Forensic Astrology - OMAHA DOUBLE MURDERS Thomas Hunter Shirlee Sherman 3/13/08

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Hi Astro Sleuths! I am curious if the full moon this month or if the Mars event in the skies of Aug 27 will offer any enlightenment on this case.

Bumping up in memory of Tom Hunter and Shirlee Sherman. May God bless their families and may God bless OPD. I so pray for answers and closure in this case.

I hope you all are having a pleasant Sunday!

What we have at this impending Full Moon is a lot of Pluto action and Pluto does stir matter to the surface. The FM is on the Venus of the murders, with the Sun on the Saturn of the murders and the FM is trine Pluto from that day. The FM is also square the natal Pluto belonging to Ts. Hunter.
The boy Ts. did NOT know this person, that is why he is called the traveling stranger! Important too to keep the hit man, an ag't., separate from the one who hired him. The hit man is the Sun in the House of Travelers and Strangers. He, the Sun, was last with Uranus, whose project this murder is. Then he decided on his appearance (the look, the disguise) for the occasion, Sun sextile Neptune and made the actual trip necessary to reach this neighborhood in Omaha, Sun sextile Neptune ruling the 9th House.

Whenever the same Sign is on both House 1 and House 2, it means the acting party is doing all he can to accelerate the future, in this case he was being efficient and trying to get done quickly. Now the actual manner of killing may have been part of his orders from Uranus, in order to send a message. Or, he may have had total control of how he killed the housekeeper and the boy. Look at the cusp of House 2 and of House 8. The nodes are there, riding the cusp, exact. Node ° = cusp ° fatalities, tragedy, catastrophe. (No news there but confirmation) Also, for confirmation, one looks to Mercury to ascertain what the event is about and here it is murder, pure and simple, H. 8. The project mgr. behind this, Uranus, is volcanic and overflowing with hatred and viciousness and blood lust. That was explained under the chart. And that is what we cannot comprehend. But knife murders? Confirmation again of the intense emotions behind this hideous plot. There are more individuals than two involved, also. Pisces is a dual Sign and home to both the Sun and Uranus. At least four conspirators committed these murders. The Moon confirms this, being also in dual Gemini.

He wasn't posing, the hit man, when he seemed to be scanning and scrutinizing houses for the correct one. It is not that he was given imperfect information but he had to be positive and the address had to match precisely. I'm sure you can see him with your mental retina~he is not a late teen but a full adult. The black case held the knives, of course. Since two men made the trip (Sun in Pisces in H. ), I wonder if the other waited for him and exactly where. By the chart, close. The hit man was in it for his payment, of course. Mars rules the Second House of House 9, the traveling stranger and it is Mars that has the opportunity provided by Saturn. For him, a job: Saturn is in House 6 for the House 9 killer. It is the Mars hour and matters advance with daring, deftness and speed under the red planet's influence. Jupiter day for killings at the wealthy professionals' place.

Also, we must not ignore nor forget the aberrated thought processes of these conspirators. Mercury is about to blow a valve at that late degree and is conjunct the addled, weird Neptune whereas the hands on perpetrator is conjunct zane ball Uranus who breaks laws for the excitement of doing it. This is shown by the Moon of "activity" (humph!) square Uranus also.


So the Sun, representing the murderer, is on Saturn, representing Shirlee. Does this mean that light may be shining on who killed Shirlee? (from your analysis on above post #102)

I am just trying to understand so please forgive my ignorance.

Tuba and FifthEssence, I am so appreciative of your dedication to this case. thank you....

Yes, you have it right. Saturn was the housekeeper. The Sun of the Full Moon, however, is not the Sun in House 9 who was the killer. That Sun, conjunct a bright star, Markab (Alpha star of the Pegasus constellation) had its identity fixed by its House position, its aspect to other planets at 2:20 p.m. on 13 March, 2008 in Omaha, and its degree in a Sign.

If life is a tapestry, the light of the Sun irradiates different figures on it, in its passage from dawn to dusk through your windows: the Sun is that parrot, the Sun is that hanging peach, the Sun is that moss on the ground.

