France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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Haters are so smart they can't even keep track of who they're hating:

Kitchener Ram Dham Hindu temple windows smashed by vandals

Investigators say someone heaved five stones through the two window panes at about 11:15 p.m. on Sunday night.

The temple's spiritual leader, Swami Chaitanya Jyoti, says she was attending a vigil at Kitchener City Hall, paying tribute to the 129 people killed in the Paris attacks, when the vandals struck.
Blue---it is that simple. We are supposed to invite them here, we pay the transportation, food, shelter, stipends, language classes, medical attention. We are a very kind, humane country.

What worries me is that I have a sinking feeling that naïveté, ideologies, and blanket kindness will put us in harm's way. It's a huge risk.

So yeah, we don't have to offer the "invite". Nope.

I think naïveté plays a bigger role in what they can and will do to us, believing we're safe here if we don't allow refugees in. No, the terrorists will find a way. But IMO while people greatly overestimate the threat of terrorism they at the same time kid themselves into thinking "If we just do this one thing we'll be safe." I don't think it's true and I don't think we can let our exaggerated fear dictate what we do and how we treat those in need.

I think naïveté plays a bigger role in what they can and will do to us, believing we're safe here if we don't allow refugees in. No, the terrorists will find a way. But IMO while people greatly overestimate the threat of terrorism they at the same time kid themselves into thinking "If we just do this one thing we'll be safe." I don't think it's true and I don't think we can let our exaggerated fear dictate what we do and how we treat those in need.


I appreciate your logic but I feel we don't have to stack the deck in the terrorists favor, right? The terrorists flock within the refugees & it's impossible to vet who is who, right?
You mean like the men who orchestrated the attacks in Paris? Weren't some of them refugees?

#Greece PublicOrderMin Toskas confirms Paris attacker w Syrian passport was registered as refugee on Leros island in Oct. /via @AntennaNews
10:41am - 14 Nov 15
hi blue and mom

my take IIRC is he did slither in with refuges, but thw passport was a fake ,thruthfully tho there is nothing we can do ---if one is not afraid of dying that pretty well wraps it up

the only real thing is intlegence, which as we have seen in the 10 days does not seem to be helpful.

I still think alll these proclaimations about how they will not change our lives, they have cost the world trillions that could have been helped in whatever (helathcare educaation etc)

the notion that they have not impacted the entire planet may work for some -- clinicaaly it is denial!!

They have changed the way we fly, bag searchs at big events, lines, .....have rocked the world- I do get not these proclaimations......
hi blue and mom

my take IIRC is he did slither in with refuges, but thw passport was a fake ,thruthfully tho there is nothing we can do ---if one is not afraid of dying that pretty well wraps it up

the only real thing is intlegence, which as we have seen in the 10 days does not seem to be helpful.

I still think alll these proclaimations about how they will not change our lives, they have cost the world trillions that could have been helped in whatever (helathcare educaation etc)

the notion that they have not impacted the entire planet may work for some -- clinicaaly it is denial!!

They have changed the way we fly, bag searchs at big events, lines, .....have rocked the world- I do get not these proclaimations......

He was a registered refugee on the Island of Leros.

For myself, it is not about money. It's not about taking my shoes off at the airport. It's not about Muslims or their culture. I could care less if they wear burqas. I love their traditions and cuisine. For me, it's about security and safety.

I was held hostage by Isis. They fear our unity more than our airstrikes

A must read.

Was fascinating but I so agree:My fear is that this reaction will make a bad situation worse.

And I think it is so hard for many to grasp that we are all doing the same thing and wondering why? All it is is words what we call war they call terror, what we call terror they call war. We dont call oursleves terrorists, they dont call themselves terrists. We are responding to their killing as they are ours. We call it collaterial damage, they point their guns at us . Death is death, so oour anser to their atrocities last Firday is to go kill more ....I dont have the answer, but I really beleive that killing their aunts uncles brothers sisters friends, is going to decrease the liklihood, of them coming again.

Its a vicsious cycle with no end in sight

One steals from another, and the answer is steal from that person , the notion of decreasing stealing with more stealing makes no sense IMO....................its just like domeestic violence ....its circularity.............
I once read something about the one would take them....they tried Jordan, they tried Lebanon, they tried they stay in Israel..

Yeah, it sure would be nice if they could be settled in another Arab country.

Actually there are Palestinians in Jordan and Lebanon. I read up on it more when I came across this WP article (worth the read on the individual refugees) on the current refugees.

