Formal Sentencing - August 24 2015

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The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 48s49 seconds ago

Orman wiping tears as AJ’s girlfriend finishes her statement. Mr Orman, you have done a great job

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 40s41 seconds ago
#TheaterShooting DA reads survivor Anshanya Thompson's statement: "I no longer run - it's no longer my idea of fun. It's my idea of terror."
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
Wow...that was an amazing statement...#theatershooting

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 1m1 minute ago
Survivor Anshanya Thompson: "Be kind. If defendant had felt love #theatershooting may have been prevented. You'd b surprised by your impact"

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 1m1 minute ago

Watch the impact statements live at
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 35s36 seconds ago
Lasamoa Cross, who's been called love of AJ Boik's life, talks about his #theatershooting murder. Recalls kissing in rain & pinky promises.
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 47s47 seconds ago
Lasamoa Cross, who's been called love of AJ Boik's life, talks about his #theatershooting murder: "Bam. Gone. Like sand through my fingers."

Marshall Zelinger ‏@7Marshall · 40s41 seconds ago
In victim impact statement read on behalf Joshua Nowlan, it's revealed he may need to amputate leg. #TheaterShooting
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 2m2 minutes ago
Lasamoa Cross, love of AJ Boik's life, on life after #theatershooting death: We were supposed to get married April 15. Trial starts April 27

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 56s56 seconds ago
Lasamoa Cross, love of AJ Boik's life, on life after #theatershooting death: Death penalty, fingers crossed. Life w/o parole, disappointment
Nick Penzenstadler ‏@npenzenstadler · 51s51 seconds ago
Aurora #Theatershooting families were upset w/media for showing menacing shooter. New shot today from @denverpost
Nick Penzenstadler ‏@npenzenstadler · 2m2 minutes ago
As Tom Teves said after guilty verdict, "show him like he looks now, fat and stupid." #TheaterShooting
7NEWS Denver Channel ‏@DenverChannel · 45s45 seconds ago
"It is a weight on my heart that will never be lifted” #TheaterShooting impact statements: …

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 1m1 minute ago
#TheaterShooting survivor Marisa Sharp flew to CO & "stayed in city I'd never heard of, Aurora." Ended up helping survivors covered in blood

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 2m2 minutes ago
George Shaffer: We called my slain nephew Matt McQuinn, who was killed protecting girlfriend in #theatershooting, "Mighty Matthew." Fitting
Tammy Harper ‏@tammyharper02 1m1 minute ago
@SheilaNJ JH can receive anywhere frm 12 LWOP ➕ 1,102 yrs in prison to 12 LWOP ➕ 3,318 yrs in prison #theatershooting

I'm here but not watching. I might try later on but it was upsetting yesterday and I had a really bad headache.

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I do agree with John Larimars mom---the notification should have been made promptly---amazed how these wonderful victims had to wait
an autopsy before notification???? WOW
I'm here but not watching. I might try later on but it was upsetting yesterday and I had a really bad headache.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I started a crying a bit earlier---I'm normally not a crier----
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 2m2 minutes ago
Tammy Shaffer, aunt of slain Matt McQuinn: His #theatershooting death was like "rock being thrown in body of water. The ripples go on & on."
I do agree with John Larimars mom---the notification should have been made promptly---amazed how these wonderful victims had to wait
an autopsy before notification???? WOW

I agree. I remember the ME's testifying- one did 6 autopsys on Fri., the other did 6 on Sat. & they stated what time they started on Friday. Then we hear so many families saying they weren't notified until 8PM on Friday.
Good morning...just got to this page so do not have the benefit of comments from yesterday...did hear much but a couple people really struck me...and this is said in respect and I can't imagine what I would say...probably worse...but the one woman who was very articulate but just attacked the whole system and the defense attys are doing their job...I don't think these statements should include personal attacks on the defense attorneys. Also Mr. Sullivan...again feel so for him but to attack the system just is not helping anyone. I don't think he will do well for the rest of his life...and this judge is now being put in the position of defending our whole judicial system....I don't know I have never seen anything like this but this crime defies so many norms.

I understand what you are saying and agree to a point. I also look at it this way.

These people are hurting, real bad. No matter what one would say, do or show them, they would not change their minds. Maybe in years they might change some of how they think, but they are all hurting real bad. Hence they cannot attack the felon, are not even to address him, so next thing is to attack the court system.

