Former FBI Agent Reveals True Identity Of "Todd Black"

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Hey!!! I'm in Nashville!! Yes! :crazy: I can finally participate!!
Do you all know an address for this ex-con? Maybe I can drive by tomorrow and post a photo of his "office".

This must be SLIGHTLY embarrasing for Mr. B!!!!
LOL at least LP cares about Caylee, all GC does is hide out and send off snarky press releases:blowkiss:

Yes, and LP jumped off the "crazy train" as soon as the family started showing their true colors.
LOL at least LP cares about Caylee, all GC does is hide out and send off snarky press releases:blowkiss:

LOL....there is that difference between them. LP definitely is not afraid to show his face.
Hey!!! I'm in Nashville!! Yes! :crazy: I can finally participate!!
Do you all know an address for this ex-con? Maybe I can drive by tomorrow and post a photo of his "office".

This must be SLIGHTLY embarrasing for Mr. B!!!!

I'm just now reading up on him but from what I am reading (totally unverified info) he graduated from a school in Tampa, at some point moved to Hollywood, at some point may have won a lottery and moved to some undisclosed country (seems secretive) then moved back to the US. I don't know how Tenn got involved.
Does anyone remember whether or not GC said he met with KC? Or am I thinking of DC? Are you permitted to be around convicted felons when you are out on bail????
I just went to the LA Times and searched for him (GC) in the archives. I did not pay to read the entire articles but you can read previews there. And the previews are enough to give you the gist of the articles. I didn't copy and paste because of copyright laws. The ones I pulled up were from 1989, not 25 years ago.
:rolleyes::rolleyes: A felon bounty hunter and now a felon public relations guy.

I think crazy cases attract all the wannabees. When a case is investigated and handled properly - the fringes usually don't show up.:rolleyes:
Extortion. Nice. Todd Blackmail. LOL. The guy was black mailing someone!

Uh huh. Just like MF, who stated that he hadn't used the "N" word in 10 years, but forgot he said the word when talking to an author writing a crime novel 9 1/2 years before his testimony.

G. Gordon Liddy and J. Dean - both Watergate delinquents - both lovable.

None of these 3 tried to extort anyone.

AND they all go by their REAL names.

Todd Blackmail, what a doozy.
Ok, I think I am figuring this out now. The way I am reading this GC buys the rights to true stories and either produces a movie of them or he sells the rights. The more interest in the case, the more money it will bring. So IMO that means the more controversial this case is, the more interest, the more profit for GC.

If I am right, and noting the dislike that TB seems to have for LP, I wonder if perhaps GC might not have been the one who hired LP to get KC out of jail? It may have po'd GC when LP returned her to jail. It also explains the "slip" that TB made with his comment about a "dead Caylee". It wasn't a slip, it was a way to stir the pot, heighten the interest.
Ok, I think I am figuring this out now. The way I am reading this GC buys the rights to true stories and either produces a movie of them or he sells the rights. The more interest in the case, the more money it will bring. So IMO that means the more controversial this case is, the more interest, the more profit for GC.

If I am right, and noting the dislike that TB seems to have for LP, I wonder if perhaps GC might not have been the one who hired LP to get KC out of jail? It may have po'd GC when LP returned her to jail. It also explains the "slip" that TB made with his comment about a "dead Caylee". It wasn't a slip, it was a way to stir the pot, heighten the interest.

Interesting theory. Weren't there also rumors of GR being involved in bring LP into the case? It could all tie together.
Hey!!! I'm in Nashville!! Yes! :crazy: I can finally participate!!
Do you all know an address for this ex-con? Maybe I can drive by tomorrow and post a photo of his "office".

This must be SLIGHTLY embarrasing for Mr. B!!!!

118 16th Ave S
Nashville Tenn

This is the address of Press Corp Media which was dissolved by the state of Tenn and forced to cease doing business. PCM now claims their home office in Canada. This is also the address for Aim Productions and management, President Kevin Adams. Todd Black currently has a land line phone listed at this address.
Todd Black is probably A.K.A. Kevin Adams, Peter Tillman and Gil Cabot.
Here's an article (don't know when it was actually posted) with an old photo of him when he was young.

