Former attorney LKB says Casey lied- no Zenaida

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Just when we think this mess can't get anymore odd/funny/bizarre/crazy---it does.
If you want to refresh your memory on CA's testimony that Z-T-N existed (and the dog):

1:50 part



I personally don't see how she can get away with saying that. She was ICA's attorney, and can't go blabbing to the public that her client lied. That is unethical in SO many ways (true or not). I don't care for the DT, but I want a fair trial here. what if she continues to babble about everything ICA said to her? Is this her way of helping the defense team get a mistrial (and losing her license to practice).




She can reveal it if she has KC's permission to reveal it!!!! All part of this new "defense mechanism strategy" of explaining her lies away. Don't think the timing of this revelation is a coincidence -especially made by an attorney who will never again be in the courtroom and who is no longer subject to the court's jurisdiction.
ICA is not on trial for "lying".....she is on trial for murder. All of this smoke about lying doesn't explain how they are going to explain away a little body, in trash bags, around the corner from ICA's house.


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, YES, YES my client lied. YES, YES she has shown absolutely no emotion about her child lying double bagged in a wooded lot around the corner from her house. YES, YES there is no evidence that the imaginanny even existed. But NO, NO my client didn't do it. SODDI. She lied, but I'm not. You can believe me, I promise".

To me this is the only way they can go. They cannot get around her lies--her lies are what are going to convict her. So they have to explain her lies away--hence the attempt to list the doctors late and say they just got the final report which would, in essence, explain her lies and other atrocious conduct. Now, that it looks as if that isn't going to work --at least not without allowing the SA a shot at examining her--they are taking it public--a little by little- so that the potential jurors are aware of it. This is step one in the process. Trust me, there will be more until it's all out in the open.

PS In my day we called this "painting it red".
I don't think that because LKB admits she lied about Caylee being kidnapped by ZFG means the A's lied about Zanny though. THey said that ICA told her she had a babysitter named Zenaida. So did some of ICAs friends. They may have lied about when they first heard about her or whatever but they never said they met her. KWIM? In fact, CA may STILL believes ZFG existed and the Zanny was code for "the kidnapper" and that Caylee was kidnapped and killed.
Indeed there was a zanny the nanny---cindy made casey feel like casey was the nanny. So in casey's head---she was the nanny---when cindy ask casey in the jail---what do u wanna tell zanny---casey say to bring her home and that we forgive her---really??? You forgive the nanny for taking ur baby??? Well one might forgive the nanny if the nanny was casey and she was wanting her family to forgive her for killing her baby. Member she talked to caylee and at that time caylee was laying out in the dirt and mud in trash bags---we forgive her??? Hello
I don't think that because LKB admits she lied about Caylee being kidnapped by ZFG means the A's lied about Zanny though. THey said that ICA told her she had a babysitter named Zenaida. So did some of ICAs friends. They may have lied about when they first heard about her or whatever but they never said they met her. KWIM? In fact, CA may STILL believes ZFG existed and the Zanny was code for "the kidnapper" and that Caylee was kidnapped and killed.

CA lied about having Zanny's phone number at home,on a post-it, and giving it to the 'black officer' on the first night. None of that was true. If CA had a number for Zanny she would have been calling it day and night to know when ICA was coming home. She knew the whole Nanny story was a lie or else why would she lie about it to LE?
CA lied about having Zanny's phone number at home,on a post-it, and giving it to the 'black officer' on the first night. None of that was true. If CA had a number for Zanny she would have been calling it day and night to know when ICA was coming home. She knew the whole Nanny story was a lie or else why would she lie about it to LE?

Well, true I think she lied about giving the sticky to the officer. But I think ICA DID give her numbers that were supposedly Zanny's because I think CA admitted calling one and it was a friend's number.
ICA is the only one who can release the attorney from their obligations under the attorney-clent privilege.

LKB knows that and wouldn't get on tv, and blatently breach the attorney-client privilegeSo, I have to assume she has the blessings of the DT as well as ICA. How does this fit into DT strategy. Why did they want to get this out there?

