GUILTY France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, including Bataclan concert hall, 13 Nov 2015 *arrest* #4

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DNA Solves
I think if we all knew how many are doing this stuff we would be amazed. I learned in KAL 007- ya all know what we all are doing?

We are trying to light up each others radar systems, and check response times!

Fly the friendly skies................

Kal was an amazing story just breathtaking....

I remeber that night

Some doctor is on SKy talking about needing to know the Geneva Convention still applies. I thought that died when Cheney authorized waterboarding ...

O/T guys out side of USA do you have the same thing as Black Friday? It is like this at every retailer across America.It is repulsive,..............take a look! It goes on for about 6 hours -till like 5 in the morning T-Giving night They bring tents like two days ahead Never particpated thank you..

Black Friday's $59 Billion

D I S G U S T I N G --I could get it if it was about food! They will start shortly...................

Yes, I remember KAL007 and I'm still not at ease with the 'downing' of MH170 and the 'missing' MH17; particularly the latter *adjusts tinfoil hat*

We don't have 'Black Friday' but I suspect it isn't far away. We have a couple of 24 hour trading days but nothing like the mad rush for 'consumables' before Christmas. Our sales start on Boxing Day. People camp out waiting for the doors to open, then push and bump into each other, and run and scream, to get what they want. Yes, repulsive, and I've never felt the need to join in either.
I know Cracked isn't exactly MSM but this was an interesting read.

7 Things I Learned Reading Every Issue Of ISIS's Magazine

It includes What Scares Isis, They Are Unbelievably Media-savvy, Violent Reprisals Are Exactly What They Want, and this, from We Don't Really Understand How ISIS Sees The World:

Some nsfw language.

Thanks blue, very informative.

Also from the article:

'Military Factory, Weapons of ISIS/ISIL (Daesh)'


Hundreds of refugees from Morocco, Algeria and Pakistan stormed the fence between Greece and Macedonia on Thursday.
They removed part of the barbed wire to continue their journey to northern Europe. They are part of a group of some 1,500 migrants stranded in Idomeni. Only people who are fleeing conflict in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq are allowed to cross over to Macedonia. Some demonstrators threw stones at police, while others fell to their knees and shouted: "We want to go to Germany." A few refugees WHO managed to reach Macedonia were quickly detained by police. 30 to 40 meters of the gate is now partly broken. Police is guarding that stretch with extra forces.


Refugees from Morocco, Algeria and Pakistan ???? Seems like everybody is a refugee nowadays, especially young men. Thank you, Angela Merkel. You invited the entire world to come over and they heard you.
Shoot us or help us'

Their lips are sewn shut.....


Globally, as humans, how did we get here?


This is so inane. If all folks < (just heard someone on CNN saying we need to have a procedure) did some fact checking we have an elaborate system in place, up and running.

And with the exception of Mexico, (by that I mean they are no systems there - think drugs gangs) hisotically the majority of immigrants, screened, are hard workers, take and do jobs, most of the rest will not or will not do with any dedication .

Classifing a religon as "danerous" is no different the racisim IMO. Fear, is what politicians thrive on. That in and of itself is an issue.

The interment of Japanese proved, historically shameful and rightly so.

They are spending $5 billion in 2016 election, they are concerned about giving someone some peanut butter and water.........

Thos verified should be allowed in. The real mess as far as Mexico goes, is no deportation, get arrested go home. Not a speeding ticket !!

And the capital wants to do this:

Africans are responsible for 3.5 times as much crime as Japanese natives.[SUP][10]
[/SUP]escendants of non-Western immigrants had a crime rate 2.6 times greater than those of Danish

Too many statistics for me

The point is all races nationalities and religions have good and bad.

If we went to a KKK meeting I am sure we will hear that Africian AMericans are all evil, which we all know is simply not the case.

If we look at all the LE videos , of white cops doing bad things.....................................whould we conclude that white LE staff are evil?

There is not one Iota of difference between this and Hitler or slavery, IMO
Use the systems in place - this veiwpoint is acting like the terrorists went though some system and still go in.

If we are gonna do it that way- why are we tolerating TSA 95% failure rate - one wants more security address that ....

