26: A Virginia investigator says that they have "information discovered at the scene" that makes them believe the body found "is in fact Morgan Harrington."
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

Today Show video: Remains found may be missing Va. student 3:20
Jan. 26: The parents of a missing 20-year-old Virginia Tech student have been called to a farm near Charlottesville, where police are investigating the discovery of skeletal remains. Tamron Hall talks with WVIR's Henry Graff.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

Paulette, if you have a moment, will you plug in Asteroid Eric into the 9:30 Last Seen chart? I believe that positon would be more exact and revealing.

How about this?

I've inserted both first (6th house) and last (1st house) names.


I couldn't get my astro program to work properly, so I went to
Video: 'We need to find' killer 5:58
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Video: The Hunt for Morgan's Killer 7:18
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Remains 'wanted to be found,' parents say 7:53
Jan. 29: Dan and Gil Harrington, parents of slain student Morgan Harrington, refer to the film "The Lovely Bones" as they talk to TODAY's Meredith Vieira about their daughter's remains being found.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

Harrington Public Memorial Services Set
Posted: Feb 01, 2010 3:39 PM EST
Updated: Feb 01, 2010 3:39 PM EST
The family will honor Morgan with a Mass on Friday, February 5 at 3:30 p.m. It will happen at Saint Andrews Catholic Church in Roanoke.

A reception to celebrate Morgan's life will follow at the Hotel Roanoke

The Harrington family released this statement concerning the services:

"To recognize some of Morgan's passions we ask that, in lieu of flowers, gifts to honor Morgan's memory be made to the Morgan Dana Harrington Memorial Scholarship at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine or to OMNI - Orphan Medical Network International, an organization that provides medical care in Africa.

Scholarship donations may be mailed to: Virginia Tech, Attn: Gift Accounting, University Development (0336), Blacksburg, VA 24061, and OMNI donations to 6930 Empire Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018.

Video: Harrington Public Memorial Services Set

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Local search intensifies as Morgan Harrington's remains are found [with video]
A detailed look at the Harrington case, from her discovery to possible new leads
02/02/2010 - 02/08/2010
Dan Harrington believed that his daughter would be found within five miles of the Copeley Road Bridge, where she was last seen alive. In fact, Morgan Harrington was found a little more than 10 miles from the bridge, on a remote portion of David Bass&#8217; 750-acre Anchorage Farm.

Reports of violence in a secluded area
According to;a web site that maps crime data, linked from the Albemarle County Police Department&#8217;s web-site&#8212;there were two separate assault incidents reported in the month before Harrington&#8217;s discovery. The first, dated December 26, 2009, is listed at the 1800 block of Red Hill Road&#8212;less than 2 miles from the entrance to Bass&#8217; property. The most recent occurred on January 6, in the 4900 block of Monacan Trail Road, less than 7 miles from the Anchorage Farm entrance. A call to Albemarle Police about those incidents was not returned by press time.

The Virginia State Police&#8217;s Sex Offender Registry lists six registered offenders in the 22959 North Garden zip code that includes Anchorage Farm. One offender, listed with two convictions in Albemarle Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for rape and one for sexual battery in Charlottesville Circuit Court between 2006 and 2008, lives within two miles of Anchorage Farm.

The same resident said that a few bowhunters control the deer population in the community, but &#8220;they will always let us know when they are on our property.&#8221;

&#8220;The grass probably would&#8217;ve been at least two feet, maybe three feet tall, at the time of this tragedy,&#8221; said a resident about their property. &#8220;Anyone going through that field by foot or by car, I would&#8217;ve seen the tracks&#8230;[A]nd I saw no tracks.&#8221;

The resident also detailed the division between Anchorage Farm and their property in Blandemar: a half-mile that includes a ridge (&#8220;very steep&#8221;), a creek, woods and several rows of barbed wire fencing. &#8220;Not that it couldn&#8217;t be done. It could be done, but with great difficulty. At night, I&#8217;d say pretty much impossible.&#8221;

"Most likely it will be a homicide"
According to Flaherty, &#8220;significant items and evidence&#8221; were found near the remains. As his comments joined the rumors spreading through the community that the remains were those of Harrington, Flaherty explained that state police &#8220;cannot release the evidence that leads us to this conclusion at this particular time.&#8221;

"This is known to someone here"
&#8220;This is known to someone here&#8230;,&#8221; he said, speaking about the location where the remains were found. &#8220;And as I&#8217;ve said all along, Morgan would be found within five miles of this bridge, and it was probably a local person. And I&#8217;m sure I&#8217;m 100 percent right.&#8221;

A new lead on 15th Street?
On Friday afternoon, January 29, several residents of 15th Street, just over a mile from Copeley Road Bridge, reported they were interviewed by investigators who canvassed the area in connection with Harrington&#8217;s death.

&#8220;About 11:30am, I got a knock on my back door. I opened it up and it&#8217;s a guy who flashes a badge and says he&#8217;s a detective,&#8221; said one resident, who asked to remain anonymous due to privacy concerns. &#8220;He just told me that they were canvassing my building, because they had found what they thought was Morgan Harrington&#8217;s shirt somewhere in the bushes in front of the building.&#8221; Harrington was wearing a black Pantera t-shirt the night she disappeared.

A second resident said that two days earlier, &#8220;I was going to my car, and there was a woman who was kind of digging in the bush, and there were two guys walking around the apartment across the street. I heard the one guy [say] they hadn&#8217;t found anything, so the one guy was like &#8216;Well, we found her shirt over here.&#8217;&#8221; A third resident confirmed the reports; both remained anonymous due to privacy concerns.

Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller said she didn&#8217;t know whether there was a law enforcement presence on 15th Street. &#8220;We&#8217;ve gotten a lot of tips and a lot of different leads related to the case. They may&#8217;ve been just following up on a tip almost in a process of elimination versus it being some critical aspect of an investigation.&#8221;

What comes next?
The day that Harrington&#8217;s remains were found, an Albemarle High School student created a Facebook group called &#8220;R.I.P. Morgan Harrington.&#8221; The group currently has more than 10,000 members, and comments appear on the page nearly every hour. Many offer condolences to the Harrington family; one reads, simply, &#8220;Justice for Morgan.&#8221;




Anchorage Farm, a 750-acre cattle farm, is partially bordered by Monacan Trail Road, Red Hill Road and a subdivision named Blandemar Farm Estates. &#8220;People live out here because they like their privacy,&#8221; one Blandemar resident said.

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Harringtons Plan Memorial, Start Scholarship
Updated: 3:37 PM Feb 2, 2010
The Harrington family announced plans for a memorial mass and reception for daughter Morgan, whose remains were discovered on a farm in southern Albemarle County last week.

The Harrington family announced plans for a memorial mass and reception for daughter Morgan, whose remains were discovered on a farm in southern Albemarle County last week.

Video: Harrington Scholars and Memorial 0:45

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Harrington Death Ruled Homicide
Posted: Feb 02, 2010 6:12 PM EST
Updated: Feb 03, 2010 6:49 AM EST
There are new details in the Morgan Harrington investigation.
The Richmond Medical Examiner's office has officially ruled her cause of death a homicide. That report coming from Richmond NBC station WWBT Tuesday afternoon.
State Police tell say they have no new information to release on the investigation at this point.

Video: Harrington Death Ruled Homicide

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Morgan Harrington's death ruled a homicide
The medical examiner's office is not yet able to release information on how she was killed.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
The medical examiner's determination closes out speculation that she wandered away from Charlottesville and died of exposure on a chilly night.

A spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office said the office is not yet able to release information on how Harrington was killed.

Forensic experts say it could take weeks, or longer, to make that determination because of the decomposition of her body over the past three months. If, as her family believes, her body was left in the hayfield the night she disappeared, it has endured warm and cold weather, rain and snow storms and possibly the activity of animals and insects.

All of those factors could "make it a lot more difficult to determine the cause and manner of death," said Emil Moldovan, an adjunct instructor of criminal justice at Radford University and former death investigator in the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office.

For instance, Moldovan said, if Harrington were bludgeoned or shot to death, that might be readily apparent to examiners, but if she were strangled, there would be little evidence outside the possible fracture of the tiny hyoid bone in the neck. The skeletal and tissue remains also might not show any sign of a stabbing.

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Virginia Tech Student Morgan Harrington Was Murdered, Police Say
Cause of Death Still to Be Determined by Medical Examiner
Feb. 3, 2010
The police announcement did not say how Harrington was killed, however. "The cause and time of death are still to be determined by the Medical Examiner," the statement said.

Jenna Testerman, one of Harrington's best friends, said that she knows Harrington would not have succumbed to a killer without putting up a fight.

"I really don't know what happened to her," Testerman told, just days after the search for Harrington came to a grim ending with the discovery of her body. "She wasn't someone who would just wander off." "But what I do know is that Morgan is a fighter and she would have fought to the death," said Testerman.

"We were all hoping that they were going to find her safe and while we knew it would take a lot of work to get Morgan back to normal, we just wanted her to be alive," said Testerman. "We just wanted her to give us one of her big hugs that she's known for."

Testerman said she is particularly feeling the loss. She and Harrington were part of a close-knit group of girlfriends who called themselves "The Nine." Some of the girls even got the number nine tattooed on their bodies as a symbol of their friendship when they all went off to college. Now they are eight.

"We just hope that she didn't have to go through any pain and that her killer showed her mercy and that she's up above in heaven looking down on us," said Testerman.

In a chilling blog entry on Jan. 31 on a Web site dedicated to Harrington, the girl's father, Dan Harrington, wrote about retrieving his dead daughter's body after months of hoping she'd be found alive.

"How could someone have erased so much of what Morgan was and reduced her to a jumbled heap of bones?" wrote Dan Harrington. "Who would ever have thought it would be mine to see every image of Morgan's life &#8211; from her first faint shadows on fetal ultrasound to the gaping orbital hollows in her skull? An abomination to witness this ending."

What Happened to Morgan Harrington After the Metallica Concert?
Sarah Snead, who had accompanied Harrington and another friend to the concert, told WSLS in Raonake that she had been the one to receive the phone call telling them that she was stuck outside the arena.

"[She said] don't worry, I'll find a way home," said Snead. The morning after the concert, Harrington's purse and cell phone were found in that grassy field and later, her parents Dan and Gil Harrington, called police to report her missing.

Dan Harrington wrote on his daughter's blog on Jan. 24, "3 months! Despite the length of time Morgan has been gone I remain hopeful. Part of me is waiting to be surprised. Waiting for God to pull the rabbit out of the hat and bring Morgan home."

Now Dan Harrington is speculating on who took his daughter. He told NBC's "Today Show" last week that his daughter's killer must have been from around Charlottesville. "There is absolutely no way that a stranger to the area would know [the local roads and the farm]," said Dan Harrington. "It is someone who lives in the Charlottesville area."

Friends Believe Someone 'Bad' Got Harrington
Jill Helm, whose daughter Chelsea was one of "the nine" and who frequently had the group over to her Roanoke home, said Harrington must have bumped into an evil person.

"I think she went out to smoke and they wouldn't let her back into the concert and he got her out there," said Helm. "Someone who is as bad as all the crazy people in the world got her." "Morgan had nothing to run from," said Helm. "Her friends and family are absolutely wonderful."

Confirmed: Remains Those of Missing Va. Woman

Va. Tech Student Vanishes From Concert

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Harrington Investigators Make Plea to Local Community
Febuary 4, 2010
At an afternoon news conference Thursday, Lt. Joe Rader, the lead investigator for Virginia State Police in the death of Morgan Harrington, made an impassioned plea to the local community.

Investigators need information from locals about the area in and around Anchorage Farms.