He went to school at Hillsborough High and it mentions he has family there in Tampa.

snip from article

Gil was Boy Wonder, starting at WALT as a 15 year old weekend disc jockey, while attending Hillsborough High School. Every one knew Gil, he was a very creative guy we knew would go some where and make it big.
Someone please tell this true....about Mark Furhman? If so, this really blows my mind. For some reason, I thought he was a former police detective. I always liked him.

I like Mark Furhman too. It's probably a bunch of hipe. If a person won't use his real name can you really trust anything that he says???? If he isn't ashamed of being an ex-con then why not get on the up and up and use your real name MR. BLACK :confused: That is just so Junior High School. Bet he is ticked off cause he got found out. I wonder if the whole outfit is made up of ex-cons? Maybe they all met in prison :eek:
I've never seen a case with so many unsavory characters. In fact the whole cast is subject! How'd this happen?
My opinion is it started with JB. I do think he was well aware of this prior to the guy ever coming onboard as the PR person.
We already knew that Cindy and George are two extremely gullible people, as is evidenced in their constant and continual belief in all of Casey's terminal bs. And this just further supports that, they are too trusting, and can't see a criminal when there's one standing right right in front of them
118 16th Ave S
Nashville Tenn

This is the address of Press Corp Media which was dissolved by the state of Tenn and forced to cease doing business. PCM now claims their home office in Canada. This is also the address for Aim Productions and management, President Kevin Adams. Todd Black currently has a land line phone listed at this address.
Todd Black is probably A.K.A. Kevin Adams, Peter Tillman and Gil Cabot.

Can you get an addy for his other company? I think it is called Adverse Media.

ETA sorry it is called Arrested Media.
I like Mark Furhman too. It's probably a bunch of hipe. If a person won't use his real name can you really trust anything that he says???? If he isn't ashamed of being an ex-con then why not get on the up and up and use your real name MR. BLACK :confused: That is just so Junior High School. Bet he is ticked off cause he got found out. I wonder if the whole outfit is made up of ex-cons? Maybe they all met in prison :eek:

He is just including a list of "reformed" felons, NOT saying he is involved with them. I expect Mark F will set that straight.
I think we would do better to go out and lift any rock to find him now. He isn't going to be at any given address on the internet.

This thread has NOTHING to do with LP. GR did NOT have anything to do with LP being in Orlando. Taking pot shots at him for no reason is not acceptable, imo. This thread is about GC.
I've never seen a case with so many unsavory characters. In fact the whole cast is subject! How'd this happen?
My opinion is it started with JB. I do think he was well aware of this prior to the guy ever coming onboard as the PR person.
We already knew that Cindy and George are two extremely gullible people, as is evidenced in their constant and continual belief in all of Casey's terminal bs. And this just further supports that, they are too trusting, and can't see a criminal when there's one standing right right in front of them
You bet it started with JB! He is the one in charge of handling Casey's case. PERIOD. Anyone associated with them in any way had to go through JB to be there.
From this link:
Mr.Cabot administrated a company that specialized in buying (not selling) true story properties, and having great success packaging licensing agreements worldwide.

Makes me think Baez is lying about entertainment deals! Why else be involved with this guy?

Ok, I think I am figuring this out now. The way I am reading this GC buys the rights to true stories and either produces a movie of them or he sells the rights. The more interest in the case, the more money it will bring. So IMO that means the more controversial this case is, the more interest, the more profit for GC.
If I am right, and noting the dislike that TB seems to have for LP, I wonder if perhaps GC might not have been the one who hired LP to get KC out of jail? It may have po'd GC when LP returned her to jail. It also explains the "slip" that TB made with his comment about a "dead Caylee". It wasn't a slip, it was a way to stir the pot, heighten the interest.
Bolded by me.
Let's remember that it has been alleged that Baez has signed a "contingent Media deal". This has been denied by Baez.

However, considering the above two posts, it's understandable that justice could be severely maligned if indeed there is a conract which is voided if Baez allows his client to plea. There would be no trial to make movies about. Just sayin'........:rolleyes:

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