Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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TLM was already in jail at the time, she took LE to the location she could not have done that if she was not there, and she had been in jail for a month at that time so VS could not have only been killed a week prior.

I meant when she was originally taken, not after TLM was arrested...I'm referring to the motif.
Tori's mom frustrated
April 16, 2010 12:13pm
"It is frustrating," Tara McDonald said before a court appearance of Terri-Lynne McClintic. "If she has given up her right to a preliminary hearing let's get the ball rolling."

McClintic's case was adjourned until April 30. Co-accused Michael Rafferty is to make his next court appearance next Friday.

Woman Charged in Stafford Murder Appears In Court
2010/4/16 12:10:00
The lawyer for one of two people charged in the death of Tori Stafford has asked for more time to prepare. 19 year old Terri-Lynne McClintic made a brief court appearance in Woodstock today. McClintic has waived her right to a preliminary hearing and will go straight to trial. She will return to court April 30. The other accused in the crime, Michael Rafferty, returns to court next Friday.

Tori's family return to hometown
April 17, 2010
The mother and brother of a little girl abducted and killed last year have returned to their hometown, after spending months hiding from intense public and media attention. "I'm happy to be home," Tara McDonald said Friday.

McDonald attended a court hearing Friday for Terri-Lynne McClintic, one of the two people accused of abduction and murder.

McClintic did not appear by video or in person Friday, but her lawyer, Jeanine LeRoy, asked the case be adjourned to April 30. Co-accused Michael Rafferty, expected to plead not guilty, next appears in court April 23 with a preliminary hearing possible this summer.

*More at link!

Father and son looking forward to journey
Kilometres for Kids 2

Updated 3 days ago
The next Kilometres for Kids fundraising journey should bring even more attention to the plight of missing children, a confident Rodney Stafford said Friday.

Stafford, who returned from Alberta last week after a private remembrance on the anniversary of his daughter's disappearance, said the planning for the 2010 trip guarantees the journey will be "bigger and better."

This year, Stafford will be joined on the road by his don Daryn, who turns 12 this weekend. The new Kilometres for Kids journey has been dubbed "A Sibling's Story," and Stafford said his son was looking forward to the shared adventure. "He's got no choice now," Stafford joked. "It's all set. He's very excited."

*More at link!

Tori's dad says he'll ensure justice is served
April 23, 2010 11:32am
Speaking outside the Oxford County courthouse after a brief video appearance by Michael Rafferty, the man accused of Tori&#8217;s kidnapping and murder, Rodney Stafford said his daughter deserves no less.

&#8220;Not just for Tori,&#8221; he added, &#8220;but for all the kids.&#8221; Rafferty&#8217;s appearance was simply a formality, allowing his defence lawyer and the Crown attorney to confirm the dates for his preliminary hearing.

Standing in front of a wall at the Chatham Jail, a pale, bearded Rafferty was silent as the two lawyers agreed the hearing would run June 21 to July 13.

Court appearance for accused in Tori Stafford death
Friday, April 23, 2010
Michael Rafferty made a brief court appearance via video Friday in Woodstock, allowing Crown and defence attorneys to schedule his preliminary hearing from June 21 to July 13.

Rafferty is charged with first-degree murder and kidnapping related to the disappearance of the third-grader. Terri-Lynne McClintic, another resident of Woodstock, also faces the same charges. She's scheduled to make a court appearance on April 30.


There is a clearer time of death from the media since the released edited statement of facts. I'm not sure if you can glean any more information from that.

Some actual times:

"The two went to Guelph and at 5:12 p.m., McClintic bought a hammer and garbage bags at the Home Depot on Woodlawn Rd. in Guelph." This is April 8th, 2009

6 p.m. or thereabouts: Take Tori to a remote side road location where the youngster is murdered and her body concealed.

It is amazing to note that the distance between the location where Tori was discovered and the Home Depot in Guelph is 57 minutes. Soulscape had given a method that had the number 57 but gave this as miles. Amazing work. The general location of her remains from Woodstock ON was NNE, as described by Soulscape.
Hello Butterfly,

In the Reported Missing chart, Tori is symbolized by Lord 9, VENUS. This is because Grandma did the reporting and a grandchild is 5th from the 5th, or a 9th house person. This chart was shown with commentary both by myself and Tuba previously in this Thread.

You want to know whether she may have been disposed of in a trash bin, so we need to look at HADES. Additionally, after examining the charts of MTR and TLM, I have been wondering whose DNA was left on the body. So let's look at PALLAS, the Asteroid which governs the genetic code, while we're at it...


