France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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I hear you Trident.I was a liberal and now a conservative and changing from democrat to republican.When your young you think you know everything then you grow up and see reality.

I agree. I voted for Reagan in the first election in which I was eligible to vote.

I just voted the way my parents voted and was too uninformed to think for myself.

Then I went to college, got a job, got married, started a family and paid attention, forming my own opinions.

Now, I am a proud Liberal. :)
Even though I don't like to admit it, I can somewhat understand what makes these young people tick and do the things they do. Many of their countries have been destablized, bombed, or invaded by the west. What hope do these young people have with their countries in utter chaos, many of their homes gone, land taken, families killed? It seems to me they have lost everything that had any meaning to them - compliments of the usual suspects.

I'm in no way excusing these people, but I wonder what young persons in other parts of the world would do if the ground had been snatched out from under them.

No, I have not turned into a bleeding heart, but my brain still works and allows me to see the other side of the coin.


This is always the way cults increase their numbers. They reach out to the oppressed, disenfranchised, unloved or under appreciated.

And no, it does not mean those who succumb to rhetoric and, let's face it; brainwashing, are not culpable. It just means that is a fairly predictable formula for how hate groups, cults and pseudo-idealogical groups go about recruiting.

They offer a twisted version of acceptance and in return, ask for some pretty obscene proof of loyalty.
"Kill other people for our cause"
"Kill yourself for our cause"
"Give all your worldly possessions for our cause"

Anyhoo, yep. I totally agree..
Funny after my last post I thought I am thinking everyone knows the movie Airplane

well fasten your seat belts this is the sch-- running CNN


running CNN

From the report:
Pew noted that while the number of Syrians fleeing was lower than the impression given by the media coverage, many from other countries are claiming to be Syrian because people from that nation appear to be on the fast-track for asylum.

More than half the asylum seekers, in fact, are from just five countries: Syria, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Albania and Iraq. Most (72 percent) are male, and more than half (54 percent) are ages 18 to 34; men in that age bracket account for fully 43 percent of asylum applicants," said Pew.


Everyone can know this, but many are still in denial.
I agree. I voted for Reagan in the first election in which I was eligible to vote.

I just voted the way my parents voted and was too uninformed to think for myself.

Then I went to college, got a job, got married, started a family and paid attention, forming my own opinions.

Now, I am a proud Liberal. :) experience is totally the opposite!

"U.S. nervously watches Canada’s massive refugee plan
Fear of the Canadian border as a gateway for terror — a recurring theme in U.S. politics since the attacks of 9/11 — appears to be stirring anew as the sheer heft of the Canadian plan takes shape"

Ha ha Canada, is that what you call generous? 25.000 immigrants?
Holland expects to 'welcome' 50.000 to 60.000 immigrants in 2015.
Now do the math and think again :p
<BBM for Focus>

JMO, but I feel that the syringes and intubation material found inside the hotel apartment prior to Friday's attack were not used to make explosives. Imo, they were used by the terrorists to inject meth or other drugs by the terrorists, giving them the courage to carry out their inhuman brazen acts, as did the Kamikaze suicide pilots during WW11..

Methamphetamine went into wide use during World War II, when both sides used it to keep troops awake. High doses were given to Japanese Kamikaze pilots before their suicide missions.

Totally agree. From the Kurdish army it is said that the young 'boys' 13 14 15 years old. Are given a huge hit of cocaine or heroin. To enable them to 'focus' on their suicide mission as Allah has promised them paradise for Martyrdom. ..... talk about depraved minded. So is common knowledge that even tho IS hate us 'kuffar' (non believers) that Anything to do with the Western way of life will lead to severe punishment. Yet they're coked up most of the time....
They've manipulated humanity. Shown a disregard for everyone. Old, young, men, or women. Starting around Gaza war with Israel. Libya uprising. N the turmoil in Syria.. used those events. To PUSH themselves thru to Europe. .. and you wondered why when it was said they are 'refugees' but most were young men. Dressed in the latest nike's n clothes. With smartphones in hand.... call that a refugee? As soon as THAT was posted over MSM we should of shut the borders down.... now we have #Paris and many #rip &#128544;
I agree. I voted for Reagan in the first election in which I was eligible to vote.

I just voted the way my parents voted and was too uninformed to think for myself.

Then I went to college, got a job, got married, started a family and paid attention, forming my own opinions.

Now, I am a proud Liberal. :)

Our stories are identical, except my vote for Reagan was a rebellious one. I was in the military, uninformed and voted for who my parents didn't vote for.
funny when Iread your post , my thought was , we all "beleive" they care about being alive or dead

if they are wearing dynamite where most of us put a belt they could care less funny and horrifically sad

and that fact is hard for most to grasp,

the whole game changes if your wearing bombs on your stomach!!

I see your point and agree that they don't care if the die. They do care if they fulfill their mission and would not want to be stopped before they could do the most harm. Look at how the handled the concert in Paris. They threatened to kill hostages if the police didn't leave. They were just wanting more time to kill more people.
Funny after my last post I thought I am thinking everyone knows the movie Airplane

well fasten your seat belts this is the sch-- running CNN


running CNN

But does he speak jive?
:seeya: New thread coming. I'll be back in a few minutes with the link.
Funny after my last post I thought I am thinking everyone knows the movie Airplane

well fasten your seat belts this is the sch-- running CNN


running CNN

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.
I do not know you guys--- I think a lot of this is a bunch of 14 year olds getting some kicks ,,

hoefully I am correct ..............Don Lemmon last night , IMO , was a hysterical irresponsbe journatlist carring on about two diverted planes for 42 min -- dude if you do not know how many flights are diverted daily , aproducer of yours ought to find out

he was a mess and wrong in this story CDNN needws to get6 there cr#p togehter --you idiots are scaring people with wrong info

you all wanna misreport the number killed in a car crash out on I78 whatever , but right now this is fragile

be jounalists ,

the sad thing at the end of the day is CNN is run by the dide that made AIrplane the movie -- funny funny as an aviation lover I loved it , how this guy got to be the CEO of CNN ah shall end my post now

unreal ............

I agree with your sentiment, CARIIS, but I think it is more likely that the general public is jumping at the sound of their own farts. Yes, journalists should be above this, but they enjoy feeding the fears of the public.

It was the same after 9/11: every couple of hours another "attack" was imminent, or another plot uncovered, most of which were just a case of nerves, or in some cases, sickos calling in threats just to feed the hysteria.

Yes, a terrible act of terrorism was exacted on the people of Paris. But we need to be rational and not freak out over every person wearing a hijab or every time a car backfires.

And don't get me started on the people that almost drool over the possibility of being a target! In the last few days I have heard ad nauseum why Northern Lousiana is the next ISIS target because we have an AFB. I get that, but there are many AFBs in this country. And if one tries to assure folks with this logic, it is taken as an affront.

I mean, really? Why are people so eager to be the next victim? Or for there to be another attack on innocent lives? I just don't get it.

I prefer to love my family, go about my work, enjoy the gorgeous blue skies and cooler weather and laugh together over a meal.

That is not to say I am ignorant of the possibilities. But I refuse to jump at my own shadow, overreact to every unvetted "news" alert, or treat with suspicion people who may look different from me.

What happened in Paris is horrific enough without excitedly hoping for it to happen again somewhere else, and yes, IMO, some people actually do that. It is like they are disappointed when the "alerts" prove to be just another episode of hysteria.

This is MY OPINION. To which I am entitled.
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