As for the defense lawyers and any team member, whether an attorney, investigator, doctor or witness, they should not be allowed to approach victims or friends without doing it through the court system. Cornering a family member in a restroom is so wrong...cornering them anywhere is wrong. I hope the Judge looks into this.

Any attorney should know that how they act, especially during the active trial day. The attorney would be watched like a hawk at places like a restaurant. There is a limited amount of restaurants within walking distance of any court house, so attorneys, jurors, victims, family, friends, have little choice but to eat at some of the same restaurants. The attorneys should act professional at all time during the active court day, after hours, well, they should think again. The family and victims would take any little laughter out of context and a loud 'hoot' would really upset them. Common sense from the attorney's should prevail. They may have been laughing at joke, but to the victims, family and friends it was laughing at them. The lawyers and team may have been releasing tension but we were not there so we do not know if the lawyers were making eye contact with the family, friends and victims, to upset them on purpose or if it was just lunch and releasing tension.

The wife who requested that the felon NOT serve his time in the prison that is in the town, she lives in with her now disabled husband also requested this in court for the same reason I am listing below...get it on record in the court room so no one can say 'they did not get the message or request'.

I also think the victims and families wanted the Judge to know what was going on and on the record, not swept under the 'rug'. A letter could go missing, an email deleted, or anything could be intercepted. In court and on the record, in front of the judge is the way theses people knew it would be out for all to hear and be recorded. Remember the email the one juror sent about her son's military graduation? Even though no other 'email' was ever 'found', the secretaries should have had it on the Judge's calendar to be reviewed when the time came closer as the juror did put this in writing in the beginning. The Judge even said that. Just as the mom should have emailed a reminder or sent a court note, so should the court as they had the initial date of the graduation. The point is, that the what was 'heard and remembered' was "there was an email missing''. The family members wanted to make sure their important message was given to the Judge, so they did it in open court and it was recorded and heard by all. The Judge was correct in standing up for the system, but I hope he understands the other side of the 'coin'.

I do hope the Judge does look into the matter. Nothing will probably be done, but a good reprimand might happen. I am not impressed with the crying, laughing and antics of the defense lawyers in the court room. There have been times when the cameras did catch a bit of the laughter, the felon laughing and changing his dead pan face look when the Judge and Jury were not in the room. Smiling is one thing but the other actions are immature and questionable.

IMO every year, ALL lawyers should take a mandatory class on manners, professionalism, not use crying to get the point across, starring at the jury to intimidate, etc. All attorneys should take a 'continuing education class', I would also include a professional speaking refresher class too. I bet the lawyers have to take some classes to keep up with the new/changed/revised laws. Any lawyer here that can verify that? If there are no classes then there should be. I know teachers and medical have to take continuing education classes, they may be called something different in other professions.

Sorry if I am on a rant. I had a terrible night and fell sound asleep as soon as the trial day started, so now I have to 'wake' up to function and to read all the posts. Thanks for keeping the posts going so people like me can catch up.

LWOP will be hell for the felon....'that guy', now has no name, just a number. I hope his attorneys do not request the prison to address him as MR. 123456789! The felon has no idea what he is in for, no idea at all. All this was a game to him, game over, reality is really about to take place in a short few days. Prison is different the jail. The felon killed, murdered 13 people....2 are children. I know that Colorado does not see a the 'miscarriage' as a human life, but the other felons in jail will see it as '2 children'. Felons do not like children murders.
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 3m3 minutes ago
Tammy Shaffer, aunt of slain Matt McQuinn: "We're always fam from Ohio who lost loved one in CO #theatershooting. Don't wish that on anyone"

Marshall Zelinger ‏@7Marshall · 10m10 minutes ago
Mother of #TheaterShooting victim, John Larimer, wants to know why autopsy of her son was done hours before they were notified of his death

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 11m11 minutes ago
Kathleen Larimer criticizes authorities for not notifying families of #theatershooting deaths faster. Judge agrees; suggests DA look into it

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 14m14 minutes ago
Tammy Shaffer, aunt of slain Matt McQuinn: His #theatershooting death was like "rock being thrown in body of water. The ripples go on & on."
I agree. I remember the ME's testifying- one did 6 autopsys on Fri., the other did 6 on Sat. & they stated what time they started on Friday. Then we hear so many families saying they weren't notified until 8PM on Friday.

Then hearing he was wearing they really messed up-!!! that would be horrid to wait that long
I understand what you are saying and agree to a point. I also look at it this way.

These people are hurting, real bad. No matter what one would say, do or show them, they would not change their minds. Maybe in years they might change some of how they think, but they are all hurting real bad. Hence they cannot attack the felon, are not even to address him, so next thing is to attack the court system.