To lessen the impact at trial? I think she's doing it as part of a DT strategy/plan. They want to get that little inconvenience right out of the way...and have it lead into Casey's mental state/excuses as part of her odd behaviors. They aren't saying that Casey lied about being innocent of murder. They are saying she is disturbed and a liar...which goes right back to them getting the message out there that her strange behavior doesn't mean guilt. IMO.

ITA. This is not an accident or a coincidence. LKB is no dummy. This is deliberate so they can "admit" to Casey's lies about the nanny without actually putting her on the stand.

IMHO, their position is going to be, "Well of course she was lying! Did anyone actually ever believe her? Duh."

This gives them the opening to establish a different story of the crime without Casey being cross examined.

It's actually not a bad strategy considering what they have to work with. By the time we go to trial, Casey lying will not be a shock to anyone on the jury.
Well, true I think she lied about giving the sticky to the officer. But I think ICA DID give her numbers that were supposedly Zanny's because I think CA admitted calling one and it was a friend's number.

Right, she knew it was a false number. So then why did she lie to LE when she said she (a) had her number and (b) had given it to the black officer- she lied to cover up for ICA because she knew she was lying about what had happened to Caylee.
My hope is that the justice system doesn't ignore any lies, mistruths or half truths that have been uttered by any of the A's in depositions, LE interviews, etc. To let anyone walk away with no consequences will set a precedent and will be the downfall of what remains of our legal system. Anyone will then feel free to lie at any point knowing that they can do so without repercussions or accountability.
If you want to refresh your memory on CA's testimony that Z-T-N existed (and the dog):

1:50 part



Hah! thanks for posting that. It's always a good time to watch CA in action. Can't wait to see her at trial. :crazy:
I am really afraid they may be going for the accidental drowning in the pool...afraid to tell CA so she made up the whole nanny kidnapping story. I thought something was up when JB tried the hypothetical about Caylee being in TL pool. They are going to say that Casey staged it, right down to the tape over mouth to make it look like a kidnapping.
ITA. This is not an accident or a coincidence. LKB is no dummy. This is deliberate so they can "admit" to Casey's lies about the nanny without actually putting her on the stand.

IMHO, their position is going to be, "Well of course she was lying! Did anyone actually ever believe her? Duh."

This gives them the opening to establish a different story of the crime without Casey being cross examined.

It's actually not a bad strategy considering what they have to work with. By the time we go to trial, Casey lying will not be a shock to anyone on the jury.

Exactly!! This is our third big clue as to the actual defense strategy. First, the psychologists, second the questioning of YM by Baez where he was almost sarcastic when he said something like, "She told you this, this, and this and you weren't suspicious?? And now, this "revelation" by LKB.
I am really afraid they may be going for the accidental drowning in the pool...afraid to tell CA so she made up the whole nanny kidnapping story. I thought something was up when JB tried the hypothetical about Caylee being in TL pool. They are going to say that Casey staged it, right down to the tape over mouth to make it look like a kidnapping.

We have watched ICA/CA/GA interacting unaware of the camera, and the one thing that strikes me is that she does not show any fear of CA or GA, she treats them both with contempt- CA moreso than GA, but she dominates them, lies and manipulates constantly. There is just no way anyone would believe an accident scenario. Here is CA denying an accident. ICA had plenty of opportunity to fess up to her parents, when she was out on bond, but couldn't because she would have to tell them where the body was and why duct tape was on her mouth and nose.
Now I know CA is gullible, but she knows what ICA has done, why else would she and GA be doing all this lying and covering up?
Watch starting at 5:20 into the video. CA KNOWS there was no accident.
Is ANYONE in charge here? ANYONE? I keep waiting for the good guys to come out and make it all alright.

Seriously, here we are finally getting close to the trial and all hell breaks loose with crap?

Is there anyone? God, Judge Perry, Judge Strickland (where are you??!) the SA? Yuri, Neighbors, Lee, Amy, Jesse and your Dad, People of Orlando, Grandparents...someone? Who is out for Truth and Justice? Will someone please stand up? Now that the media/money hungry throngs are starting to emerge...we need your help....Us bloggers are getting weary.

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