HADES of filth, garbage, etc.,
conjuncts the MIDHEAVEN from the 9th House and squares VENUS, significator of Tori. In addition, HADES is focal point of a T-square involving the EQ (a secondary Ascendant) and the VERTEX, suggesting the body (Ascendant) was 'fated' (VERTEX) to wind up in a trash pile/ dump, etc.

Now please keep in mind, planetary energies can express in myriad of ways, so this doesn't necessarily 'prove' that's what transpired. The perps could have thought (MERCURY sextile HADES) about this type of disposal and then changed their minds. The Part of Death at 11 Aries is disposited by MARS in Pisces, suggesting a water disposal.

PALLAS, the governor of the genetic code, is placed at 01 Cancer in this chart (same degree as in the LAST SEEN chart). If you go up a few posts to my examination of TLM's chart, you will see that her natal MARS at 01 Aries is practically smack on Event Chart VENUS (Tori) and exactly square the Event Chart PALLAS!

MTR's MARS/CERES midpoint at 02 Libra is also square Event chart PALLAS, and his MARS/BLACK MOON LILITH and his MARS/PLUTO midpoints are sesquiquadrate.

This gives strong additional testimony that if Tori's remains can be located reasonably soon, forensic examiners will be able to identify DNA evidence from both of these suspects.

No wonder TLM is leading LE around in circles..........


I guess Hades in the reading was the purchased garbage bags and the act of the perps placing Tori in a garbage bag. Great work Soulscape.
Thanks to all for directions, maps and mileage conversions.

What I am about to post is purely speculative. We look again to the Missing Persons Report chart, for guidance on where Tori may be.


Recall VENUS symbolizes Tori, here at 00 Aries on the Descendant.

The Part of FIND is posited at 10 Gemini in the 9th House, disposited by MERCURY at 28 Aries in the 8th House. The highly dignified SUN is located at 19 Aries on the dark side of the 8th House cusp. Notice MOON is in 10th degree, same degree as FIND.

The planets/points that attract me are FIND, its dispositor MERCURY, plus SUN and VENUS. If I add the degrees together (10 + 28 + 19 + 00) I get 57 (58:43 if incl. minutes) --- so approx. 58 miles, maybe 68 if MOON's degrees are included.

If this chart were layed over a Land Map, the direction would be NNE (FIND in 9th House).

Both Gemini (sign containing FIND) and Libra (sign containing MOON) are Air signs, suggesting she is out in the open --- covered up, perhaps, but above ground and not in the water. As mentioned before, Part of Death is in Aries, disposited by MARS in Pisces, so water is relevant. She may be near or closeby water, but I don't think she's in it...

The location is likely secluded because FIND is in a cadent house.

Gemini locations include: hilly and high places, areas reached on foot usually requiring a climb.

Libra locations include: hillsides, mountain meadows, trees, hunting areas, detached buildings in clean or barren gravel fields. (Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson).


Bumping this amazing post.
I am really anxious to know what the motif was. No one picks up a little girl at school, lures her and drives her an hour out and kills her for no apprent reason. TLM said "she wasn't planning this when she woke up that morning" than WHY.....I've had my own theory since this case first happened.

I know Matou!!!!! I remember Soulscapes charts about this case and when they found Tori, I sent her a PM that I couldn't believe how accurate she was.
Here is a map visual of where things are in Woodstock (deciphered with the greatest of help from Kaas):
Trillium Co-op: Where Tori used to live
Frances Street: New area where Tori just moved into a few weeks ago
CAAS: Secondary school where the camera was mounted
Keats Road: Police cars were positioned off Springbank where Keats Road ends today
Care Home: The position the camera was angled from the CASS structure
Toril's School: School Tori attended
Camera/Video: Intersection of Fyfe and Walter aimed towards the Care Home

Here is the visual:

Elepher I hope you are still following this case. I am new here and just found the atrology forum and my word. I cannot believe how amazing you astrologers are. A huge thank you to all of you who have worked so hard and have done these charts for Tori. I am gobsmacked. What I wanted to ask is, according to the post above, you are saying there is a video camera at the CAAS that we all know captured TS and TLM walking together right?! Well according to your post, it says that the camera also catches video of the care home also, is that correct? What better then video and DNA evidence, kwim. Then we also have video from HD, hopefully there's video from the parking lot. We have heard there is video from within the store and if there's video from outside and MR car and who is in it, that alone could show his involvement.