He said the person or persons involved would have had intimate knowledge of the terrain necessary to traverse to get there, including, he said, streams, fences and other unexpected challenges. He added, such knowledge would be critical to someone enduring a "high-stress moment," although he would not confirm whether that "moment" meant disposing of a body. David Bass, the property owner, has said the nearest road was more than a mile away from the spot where her body was found.

In urging members of the local Albemarle County community to come forward with whatever information about Anchorage Farms they might have, Rader stressed investigators were not "looking for names" just information about what activities may have gone on from time to time on the property. He would not specify what activities may have been involved, but owner Bass has said hunters sometimes used his property. When asked whether the location may have been used for "parties," Rader would not answer. Rader said information about people who passed through, or worked on the Farms was important, and no bit of information was insignificant.

He asked the community to listen to six key points of "significance:"

1. The person responsible for the tragedy of Morgan Harrington, may or may not be formally connected to the Anchorage Farm properties, but investigators believe that person may have travelled, worked, recreated, or passed through that particular farm or the area close by.

2. As a result of the responsible person's past experience with that location or general area where Morgan's body was recovered, that person was inclined to return to the area in a high-stress situation.

3. Investigators are confident that someone knows the offender (through no fault of their own) and investigators need that information.

4. Investigators believe the person involved has specific knowledge and was comfortable operating in the area where Morgan's body was located. It was a significant distance from a roadway.

5. The choice of that particular area is important. It would have been a higher risk location unless you are familiar with the area. People living in that area understand what that means.

6. Travelling to Anchorage Farm location would have created a significant risk for anyone not familiar with that area and not comfortable with that type of area. Farmland such as where Morgan's body was found, has obstacles like streams, fences and terrain that changes. It can be very risky unless you are familiar with the area.

Rader concluded by pointing out the person responsible would have "passed up other more convenient areas" --presumably for disposal of her body -- en route to the remote Anchorage Farms locale.

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Location of body biggest key in Harrington investigation
Posted: Feb 04, 2010 2:46 PM EST
Updated: Feb 04, 2010 3:39 PM EST
The location of the area where her body was found is what investigators are most focused on right now, said Virginia State Police officer Lt. Joe Rader at a Thursday afternoon press conference in Charlottesville.

The body was found "a considerable distance from the roadway" and the person likely was familiar with the area, he said.

Rader said that based on experience and some common sense, the Anchorage Farm location likely wouldn't present an unnecessary risk for the person that took Morgan Harrington from John Paul Jones Arena. Traveling to Anchorage Farm area would have created a significant risk to a suspect. The area is a high-risk location to take a body and police believe the person willingly chose the farm.

The person responsible may or not be connected to the Anchorage Farm area, but may have worked, recreated, visited or periodically traveled through the area near the farm where her body was found, Rader said.

RAW VIDEO: Morgan Harrington press conference - February 4, 2010 13:51

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Cops Say Whoever Killed Morgan Harrington Knew Tricky Farm Area
Virginia Police Ask for Help From Farm Area Residents
Feb. 4, 2010
Whoever killed Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington and left her body on a remote farm knew the tricky "obstacles" to get to the location, Virginia police said today.

Rader said investigators believe the person or persons responsibile for Harrington's murder was familiar with the area on Anchorage Farm where the 20-year-old's body was found.

"People in the Anchorage Farm area, you know what goes on there, you know the history," said Rader. "You know who comes in and out of the vicinity and you might not realize it but you probably have some information for us that you don't even think is important."

Among the items in Rader's list was information about the "obstacles" that a person unfamiliar with the farm would have faced trying to get to the stop where Harrington was found.

"The choice of that particular location is quite different than if the person responsible had chosen the public highway or the shoulder," said Rader. "This particular location would have been a high risk location unless you're familiar with the area."

"People living in that area, this will mean something to you," Rader said cryptically.

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VSP Stress The Importance Of LocationIn Morgan Harrington DEath Investigation
Virginia State Police

Febuary 4, 2010
[ame=""]Virginia State Police[/ame]
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Police Ask For Help With Harrington Homicide
Posted: Feb 04, 2010 6:01 PM EST
Updated: Feb 04, 2010 6:10 PM EST
The 20-year-old Virginia Tech student vanished in Charlottesville October 17th. Her body was found last Tuesday about 10 miles away off Route 29 south on a distant corner of the 700-acre Anchorage Farm property.

State police say whoever left Morgan's body there had to be familiar with the area and the terrain on that piece of land.

Rader says, "The information that we need is going to come from people who understand the area where this body was located better than we do. So we're asking you basically community, educate us, educate the police.

The location is so critical to investigators that they have now set up a separate tip line for information from people living nearby. That number is 434-709-1685.

That's all state police would say Wednesday. They refused to take questions about the cause of death, suspects, leads, or anything else relating to the Harrington case.

Video: Police Ask For Help With Harrington Homicide

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State Police calls access to Anchorage Farm "high risk" for those who don't know area
February 4th 05:25pm
One day before more severe weather returns to cover Anchorage Farm, the location where the remains of 20-year-old Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington was discovered on January 23, Virginia State Police held a press conference to strongly encourage locals who know the area to call with any information.

"Community, educate us," said Lieutenant Joe Rader. "Educate the police."

Asked whether there was any knowledge of "field parties" on the Anchorage Farm property, Rader responded that "there were some activities on the farm, which we're not going to speak about now." He reiterated that people who know the North Garden and Anchorage Farm property shoud call the new tip line to speak with police.

Anchorage Farm owner David Bass told C-VILLE today that police left his property three days after Harrington's remains were found. The day after he found Harrington's remains, Bass said "I did give them the names of people who come to the farm frequently"&#8212;among them, maintenance workers, acquaintances of his daughter, and a complete list of tenants who have lived in a farm house on his property, dating back 20 years.
"I happened to've kept leases, so I had the names," he told C-VILLE. "No current addresses, but [Virginia State Police] have their names."