Bad terrorist attack and the world thinks all thiese starving people fleeing a horrible place , are the same as people playing around with handlaunchers and p[roducing hate videos .

There is no corrleation whatsoever.Some of the terrist players went through know screening.

I will repost the system from Washington Post - assumming no copyright its a public system.

Registration with the United Nations.

Interview with the United Nations.

Refugee status granted by the United Nations.

Referral for resettlement in the United States.

The United Nations decides if the person fits the definition of a refugee and whether to refer the person to a country for resettlement. Only the most vulnerable are referred, accounting for fewer than 1 percent of refugees worldwide. Some people spend years waiting in refugee camps.
Interview with State Department contractors.

First background check.

Higher-level background check for some.

Another background check.

The refugee&#8217;s name is run through law enforcement and intelligence databases for terrorist or criminal history. Some go through a higher-level clearance before they can continue. A third background check was introduced in 2008 for Iraqis but has since been expanded to all refugees ages 14 to 65.
First fingerprint screening; photo taken.

Second fingerprint screening.

Third fingerprint screening.

The refugee&#8217;s fingerprints are screened against F.B.I. and Homeland Security databases, which contain watch list information and past immigration encounters, including if the refugee previously applied for a visa at a United States embassy. Fingerprints are also checked against those collected by the Defense Department during operations in Iraq.
Case reviewed at United States immigration headquarters.

Some cases referred for additional review.

Syrian applicants must undergo these two additional steps. Each is reviewed by a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services refugee specialist. Cases with &#8220;national security indicators&#8221; are given to the Homeland Security Department&#8217;s fraud detection unit.
Extensive, in-person interview with Homeland Security officer.

Most of the interviews with Syrians have been done in Jordan and Turkey.
Homeland Security approval is required.

If the House bill becomes law, the director of the F.B.I., the Homeland Security secretary and the director of national intelligence would be required to confirm that the applicant poses no threat.
Screening for contagious diseases.

Cultural orientation class.

Matched with an American resettlement agency.

Multi-agency security check before leaving for the United States.

Because of the long amount of time between the initial screening and departure, officials conduct a final check before the refugee leaves for the United States.
Final security check at an American airport.

The terrorts did none of this.

Signifgant difference , no?

We've just had our 'national security threat level' upgraded to 'probable' from 'high'; whatever that means. I'll have to look it up.

I have noticed uniformed police in their twos and threes, being more 'visible' than I'm used to; particularly in our major indoor shopping complexes.

I totally agree that bombs have never made friends:


Spelling/typing threat level : One, or Blue, or Low - ran thro spell-check

Problem solved! Cheap, faster than doing a strip show at the airport! Worldwide folks seem to be willing to be inconvenienced "for safety". Poof planes, trains, borders buses, ships. in one data base globally - fingerprints that's it!

Humm Jahrd Frious Fgsgou Gerfis I see that the fingers attached to your body indicate that you were Fksok Hfsdfji Herlj last time you were here-- , pls step out of the line.

Done!! Forge whatever you want. Anyone trying to travel with their fingertips chopped off are banned!

It would take time for the fingerprint data base.

In the USA we can find any car with a simple search of VIN number. The notion that we cant do that with travelers is questionable.

It also stretches simple logic - this "no credible threat" nonsense. Well, no one had any "credible" intel about one of the biggest, organized terrorist attacks since 9-11 a couple of weeks ago.

In addition , as time goes by the world is seeing more and more people involved in executing Paris - if there was no credible evidence in Paris, with a complicated deal - an individual that wants to walk around with bomb on his/ her stomach- the notion that we are going to be able to intervene is ......

We have been , in our terror alerts, green, orange blue sky-blue pink- meant nothing. Dogs all over airports don't smell terrorists - so the correlation there. as far as keeping us "safe" from terrorists-frankly, makes no sense!

A bunch of LE strolling about with huge guns will do nothing as far as suicide bombers - totally useless - can anyone anticipate, even tho they have a big gun from 80 feet away, at gate 4B, that someone is going to engage in an activity, in what is in reality, turning on a light-bulb.

It is the same as a speed trap , does it stop all speeders?

As Mali clearly indicates, that, internationally , there are huge holes as far as screening an airports goes.

