GUILTY France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, including Bataclan concert hall, 13 Nov 2015 *arrest* #4

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bbm, On that note I do wonder about the Muslim countries and why they are not opening their arms to the refugee crisis. jmo idk

what'd the point be in that? (from their perspective)
I hope nobody minds if I tell a story.I had not been able to eat since arriving and when my appetite came back I looked forward to a dinner at a fondue rest. that is a favorite.The owner has always been very good to us.The establishment is family owned and I had my husbands birthday celebration there a few months ago.I knew they are middle eastern but not sure if practicing muslim,never came up in conversation.My husband and I discussed if we felt comfortable going and the food is well worth it.After I ran into him in the street,he asked about ordering my special cheese and I felt at ease.It is a popular place and after we stayed late with some Belgian friends,Belgians do not eat fast dinner is usually 3 hours.The place was empty except us and the owners friends and family arrived for closing.We are 2 doors from police station and blue lights started blaring out front of windows and we all jumped for a moment.I asked if we were keeping him and he was very cordial in us staying for coffee.Only when we left did I notice the others seemed uneasy and an older man sitting by the door with arms folded watching us.I felt a bit nervous then but realized they must feel apprehensive on how they are perceived.It was a strange feeling when we all were relaxed having good time then all of the sudden remember the situation of the world.

jUst a side note.I can never eat at The melting pot ever again.
It was a strange feeling when we all were relaxed having good time then all of the sudden remember the situation of the world.

jUst a side note.I can never eat at The melting pot ever again.


Hi Cuffem, you did the right thing.
You all went to the place, had a good time and chatted with the owner. No doubt there is sometihing like before Paris and after Paris but don't let that affect all that is good.

The Guardian

It is impossible to corroborate all of Maysa’s account of her journey into radicalism but social workers who know her well have confirmed many elements while experts say her story is “depressingly familiar”.

The first approach came through social media.

Maysa had initially adopted the jilbab to “hide some weight I’d put on”, she says. But when she posted a selfie wearing her new clothes on social media, she was contacted by another woman also in her late teens. They chatted about her “new look” and agreed to go shopping together. Maysa was introduced to a group of young women from a similar background to her own. All except one, a convert, were of immigrant origin and lived in Brussels’s poorer, though far from desperate, neighbourhoods.
Maysa saw her new friend, and the group, increasingly often. They met in cheap burger bars in the centre of Brussels, or cafes, but never at anyone’s home, or mosque, or religious centre.

First the conversation was about Islam, and the failures of many so-called Muslims. Then about politics, and the worldwide persecution of Muslims. Then finally about Isis, and life in the new “caliphate”, and how good life was there.


“They told me how there was no crime and no discrimination in the Islamic State. They spoke about relations between men and women, and said that I would find a good husband, even if I would be one of several of his wives. They spoke about fighting the unbelievers and the heretics, but never mentioned any violence or executions or anything like that,” Maysa says.

Within weeks, her new friends provided Maysa with a cheap mobile phone with a pre-paid sim card and told her to keep it secret. It was on this phone that she was contacted, usually by text message, and told where and when the next meeting of the group would take place.
“I now see I knew nothing about them, really. Just their first names. But I didn’t question it,” Maysa says.


Within weeks of meeting her new friends, Maysa’s schooling was suffering. Within months, she was in trouble for absenteeism. She added gloves and a full face veil to her long gown.

Johan Leman, an anthropologist and veteran anti-racism activist who also works in Molenbeek, says recruiters often tell teenagers their parents do not know “true Islam”. “They give a typical adolescent process [of rebellion] an Islamic dimension,” Leman says.

(...) is typical of the current wave of extremist recruits, experts say. “It is outside politics or religion. It is about certain individuals who come together for the thrill of being part of something bigger. It is a youth subculture ... and peer groups play a big role,” says Professor Rik Coolsaet, a Brussels-based expert on Islamist militancy.


In the end, Maysa stayed at home instead of leaving to join ISIS. It does not become clear how that breaking point happened, just as the beginning raises some eyebrows. Wearing a full jilbab to hide some weight? Whatever is wrong with Spanx??!


Picture: Maysa, radicalized
This is very bad,they could be planning something.How is this allowed?

The union says that the man suspected of the Jewish Museum shooting Mehdi Nemmouche and Mohammed A, the man that drove Salah Abdeslam back from Paris after the terror attacks on 13 November, are able to interact with each other.


Both men are currently detained in the high security wing, a wing that is described as the most secure in the country.



Kalashnikov ammunition and Islamic State propaganda videos were seized in raids following the closure of a mosque in the Paris suburbs, French authorities said Sunday

The prayer hall in Lagny-sur-Marne, around 30 kilometres (18 miles) east of the capital, was shut down last Wednesday following a large-scale police operation.

Associated with the traditionalist Salafist branch of Islam, it is the third mosque in France to be closed after the coordinated jihadist attacks on Paris on November 13.


A total of 22 travel bans and nine house arrests for "radicalised individuals" have been issued as a result of the operation.

Police also found recordings of religious chants "glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra", the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

The recordings were found among a wealth of teaching material for youngsters in an undeclared madrassa, or religious school.


"It is clear that the control of common external borders should be rapidly reinforced," said interior ministers Bernard Cazeneuve and Thomas de Maiziere in the letter, dated December 3, calling for a "substantial reinforcement" of the EU's Frontex border agency.