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State police provide update on Morgan Harrington's case

State police say the people who know Anchorage Farm and the North Garden area know information that will help them lead to Harrington's killer. That's because investigators believe the suspect(s) is(are) familiar with the area. State police say because of the terrain changes, fences and layout of the land, it would have been too difficult for someone who didn't know the area to navigate.

State police say the person(s) responsible felt inclined to return back to the area during a high stress situation. Authorities say Morgan's body was found a considerable distance from a public roadway and the location would have been a high risk one if they didn't know the farm.

Video: Police emphasizing how important the location is to solving Harrington crime (2/4) 2:03

WDBJ7.COM EXTRA: State police news conference updating the Morgan Harrington case 2/4/10 ~ 29:17

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Police: Harrington&#8217;s killer familiar with rural Albemarle
Published: February 4, 2010
Updated: February 4, 2010
&#8220;I think &#8230; the person is familiar with the area,&#8221; said Virginia State Police Lt. Joe Rader at a news conference. &#8220;I don&#8217;t know if the person lives in the area. Nobody knows that right now.&#8221;

&#8220;[That pasture] is the most significant part of the investigation,&#8221; Rader said. He added later, &#8220;Location, location, location is very important. It&#8217;s important to the police, but it needs to be important to those in the community.&#8221;

The farmer who found the remains, Dave Bass, has said that the pasture is at the very back of his property, and anyone hoping to access it through his property would have to drive past two houses, risking discovery. The terrain is difficult to cover on foot, Rader said. It&#8217;s also accessible through Blandemar Farm Estates, a development of large homes widely interspersed on sizable lots.

Rader said that investigators and profilers believe that the location indicates the person had been there before and was comfortable crossing uneven terrain studded with a creek and barbed wire fences.

&#8220;Traveling to [the site] would have created a significant risk to any person not familiar with that area and not comfortable with that [rural, rugged] setting,&#8221; Rader said.

Bass has also said anyone sneaking onto the farm, particularly through the front gate, would be risking, but not guaranteeing, detection.

Rader said police suspect the body was dumped there the night of the concert, so police are particularly interested in activity in the area on or before that evening. People should think about goings on along U.S. 29, Route 708, Red Hill Road, the farm itself and the Blandemar subdivision behind it, Rader said.

He also said the person could have been on the farm for any number of reasons, including work or recreation, and felt comfortable enough with it to return during what was probably a high-stress situation &#8212; disposing of a body. In fact, the person went through a region with many potential dumpsites that are more accessible, he said.

It&#8217;s likely someone in the area knows the person, Rader said. Local people know what goes on in the area, who comes and goes, what has happened out of the ordinary and what the history of the spot is, he said.

&#8220;We will solve this,&#8221; Rader said.


Two things strike me when reading these articles:

Morgan's parents are very cordial to those who are interested in remembering their daughter, whether or not they knew her personally. I believe a certain Anthony family could learn a lot from these people. It's true no one in Morgan's family is probably the guilty party, but they certainly don't have to invite strangers to their child's memorial service, but they are. I'm sure no one will be censored or strip searched at the door, either.

The other thing is the blatant laissez-faire attitude of her friends and their parents about the night Morgan went missing. No guilt, no would-haves, should-haves, could-haves for them. They just blame it on Morgan needing a cigarette. :waitasec: Not one has said, "If I'd only have gone out to check on her, to be with her"............ or did I miss that? It was her choice? We'll miss her? I just don't know. :snooty:

Thanks for the great map, it really gets us close to the location and gives us the lay of the land. Thanks so much, Angel.

May this dear girl rest in peace and her killer caught and punished so he can't do it again.
Location Key To Finding METALLICA Fan MORGAN HARRINGTON's Killers
Feb. 5, 2010
According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Virginia State Police Lt. Joe Rader confirmed during a press conference Thursday (February 4) that the spot where Morgan Harrington's remains were discovered is one of the best clues in the search for her killer. He said the person who disposed of her body in a pasture must have known that specific part of Anchorage Farm off U.S. 29 but doesn't necessarily live in the area.

The Medical Examiner in Richmond ruled her death a homicide, but the cause and time of her death have not been determined.



*Watch this one "Morgan Harrington speed drawing"...beautifully done portrait. As an artist like Morgan was known to be & one can appreciate the beauty of this video!







Scott Roeder is found guilty by the jury in 40 minutes. Sad news as the remains of the missing lottery winner and Morgan Harrington are found. Madoff's brother being investigated.


Morgan Dana Harrington July 24, 1989 thru October 17, 2010 Daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Gil Harrington Beloved Sister of Alex Harrington Fly High Sweet Angel! ** **** *

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Police: Harrington's killer unwittingly left clues
Investigators say Morgan Harrington's killer is familiar with the terrain where she was found, and they hope residents of the area will be able to come up with more tips.
Friday, February 05, 2010
The streams, fences and rugged landscape of Anchorage Farm, where the 20-year-old Roanoke County woman's body was found last week, would have deterred anyone who did not know the farm or surrounding land, said state police Lt. Joe Rader on Thursday.

"We don't believe those are challenges someone unfamiliar with the area would confront," Rader said, adding that the body's location is the "most significant" aspect of the investigation so far.

"Investigators believe the person may have traveled, worked, recreated, visited or periodically passed through the farm or nearby area," Rader said. "You could not have just walked in there without having to be able to negotiate things. You had to be familiar with the layout."

This aerial photo shows the area state police were investigating a week ago, after Morgan Harrington's body was found.


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Somber Memorial Held For Harrington
Posted: Feb 05, 2010 5:08 PM EST
Updated: Feb 05, 2010 5:08 PM EST
Family and friends said their goodbyes in a final farewell for Morgan Harrington in Roanoke Friday. The body of the 20-year-old was found last Tuesday in a hayfield in southern Albemarle County.

It was a very somber service Friday afternoon to remember Morgan Harrington and give her family some closure.

"For all the prayers of those in heaven and on earth could not change that which had already taken place in that moonlight field of hay so close and yet so far from us," said Rev. Fr. Stephen McNally of the Church of the Transfiguration. "Even her lovely bones cried out to be found."

