Forensic Astrology - STACY Peterson-KATHLEEN Savio

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Could I please ask for a chart on DP bond hearing May 18th?
What does his day look like?
From DP arrest chart, does it show anymore arrests?
I listened to a radio broadcast of LEVI's and the panel
of lawyers all agreed that DP will be arrested again
for Stacy. Grand J still has 2 more Thursdays to work.
Has a chart been done for the discovery of the remains? Do the stars point to this being either Stacy or Lisa Stebic?
Yes, please, you super-astros! Please see what the stars say about this body! I don't live far from where the remains were found, so this one is of particular interest to me. Were these the remains of Stacy Peterson?
Hard transits to Stacy's natal chart do not deny a find during this week's time frame.

There are convincing connections between the Body Discovered Chart and the natal, as well as the event charts surrounding Stacy's disappearance.


SATURN the corpse hovers above the ASCENDANT, disposited by Lord 1, MERCURY.

ASCENDANT Ruler MERCURY exact conjunct ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, conjunct SUN in critical 29th degree just minutes away from exact conjunct to The Weeping Sisters attests to the body's deteriorated condition as well as the fact not all of the body was there! (ALGOL is associated with 'losing one's head', either literally or figuratively. The head --- as well as other body parts --- was not among the remains. See my previous post in this Thread advising that the perp may have divided Stacy into pieces after the murder.)

With URANUS opposite ASCENDANT, the discovery was completely unexpected.

Earlier in this Thread I posted Stacy's natal chart with a speculative birth time of 8:25 pm. I was amazed how close that chart matches this chart's angles and house positions. In fact, if I further rectify the natal chart to 8:54 pm, the match is nearly exact.


Notice Event chart SATURN the corpse close square Stacy's natal NODES.

Event SUN is close trine Stacy's natal SUN (and could be exact if she was born earlier in the day). Event SUN is also close conjunct Stacy's natal HADES connecting Life (SUN) with death (HADES). Event NODES 03 Aquarius/Leo square Stacy's natal MARS/PLUTO conjunction (murder).

Part of FIND in the Discovery chart 01 Scorpio (not shown) is close square Stacy's natal SUN 00 Aquarius.

Indications are yesterday's discovery will be shown to be Stacy Peterson.


Based on the chart I cast for 10/29/07 @ 3:30 am, I don't think Drew was successful in finding any truckers to transport his *package*, not that he didn't try... He had money in pocket (lots of it) and he was very persuasive and charming. I suspect the accomplice was a colleague (LE, undercover cop or the like, and definitely someone with no scruples).

See chart here: Peterson/DrewApproachesTruckDrivers.gif

Drew = Lord 1, MERCURY, here at 24:35 Libra Rx. His buddy SUN (05:32 Scorpio) is with him. The truck drivers would be shown by SATURN (06:15 VIRGO in 12th House of Secrets) and URANUS (15:03 Pisces in 6th House of everyday routine --- they were at work, a 6th house matter). Stacy, as Drew's wife, is shown by Lord 7, JUPITER, here at 19:05 Sagittarius just inside the 4th House cusp.

Drew wove a good story, of that I'm sure. He had a hidden agenda (MERCURY Retrograde) concerning a marriage/relationship or partnership (MERCURY in Libra). Luck was with him, i.e., he didn't get *caught* because his significator MERCURY was conjunct the Fixed Star SPICA, the most benefic Fixed Star in the Heavens. MERCURY was also conjunct the Part of Art, imbuing him with craftiness and grace.

Stacy, on the other hand, symbolized by JUPITER in Sagittarius, was in storage containers* (4th House of storage containers; Sag is double-bodied sign so more than one) conjunct the Part of Bad Luck and the Part of Merchandise. He was passing her off as merchandise....

The chart suggests he left the truck stop that night (early morning) with his *package(s)* still in his possession, --- although there are indications he left it/them in the neighborhood of the truck stop rather than bring them back home with him. (Part of Land Journeys focal point of Yod involving 2nd house cusp (money) and JUPITER (Stacy) suggests the journey did not take place. When I ran the chart for a few minutes later (3:40 am), it showed JUPITER (Stacy) leaving 4th House and entering 3rd House (cars), suggesting he wound up putting her back in his vehicle and going from there...)

*The chart that I cast for Cassandra's Police Report (not shown here) strongly suggested Stacy was in pieces, scattered, never to be put back together again. I will comment more on that chart as we continue. I bring it up here because I was impressed by the confirmation I got in this 3:30 am chart testifying that Stacy was in storage containers.

After working with (and thinking about) this chart for more than two hours, in frustration, I cast a horary and the planet that indicated Stacy in the horary was posited in Aquarius which rules airplanes. Is anyone aware of any flights made by Drew during the first month or so after Stacy's disappearance?