Story about a Syrian refugee in Lebanon

A brother-in-law had found a day-labor job at a car dealership owned by a wealthy Palestinian man who had himself lived as a refugee. The Palestinian man told them about the vacant lot he owned.

He backed the old fish trailer onto the lot, and he gave the family a small Ford van so they could get around. He asked for no money in return.

“He’s been a refugee himself, so he knows what it is like,” Habib says.

Palestinian refugee camps:

Syria has 13 refugee camps and 499,189 registered refugees.
There are 12 refugee camps in Lebanon and 448,599 registered refugees.
There are 10 refugee camps in Jordan and 2,034,641 registered refugees.

The 44-page report, “Not Welcome: Jordan’s Treatment of Palestinians Escaping Syria,” is based on interviews with more than 30 people affected by the non-admission policy. Human Rights Watch also documented Jordan’s withdrawal of Jordanian citizenship from some Palestinians who had lived in Syria for many years and who have been detained or deported to Syria without identity documents. Jordan’s uncompromising treatment of Palestinians fleeing Syria contrasts with its treatment of Syrian nationals, at least 607,000 of whom have been accepted into the country since the beginning of the Syrian conflict. Before the March 2011 uprising began, Syria was home to at least 520,000 Palestinian refugees.
The terrorist passport may have indeed been fake, but the PERSON is the same one that crossed into Leros (where he was recorded, but hot registered), then moved on and was was registered in Serbia. He took the northern route after Hungary sealed their borders.

Part of the registration process is fingerprinting-- which, if one remembers back to late this summer's migrant crisis in Hungary, lots of "refugees" were refusing to be registered and fingerprinted (because they wanted to go to a wealthier european country, and didn't want to register in Hungary.) I heard or read that the palm and finger prints from the terrorist's registration match the ones on the corpse of the terrorist. I will see if I can find a link to support that.

The PERSON, whatever his name really is, posed as a "refugee"-- there is no doubt of that.

I also saw a news clip earlier that a Syrian passport is ridiculously easy to get, and costs about 700 euros. It may have been his real name, or it may have been a fake passport-- it doesn't matter, because the fingerprints registered match the ones on the dead terrorist. We know it's the same guy.

Fingerprint records show that two of the terrorists had arrived in the EU as refugees through Greece.

A Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen had passed through the Greek island of Leros on October 3.

On October 5 they used their Syrian passports to travel to the port of Piraeus on Mainland Greece before arriving in Serbia on October 7.

The Syrian passport was registered in October in Serbia and Croatia, two of the countries on the corridor crossing the Balkans. The owner was allowed to proceed because he passed what is essentially the only test in place - he had no international arrest warrant against him.

Read more:
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No more North Americans sunning in Dubai's expensive hotels.

They refuse to help?

Cut them off, at their pocket book.

Right now.

My Opinion.

They do not want them.
The evil will always, find a black market source. Always.


Even with strict gun laws, this goes to show - where there's a will, there's a way. To bad it was only the evil doers with guns.

I was held hostage by Isis. They fear our unity more than our airstrikes

A must read.

Was fascinating but I so agree with him:My fear is that this reaction will make a bad situation worse.

And I think it is so hard for many to grasp that we are all doing the same thing and wondering why? All it is is words what we call war they call terror, what we call terror they call war. We dont call oursleves terrorists, they dont call themselves terrists.

Those 8 people fellt just as justified on Friday as the folks flying overhead pushing the "fire" botton. Dead on the sidewalk in Paris is identical to dead on a street over there from a bomb blowing up right next to them,. Its dead. Peroid.

I just saw a flash thing GOP vows to ban Syrian refuges , smething akin to that, and my first thought was didn't Hitler kind of feel the same way........................

We are responding to their killing as they are ours. We call it collaterial damage, they point their guns at us . Death is death, so our anser to their atrocities last Firday is to go kill more ....I dont have the answer, but I really do not beleive that killing their aunts uncles brothers sisters friends, is going to decrease the liklihood, of them coming again.

Its a vicsious cycle with no end in sight

One steals from another, and the answer is steal from that person , the notion of decreasing stealing with more stealing makes no sense IMO....................its just like domeestic violence ....its circularity.............

Itis almost like asking relatives of a murder victim if they want the death seneance for the murderer - and it has alway bewildered me (might be a therpist thing) there is no such thing as closure- there is moving on , but closure implies just what it sounds like - when you finish reading a book and put it on the shelf does one forget what happened while reading it? The "story"?