On that March day, the Sun did represent one of the conspirators, the agent of knife killings, the bloody actor. So, if we want to look at him, we must return to the chart for the murders and study him there in the Ninth House. We can consider transits to him, even transits from the Sun which will oppose him on 16 September, 2010. But the Sun on August 24 at 1°26' Virgo and the Sun on September 16 at 23° Virgo is free light shed on billions and billions of things and people. Will it become identified to certain of them in events? Surely, it will.

As for Saturn, as well as being victim Shirlee, it is also the grudge behind the dual homicides. It may also be something remembered and an old fact unearthed in the investigation. A fiber from the killer's dark clothing, particularly because it is in Virgo and in House 2.
Tuba, do you see any strong familial connections between the killer and either of the victims?
Tuba, do you see any strong familial connections between the killer and either of the victims?

Good question YellowDog as there have been recent questions regarding familial connections on the Omaha DBl Murders thread in the crimes forum.

Tuba's chart indicated a 'traveling stranger' committed these murders which were a 'hit' from the 'mastermind' behind the crime itself. Perhaps the question we should ask is whether the 'mastermind' has familial connections since the killer is described as a 'stranger'. My thoughts only......

If you re-read posts #52 and #67 in this thread, you will know what those criminally responsible for the murders are like. Those posts do not conduce to a supposition that family was involved in ordering these monstrous crimes. If there was a relative behind this, the question would have to be, "In what way?" Could a relative have committed some act or failed to commit some act that led to sufficient hatred for this? The mind of a murderer doesn't require the same level of CAUSE or justification that you and I would find reasonable. Do you find it sane to stab people to death at an address you are not even certain of? No one who carries out such crimes or orders them is sane, so explaining why this was done enters a morass.
Tuba, I thank you for clarifying our questions. We have such little evidence on this crime that we rely on the clues given by the charts. The sad thing is, I don't always know how to interpret the charts but am so grateful for your expertise and input.

I am beginning to lose faith that this terrible case will never be solved. I also worry if something is being covered up, MOO. My hope is that the perp left some DNA evidence behind (I think this was mentioned as a possibility in one of the chart readings) and he will eventually commit another crime for which DNA is collected and LE will have a match.

Hey, one can only have hope, right? I also hope that this Mercury retrograde period may shed posiitive light on Tom and Shirlee's murders.

thanks again, Tuba!


Because of the muted reaction in 2008 in Omaha, I think many of us have wondered why this heavy blow was absorbed and whether much has been suppressed.
Tuba, how do we know the victims (either one of them) were the intended target? Could the intended target have been someone who was not home at the time?

When I thought of familial connection, I was wondering about the jealousy factor possibly being a motive.
Tuba, how do we know the victims (either one of them) were the intended target? Could the intended target have been someone who was not home at the time?

When I thought of familial connection, I was wondering about the jealousy factor possibly being a motive.

YD, Early on in this case, I felt in my gut that this could be a case of mistaken identity with a connection to one of the Hunter brothers, but JMO.

We may never know the answers we seek.......

Because of the muted reaction in 2008 in Omaha, I think many of us have wondered why this heavy blow was absorbed and whether much has been suppressed.

