Forensic Astrology - OMAHA DOUBLE MURDERS Thomas Hunter Shirlee Sherman 3/13/08

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The stranger/murderer's Money House is ruled by Mars, which is here making a tidy sextile to Saturn, 3° - 3°, an opportunity to collect for a hit.

I concur although we have to wonder WHY someone would want to take out a young child.

Interesting the mother just happen to be out of town that day and it is the father who made the 5:48pm (daylight savings time) 911 call.

I'm wondering if the father or one of the older brothers who live away from home have anything to do with why this child was targeted.
Why anyone would take out an 11 year old child like this has always disturbed me, it has seemed evident from the outset this was a hit job, maybe not by a professional but by a semi-professional. Someone who did it for drug money perhaps.
Local rumors had circulated about something involving the older brothers or the father.
Any additional insights on this disturbing case will be appreciated. Thanks very much.
Why anyone would take out an 11 year old child like this has always disturbed me, it has seemed evident from the outset this was a hit job, maybe not by a professional but by a semi-professional. Someone who did it for drug money perhaps.
Local rumors had circulated about something involving the older brothers or the father.
Any additional insights on this disturbing case will be appreciated. Thanks very much.

This is was of the strangest cases I have ever read about. An 11 year old boy is not a usual target of any kind of crime. Well, maybe bullying.

Are you saying dad or older brothers hated this child or that dad or brothers were involved in something illegal and this boy paid for it with his life?
Dreamweaver- yes, it's strange. No apparent motive but yet apparently a targeted killing. There aren't too many possible motives that come to mind other than revenge. Early on I think the speculation was on this being a drug related thing, maybe someone in the family owed a large sum of money, that sort of thing. I don't think many drug dealers would draw attention to themselves like this. Another and better one would be payback for something one of the boys parents did medically. Perhaps this guy was hired by someone who blamed one of the Hunters for the death of their child.
The chart seems to indicate this as a paid killing. That would eliminate one other theory- that the boy angered someone on line, maybe in some chat or game.
Its a very dark case. You'd think it would have received more publicity- prominent parents living near Warren Buffett's home, brutal murders. I have felt for some time that there may be some element of scandal involved and that is why LE is proceding so slowly- if they are at all. LE refused to cooperate with AMW in doing a story on the case and in fact asked them not to. That tells me one of two things- either they have a firm lead that is taking time to develop or they screwed up and don't want the publicity.
The writing under the chart, all of it, is visible. You may have task bars or some interference from your p.c. ".....chief objective, the housekeeper was extraneous. Sun had come from Uranus, an enemy to the boy."
The writing under the chart, all of it, is visible. You may have task bars or some interference from your p.c. ".....chief objective, the housekeeper was extraneous. Sun had come from Uranus, an enemy to the boy."
Yes, thanks- I have it all now. Just needed to play with it a little. Terrific job on the chart.

The stranger/murderer's Money House is ruled by Mars, which is here making a tidy sextile to Saturn, 3° - 3°, an opportunity to collect for a hit.

Tuba, interesting chart. Am I reading it correctly? One of the victims died at 3:16 and the other one dies at 3:44? If so, that's almost a 30 minute time span between killings. Which one died first?

I'll be the first to admit I know nothing about astrology.
Interesting way to look at this, Yellow Dog. The chart doesn't begin until Hit Man enters house at 3:20 p.m. daylight savings time. That is 2:20 p.m. standard time in the Central Zone. The numbers you are seeing on the chart are degrees, not times. But, based on your notion, the boy would have died first as it is Mars that rules the House of the child and Saturn that rules the House of the maid. You may very well be onto something. One thing we are sure of, the Hit Man did not leave until he was sure the victims were dead. He left at 3:45 p.m. C.D.S.T.
There was a New Moon conjunct Uranus six days earlier, March 7 2008. This is when the plot was hatched and the details firmed up. Mars was rising in Omaha, opposite Pluto. Pluto ruled the work force and laborers. If Mars was rising, of course Pluto was in House 7 and the ruler of the House 7 cusp was Jupiter, found in the House of homicide, 8. The ruler of the ASC was Mercury, with Venus and Neptune in H. 9 of matters at a great distance.