Is there any further information the astrologers can tell us about this case? Such as what the crown may have for evidence? Does anything like that show in the stars? Or possibly when this will actually go to trial? I am in total awe of you folks and thank you again.:blowkiss:
I am really anxious to know what the motif was. No one picks up a little girl at school, lures her and drives her an hour out and kills her for no apprent reason. TLM said "she wasn't planning this when she woke up that morning" than WHY.....I've had my own theory since this case first happened.

I know Matou!!!!! I remember Soulscapes charts about this case and when they found Tori, I sent her a PM that I couldn't believe how accurate she was.

Hello Oldsoul#. I read Tuba's post #2 and for this to come out so early tells me quite a bit. I do not think TLM had her day planned out that way. I am thinking someone changed her plans for that day, kwim.
A former girlfriend described Rafferty as 'secretive.' Another ex thought he was a 'nice guy' until she discovered $2,000 missing from her bank account, at which point she dumped him. A synonym for 'secretive' is 'deceptive.'

His astrological natal chart is deceptive as well.


This natal chart cast for Sunrise is an example of what you see is not what you get --- at least not upon first glance.

In fact, if someone had asked me to examine this chart as a possible perp prior to his arrest for the kidnapping, rape* and murder of a young female child, I would not have immediately placed him on the 'top suspect' list. [* yes, I know rape was not included in the charges. You will see, however, it will be added once Victoria's body is found and forensics completed.]

While the chart shows MOON afflictions, the typical rage/brutality/homicidal tendencies markers are not glaringly obvious. We see no obvious MARS/SATURN, MARS/URANUS, MARS/NEPTUNE, MARS/PLUTO or SATURN/PLUTO connections. The SUN/PLUTO conjunction is wide and out of sign. However, the first clue is right there: PLUTO at the 22nd degree -- 'kill or be killed,' according to Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. When someone has been arrested for murder, we must consider 22 degrees in his chart.

PLUTO, often associated with death, rape and murder in forensic astrology, is square CERES, often associated with kidnapping. The PLUTO/CERES midpoint is associated with kidnapping and rape. In Rafferty's chart, this midpoint falls at 08 Virgo, partile conjunct TORO, the asteroid of brutality.

The TORO-PLUTO/CERES is close square Rafferty's VERTEX-MOON conjunction opposite natal MARS --- a violent T-Square with the TORO-PLUTO/CERES as the focal point. Unfortunately and tragically, Tori Stafford's natal VERTEX (fate) is posited at 09 Sagittarius --- partile opposed Rafferty's natal VERTEX and intricately involved in his ugly TORO-PLUTO/CERES square VERTEX-MOON opposite MARS T-square.

Midpoint pictures clearly reveal what is going on beneath Rafferty's seemingly 'nice guy' surface:

SATURN = VENUS/MARS = SUN: abnormal and pathological sex expression

NODES = MARS/SATURN: events featuring death, cruelty, sadism

EQ (a secondary Ascendant) = MARS/PLUTO: a person who wants to use force or compulsion at every occasion (Ebertin)

EROS conj. URANUS sextile VENUS: unusual or strange sexual compulsions; with VENUS also square NEPTUNE: erotic imagination, erotic aberrations (exaggerated because VENUS is conj. JUPITER of expansion)

MERCURY the thought process is at SERPENTIS, 19 Scorpio, Retrograde. Evil thoughts (SERPENTIS), hidden, not visible (retrograde), focused on self-gratification. (MERCURY Rx semisquare SATURN, conj. URANUS and opposite CHIRON in self-gratifying Taurus)

Recall the LAST SEEN Event chart featured SUN and MARS at the 19th degree, with Event MARS 19 Pisces trine Rafferty's natal MERCURY-SERPENTIS and Event SUN 19 Aries partile inconjunct, triggering the hidden, evil, self-gratifying thoughts.


Additionally, Event chart Midheaven 21 Taurus is partile opposed Rafferty's natal EROS (sexual compulsions) at 21 Scorpio, and this EROS is itself the MERCURY/URANUS midpoint: sudden action on unusual, aberrant sexual thoughts.

Event chart EQ (secondary Ascendant) is partile conjunct Rafferty's natal nodal axis, another strong marker tying him to the Event.

So much for the crying in court, 'I didn't do it!'

The Stars suggest otherwise.


Thank you for this chart Soulscape. Very interesting.
As noted in my post above, Michael Thomas Rafferty's natal chart does not immediately reveal the darkness within. The chart of his 'accomplice,' however, is blatantly dark.


