Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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Okay, there appears to be some sort of ties to London. Thanks Kaas, we have a facebook link now. Here is a brief look and it references London:


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The network listed as London, this is the closest large municipality and many from outlying rural areas such as Woodstock, Ingersoll etc have their network listed as London.

This charts a slightly different moment in time. The Canadian papers report school was dismissed at 3:40 p.m., just enough later to provide a new ASC, Virgo. House 7 of Removals and H. 8 of Dire Peril are thus read together and Victoria was on her way out of town as explained under the horoscope. Those born on a Full Moon Total Eclipse are more susceptible under a Full Moon such as occurred just hours after Victoria was taken. Venus is in exile, detrimented and therefore weak, incapacitated and unable to act and greatly disadvantaged in House 8, so dangerous!

This unknown woman is working with the Sun at Cusp 9, was with him before coming to Woodstock and going to meet him as she and Victoria leave. Any time you see a planet on the dark or hidden side of Cusp 9, the individual (or group) is about to take a secret trip. They may be going to Windsor or London judging from the chart directive. Because South Latitude and Cadent, the old method says too far to measure. Butterfly's method would give a line toward Toronto and right up to a door in Toronto.
Tuba, is there any way to tell if she 'might' have known any of the abductors?
So, is there anyone in London, Ontario that can go to a library and search in newspaper microfiche for Tara McDonald in the years 1978 and 1979???
Okay, there appears to be some sort of ties to London. Thanks Kaas, we have a facebook link now. Here is a brief look and it references London:

Yes, with facebook .. anyone who lives in a smaller city would have there network as London. so, London references does not mean they are actually living there but could live in a smaller city or town. Anyone living in Woodstock would be listed under London network, as Woodstock is small.
nurse, I think Victoria at least recognized the name or reference given to her by the woman in the puffer coat. I left the Sign Cancer (empty) off the horoscope unintentionally. I think it is really important too because the peregrine Moon rules that intercepted H. 11. Peregrine planets refuse to cooperate and are engaged in pointless activity. She is found in the House of the Future, H. 2. She may witness the child and/or the kidnapper leaving the car or in a store, possibly a restaurant but fail to report that. We cannot forget the ugly Mars-Saturn opposition to the First House simply because we have grown used to it this month. Cruelty, sadism. It does remind me too of Victoria needing to hurry to keep pace with the unknown woman who walks so briskly. Mercury is creeping on 40° from Mars, a nonagon. This is an aspect of either release from captivity or initiation. Into what, some weird rite?
does anyone have any idea how far the security camera is from Tori's school? Tuba just got me to thinking on her last post...
As mentioned in my earlier post, the square of the transit Sun, shortly to become partnered in a Full Moon, to Victoria's natal Mars is nothing but trouble. But transit Mars is trine natal Mars, making for the ease of this walk away abduction.

Your progress is nothing short of amazing, butterfly1978!

We cannot ignore Venus in the heavens that day. It becomes part of all event charts, although right now we are working with but one. Venus was 0° 51' Aries, thus the girl was at crisis as soon as taken and well aware of her predicament.

Thank you So very much Tuba for the complement, I have spent the past few months just about every waking minute trying to learn this. I am amazed at its accuracy, and beleive it is a vital tool. I just wish the police would take it serious. I have done natal charts on everyone in my family and they are so dead on and have really helped me to understand especially my children. Comparing Natal charts with other event charts seems to be my hld up right now, but I have figured that if you read an event , such as the last scene time for Tori, on its own it really tells its own story.
Absolutely such charts stand alone! If we were to form a republic right now, although I'm not sure who would make room for us, that republic would have a creation chart of its own. Any other country that brought it into a trade partnership would register as a partner in the Seventh House and the agreement or contract that bound us would register in the Third House. The republic and its chart would have a life of its own.

No one would bother to ask, "Who put this republic together anyhow?" until much later, if at all.
does anyone have any idea how far the security camera is from Tori's school? Tuba just got me to thinking on her last post...

I wonder why the time stamp on the video is unreliable so that only an approximation was ever given.