There was a shake-up in local gov't but I am not informed on that subject; it is in the chart for the New Moon which occurred in the gov't House, 10, with Uranus. The North Node of the Moon was also there but at the same degree as the cusp. That means fatalities, catastrophe. tragedy. The hour was ruled by Jupiter losing influence and Mars taking over (at 11:16 a.m.)

Traffic and transportation, schools and school bonds, property taxes based on school requirements were all highlighted.
Tuba- if I am reading correctly, this plot was hatched in some other geographical location for a killing to take place in Omaha? Could it also have been someone local contacting someone at a distance to make arrangments?
I think I may know what shake up in local government you are picking up on. There was and has been an ongoing issue with local LE here- the police department at that time was severely short staffed, the Homocide division was especially hard hit- many here think that is why the case was bungled and is still unsolved. Maybe those who planned this knew they had a better chance of pulling this off and getting away with it?
Note also your references to schools, etc. One theory for some time has been that this crime originated with someone at the boy's school. Perhaps a teacher who feared being exposed as a pedophile, that sort of thing.
Both the hit man and the persons he worked for were based away from Omaha, yes. The Sun is the hit man. Uranus ordered the hit. Since these planets are in what is known as a dual Sign, at least four people should be involved (two for each planet). Could someone local to Omaha have sought this sort of "help"? Yes, Mercury with Neptune says, yes. Mercury and Neptune are in payment of money relation to the boss and the hit man.
The boy Ts. did NOT know this person, that is why he is called the traveling stranger! Important too to keep the hit man, an ag't., separate from the one who hired him. The hit man is the Sun in the House of Travelers and Strangers. He, the Sun, was last with Uranus, whose project this murder is. Then he decided on his appearance (the look, the disguise) for the occasion, Sun sextile Neptune and made the actual trip necessary to reach this neighborhood in Omaha, Sun sextile Neptune ruling the 9th House.

Whenever the same Sign is on both House 1 and House 2, it means the acting party is doing all he can to accelerate the future, in this case he was being efficient and trying to get done quickly. Now the actual manner of killing may have been part of his orders from Uranus, in order to send a message. Or, he may have had total control of how he killed the housekeeper and the boy. Look at the cusp of House 2 and of House 8. The nodes are there, riding the cusp, exact. Node ° = cusp ° fatalities, tragedy, catastrophe. (No news there but confirmation) Also, for confirmation, one looks to Mercury to ascertain what the event is about and here it is murder, pure and simple, H. 8. The project mgr. behind this, Uranus, is volcanic and overflowing with hatred and viciousness and blood lust. That was explained under the chart. And that is what we cannot comprehend. But knife murders? Confirmation again of the intense emotions behind this hideous plot. There are more individuals than two involved, also. Pisces is a dual Sign and home to both the Sun and Uranus. At least four conspirators committed these murders. The Moon confirms this, being also in dual Gemini.

He wasn't posing, the hit man, when he seemed to be scanning and scrutinizing houses for the correct one. It is not that he was given imperfect information but he had to be positive and the address had to match precisely. I'm sure you can see him with your mental retina~he is not a late teen but a full adult. The black case held the knives, of course. Since two men made the trip (Sun in Pisces in H. ), I wonder if the other waited for him and exactly where. By the chart, close. The hit man was in it for his payment, of course. Mars rules the Second House of House 9, the traveling stranger and it is Mars that has the opportunity provided by Saturn. For him, a job: Saturn is in House 6 for the House 9 killer. It is the Mars hour and matters advance with daring, deftness and speed under the red planet's influence. Jupiter day for killings at the wealthy professionals' place.

Also, we must not ignore nor forget the aberrated thought processes of these conspirators. Mercury is about to blow a valve at that late degree and is conjunct the addled, weird Neptune whereas the hands on perpetrator is conjunct zane ball Uranus who breaks laws for the excitement of doing it. This is shown by the Moon of "activity" (humph!) square Uranus also.

Tuba, you have provided an excellent analysis. Thank you for taking the time to chart this case. As always, your hand penned charts are beautiful and your colorful written explanations are easy to follow.

