Fox News now directing it's readers to Websleuths!

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Dec 5, 2007
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I saw this link on the crime page!

The link is on this page, can anyone copy the picture with the magnifying glass?

For the crime junkie in everyone, a source for news on missing person cases, infamous trials and unsolved mysteries.
This is so cool you guys. It's all of you, doing so great posting.

I had no idea Fox was going to do this.

Must have been a wonderful member that somehow got Fox to do this.

Thank you FOX NEWS. We love you.

Websleuths... We sleuth, you decide.

:woohoo: Way to go Websleuths! :woohoo:

On an aside note:
Tricia, It really is a great community to be associated with--you and your super moderators have done an awesome job creating and nurturing it! You should be proud! :clap:
Websleuths... We sleuth, you decide.


HAHAHAHAHA. I love it.

I wish I knew who the great person was who got us on Fox. I would love to thank her/him and send this person a T-Shirt.

Yes, I said T-Shirts. They are coming any day now.
:woohoo: Way to go Websleuths! :woohoo:

On an aside note:
Tricia, It really is a great community to be associated with--you and your super moderators have done an awesome job creating and nurturing it! You should be proud! :clap:

Thank you so much but remember, and I will say this with my last breath, the thing that makes WS so wonderful is the posters. Without you we would be sitting here...staring at the screen...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

I hope we can handle the added traffic! :eek:
You bring up a great point, DK. While it is a great Online is going to be difficult to get on here with additional traffic.

ETA: OK I was very frustrated when I wrote that. Sorry.

Congrats, T! It is great to arrive on Fox website! Awesome!
I'm waaay more than excited about this. It could add more problems, but I consider it a blessing-anything to get the word out about sooo many cases that are not getting media coverage.
Me too! I too really like your 'slogan' Shadowangel.


Yeah, I'm full of it today :) My "second in command" and I were discussing how thankless the things we do for our employees are sometimes...I told him all you're doing sometimes when ya bend over backward for people is giving them the chance to kick ya in the head and the a$$ at the same time.

Anyhoo, I want this place so big that LE comes to US for help.
Yeah, I'm full of it today :) My "second in command" and I were discussing how thankless the things we do for our employees are sometimes...I told him all you're doing sometimes when ya bend over backward for people is giving them the chance to kick ya in the head and the a$$ at the same time.

Anyhoo, I want this place so big that LE comes to US for help.

You must have been on a roll. Nice when they just come to you like that...and I agree on employers... I agree with hoping LE comes to US.... though, we really may need to upgrade the server again. (I'm anticipating that already).:)
That is soooo cool! This really is an impressive group of people.
To get such a high profile nod from a news agency: WOW! Congrats Tricia!
Tricia, You and the moderators work so hard ( Hi Christine) so that we can post freely without the harassment of trolls attacking our posts. Many other sites do not have such great moderators. We the members are encouraged to post and we feel appreciated by you and the mods and that is so important. Thank you moderators for the great job you all do, you are much appreciated, more than you know.
The boost from FOX was great...............

This will help with postive ADVERTISER............

I love the new SLOGAN......................

Thank you all and I am so glad to be apart of this community.
This is amazing. So many missing/ abused/ ones with no voice will have more of one now due to all of you!

I hope more cases get the coverage and world news they need to get solved.


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