So I don't get how all these folks who are preaching no "credible" threats, should mean anything meaningful. Be "vigilant" , can you imagine being vigilant with someone about to flip on the lamp?

Its political silliness. Am I saying don't travel - nah... I am saying drive to the airport, with the same awareness, you have that your automobile might be dangerous.

We don't expect "officials" to calm us down when opening our car doors have been killing homosapians for decades. This notion to proclaim that there are no dangers out there is an impossibility. Seat belts have helped, but telling drivers that a seat belt ( identical to "credible threat) translates to you will not be killed in a car is well, ludicrous.

Isis has been issuing videos for ages, a more relevant focus on this would be what % of IS video resulted in anything "occurring" --its BS. All those videos are the same as McDonald's claiming "we will love it".

"See something say something"is a nice catch phrase. How on earth -with airports slammed -are any of us going to determine if a bag is unaccompanied ? In an airport?

Now, I suppose, if one wanted to miss their flight and stare at the bag, for an hour, to see if it is non attached to a human - that would be vigilant, The reality of someone so stressed out being in airports these days, anyone is going to be staring at suitcases, missing their flight , they think might be abandoned, is pretty slim.

"See something say something" is just as silly at a huge parade. Who is going to be dealing with all the work getting there, looking around the floor while the parade is going by in front of them.. If I said to someone , wanna go to the parade and look at sidewalks around us for a couple of hours - pretty sure the answer will be, I will pass!

I would say if someone walked into a doctors office with a couple of suitcases the catch phrase might be meaningful!

If we look at the 16 year old who turned aviation upside down last week - if someone lit a firework at a parade, the amount of injuries from the resulting stampede? Both lone actors.

As far as "we wont let them intimate or impact our lives" a complete utilization of denial. 9-11 changed the entire aviation industry worldwide, we still have a nation with a "closed" sign on it. Tusinia closed its borders with Liberia yesterday. No impact!

We wont let them impact our lives. We are spending billions increasing bombing. We will not let them impact our lives - we are getting bigger deficits-that hugely impacts the world.

"We have increased the number of TSA in airports". It is the biggest travel day of the year. Having "more" ,fatigued, TSA employees on guard really does not mean a whole lot, nor is there any corrleation as it relates to increased staff related to security. Those staffing considerations were planned before the 13th. Releavance your honor!

Thanksgiving is , for those who already have issues with the West , is probably the holiday that makes them most nauseated - glutton, food , water, drink, while they are living in third world settings.

IMO, if we look around the world in last week (a lot of them don't get coverage in big countries - there certainly has been an lot of activity. Suicide bombers have come to big countries.

In sum, the reality is IMO , a greater chance of a terrorist attack in the worlds current state of being.............

Shoot us or help us'

Their lips are sewn shut.....


Globally, as humans, how did we get here?



I have had it with pictures like these. They are only used by various organizations to manipulate the public opinion. Oh aren't we bad that people need to sew their lips together? FYI these men are standing in a country that is SAFE, all they want is to manipulate their way into Germany where they have NO rifght to stay according to the rule of law.

Fortunately, fewer and fewer are buying into pictures like these. Some journalists have even begun to apologize, and admit that the prefer to take pictures of children even if the group consists mainly of young men. Same happened at the time with the trains: a mother with a young child would be pushed in front of the cameras, once the pictures were taken, the men would push the mother away and head for the train. We are indebted to citizen-journalists from Hungary who filmed the entire operation and not only what the media wanted us to see.

My personal faith in humanity hit an all time low when someone from UNHR started pushing pictures of drowned children on Twitter. He got into a frenzy, writing why aren't ppl reacting??!! and pushing more and more pictures of drowned children. Then I realised he was no better than any human trafficker, only he exploits an entire continent too. Because in the backfground of all these pictures was the safe coast of Turkey for all to see, but stopping ppl from getting on these boats was not on his agenda, only drowned and drowning children. And mothers with crying babies. But not the army of young, fit, single men.
Shoot us or help us'

Their lips are sewn shut.....


Globally, as humans, how did we get here?

Hmmm...maybe just putting them on a plane back to Iran would be easiest?

Iran isn't a war zone, the country is not ruled by lunatics. Everyone that lives in Iran understands the laws and it isn't that hard to follow them (or at least appear to follow them in public).