The ministers said Frontex should be able to call on "rapid intervention forces" in emergencies, and have access to EU security databases.


Only in name Frontex is the protector of the outside borders of the EU. In practice, they are actively collaborating with human traffickers and helping them to make millions ~ to finance the Islamic State.


Kalashnikov ammunition and Islamic State propaganda videos were seized in raids following the closure of a mosque in the Paris suburbs, French authorities said Sunday

The prayer hall in Lagny-sur-Marne, around 30 kilometres (18 miles) east of the capital, was shut down last Wednesday following a large-scale police operation.

Associated with the traditionalist Salafist branch of Islam, it is the third mosque in France to be closed after the coordinated jihadist attacks on Paris on November 13.


A total of 22 travel bans and nine house arrests for "radicalised individuals" have been issued as a result of the operation.

Police also found recordings of religious chants "glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra", the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

The recordings were found among a wealth of teaching material for youngsters in an undeclared madrassa, or religious school.

This should be posted on the San Bernedino thread for those who think terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

"An Air France flight bound for Paris was diverted to Montreal last night after an anonymous threat was received, airport officials confirmed.

Flight 083 from San Francisco made an unscheduled stop in Montreal just after 11:20 p.m. ET, said Francois Asselin, a spokesman for Aéroports de Montreal.

Air France confirmed around 4:45 a.m. that the threat was a false alarm.

The plane left for Paris around 6 a.m.

"We were told we had to be diverted for operational reasons by the captain," passenger Thomas Serval told CBC News. "We were anxious when we landed safely."

This should be posted on the San Bernedino thread for those who think terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Islamic state, jihadism all have to do with Islam and its scriptures. Salafism is pure Islam, according to the book, they reject all worldy states and law. If that isn't a problem for any state, I do not know what is.

When Donald Trump said something about a temporary ban until the house is in order, comments were varied ;)
I saw this interview from Chris Cuomo with Trump. Never heard of Cuomo before ... is he a better interviewer on his good days? and Trump having problems with his voice.
But that is all as may be. I have translated a lot about jihadism, islamism, salafism in relation to the attacks in France. Listening to the interview, I found myself agreeing every time with Trump. I do not know where Cuomo is getting the information that he claims to have about France. I noticed that he did not mention the raids on mosques, which were long overdue. I wonder are there many mosques raided by the police in the US? and do they find weapons?


And of course there is fear in France too. In Europe. It is one of the disgusting and absurd characteristics of our time that the only fear that seems to count would be experienced by Muslims, and the fears of the rest of us are labeled "Islamophobia".

This should be posted on the San Bernedino thread for those who think terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

I have read no posts stating that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

I have read many posts stating that terrorism is not an attribute ONLY of Islam.

I have read many thoughtful posts stating that terrorism is borne of extremism of any kind, be it religious or idealistic. And IMO, that is succinct.

Most of the terrorist attacks on American soil in the last 20+ years have been at the hands of non-Muslim Americans. Most of them white males. And yet we do not hold out as a group to be profiled white males of American citizenship.

Again, no one (that I have read) has said Muslims are incapable of terrorism. What I have read expressed here is that many extremists commit horrific crimes and not all are Muslim.

I have read no posts stating that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

I have read many posts stating that terrorism is not an attribute ONLY of Islam.

I have read many thoughtful posts stating that terrorism is borne of extremism of any kind, be it religious or idealistic. And IMO, that is succinct.

Most of the terrorist attacks on American soil in the last 20+ years have been at the hands of non-Muslim Americans. Most of them white males. And yet we do not hold out as a group to be profiled white males of American citizenship.

Again, no one (that I have read) has said Muslims are incapable of terrorism. What I have read expressed here is that many extremists commit horrific crimes and not all are Muslim.


I see the thread on SB has been closed again... thing is, it's an Evotive subject.
You're not going to completely get away from the Religion aspect. Becuz ISIS are fighting in the name of Religion.
But there has to be a way to stop these 'groomers' that worm their ways into a 'normal' seeming young adult. To the point that they will commit such heinous crimes against another member of the human race.
It has got to be infiltrated and stopped. Or this while just keep on and on and on.
I really do pray. That all Imams who renounce ISIS. Stand together. And make that point against ISIS. Stating that it is a false prophecy. And that the ways and teachings of ISIS are Blasphemous.
Or failing that. Get some Special Ops to go in undercover. Get in deep to the ISIS regime become indoctrinated if you will by one of these Radical Clerics. To get right to the core of how they work.
Then start to unravel their piffle. And turn the process against them.
There should be no hate directed to Muslims. They aren't responsible for a group of low life barbaric animals. But ISIS MUST be stopped..
Old news, but a new picture and just LOOK AT THIS PUPPY.

Russia gives France puppy to replace killed police dog in Paris attacks


On Monday, Russia’s Interior Ministry gave the German shepherd puppy named Dobrynya after a Russian fairy-tale knight to French Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert.

Why is Russia being nice all of a sudden. They are now working with countries that they always stood up against.
Even when we all told them to stop the movement on Crimea.

Now after a Russian plane goes down. We supposedly are all united to help Russias friend Assad.

Was this Russias plan all along. Idk.

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