Video: Somber Memorial Held For Harrington 2:06

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'Going away party' commemorates Harrington
Saturday, February 6, 2010; 12:53 AM
Standing at the front of Roanoke&#8217;s St. Andrews Catholic Church, Gil Harrington spoke on the wild ride she and her husband faced in the search for their missing daughter Morgan, which took them from &#8220;Dr. Phil to Capitol Hill, and everywhere in between.&#8221;

&#8220;We went to a heavy metal concert," Harrington said, &#8220;you got your papa on Facebook and me writing a blog. Who would have ever imagined such a thing?&#8221;

Gil Harrington said she and her son, Alex, were looking into getting a tattoo to commemorate Morgan. &#8220;We did check it out, but so far we&#8217;re still testing the concept out with sharpie. It&#8217;s coming.&#8221; Harrington said, holding up her left wrist, dotted with the family&#8217;s &#8220;2-4-1&#8221; logo, standing for &#8220;I love you too much, forever, once more.&#8221;

The Mass service brought out several hundred to the church from locations as far as West Virginia and Ohio, despite the dangerous road conditions and icy weather that Morgan&#8217;s father Dan Harrington would call &#8220;frozen tears from the heavens.&#8221; Harrington said it was &#8220;not the day we would&#8217;ve liked.&#8221;

&#8220;I kind of thought I&#8217;d be coming to celebrate Morgan&#8217;s graduation, or perhaps her marriage, or perhaps the baptism of her children,&#8221; Dan Harrington said. &#8220;But no, we&#8217;re here to celebrate the end of her life.&#8221;

A &#8220;real celebration of her life&#8221;
Following the Friday afternoon Mass came a reception at the nearby Hotel Roanoke. Despite the circumstances, the reception had a cheery atmosphere.

A mix of upbeat pop and country music set the tone for the evening, with two projectors beaming into the corner of the room a montage of family photos and home video of Morgan. Attendees were greeted to the reception with a downpour of bubbles from a machine hanging over the entrance. Gil Harrington, who celebrated her birthday Feb. 1, said the reception&#8217;s tone was intentional.

&#8220;It&#8217;s important to end Morgan&#8217;s life with a smile, seeing that she brought smiles to so many people,&#8221; Harrington said. &#8220;We wanted a real celebration of her life and a going away party.&#8221;

The reception hall was stocked throughout with artifacts from Morgan&#8217;s life. A table on the side of the room displaying some of her favorite belongings touched on the many aspects of her life. A red dress she wore for prom. A pile containing at least 100 CDs. An essay assignment that she completed about a family vacation when she was 10 years old, for which she received an A-minus. Several small pieces of jewelry, including a watch based on the cartoon character &#8220;Hello Kitty.&#8221;

A black trunk situated to the left of the table was decked with several bumper stickers, with a pair of red Converse sneakers hand-marked with small flames placed on top.

Behind the table was a clothesline featuring T-shirts from her high school volleyball team, Virginia Tech and a black shirt made for the Metallica concert she attended in Charlottesville the night she went missing. Gil Harrington said while she had some ideas for what to put on display, she eventually had a family friend make the final decisions.

&#8220;Everything (at home) speaks of Morgan,&#8221; Harrington said.

The room featured several pieces of artwork Morgan had completed in her lifetime, including a self-portrait on the outside of the room and a plate she had painted for her mother.

&#8220;She was a very talented artist,&#8221; Dan Harrington said.

One set of friends, who had with Morgan gone by the unofficial nickname &#8220;The Nine,&#8221; came out in full force. Two of the friends, Maggie Herrick and Jordan Fitzgerald, sported new tattoos in memory of their lost friend, which they got Wednesday in Norfolk.

&#8220;I&#8217;ve lost friends before,&#8221; said Fitzgerald, a junior psychology and criminal justice major at Old Dominion University. &#8220;Losing a friend like this is different.&#8221; Fitzgerald sported the digits &#8220;241&#8221; on her right wrist, and said she was in the process of getting a second tattoo to commemorate her friend, which could come in the form of a replica of Harrington&#8217;s artwork.

Herrick, who had been friends with Harrington since she was six years old, remembered her friend unique personality on display when the two played on a soccer team together. &#8220;She ran up and down the field making rocket ship and laser sounds,&#8221; Herrick said. &#8220;Everybody was laughing so hard they almost couldn&#8217;t play.&#8221; Herrick&#8217;s wrists featured &#8220;241&#8221; and &#8220;MDH&#8221; in a large swirling black font. &#8220;Everybody who knows Morgan has a story to tell,&#8221; Herrick said. &#8220;Knowing Morgan ... we can&#8217;t not be upbeat.&#8221;

With Morgan Harrington receiving what Gil called a &#8220;proper burial,&#8221; many questions remain on how Morgan died.

Dan Harrington said he checked internet blogs along with a Facebook memorial page made for his daughter for updates on Morgan&#8217;s case frequently. Harrington said his daughter&#8217;s death had left him &#8220;numb.&#8221;

&#8220;How could somebody murder this?&#8221; Harrington said, pointing to the large projector screen displaying a picture of Morgan. &#8220;She was a good daughter, and we loved her.&#8221; Gil Harrington said her main goal was to find her daughter, and less to seek revenge.

Dan Harrington also spoke highly of the newly formed scholarship in his daughter&#8217;s name for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, along with charity drive for Orphan Medical Network International, for which Gil Harrington, a nurse, had been to Zambia several times to assist with the group&#8217;s medical efforts.

OMNI recently announced it would rename a portion of the George Compound near Ndola, Zambia the &#8220;Morgan Harrington Educational Wing.&#8221;

For the time being, those who knew Morgan will find solace in her memory. &#8220;She was so unique, words fall short of describing her,&#8221; said friend Maggie Herrick.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Friends and family gather to remember Morgan Harrington: 'She was not a perfect child, but she was an original'
Hundreds gathered to share their grief and celebrate the life of Morgan Harrington.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
The friends and family of Morgan Harrington gathered at St. Andrew's Catholic Church on Friday to memorialize the zesty young woman known to her parents as "our child of light."