Thanks to All for your patience. This is a complicated and frustrating case. I will continue to post as I put the pieces together....


Bumping this analysis that Soulscape did months ago. This is the first thing that popped in my mind when I read that not all of the body was found and they are still searching for missing pieces.
Does this discovery have anything to do with the Jup/Nep/chiron conjunction tomorrow??
just a random though Soulscape..
Does this discovery have anything to do with the Jup/Nep/chiron conjunction tomorrow??
just a random though Soulscape..

Good to see you, MeenaMom. We've missed you.

Some astrologers believe the JUPITER-NEPTUNE-CHIRON conjunction is intensely spiritual and healing. We should keep a close eye on how many of these tragic cases come to resolution during this transit and then draw our own conclusions.

Already we have seen a miracle with little Briant Rodriguez being found alive and returned to his family. Once the forensics are completed on yesterday's find, another family will be able to come to closure and begin to heal. Perhaps during this transit little Adji will be found, or Haleigh, or Amber DuBois........... there are so many...

FYI: Bond Was Denied For Drew P. Today!!! :clap: :clap

Thank you Soulscape! I was having my doubts yesterday that this could be Stacy. If only I had read here earlier, I would have been more assured. I take what all of you post to the bank :)

Thanks for all you do, especially lately with all these horrific cases and the sadness they bring to everyone. Don't know how you keep doing it, but I Thank You very much.

Here's to hoping some family has some answers soon :highfive:
I'm on vacation and have been hearing about the finding "on the run" and not taking time to check with Websleuths, although I've been just about certain it is Stacy - and so is Nancy Grace. NG is everywhere! She's even on the radio! So before hopping into my hotel bed for the night, I just had to check this thread.

Thanks so much for the doing the charts and thanks to Lovejac for reposting Soulscape's previous chart and comment. The charts really do put Drew Peterson into perspective, don't they? :eek: Cold and calculating.

I heard Mark Klaas comment on the "Peterson gene", and he mentioned Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson, and Michael Peterson. Who is Michael? Was his case discussed on this board? Mark K. was saying Christopher, the father of Gavin and Garrett, who killed them and their mom, has "The Peterson Gene", an arrogance that lets them (the Peterson murderers) (allegedly, cough)believe they can get away with anything, or something like that.

Thanks for keeping up with these cases.
FYI: News release posted in Stacey Time-Stamped Media & Doc Thread....Body that was found is confirmed through DNA is NOT Stacey or is of a man unknown at this time.

SS & astros right again with thier charts about this body found!! I was still holding hope that one of the families would get some closure finally, though another family will finally know what happened to thier loved one.

Indications are yesterday's discovery will be shown to be Stacy Peterson.


respectfully snipped by me.

I really was hoping.

This is the only thing coming up on the web. Could this report be wrong? I love this forum.
We were all so hoping these remains would have been identified as Stacy's and I am as disappointed as any of you.

However, now that we know this is not so, I pray this person's identity may be discovered so that his family can come to closure and begin to heal.

As several of you remind us from time to time, 'To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven,' and Lord willing, Stacy's time will come.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Thanks for the reminder, Soulscape. I was so sure it was Stacy, or at least, Lisa. I do hope the man's family has some sort of closure soon.

The creepy Drew must be sighing a ton of relief about now.:mad:

I'll try to check in again in about two days. I'm hoping the madness stops soon. So many unnecessary tragedies lately.

Thanks for your hard work, Astros.
quoting chicoliving:


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Badly decomposed human remains found near the area where Peterson`s fourth wife, Stacy, is believed to have disappeared.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: State police removed the remains by boat five hours after a river cleanup crew came across the badly decomposed body along the side of the Des Plaines River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I sat there for like 10 minutes just trying to figure out if it was what I thought it was. I just found a body. Working and saw it and called state police, and they were here real quick.

We worked with them all -- pretty much all day and helped them and used our boats to shuttle all the law enforcement agencies and all the different personnel. There was so many people here.

I don`t know who it is. But I know that there was a lot of focus on it. Do you know what I`m saying? I hope it brings closure to somebody`s life, whoever it is, and families. I`m sure it will in some regard.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace.

I want to go straight out to Rupa Mikkilineni, producer for THE NANCY GRACE SHOW. Rupa, what do we know about additional bones found along the Des Plaines River today?

RUPA MIKKILINENI, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s right, Mike. As you know, last week we had a torso found that fell on the banks of this river, Des Plaines River in Shanahone. But we now know that that torso is a male body, not Stacy Peterson.

But more bones have come -- they`ve come across more bones along the same bank about 300 to 500 feet away from the torso. They do not know if these bones are related to that torso found.

BROOKS: But we do know that they`re human remains?

MIKKILINENI: That`s correct.

BROOKS: OK. Thank you very much.
OMG Merc where have you been? It's so wonderful to see you again! :) We missed you!
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