OK Foss lake Discovery

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This should give some sense of closure to families.
Could there have been ice on the road and that caused them to spin out, maybe hit something before going into the lake?

On regards to the guns, would they still be intact in the trunk? A 12 gauge stotgun has a wooden butt on it right? Excuse me for not being too familiar with them. Wood would have fallen apart after all this time in the water, right?
Im going with zodiac killer.. there are some references online that suggest he called an oklahoma radio station in 68 or 69.. search "zodiac killer oklahoma"
WOW! I wonder if this is one of those windy dangerous roads...

"Debbie McManamman said she believes the older car, which appears to be a 1950s-era Chevrolet, contains the remains of her grandfather"


"...1969 Chevrolet Camaro, may have belonged to 16-year-old Jimmy Williams, a Sayre, Oklahoma, teenager who disappeared in 1970 with two friends: Thomas Rios and Leah Johnson, both 18"


From this link...

"The federal database notes speculation at the time that the teens, who'd said they were going to a football game in Elk City, may have detoured to go hunting at Foss Lake, instead.

The second vehicle appears to be associated with the disappearance of a couple last seen in Canute, about 10 miles south of the lake, in the early 1960s, Peoples said. He said he had no further information about that case beyond long-ago-told stories. The missing persons database records no open cases earlier than 1969 in Canute or the surrounding county.

"In 1973, I worked for Beckham and Custer County as a state trooper, and I heard rumors that sometime in the early '60s there were two or three people in a car, and they were last seen in Canute," Peoples told the Elk City newspaper. "They were headed for Foss Lake and never seen again."

Peoples asked anyone with information about the case to get in touch as soon as possible at (580) 323-1616"
If the damage had been there when the car went in the water, that part would be just as silt-caked as the rest of the car, but it isn't. I think more likely the car came apart as it was being towed out of the water.

Good point, looking at the Chevy it's covered in holes from rusting as I'd the camaro, so i guess they pulled the camaro from the rear then? Literally pulled apart?

This story makes me want to drop what I'm doing, find sonar equipment and start searching every drop of water in the US for missing people.

Found after all these years, amazing. Closure, but also still questions such as how did the teens end up there? Accident or foul play. And same for the family of the grandpa, as well as who the other two people in the car were. Closure, yet more mysteries.

Re: the three teens, the families aren't ready to say anything which is understandable, this has to be a very emotional time for them. I can't even imagine. Jimmy Williams, what a cute kid, he really reminds me of a teenage John Denver. Such a shame. :(
Wow this is unbelievable. :please: Prayers for the family.
Great map !.....looking towards the top left of this image I see a tiered patch of planting. So it looks like the road into the water is on a downward angle. The entrance to the water looks like it is a road thats going straight " down the hill"......just enters the water.......yikes!!

Hi Really! The news reporter said that was a boat ramp. But I agree with you, from that map, it appears to be almost an extension of the road. So I'm wondering if these people didn't see or realize it was a boat ramp, and just kept right on driving straight into the lake by accident. I think that's feasible if they weren't that familiar with the roads and the boat ramp being there. Also, back then, maybe the signage and lighting were not good.:seeya:
I've told this story on other threads, but it seems like I need to tell it here.

My cousin Lenny was driving home late at night from an insurance conference. He got off the interstate to get gasoline, and got turned around coming out of the station trying to get back to the interstate. Drove down what he thought was a two-lane country road. It was a boat ramp. The ONLY reason he is not a missing person today is that a woman was letting her dogs out and heard the splash of the car hitting the water. His vehicle traveled many yards out into the water before it sank, drowning him.

My daughter's FIL fished in the St. Joseph River every Thursday for decades. About ten years ago, they pulled a car from the river just a few feet from his launch spot. It contained the body of a long-missing woman. It had been in the water for over ten years.

YES- we need the services of America's fishermen to examine all of the little lakes and ponds of this country for missing persons in their vehicles. I would wager a large portion of the 'missing and the car is missing too' cases have a watery solution!
Should be able to find out It's one thing for a group to go missing but a whole new thing when they are missing with a vehicle .Track the vehicle and you'll likely find out who the missing are..
That boat ramp needs to be redesigned before anyone else loses their life!
But Jimmy was only 16 and this was a really new vehicle for him to be driving. A little inexperience. And also I know my son liked to show off his "fast" driving skills to his friends. This may have all been an accident. Sad, but maybe just an accident.
I love watching y'all sleuth.. Awesome job.. Following this thread closely..
A little speculation here...

I don't think seat belts were worn as regularly as they are today.

Did cars have power windows? I don't think so. I am speculating they were unconscious when they went into water or they would have rolled the windows down and escaped.

Maybe some alcohol was involved? Drunk driving awareness was not like it is today.

Some teenagers out drinking in the woods. One has a new car to show off. Some excessive speed and misdirection causes him to drive off a boat ramp or into the water.

Just thinking "out loud" here.
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