"She stood out in a crowd, not just because she was so beautiful with her long blond hair and her sparkling blue eyes, but because of something much deeper within her," said Father Steve McNally of the Church of the Transfiguration in Fincastle, who delivered the homily during the memorial Mass.

In her brief life, she was known for her passion for travel, fashion and music (from Jerry Garcia and the Beatles to Metallica); her hug-happy relationships with her friends and family; and the delight she took from working -- and playing -- with children. She aspired to be a teacher.

"I always said she was beautiful on the inside and out, and she truly was," her father, Dan Harrington, told those in the pews of St. Andrew's. "Morgan was an original. ... She was not a perfect child, but she was an original."

Following the memorial Mass, the family hosted a celebration of Harrington's life in a ballroom of Hotel Roanoke.

As a machine blew bubbles into the air, throngs watched a slide show of pictures of Harrington and gathered at a table where her belongings were displayed. The items included stiletto heels and cowboy boots, a red sequin dress, her passport, makeup kits and a blow dryer, sundry bracelets, baubles and an essay on the beach she had written in elementary school. (She received an A minus after misspelling "television.")

Dan Harrington hugs a friend following the memorial Mass honoring his daughter, Morgan, on Friday.


Morgan Harrington's family held her memorial service at St. Andrew's Catholic Church in Roanoke.


Attendees take orange and maroon ribbons at a Mass honoring Morgan Harrington, the 20-year-old Virginia Tech student who was recently found dead.



Dear Angel Who Cares........You really don't need to have the "who cares" after your name; the love, dedication, and devotion to the missing that is shown in your posts leave all of us filling in the "who cares" automatically. Thank you for all of your work.
I am in awe of your efforts on the behalf of those whose voices have been taken away.
"Whispering you are loved and blessed" Right back at you Lady!
Friends and family gather to remember Harrington
Published: February 6, 2010
Updated: February 6, 2010
Seeking comfort in the somber cadences of Catholic prayer, more than 500 people braved snow and treacherous roads to pay tribute to the Roanoke County woman. Sharing the grief were friends of Harrington&#8217;s from Northside High School, her classmates from Virginia Tech and strangers who never knew her but who followed the story of Harrington&#8217;s disappearance and death in the media.

&#8220;She stood out in a crowd, not just because she was so beautiful with her long blond hair and her sparkling blue eyes, but because of something much deeper within her,&#8220; said Father Steve McNally of the Church of the Transfiguration in Fincastle, who delivered the homily during the memorial Mass.

In her brief life, she was known for her passion for travel, fashion and music (from Jerry Garcia and the Beatles to Metallica); her hug-happy relationships with her friends and family; and the delight she took from working&#8212;and playing&#8212;with children. She aspired to be a teacher.

&#8220;I always said she was beautiful on the inside and out, and she truly was,&#8220; her father, Dan Harrington, told those in the pews of St. Andrew&#8217;s. &#8220;Morgan was an original. ... She was not a perfect child, but she was an original.&#8220;

Mementos from Morgan Harrington's were displayed at reception following a memorial mass for Morgan Harrington in Roanoke Virginia, February 5.

Slides documenting Morgan Harrington's life flash on a screen at reception following a memorial mass for Morgan Harrington in Roanoke Virginia, February 5.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Police Urge Correct Use Of Harrington Hotline
Posted: Feb 08, 2010 7:01 PM EST
Updated: Feb 08, 2010 7:01 PM EST
Virginia State Police investigators say they are not getting the right kind of information on the Morgan Harrington case.

Last week police announced a new phone number to call with information pertaining to the Anchorage Farm property where Morgan's remains were found. They have gotten about 52 calls but only 10 percent had anything to do with the property.

If you have information that police should know about Anchorage Farm or the surrounding area call 434-709-1685.

Video: Police Urge Correct Use Of Harrington Hotline


FBI Asks Bicyclists Help With Harrington Case
Posted: Feb 11, 2010 5:57 PM EST
Updated: Feb 11, 2010 10:57 PM EST
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is turning to a large group of athletes to help them crack the Morgan Harrington case. Albemarle County's rural roads may see few cars, but they're a popular destination for cyclists. Now the FBI is hoping riders may have seen something that drivers missed as the hunt for the person or persons who killed Harrington continues.

Cyclist Heather Higgins is rallying thousands of riders to help the FBI. They're searching for new clues in the Morgan Harrington case on Albemarle County's backroads. Higgins says, "They're well traveled by cyclists and folks get to know them really well and they begin to notice how things change." Their focus is near the intersection of Red Hill Road and Route 29 South, in the shadows of the Anchorage Farm where Harrington's body was found. It's a popular spot for cyclists and investigators want to know if riders noticed anything that could tip them off.

Higgins says, "We get to see back roads at a slower speed and up close and personal, and therefore we have another perspective to share." Roger Friend cycles the stretch regularly and says it's not heavily traveled by cars. "Like most of the southern part of the county its rolling terrain in that term, and it's also mixed agricultural and woodland area."

Heather Higgins says, "Cycling is an important part of the community fabric and we're happy to play our role." Higgins is reaching out to more than 15 bicycling groups across central Virginia as part of the effort.

The Virginia State Police confirms this is just one of many steps it and the FBI are taking to try and solve the case.

Video: FBI Asks Bicyclists Help With Harrington Case


Prime News 1/26/10 Morgan Harrington - Part 1

Prime News 1/26/10 Morgan Harrington - Part 2

Prime News 1/26/10 Morgan Harrington - Part 3

Prime News 1/26/10 Morgan Harrington - Part 4

Prime News 1/26/10 Morgan Harrington - Part 5

Harrington family: DNA results from Morgan's remains will take 5-6 months
February 18th 03:28pm
During a brief press conference today at Copeley Bridge near John Paul Jones Arena, the parents of Morgan Harrington said that DNA tests conducted on the remains of their daughter will likely take five to six months before they provide information about her death. Dan Harrington said, however, that the family's pursuit of justice and presence in the community would persist.

