Former attorney LKB says Casey lied- no Zenaida

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I expect this garbage from the defense team and the likes of LKB, no surprise there.

I am however surprised and appalled that the FL attorney general is still commenting on this case. Linda Drane Burdick, Jeff Ashton, and Frank George have done an exceptional job on this case...and after almost 3 years of false accusations, the defense team antics, and other nonsense they have remained professional and have not commented once. They have done a tremendous job on biting their tongue and focusing on this case and justice for Caylee.

I know pam bondi used to comment on this case, and I foolishly assumed that once becoming Attorney General, she too would be professional enough not to comment anymore, but sadly I was wrong. It's outrageous.

Right, she knew it was a false number. So then why did she lie to LE when she said she (a) had her number and (b) had given it to the black officer- she lied to cover up for ICA because she knew she was lying about what had happened to Caylee.

IMO Cindy still lies about Casey having a job or being at work even tho she knows we all know Casey hasn't worked since b4 Caylee was born......Cindy just lies, and she believes the lies that she tells, much like her daughter.
Exactly!! This is our third big clue as to the actual defense strategy. First, the psychologists, second the questioning of YM by Baez where he was almost sarcastic when he said something like, "She told you this, this, and this and you weren't suspicious?? And now, this "revelation" by LKB.

Exactly! the Defense is starting to play their cards as they get close to trial. Lying needs to be sidelined to mitigate it and place the focus on the evidence of murder, not just the lying ... That's a given so concede it and move on.
CA lied about having Zanny's phone number at home,on a post-it, and giving it to the 'black officer' on the first night. None of that was true. If CA had a number for Zanny she would have been calling it day and night to know when ICA was coming home. She knew the whole Nanny story was a lie or else why would she lie about it to LE?

Exactly .. IMO, Cindy knew there was no Zanny well before she tracked down KC and knew KC had no job that would even require a nanny .. she also knew KC had no money as she paid for everything Caylee needed or had ... just by questions she asked KC over the phone and her MySpace post on July 3rd ... Cindy was also the one who came up with the Blanchard Park scenario after the detectives caught her in the Sawgrass apartment lies ... Cindy knew and intentionally perpetuated the lie ...
And like you said, if she had a number for her (or any of KC's friends) she would definitely have been trying to make contact since KC was giving her the runaround ... she knew
I think this is a calculated move to try to show that ICA is a pathological liar, since she lied about the nanny even before Caylee went 'missing'.

I think that instead of trying to cover all the lies she told, they will list every one of them to show that just because she lied about where Caylee was and what happened to her, that her lying doesn't prove or even indicate guilt since it was the norm for ICA.

I think this is a calculated move to try to show that ICA is a pathological liar, since she lied about the nanny even before Caylee went 'missing'.

I think that instead of trying to cover all the lies she told, they will list every one of them to show that just because she lied about where Caylee was and what happened to her, that her lying doesn't prove or even indicate guilt since it was the norm for ICA.


Well the defense HAS to acknowledge it now that they know her statements (lies) are coming in at trial ...
Can't wait to hear what they come up with for her pole dancing and tattoo ...
Well the defense HAS to acknowledge it now that they know her statements (lies) are coming in at trial ...
Can't wait to hear what they come up with for her pole dancing and tattoo ...

PTSD is their excuse. Which for Casey means -
Party Time Snothead's Dead.

With thanks to Hinky Meter for that acronym.
This behavior isnt going to elevate her " dream team" status one bit. Even if its
legal ethical etc etc - it has the taint of ick all over it. It jut sounds disloyal and
self promoting - ( my career over your case )
I used to take " experts" at face value until I discovered that too many of them
had serious issues.
I am stunned speechless again .......
If the DT plans on using Z-T-N in its arguments, then what LKB said just blew that out of the water. The only thing LKB did was help the State. Once the State introduces ICA's original written statement about Z-T-N, the jury will know she lied. Then they will have to assume since she lied about that, she's lying about everything else.

This does not bode well for ICA to get a fair trial. It just doesn't. Yes, I know ICA lied, we all know ICA lied. But that doesn't give LKB, her former attorney to confirm to everyone this is a lie.

