Former Defense Attorney,Todd Macaluso *Merged*

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LDB is so funny... I love her!! There is another part where Jose is complaining about LE not calling him before arresting Casey on the check fraud charges and John Allen basically says that he doesn't have to tell anyone when he is about to arrest someone and Jose says "You would think there would be some professional courtesy" and LDB says "There is." and Jose says "Just not in this case?" and Linda says "Right." :floorlaugh:

I think one of you should put together a book on LDB's "isms" and JB's "isms". Hilarious.
LDB is so funny... I love her!! There is another part where Jose is complaining about LE not calling him before arresting Casey on the check fraud charges and John Allen basically says that he doesn't have to tell anyone when he is about to arrest someone and Jose says "You would think there would be some professional courtesy" and LDB says "There is." and Jose says "Just not in this case?" and Linda says "Right." :floorlaugh:

swoosh - that one went right over JB's head, too! :floorlaugh:
Head Shaking. You would think a fully formed adult would have figured out that the internet is forever.

Yes! And, you would think that a defense attorney would NOT want to be so crass, crude, and flippant with the State Attorneys that are prosecuting his client. He seems to want a personal war with them. It is shocking and appalling. jmo
I wonder why the media hasn't released the depos yet??? Or have they and I have somehow missed it? I really want to read John Allen's and Roy Kronk's. I wonder if we will ever read the investigative interview of Dominic Casey? Dang, I hate to wait!!
I just want to know what in the hell Mason is smoking. Why oh WHY would he want to put a naked Ashton and a naked Macaluso together in ANYTHING?

I don't know whether to be horrified at Mason's imagination or LMAO about it!

And btw, OMG the first time this video came around. Of all the things for the defense to dig up, they dig up THIS? LOL.
I vividly remember watching that TM video. Isn't there a thread about it on here somewhere? Maybe there is a copy of the video that is viewable from there
Does LMAO mean Love Mason All Over in defense speak?
OMG... I can't stop laughing :floorlaugh:
Just when i think there is nothing bizzare left to this case :loser: :floorlaugh:
Does LMAO mean Love Mason All Over in defense speak?

You guys are KILLING me. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

We should get a pile of new posters here thanks to this thread.
I remember seeing this video when we (WSers) first became aware of it. It was a low-budget film, I recall a helicopter landing them on a beach/deserted island scenario. It seems to have disappeared from the intertubes and while this may be a blessing--I do wonder if some savvy sleuth doesn't have a copy parked on some drive somewhere?

Even if not, I can't believe Mason's asinine remark about JA during the depo. And kudos to LDB for stepping right up for her partner!

I also remember seeing that video romp - it was better than pay-per-view, cause it was FREE and FUNNY as all get out.

And, what I wouldn't have given to have been there when Linda played right along with Mason and inserted Baez into it without missing a beat !

Yeah, I bet that is an image that Baez needed a good cleansing from with a trip up front and center for a side bar...
Sometimes, we really are given great gifts, even if they are served up nice and cold ~

You know that the state had to have been close to peeing themselves over this one.
Talk about a "check-mate" for Linda!!!!:woohoo::woohoo::rocker:
I just want to know what in the hell Mason is smoking. Why oh WHY would he want to put a naked Ashton and a naked Macaluso together in ANYTHING?

I don't know whether to be horrified at Mason's imagination or LMAO about it!

And btw, OMG the first time this video came around. Of all the things for the defense to dig up, they dig up THIS? LOL.

Actually, I betcha Mason gargeled with his Bong Water the morning of the depo by accident.

Yep, explains it all.
Did not *smoke*, did not *inhale*, gargeled and probably swallowed to boot.:floorlaugh:
LDB is so funny... I love her!! There is another part where Jose is complaining about LE not calling him before arresting Casey on the check fraud charges and John Allen basically says that he doesn't have to tell anyone when he is about to arrest someone and Jose says "You would think there would be some professional courtesy" and LDB says "There is." and Jose says "Just not in this case?" and Linda says "Right." :floorlaugh:

There is also the hearing with brother Lee when he takes the stand and mouths "I love you" to his inmate sister, and Linda, again, without missing a beat, says, "I don't supposed that that was addressed to me, was it?"

Yeah ~ She rocks!:woohoo:
I also remember seeing that video romp - it was better than pay-per-view, cause it was FREE and FUNNY as all get out.

And, what I wouldn't have given to have been there when Linda played right along with Mason and inserted Baez into it without missing a beat !

Yeah, I bet that is an image that Baez needed a good cleansing from with a trip up front and center for a side bar...
Sometimes, we really are given great gifts, even if they are served up nice and cold ~

You know that the state had to have been close to peeing themselves over this one.
Talk about a "check-mate" for Linda!!!!:woohoo::woohoo::rocker:

She doesn't miss a beat, does she?? She is a rockstar in my book. I hope she writes a book... I really do. I would purchase it in a heartbeat!!
Somehow I missed the video the first time around.... so of course I immediately had to go on over to YouTube and search for it.

I typed in "naked" "men" "beach". And then......Yikes! Well, all I can say is it has taken me a bit of time to get back on over here!

But even with diligent searching I failed to find Todd Macaluso and friend. (Unless I saw them and just somehow didn't recognize him without clothes)
I remember seeing this video when we (WSers) first became aware of it. It was a low-budget film, I recall a helicopter landing them on a beach/deserted island scenario. It seems to have disappeared from the intertubes and while this may be a blessing--I do wonder if some savvy sleuth doesn't have a copy parked on some drive somewhere?

Even if not, I can't believe Mason's asinine remark about JA during the depo. And kudos to LDB for stepping right up for her partner!


This thread! :laughcry:

I remember that video vividly! :eek: :innocent: :floorlaugh:

I'm with you, ynot. I cannot imagine that someone didn't save it. Cough it up, whoever you are! :D
I remember the TM beach video.....even after enduring hours of extensive therapy in a vain attempt to erase it from my mind. :floorlaugh:

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