"Going forward, I think our focus will be on safety," he told reporters. "Campus safety is an important issue."

During the press conference, Gil Harrington distributed cards from her daughter's memorial service at St. Andrew's Catholic Church in Roanoke, along with copies of a poem, "Morgan, Music Fan." Lines from the poem include: "He was checking the scene planning a murder" and "Now I have felt the heft of her skull in my palm."

Gil Harrington has also posted several poems on One describes the return of a bracelet: "Tarnished now, rusty and black/ It&#8217;s the one I had as a girl/ The one you wore as you left this world." Asked whether she had received a bracelet worn by her daughter the night she disappeared, Gil Harrington rolled up her sleeve and presented it.

While Morgan Harrington's death has been classified as a homicide, a cause of death is yet to be released.

Morgan Harrington's Parents Meet With Police
Posted: Feb 18, 2010 3:48 PM EST
Updated: Feb 18, 2010 8:40 PM EST
The Harringtons came to town to get an update from police on the investigation. While they were here, they updated the memorial on the bridge and they say they're going to keep coming back until Morgan's killer is found.

Dan and Gil Harrington cut three yellow ribbons off a pole on the bridge. Each ribbon represented a month that Morgan was missing. They left a black ribbon hanging that will stay until Morgan's killer is found and brought to justice.

Dan Harrington says State Police are still getting tips, but he hopes something will jog people's memory who live near Anchorage Farm, where Morgan's body was found.

A State Police spokeswoman says they still don't have the cause of death, and that the medical examiner is still working on trying to determine that.

Video: Morgan Harrington's Parents Meet With Police

He&#8217;s here: Harringtons warn killer he&#8217;ll be caught
published 4:27pm Thursday Feb 18, 2010
They don&#8217;t know who killed their daughter, but Morgan Harrington&#8217;s parents say they remain certain about where he lives, and that he will be caught.

&#8220;There is a bad guy here in Charlottesville,&#8221; Dan Harrington pointedly told reporters gathered by Morgan&#8217;s memorial on the Copeley Road bridge on Thursday morning, February 18, after he and Morgan&#8217;s mother, Gil, finished meeting with law enforcement.

Recalling lone female joggers he and Gil saw earlier that morning crossing the bridge and praising both UVA and Virginia Tech for emailing messages to all of their students, specifically referring to Morgan, Dan Harrington cautioned, &#8220;Students and citizens to be aware of their surroundings and not make themselves unsafe.&#8221;

While the Medical Examiner in Richmond has publicly ruled Morgan&#8217;s death a homicide, her parents may also know more specifically how their daughter died. Asked if police had shared her cause of death, the Harringtons paused and looked at each other before replying. &#8220;That,&#8221; said Dan, &#8220;you&#8217;d need to get from police.&#8221;

State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller declined comment, citing toxicology tests still being conducted by the Medical Examiner.

One forensic expert says he believes there should be plentiful physical evidence, even if Morgan perished the night of the Metallica concert, October 17, thanks to cool fall nights followed by the two-foot blanket of snow that buried Central Virginia from mid-December until days before January 26 when Morgan&#8217;s remains were discovered by Anchorage Farm owner Dave Bass as he rode his tractor checking fences.

&#8220;In decomposition, a major factor is temperature,&#8221; says Dr. Bill Bass, a UVA-educated forensic scientist and founder of &#8220;The Body Farm,&#8221; a research facility in Knoxville, Tennessee that studies the breakdown of human remains and which was the subject of the eponymous 1994 novel by Patricia Cornwell.

Bass, who is no relation to the Anchorage Farm owner but who coincidentally owns his own farm near Lynchburg, says toxicology tests and DNA tests can be run on minimal amounts of tissue, even on partially or mostly skeletonized remains, as Morgan&#8217;s have been described by both police and her parents.

While forensic expert Bass is not working on Morgan&#8217;s case, he says the medical examiner&#8217;s immediate ruling that Morgan&#8217;s death is a homicide suggests &#8220;they have found something in the body that is damaged. It could be a gunshot, could be stabbing.&#8221; Toxicology and DNA tests can take weeks, even months, to complete, he notes, although he says it&#8217;s reasonable to believe police know the cause of death but &#8220;may not want to say yet&#8221; for investigative purposes.

The Harringtons held a public funeral mass and reception in Roanoke on Friday, February 5, but didn&#8217;t receive Morgan&#8217;s remains until the following week, an event that Gil Harrington has detailed in poetry and blog posts at the family&#8217;s, including one titled &#8220;Jewelry,&#8221; about a heavy silver bracelet Morgan wore when she died, and which Gil now wears on her own arm.

Police and the Harringtons decline comment on any other items recovered with Morgan&#8217;s body including a widely publicized Swarovsky crystal necklace; however Dan Harrington seemed to suggest that the bracelet was not the only piece of jewelry found.

&#8220;He didn&#8217;t even want her jewelry,&#8221; he said, adding his belief that Morgan&#8217;s death was a sexual assault that &#8220;ended up in her murder.&#8221;

Their dedication to solving the mystery surrounding their daughter was once again on display Thursday, as they acknowledged that while they will never find closure or move past the loss, they do not seek to blame her friends or the John Paul Jones Arena, which has a policy that locked Morgan out during the October 17 Metallica show.

&#8220;Her killer is to blame,&#8221; they said, soon after cutting three yellow ribbons from a lightpole on the bridge. Those yellow ribbons signified the three months they&#8217;d hoped Morgan would come home safely. One black ribbon, signifying her death, will remain on the lightpole, they say, until her killer is found and brought to justice.

&#8220;This ain&#8217;t going to end,&#8221; said Gil gesturing to the memorial, the ribbons, and the cameras aimed at her, &#8220;until Morgan finds justice.&#8221;

Dan and Gil Harrington arrive at the Copeley Road Bridge on Thursday, February 18.