So what in the heck did these guys do? If they fled Iran because they were going to be hanged then did they break out of prison??? Surely if Iran was going to hang them they would have been LOCKED UP.
How stupid of these grown men to sew their lips together!
Just who did that hurt more? Where did they just happen to find a needle and what ever it is holding them closed?
Now who will it hurt more when infection sets in?
Hungry strick really? If no one is offering these poor grown men food they can't go on a hunger strick. IMO it's BS
Hmmm...maybe just putting them on a plane back to Iran would be easiest?

Iran isn't a war zone, the country is not ruled by lunatics. Everyone that lives in Iran understands the laws and it isn't that hard to follow them (or at least appear to follow them in public).

So what in the heck did these guys do? If they fled Iran because they were going to be hanged then did they break out of prison??? Surely if Iran was going to hang them they would have been LOCKED UP.

In this picture is it cold or not?
One guy has on like three layers of clothing and one not even a shirt.
I agree send them back to face what ever they did.
We've just had our 'national security threat level' upgraded to 'probable' from 'high'; whatever that means. I'll have to look it up.

I have noticed uniformed police in their twos and threes, being more 'visible' than I'm used to; particularly in our major indoor shopping complexes.

I totally agree that bombs have never made friends:

View attachment 84936

It hasn't been upgraded. It's changed from a 4 tier to 5 tier system. 'Probable' is level 3, with 'expected' and 'certain' after that.
I agree send them back to face what ever they did.

I can't find a source that knows exactly why they claim to be in fear for their life but based on photos it appears they are politically active Kurds pushing for succession. Photos of them shirtless show Kurdistan tattoos:

Iran isn't trying to wipe out their Kurdish population (which makes up 10% of their total population) but they will execute political dissidents involved in illegal activity, such as the assassination of politicians.

If they want a separate Kurdish country why in the heck aren't they going to Iraq's Kurdish region to live in a Kurdish controlled area? They could have lived peacefully in Iran but they chose not too, and now it is going to be Germany or Sweden's problem?

ISIS militants ARE posing as refugees to plot attacks in Europe warns German official

As the number of refugees entering Germany this year reached 950,000 police chief Hans-Georg Maasen said some men arriving as refugees have fought with ISIS and are planning a &#8220;combat mission&#8221; once they land in Europe.

Authorities are aware of 7,900 Islamic radicals in Germany advocating violence and attempting to recruit refugees, according to Mr Maasen.

He said his office receive one or two &#8220;fairly concrete tips" a week of planned terrorist activity, calling ISIS extremists &#8220;combat-hardened professionals&#8221; who are more dangerous than those from al-Qaida.

ISIS vows to carry out terror attacks in dozens of countries


Earlier this week, the radical group claimed responsibility for killing 12 Tunisian security troops in a suicide attack.

The countries which received threats from ISIS along with Mexico are: Australia, Bahrain, Albania, Denmark, Belgium, China, Croatia, Austria, Egypt, Czech Republic, Greece, Canada, Estonia, France, Finland, Iraq, Jordan, Germany, Ireland, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Lebanon, Kosovo, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Iran, Italy, Japan, Qatar, Luxembourg, Sweden, Russia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Taiwan, U.S., U.K. United Arab Emirates, Spain, Turkey, Oman, Ukraine, Tunisia, Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, Portugal, Morocco, Moldova, and Malta.

ISIS vows to carry out terror attacks in dozens of countries


Earlier this week, the radical group claimed responsibility for killing 12 Tunisian security troops in a suicide attack.

The countries which received threats from ISIS along with Mexico are: Australia, Bahrain, Albania, Denmark, Belgium, China, Croatia, Austria, Egypt, Czech Republic, Greece, Canada, Estonia, France, Finland, Iraq, Jordan, Germany, Ireland, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Lebanon, Kosovo, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Iran, Italy, Japan, Qatar, Luxembourg, Sweden, Russia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Taiwan, U.S., U.K. United Arab Emirates, Spain, Turkey, Oman, Ukraine, Tunisia, Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, Portugal, Morocco, Moldova, and Malta.

Ambitious! huh!
n a way I think it makes their threats less likely

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