At on-line newspapers, descriptions indicate that the sidewalk video is a very short walk from Victoria's school.
I just posted that same question on the other thread and will have to go back to repost the exact times... but there is only a seven minute gap between when Tori left that school and was spotted on the camera..
Here it is... from RoseKiller:
Rose Killer

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Posts: 322

OPP list Tori as released from school at 3:25 and seen on video at 3:32.
Hope this helps. Per their website.
In around seven minutes... from walking out of school this child ends up walking with puffy white coat chic down the street in the direction of her own home! This had to have been planned. Given the fact that her brother walked the disabled child home I would be interviewing him to see if someone had asked him to do it that day.

Also, Tuba, when you said they "hurried" and that the abduction was easy.. could puffy white chic have told Tori that her mom was sick or in an accident and they had to hurry or something to that effect? Do you see any deception in the event?
does anyone have any idea how far the security camera is from Tori's school? Tuba just got me to thinking on her last post...

From the Globe and Mail:

"The picture of Tori with the mystery woman was retrieved from footage taken by a camera at College Avenue Secondary School, which shares a huge green space with Oliver Stephens Public School where Tori is in Grade 3 with 20 other youngsters. The photograph was taken about 200 yards from an intersection almost equidistant from Tori's former home on Fyfe Street and the new small blue-sided home on Frances. Neither house is more than a few minutes walk away, even at a child's pace."
In around seven minutes... from walking out of school this child ends up walking with puffy white coat chic down the street in the direction of her own home! This had to have been planned. Given the fact that her brother walked the disabled child home I would be interviewing him to see if someone had asked him to do it that day.

Also, Tuba, when you said they "hurried" and that the abduction was easy.. could puffy white chic have told Tori that her mom was sick or in an accident and they had to hurry or something to that effect? Do you see any deception in the event?

I am going to go out on a limb here and answer this question, if I am wrong someone say so, but I have to say yes. Neptune is the planet of deception and its in the the 7th house, which tells me something secret and mysterious was going on. The 7th house is the house of cooperation and opposition, also rising conflicts, with Neptune being placed here I would have to say yes.
The fact that the child's house was so very close to the walking pair means that it was a very rash and brazen move in broad daylight, don't you think? Globe & Mail is just one of the papers that gives a slightly later moment, 3:40. But all of these times have usefulness because she did have to be put into the car or building and there was at least one decision involved, 0° Virgo = getting underway and chosing a route, for eg. Moon in Libra very recent to the kidnapping opposed Venus. The woman took notice of Victoria. The woman is also // the Sun, a north south contra parallel where they made a swift agreement, perhaps by phone or text message based on Moon's description of Victoria.

The Moon rules activity in an event chart and so, creates happenings and connectons with many people in her fast motion through the skies.
does anyone have any idea how far the security camera is from Tori's school? Tuba just got me to thinking on her last post...

The link below is a news article in which it states where exactly on the street she was last seen from the surveillance camera.

The video, taken by a College Avenue Secondary School video camera, shows Stafford walking northbound along Fyfe Avenue near the intersection with Walter Street at 3:32 pm Wednesday, around the same time the Grade 3pupil left Oliver Stephens Public School.

Oliver Stephen Public School is located: 164 Fyfe Avenue, Woodstock Ontario N4S 3S6
College Avenue Secondary School is located: 700 College Avenue, Woodstock Ontario
N4S 2C8

Estimated Time: 0.60 minutes Estimated Distance: 0.13 miles (from

The schools are side by side. The secondary school’s address is on College, but as reported the video was taken from College Avenue Secondary School near the intersection of Fyfe and Walter Street. This would make it closer to Tori’s school and be seconds to walk to.
I would like to hear more from the father's relatives regarding "There is something familiar about that woman's walk!"
And would like to know how many times Stafford has been married. Here is a quote from newspaper article:
McDonald, Goris and his mother Darlene Goris, Tori's father Rodney Stafford and another of Stafford's ex-wives were among the people who took lie detector tests over the Easter weekend. "We were happy to do it," said McDonald. "It means they can rule us out and look where they should."

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