Gil Harrington now wears the silver bracelet her daughter Morgan was wearing when she died.

DNA tests under way on body, Harringtons reveal in city visit
Published: February 18, 2010
Experts have enough tissue from Morgan D. Harrington to conduct several tests, though those tests could take many months, the parents of the slain college student said Thursday.

They made the statement after coming to Charlottesville to speak with police about the search for their daughter&#8217;s killer, addressing a small gathering of media on the bridge where their daughter was last reported alive.

According to the parents, officials are performing toxicology and DNA tests. &#8220;You have to reconstitute them to then do your chemical assays on,&#8221; Gil Harrington, Morgan&#8217;s mother, said.

At the bridge, the Harringtons took several symbolic actions. Together, they cut away the three yellow ribbons &#8212; one for each month their daughter was missing &#8212; that they had tied on a pole. They will leave a black ribbon until her killer is found, they said.

Gil Harrington also displayed a bracelet that she had given her daughter. It was recovered with her remains. &#8220;It wasn&#8217;t even a robbery,&#8221; Dan Harrington, her father, said.

The Harringtons said they have found some closure since their daughter&#8217;s funeral but know that life will never be the same. &#8220;It&#8217;s as if you have had an amputation. &#8230; You never forget that you&#8217;re missing your right arm,&#8221; Gil Harrington said. She said she&#8217;s been writing poetry to help her cope. She read one of her poems, which included the lines &#8220;Threw her like refuse in a field of hay&#8221; and &#8220;Now I have felt the heft of her skull.&#8221;

Dan Harrington said it&#8217;s important for community members to continue to help police with the case. &#8220;There is a bad guy here in Charlottesville,&#8221; he said.

Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller referred all questions on scientific matters to the state medical examiner&#8217;s office, which could not be reached Thursday evening.

She said police continue to receive tips and conduct interviews.

Dan and Gil Harrington address the media on the Copeley Road railroad bridge, where their daughter, 20-year-old Virginia Tech student Morgan D. Harrington, was last reported alive.


I am not sure how to use this forum, so here it goes...
I am trying to find out how to get a message to "SOULSCAPE" The person that did the astrology forensics that has been so right on ! anyhow, If you get this post can you please run a chart on the birthdate being 10-30-1985 of the person I suspect nabbed her in the parking lot. I had a vision of a guy that closely resembles the guy whos birthdate I am giving here....he is wanted in the State of Virginia for Rape. I just have a hunch on this one being really close ! in your earlier report you mentioned the perp being a scorpio and this guy is a scorpio as well.
thank you,
I am not sure how to use this forum, so here it goes...
I am trying to find out how to get a message to "SOULSCAPE" The person that did the astrology forensics that has been so right on ! anyhow, If you get this post can you please run a chart on the birthdate being 10-30-1985 of the person I suspect nabbed her in the parking lot. I had a vision of a guy that closely resembles the guy whos birthdate I am giving here....he is wanted in the State of Virginia for Rape. I just have a hunch on this one being really close ! in your earlier report you mentioned the perp being a scorpio and this guy is a scorpio as well.
thank you,

This is for SOULSCAPE the person I was reffering too from the above post

Hello Opinioncounts, and welcome to our Forensic Astrology Forum.

I would like to ask you why you think this 10-30-85 person might be the perp. Was he at the concert and/or in the parking lot that night? Does he live in the area? Was he questioned by police? Examining charts takes time & energy and there are simply too many RSOs out there to look at them all.

When Haleigh Cummings went missing (see her threads on this Forum), we were appalled to discover the sheer number of RSOs residing within a short distance of her home. As we started throwing up wheel after wheel, we were equally if not more so shocked & appalled to discover that several of these perverts' charts lined up in evil and incriminating ways with Haleigh's natal and progressed charts and the Event charts. Yet, to date, none of these RSOs have been convincingly linked to the crime (and we had to put a halt to looking at RSO charts!).

My point is simply that just because a person is an RSO and lives in the vicinity of the crime scene (which I do not know if such is the case here) does not mean he (or she) is the perp. That said, I have no objection to running a chart on a possible perp as long as there is convincing reason to do so.

The Astros here are committed to and focused upon investigating crime from an astrological perspective yet the reality of the situation is we all have other responsibilities, duties and obligations outside the boards limiting the time & energy we can expend. We strive to the best of our abilities to keep up with the ever-growing caseload & stay focused on the most urgent matters, especially the little ones endangered and still missing.

I am not trying to discourage you, just providing some insight for your consideration, and sincerely welcome your interest and participation. If you can provide compelling reasons you believe the chart of this 10-30-85 person should be examined, we will do so.

Well Its kind of an akward take on things ....
This is the guy with that birth data

A while back I had a fleeting vision of seeing some things that happened, I will keep that story for later but on a briefer note I saw a face It was quick and the mage has not left me...If I could only draw ! So instead I have searched online for faces similiar and went to the wanted sites for the state and surrounding area. The image in the link above closely reflected the guy in my vision ....mostly due to his nose, chin and face shape. The image showed longer hair than this guy and I saw green in the brown eyes more hazel, and not quit as dark in appearence. Its a long shot, but I know there have been rapes in the area and I know there were witnesses that said they saw two hispanic looking guys walking in the parking lot the same direction as her where her purse was found. He is a scorpio with a leo rising from what I could gather getting his info online. Anything to stop women from being raped and killed is always a good thing.
Thank you for your time.
Not trying to pick on you, opinioncounts, but how do you know he has Leo rising? Do you have his birth time and location? That's the information needed to know those things.

Normally, the astrologers would need more to go on than "a vision" or "a feeling", something like seeing this guy in the area, having heard him making threats, overhearing him boast, experiencing an attack by him, seeing his vehicle in the area of the arena, the bridge, the farm where she was found, just something concrete. See what I mean?
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