As for the defense lawyers and any team member, whether an attorney, investigator, doctor or witness, they should not be allowed to approach victims or friends without doing it through the court system. Cornering a family member in a restroom is so wrong...cornering them anywhere is wrong. I hope the Judge looks into this.

Any attorney should know that how they act, especially during the active trial day. The attorney would be watched like a hawk at places like a restaurant. There is a limited amount of restaurants within walking distance of any court house, so attorneys, jurors, victims, family, friends, have little choice but to eat at some of the same restaurants. The attorneys should act professional at all time during the active court day, after hours, well, they should think again. The family and victims would take any little laughter out of context and a loud 'hoot' would really upset them. Common sense from the attorney's should prevail. They may have been laughing at joke, but to the victims, family and friends it was laughing at them. The lawyers and team may have been releasing tension but we were not there so we do not know if the lawyers were making eye contact with the family, friends and victims, to upset them on purpose or if it was just lunch and releasing tension.

The wife who requested that the felon NOT serve his time in the prison that is in the town, she lives in with her now disabled husband also requested this in court for the same reason I am listing below...get it on record in the court room so no one can say 'they did not get the message or request'.

I also think the victims and families wanted the Judge to know what was going on and on the record, not swept under the 'rug'. A letter could go missing, an email deleted, or anything could be intercepted. In court and on the record, in front of the judge is the way theses people knew it would be out for all to hear and be recorded. Remember the email the one juror sent about her son's military graduation? Even though no other 'email' was ever 'found', the secretaries should have had it on the Judge's calendar to be reviewed when the time came closer as the juror did put this in writing in the beginning. The Judge even said that. Just as the mom should have emailed a reminder or sent a court note, so should the court as they had the initial date of the graduation. The point is, that the what was 'heard and remembered' was "there was an email missing''. The family members wanted to make sure their important message was given to the Judge, so they did it in open court and it was recorded and heard by all. The Judge was correct in standing up for the system, but I hope he understands the other side of the 'coin'.

I do hope the Judge does look into the matter. Nothing will probably be done, but a good reprimand might happen. I am not impressed with the crying, laughing and antics of the defense lawyers in the court room. There have been times when the cameras did catch a bit of the laughter, the felon laughing and changing his dead pan face look when the Judge and Jury were not in the room. Smiling is one thing but the other actions are immature and questionable.

IMO every year, ALL lawyers should take a mandatory class on manners, professionalism, not use crying to get the point across, starring at the jury to intimidate, etc. All attorneys should take a 'continuing education class', I would also include a professional speaking refresher class too. I bet the lawyers have to take some classes to keep up with the new/changed/revised laws. Any lawyer here that can verify that? If there are no classes then there should be. I know teachers and medical have to take continuing education classes, they may be called something different in other professions.

Sorry if I am on a rant. I had a terrible night and fell sound asleep as soon as the trial day started, so now I have to 'wake' up to function and to read all the posts. Thanks for keeping the posts going so people like me can catch up.

LWOP will be hell for the felon....'that guy', now has no name, just a number. I hope his attorneys do not request the prison to address him as MR. 123456789! The felon has no idea what he is in for, no idea at all. All this was a game to him, game over, reality is really about to take place in a short few days. Prison is different the jail. The felon killed, murdered 13 people....2 are children. I know that Colorado does not see a the 'miscarriage' as a human life, but the other felons in jail will see it as '2 children'. Felons do not like children murders.

ITA---very good rant!!!!!!
I wonder if the shooter enjoys listening to all the heartache he created?

I believe he does. The felon is counting points. The felon may even be creating a new came in his mind, more points depending on how many people speak, whether they wanted DP or LWOP, how upset they were, etc. I can just imagine what he is doing to keep his mind occupied to sit so still and dead pan during these last days. Felon, your time is so near....prison is so different. Will you survive? You are not street smart at all, you IQ will not matter. Felon, game over.
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 41s42 seconds ago
Kathleen Larimer, mom of slain John Larimer: "I'm tired of crying" over #theatershooting. Goes on 2 thank judge, DA 4 their work & live feed

Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 3m3 minutes ago
Different camera angle in #theatershooting sentencing phase!james-holmes-trial-stream-2/c20xh …

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 5m5 minutes ago
William Boik, bro of slain AJ Boik: “I want no contact & I want #theatershooting defendant to have no contact w/ world he took from victims”

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