Will those folks who watched heard smelled what wnet on last Friiday - ever BE ABLE to forget - its an impossiblity ...the human brain has memory that is its design..........moving on yes, really no choice actually , but forgetting, for not being startled when a car backfires, for those folks, that is impossible cause our whole world for all of us is about putting pieces together to make them comprehendable

Pavlov actually-- we hear a backfire, we hear a backfire, they hear a backfire , it triggers connections. That is what PTSD is all about , past assoications and events . Veternss cognitivily "know" that a huge car wreck is , in reality , not a bomb. But we are animals , and we do get conditioned - (hand on hot stove once usually does the trick)

Will any of them ever be able to go to a concert again, sure , but everytime they set foot in an envornment that recalls Friday - they will, inevitablely have an emtionial response to that set of stimuli, its ingrained, we need "patterns" to understand anything.

Hunger - food satiates - assocation. its a cognitive entity IMO

Oh, what I was , at the beginining (this rambly little head of mine) saying (!) I have never grasping the survivors of violent crime saying that it helps to know who did it. The person whom I loved is dead - gone. How can knowing if it was Jim or Bob ever change the reality- my loved one is gone-- does that make sense?
Hollande vows to destroy Islamic State

Friday's 'acts of war... were decided and planned in Syria, prepared and organised in Belgium (and) perpetrated on our soil with French complicity,' Hollande told an extraordinary meeting of both houses of parliament in Versailles.

'The need to destroy Daesh (IS) ... concerns the entire international community,' he told lawmakers, who burst into an emotional rendition of the Marseillaise after his speech.

Hollande said the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle would be deployed to the eastern Mediterranean to 'triple our capacity to take action' against IS in Syria.

'We will continue the strikes in the weeks to come ... There will be no respite and no truce,' he said.
Hollande vows to destroy Islamic State

Friday's 'acts of war... were decided and planned in Syria, prepared and organised in Belgium (and) perpetrated on our soil with French complicity,' Hollande told an extraordinary meeting of both houses of parliament in Versailles.

'The need to destroy Daesh (IS) ... concerns the entire international community,' he told lawmakers, who burst into an emotional rendition of the Marseillaise after his speech.

Hollande said the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle would be deployed to the eastern Mediterranean to 'triple our capacity to take action' against IS in Syria.

'We will continue the strikes in the weeks to come ... There will be no respite and no truce,' he said.
hopefully in a bit over a year from now the US will join him in his effort. if there's still a france or eu then
So far this year how many times have they attacked?

In June was the attack at the resort in Tunisia.
Last week was Lebanon.
Before that was the Russian jet.
The train attack in France was also this year as well as the attack in Paris at the publisher.

These terrorists have ramped up their attacks recently. They are getting bolder and are increasing the casualty numbers in their attacks.
Oh, what I was , at the beginining (this rambly little head of mine) saying (!) I have never grasping the survivors of violent crime saying that it helps to know who did it. The person whom I loved is dead - gone. How can knowing if it was Jim or Bob ever change the reality- my loved one is gone-- does that make sense?


It makes some sense to me, because when a loved one dies in a war we never ask "Who did it?" We just accept it was someone on the enemy's side. It doesn't matter what the person's name was and we'll never get anything that feels like justice, but we have to go on.

And I think it is so hard for many to grasp that we are all doing the same thing and wondering why? All it is is words what we call war they call terror, what we call terror they call war. We dont call oursleves terrorists

Well said.
Explained: How long it takes Syrian refugees to enter U.S.

While it is true that the majority of refugees seen in news reports making the dangerous journey to enter Europe by boat are male, they are not representative of the population that would be applying to enter the U.S. According to the United Nations, the majority of the total registered Syrian refugee population is either female or under 18.

An Amnesty International specialist told Politifact that women and children at risk, torture victims, and people with serious medical conditions are the top priorities for consideration by the refugee screening process. Politifact ruled that Trump's claim that the refugees are "mostly male" is false.
So far this year how many times have they attacked?

In June was the attack at the resort in Tunisia.
Last week was Lebanon.
Before that was the Russian jet.
The train attack in France was also this year as well as the attack in Paris at the publisher.

These terrorists have ramped up their attacks recently. They are getting bolder and are increasing the casualty numbers in their attacks.

It may be my stupidy, but when it started it to me is like why france? We (US) are killing more of them than France. I just cant fathum that is not here more, is becasue "our" security --- our TSA is a joke .

103 victims ided

Posted link on Metro jet they TSA just failed 67 yes 67 out of 70 tests (basically all kinds of stuff got thro easily)
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