According to wiki: The privilege may be waived if the confidential communications are disclosed to third parties.

So, ICA had to have told someone other than her attorney(s) that Z-T-N does not exist. We can assume it's not G, C, or L because they're still yapping about her. After all, Z had a white dog, and if there was a white dog there was a Z-T-N.

Sorry, but I'm just not feeling good about this.



Bold mine.

Perhaps the third party is our "good friend, Mr. Richard Anonymous Gabriel". Does all this have a purpose for the defense? Even putting RG in as the mediator of the mock ju....errrmmm..."focus group?
ICA is not on trial for "lying".....she is on trial for murder. All of this smoke about lying doesn't explain how they are going to explain away a little body, in trash bags, around the corner from ICA's house.


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, YES, YES my client lied. YES, YES she has shown absolutely no emotion about her child lying double bagged in a wooded lot around the corner from her house. YES, YES there is no evidence that the imaginanny even existed. But NO, NO my client didn't do it. SODDI. She lied, but I'm not. You can believe me, I promise".

Bold mine.

"Who do you, or your own eyes." meh :loser:
So she lied and made up zanny the nanny d/t 'ugly coping' or a 'frame of mind' response to trauma...yet zanny was supposedly around for almost 2 years before Caylee disappeared? That doesn't really add up. :waitasec: It seems that the defense is trying to say the ugly coping began when Caylee <fill in the blank..accidently died, was taken etc...wherever the DT is going with this> but the Zanny lie is not a new story.
Oh what a web we weave...:banghead:
PTSD is their excuse. Which for Casey means -
Party Time Snothead's Dead.

With thanks to Hinky Meter for that acronym.

Forgive me for being a bit behind, but has it been established as fact that they are going with the PTSD excuse? Or is that general consensus based on the different psych's specialties? TIA
Forgive me for being a bit behind, but has it been established as fact that they are going with the PTSD excuse? Or is that general consensus based on the different psych's specialties? TIA

No, there's nothing definitive yet. Just a lot of things leading many to believe it will be PTSD
I think Baez is going to open by saying his client IS a troubled young soul, who had a long history of lying, and even stealing to get by. But that does not make her a killer, and people should not confuse the two things.

The thing is, liars are devious and manipulative. There is usually a reason behind the deceit. We can easily understand why we should lie to others about her Universal job--she wanted the respect that came with it, but was too lazy to work everyday. We see why she lied about being in school at Valencia--same thing.

So why would she tell people her daughter was fine when she was really 'missing'? Why tell the people who were trying to find her missing child- friends, family, investigators, -that she was fine and was with a fictitious person.

IMO, the jury is NOT going to just write that off as 'one more lie.' Not reporting the child missing and then sending the search teams on wild goose chases can not be dismissed that easily.

We don't care that she didn't really have a job and that she lied about being a student.
But telling everyone that your baby was at Disneyworld when she was actually decomposing in a triple garbage bag is not as easily overlooked.
So she lied and made up zanny the nanny d/t 'ugly coping' or a 'frame of mind' response to trauma...yet zanny was supposedly around for almost 2 years before Caylee disappeared? That doesn't really add up. :waitasec: It seems that the defense is trying to say the ugly coping began when Caylee <fill in the blank..accidently died, was taken etc...wherever the DT is going with this> but the Zanny lie is not a new story.
Oh what a web we weave...:banghead:

Wasn't it the Grunds she told she had a Nany when they couldn't watch Caylee anymore?
According to Casey... I know... I know... she said she knew Zenaida Fernadez-Gonzalez for 4 years (as of 2008). That ZFG began babysitting Caylee a year and a half prior to June 2008 because Jeffrey Michael Hopkins... who was dating ZFG at the time... was taking care of his son... Zachary Hopkins! Jeffrey Michael Hopkins... worked at Universal Studios with Casey Anthony... along with Juliette Lewis as the only two people in the world she told that ZFG had kidnapped Caylee. Zenaida Fernadez Gonzalez... who was born in September in New York... to one Gloria Fernandez and would eventually have a half sister Samantha... who happened to have two children... and also had a step father by the name of Victor Gonzalez.... and on and on and on....