That has been my opinion all along. I do not detract from the detectives actually working this case- I hve been in touch with some of them and respect and feel they are doing their best. Rather I think that someone at OPD has put limits on where they can go. I do know that Creighton instructed faculty and staff not to cooperate with detectives unless they were consulted. Maybe standard operating procedure but it does seem suggestive to me. OPD's refusal to utilize AMW rang a bell early on for me that someone in authority wants this to be unsolved.
If you don't live in the Omaha area then I can explain quickly- Creighton rules. Their alumni occupy many seats of power in this community. As a Jesuit university they are good at deflecting unpleasant things and a murder that may reflect on the family of a faculty member would be very inconvenient possibly for some people. I am not pointing fingers here as there may well be nothing in this, I think rather that the mere possibility of scandal drives them.
I wanted to bump up the thread. This case has not been forgotten and hopefully some good can come from our keeping its memory alive on this board.
In four months, we will be coming up on the third anniversary of these senseless killings. Hopefully the forces for good will prevail and we can see justice in this case.
Assuming those on the ground are interested in solving this case, the present planetary arrangement could create very productive investigatory conditions that reward Omaha with the perpetrators. Jupiter is on the Sun of the event and on December 5, there is a lunation opposite the Moon of the crime. As you know, oppositions bring illumination and awareness, even more true when the Moon is involved.
Assuming those on the ground are interested in solving this case, the present planetary arrangement could create very productive investigatory conditions that reward Omaha with the perpetrators. Jupiter is on the Sun of the event and on December 5, there is a lunation opposite the Moon of the crime. As you know, oppositions bring illumination and awareness, even more true when the Moon is involved.

Thank you Tuba. Let's hope this opposition 'drops answers in the investigators laps'. Hopefully, these answers will be profound and unable to ignore by investigators. I just feel the only way this case will ever be solved
is by unexpected/outside information. NE state crime lab is underfunded. I'll look for a link.

Assuming those on the ground are interested in solving this case,

This concerns me.

Thank you Tuba. Let's hope this opposition 'drops answers in the investigators laps'. Hopefully, these answers will be profound and unable to ignore by investigators. I just feel the only way this case will ever be solved
is by unexpected/outside information. NE state crime lab is underfunded. I'll look for a link.

Assuming those on the ground are interested in solving this case,

This concerns me.


I wanted to bump this discussion, also to ask: with the third anniversary of this crime coming up soon, do any of our astrologers see any light ahead on this one? I would also be interested in what they can see as to any evidence of official cover up of someone in this crime?
I know nothing for sure on this but have some suspicions.
Snick, I am also curious about the astrological climate for the anniversary of these murders.

In Tuba's above post # 114, Illumination and awareness should have occured Dec. 5. Although we haven't heard any news, I do wonder if the investigation progressed in some way that we are unawares.

One thing is for sure, OPD is being very tight lipped about this case! I do wonder why!

The very fact that savage murders occur from a home invasion in daylight should put the wind up at the very least that neighborhood of Dundee, but really all of Omaha. Yet when I wrote to my aunt who lives there, she answered, "Why do you want to know?" Is everyone in town just fine with this!!!?

Anytime there are chart intercepts, there is also secrecy. The 15° II Moon is within an intercept in House 11. She rules the past and hidden elements of the case because Cancer is on the cusp of House 12 and, as noted in the left margin, both the Moon and Mars are out of bounds at the time of the killings. Wild & furious action but we don't need the chart to tell us that. The fact event Sun is in )( also refers to the past and hidden elements because House 12 is the natural place of Pisces in the zodiac. Moon is quincunx Jupiter and so, matters are being re-formed, restructured, in a way that benefits Mastermind. We need to think about how removing these two people could improve the lot of anyone! Mercury rules the intercept where the Moon of this event is found and Mercury, out of patience, has just left the Aquarian node of associations. Mercury is a member of that group of individuals. Was he designated as one who could and would think out the scheme shown in the chart?

A resident of Dundee, Omaha is quoted as reacting, "I can't say I feel scared or anything like that. I feel very sad for the family & very sad for anyone who is close to the family, but I can't say that it feels any more dangerous around here. I think it's a very safe neighborhood." _____B.B. (name withheld by me) This is just astounding.

There was a large amount of cash found in Shirlee Sherman's purse. All that was taken were two vibrant lives.
Tuba, Thanks much for the update. I don't know why Omahans are so reticent. Perhaps they feel indtimidated for some reason. I am disheartened to learn that mastermind is benefitting from the Moon quincunx Jupiter. MM sounds like a powerful person or a smart person...or both!


OPD has made an arrest in the case of the missing Brazilian family. I am happy to hear this. I've felt much skepticism lately about this LEA. MOO

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