Keep in mind this is a chart cast for Sunrise and as such, the Ascendant, Midheaven, house cusps and MOON positions are questionable. Nonetheless, I find Sunrise charts can be read symbolically, often providing uncannily accurate information.

There are several placements that immediately capture attention.

1. HADES, which symbolizes filth, garbage, death, disgust, debasement and vulgarity, hovers over the Sunrise ASCENDANT. This does not paint a pretty picture regarding her personality.

2. CERES, often prominent in abduction charts, is at the murderous 22nd degree - 'kill or be killed,' according to Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. Of note is the fact that TLM's CERES is partile square Rafferty's natal PLUTO (22 Libra). Recall that PLUTO + CERES can = kidnapping and rape. Furthermore, TLM's natal CERES is close opposed her own natal SATURN 24 Capricorn which itself is the midpoint of her natal MARS and PLUTO.

Recall: SATURN = MARS/PLUTO - tendency to proceed in a brutal manner; suffering [or perpetration of] violent assaults, injuries. Add CERES in and you get kidnapping in the mix. (This aspect pattern also supports TLM's own rape as a young child.)

Also note TLM's MARS is sesquiquadrate natal PLUTO, an extremely stressful and challenging aspect which further supports manifestation of brutality either suffered or perpetrated.

3. MOON is sorely afflicted, suggesting many challenges involving the mother during early childhood. A child who grows up under such adverse aspects rarely adjusts well in adulthood.

4. SUN suffers afflictions from SATURN and NEPTUNE, and SATURN is Retrograde. The SATURN RX phenomenon according to renowned Astrologer Noel Tyl often correlates with trauma suffered because of the Father. Either the Father was not there, was there but not effective in meeting the child's needs, or was there, but brutal and unsupportive. In TLM's case, the birth father was never in the picture and the adoptive father abandoned her. These life events would fracture her ability to relate to men in a healthy manner.

5. TLM's natal EROS (sexual compulsions) at 25 Aries squares natal SATURN 24 Capricorn, which again, = MARS/PLUTO. This is a harsh and dangerous aspect pattern. EROS is disposited by aggressive MARS, which itself is posited in Aries, its own sign. TLM is likely attracted to/ addicted to / obsessed with self-centered 'bad guys' (MARS in Aries) that are good-looking (MOON in attractive Libra), sweet-talking (MOON trine Gemini SUN), and, likely, who cause pain (SUN sesquiquadrate SATURN Rx).

6. TLM's natal TORO (brutality) at 17 Gemini is contraparallel unpredictable URANUS which itself is semisquare VENUS. TORO is also inconjunct natal PLUTO, which is parallel JUPITER. All of this gives a sense of a powerful (PLUTO) and unpredictable (URANUS) time bomb that could explode exponentially (JUPITER expands all that it touches) at any time --- and the target of such explosion would likely be a woman (semisquare VENUS). Since VENUS is also the natural significator of a female child, you can see that sudden & expansive violence against a young girl could be a potential manifestation.

The co-involvement of TLM and MTR in Victoria Stafford's kidnapping, rape and murder is apparent in the Tri-Wheel.


If you print this chart, consider entering MTR's PLUTO at 22 Libra in the Middle Wheel in the 4th House and draw a connecting line to TLM's CERES 22 Cancer, and another connecting line to TLM's SATURN 24 Capricorn. You will then see a T-square with MTR's PLUTO as the focal point.

Look at BLACK MOON LILITH in the Event chart at 24 Capricorn. BML is partile conjunct TLM's natal SATURN 24 Capricorn and Victoria Stafford's natal nodal axis 24 Capricorn/Cancer; close conjunct Victoria's natal SUN 23 Cancer and TLM's natal CERES 22 Cancer --- and all these placements are close square Rafferty's natal PLUTO 22 Libra, with CERES and PLUTO in the murderous 22nd degree. This pattern speaks volumes, connecting kidnapping (CERES, PLUTO) with death (BML, SATURN, NODES), and because the CERES placement is TLM's and the PLUTO placement is MTR's, they are acting together.

Additionally, Event Chart Part of DEATH 10 Aquarius is partile conjunct TLM's nodal axis, clearly tying her into the murder.

In light of this astrological forensic examination, I can't help but wonder if the reason TLM appears to be leading LE on a 'wild goose chase' regarding the recovery of the remains is because TLM's DNA (most likely in addition to MTR's DNA) is on Victoria Stafford's corpse?


Again, thank you Soulscape. Just so heartbreaking. RIP Tori. You are in our Lords loving arms dear child.
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