I must ask, do you see any involvement of the father or was this retaliation against the father for some reason? Were the conspirators members of some type of professional alliance or club. I understand sometimes dates are needed for questions but thought I'd ask anyway. TIA.
Snick, Tuba stated in post #55 that the plot was hatched 6 days earlier. Do you know on what date Dr. Clair Hunter departed for her business trip? Just thinking because Tuba's insights are very intriguing. Thanks, matilda
Snick, Tuba stated in post #55 that the plot was hatched 6 days earlier. Do you know on what date Dr. Clair Hunter departed for her business trip? Just thinking because Tuba's insights are very intriguing. Thanks, matilda

I have alluded previously to my enchantment with the Sherlock Holmes stories. I am now reminded of Dr Watson in one of the stories telling Holmes "My God, I believe I am beginning to dimly see what you are saying".

My assumption all along has been that Claire Hunter left Omaha the preceding weekend- she flew to Hawaii accompanied by a female collegue- I got this per someone who should know. The seminar she was attending I believe ran from Monday through Friday so she perhaps left Saturday- if the astrological data is correct, that would be right at the time the plot was being hatched.
I have some reason to believe that persons from the Hunter family have been following these disussions. We respect your privacy but if so perhaps someone can contact myself or WaltzingMatilda off the board via personal message to clarify a few things.
When the Moon caught up with the Sun and Uranus for the lunation on March 7, 2008, in Omaha Ts. Hunter's Sun of 21°II was right on the Ascending degree of 21°II and the rising Mars was directly and exactly on the progressed Sun of Thomas.

Mars and Pluto, the bloody violence of this New Moon chart, rules House 6 of workers, underlings, laborers, servants, an under class. Mars also rules Aries, intercepted in the H. of groups and organizations and gangs. The group is secret and "wears the mask", so to speak, because intercepted (hidden). Schools are implicated.

I'm not sure I have seen another New Moon chart so fraught with crisis. Saturn is in the home and property sector, ruling the House of death, as in death in the home. Saturn is on a critical degree. Pluto is on another degree of crisis, 0°Capricorn. Mercury is on a degree of crisis in the Aquarian 9th House. The Sun and the Moon are both on a degree of crisis as they combine to form the New Moon. The north node of the Moon is at the same degree as the cusp of House 4 and 10: tragic and fatal.

The New Moon

It takes unbalanced minds and human beings that are absolutely ropeable to plot and carry out such a crime fueled by these intense and ugly emotions.
Thank you again Tuba! This case gets more and more curious as I sleuth and I am becoming more interested in the activities and affiliations of the father. I wonder what his students have to say about him. Does anyone know the name of the site where students rate their professors? I remember reading about it in the case of the UG professor who recently was in the news but can't remember the name. If anyone knows and could pm the name of the site , I would greatly appreciate it. matilda
If anyone is in a position to activate the inspectors and detectives in the Hunter murders, this is the moment to get out and push. The knife wielding killer and the director of operations have been lucky so far but the luck just ran out. Dark Moon Lilith is on the Jupiter of their crime, the Sun is on the concealed facts of the activity that occurred, Moon intercepted in House 11 and Mars, Venus and Pluto are in more than helpful aspect to the physical components of the murdering. Even impersonal Mercury is rendering aid as it sextiles the Sun of the massacre. Both Sun and Mercury have been busy assisting for the last few days. We want progress!:Banane54:
If anyone is in a position to activate the inspectors and detectives in the Hunter murders, this is the moment to get out and push. The knife wielding killer and the director of operations have been lucky so far but the luck just ran out. Dark Moon Lilith is on the Jupiter of their crime, the Sun is on the concealed facts of the activity that occurred, Moon intercepted in House 11 and Mars, Venus and Pluto are in more than helpful aspect to the physical components of the murdering. Even impersonal Mercury is rendering aid as it sextiles the Sun of the massacre. Both Sun and Mercury have been busy assisting for the last few days. We want progress!:Banane54:

Hi Tuba,

We know that the perp took great pains with their disguise as the charts have indicated but are there any signs that a woman could be involved in these murders? TIA

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