ZFG also had two room mates at Sawgrass Apartments (#210) named... in full... as Jennifer Rosa... and Rachael Farrell... one happened to work at a local TGIF (easily attainable... right?). ZFG also has a seasonal employee pass at Universal Studios.

So... is LKB ready to admit that ALL OF THIS was LIE on her former clients behalf?
When you look at LKB's statement along with this:

The state claims Anthony's actions during that month in 2008 show Anthony's so-called "consciousness of guilt."

The defense then said it planned to introduce testimony at the trial from two mental health experts, Dr. Jeffrey Danzinger and William Weitz, that would rebut the idea of her "consciousness of guilt." Legal experts said the strategy could help prevent Anthony having to take the stand in her own defense.

.....Could this be the route that the DT are going to take?

A forensic psychiatrist makes the case that pathological lying—long ignored by psychiatric researchers and clinicians—may in fact be a distinct psychiatric disorder.

Whether pathological liars are aware of the falsehoods embodied in their stories has substantial implications for forensic psychiatry practice—for example, it could help determine how a court may deal with pathological liars who provide false testimony while under oath. It could also affect competency determinations.

“In a hearing about competency to stand trial,” Dike asked, “could it be argued that the compulsively repeated lying prevents the pathological liar from effectively assisting in his case?”

For forensic psychiatrists whose advice on pathological liars the courts may seek, Dike advised taking an “extensive, longitudinal history of the lying” supplemented by related information from relatives, employers, friends, and others familiar with the person’s behavior over the long term. Crucial to this assessment, he said, is to clarify “external and internal objectives of the liar.” A well-structured psychiatric evaluation of a pathological liar would evaluate the “diagnostic entities potentially associated or confused with pathological lying.”
Much more at link.
According to Casey... I know... I know... she said she knew Zenaida Fernadez-Gonzalez for 4 years (as of 2008). That ZFG began babysitting Caylee a year and a half prior to June 2008 because Jeffrey Michael Hopkins... who was dating ZFG at the time... was taking care of his son... Zachary Hopkins! Jeffrey Michael Hopkins... worked at Universal Studios with Casey Anthony... along with Juliette Lewis as the only two people in the world she told that ZFG had kidnapped Caylee. Zenaida Fernadez Gonzalez... who was born in September in New York... to one Gloria Fernandez and would eventually have a half sister Samantha... who happened to have two children... and also had a step father by the name of Victor Gonzalez.... and on and on and on....

ZFG also had two room mates at Sawgrass Apartments (#210) named... in full... as Jennifer Rosa... and Rachael Farrell... one happened to work at a local TGIF (easily attainable... right?). ZFG also has a seasonal employee pass at Universal Studios.

So... is LKB ready to admit that ALL OF THIS was LIE on her former clients behalf?

LKB didn't say that ZFG's existence is a lie. She said that KC giving Caylee to ZFG was a lie. IMO, they are trying to get it out there that the kidnapping was a lie, not that ZFG never existed. Of course, we know she doesn't, but I don't think they are concerned with that. They don't have to prove whether she exists or not. They just need to shift away from the Zanny the Nanny kidnapping story. KWIM?
When you look at LKB's statement along with this:

.....Could this be the route that the DT are going to take?

Much more at link.

Very interesting!

My only problem with this is... Casey knows she was lying. A perfect example of Casey knowing she was lying is about the phone she stated she had received from Univeral Studios and had reported missing to Universal security 9 days prior to July 15th, 2008. She told this information to Detectives during the Hopespring Interview and the Universal Interview... yet.... when Lee questioned Casey about this very same phone in their jail visit (not the phone call) Casey admits that the phone she told LE about priviously was a personal phone... not a work phone. She bought it herself!

Casey told people... different people... and used the same techniques she has always used with people... different things depending on what she felt they wanted to hear. Yes, she is a liar... and we may just give her the title of pathological liar... but she knows she is lying and she does it with purpose!

I have said this before... and I am not taking anything away from the hard work people do in the psychiatric field because I believe 100% that some people do suffer from psychological breaks... and some have mental illnesses... but Casey Anthony is not one of those people. She is a murderer! That is all!

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