GUILTY France - Fiona Chafoulais, 5, Clermont-Ferrand, 12 May 2013 *Arrest*

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I wonder if Fiona's mother has not disclosed the location because she truthfully doesn't remember. I remember reading somewhere that her version of the events was that her boyfriend had killed Fiona while Cécile was drunk after a party. If she was drunk or on drugs or if she was emotionally disturbed, maybe she does not remember, especially if she was driven out to some woods by her boyfriend, not everyone would be able to remember a random spot in the woods at night for example.

If she remembers then I wonder if she's still protecting him and especially if there's more to hide that could come to light if her body was found, like prolonged abuse.

I think by this point it would probably be easier to make the boyfriend talk.

I hope one of them ends up talking so Fiona's body can be found.

This is a very sad story. May she rest in peace. No little girl deserves this kind of treatment.

Thank-you for the link ann11 -
I really feel sorry for these poor children :(
They are now being shoved from pillar to post -

and is this correct.. She also alerted authorities Perpignan after discovering a hematoma to ear Eva.
Did something happen to Eva while in the care of her Grandparents?
I apologize if it is the translation from French to English - the article in which it was quoted maybe refering to the incident which was mentioned sometime back when the custody for the children was being sorted out after Malouf and Cecile were arrested.

The article (in the original) says:

Éva et son petit frère avaient été confiés après le placement en garde à vue du couple à la mère de Cécile Bourgeon. Elle avait d’ailleurs alerté les autorités de Perpignan après avoir découvert un hématome vers l’oreille d’Éva.
So it was Cécile's mother who alerted the authorities about finding a bruise. I have only skimmed the article but it says custody of the children was not awarded to Fiona's father or their paternal grandparents so I assume the bruise was found after Eva had seen him. I don't know if he caused the bruise and I don't think the article explicitly says that but that seems to be implication although it's possible there were other reasons why the court didn't grant him custody.

She doesn't seem to have been named yet. I wonder if the missing pages for the imaginery child are still around though?

Sadly, it does seem as though the woman may have been 'inspired' by the all the attention little Fiona's case generated. It really leaves me shaking my head....all those resources wasted, and with poor little Fiona still needing to be found....

Snipped by me. [modsnip].

I don't think this woman did it out of cruelty, I think she may be mentally ill and may have been delusional or trying to get attention. It's sad but I hope she is getting the help she needs if I'm correct. I also don't believe that she took resources away from Fiona, if Fiona is dead and her mother will not disclose the location there's only so much that can be done... I'm more concerned that such a stunt could have taken away help that could have been needed around town if another child went missing or for other emergencies.


I'm so mad ! I've been watching lots of ID shows ( as always) and I was thinking specifically about little Fiona and how different this all would be if they had the death penalty in France. I don't wan to start a debate on the DP at all, but it's a very useful tool in cases where they know someone has died but the perp will not tell where the body is. They arrest these people and remove the death penalty as punishment in exchange for telling the location of their victims and it seems to work almost every time ! At this point, there is nothing to compel FI's ****** mother from telling her location. It's apparent that guilt or remorse or compassion will not do it. :( I do hold out a tiny sliver of realization that her mom may not KNOW the exact location and that the bf did the majority of the burial/disposal and/or that both were in a drug stupor and don't recall, but that's a tiny sliver.

Sleep with the angels little Fi.

I doubt that the death penalty would change anything about this. [modsnip]
Where are you little one?
I pray mom or bf grows a conscious and discloses or with the warm weather that someone
camping, fishing, wandering around finds something.
Hold on little angel. They are coming for you .
I wonder if those monsters didn't bury her at all but dropped her into the hollowed out crotch of a tree???

A couple of years ago there was a case in the mid-west where a creep hoisted up and dropped his murder victimS (2 adults, 1 child, 1 dog) into such a tree. Bodies finally recovered when murderer struck a deal of, IIRC, life w/o parole which avoided the death penalty, and then murderer led LE to the tree. Horrifying case. JMO
I wonder if those monsters didn't bury her at all but dropped her into the hollowed out crotch of a tree???

A couple of years ago there was a case in the mid-west where a creep hoisted up and dropped his murder victimS (2 adults, 1 child, 1 dog) into such a tree. Bodies finally recovered when murderer struck a deal of, IIRC, life w/o parole which avoided the death penalty, and then murderer led LE to the tree. Horrifying case. JMO

Oh my... that's utterly terrible!
But I think you might be right - I think something like that may have happened as well.

I wonder if Cecile and Berkane's lawyers are telling them not to say anything...
is there a law against Lawyers for that.

Poor little Fi is out there alone still waiting to be found - its so sad.

More on the search for Fiona,
It appears that the police only became suspicious of Cecile and he partner when she relocated to Perpingnan.

Thankyou again for the link Anne11 -

At the link - Long article - There is a detailed timeline and location maps.
- Berkane being driven by Police in convoy along the road in search of the location of where he put Fiona -

14 h 50: The lawyer Berkane Makhlouf, Mohamed Khanifar, answered our questions. According to him, "There was a real participation" of his client. "He was focused but every time he was faced with an impossibility for things beyond his memory. Two or three times he asked us to stop the van, particularly in the area of Randanne". At this point, the indicted said: "It is possible [ that the body is there, ndr ] should ask Cecilia ". He especially seemed to hesitate in locating a place near a terminal (see-below).

Fiona's little sister, who has been in foster care in Perpignan for all this time, is going to be moved back to Clermont Ferrand to be near ( but not live with, yet) her father.

The article says Nicholas has been travelling hundreds of miles to see her, every three days out of ten (as per the visiting arrangements) without fail, and this will help make it easier for him to visit his daughter.

There doesn't appear to be any news at all about any further searches for Fiona. I believe the trial of Cecile and Berkhane MAY take place before 'the end of the year' but I wouldn't count on that, myself.....

Googly translated article at the link.
That's great news for sister and dad ! I so hope she didn't witness anything traumatizing :(
There are laws here that divorced or sperated fathers must see their children every other weekend and at least half of the school holidays so I was wondering why the bio dad did not notie the bruises. I cannot make my mind up on the bi dad one artice indicated he got Cecile into hard drugs and another article says the relationship ended because of Cecile's drug habit (but why would you leave a heroin addict in charge of 2 young kids)
There are laws here that divorced or sperated fathers must see their children every other weekend and at least half of the school holidays so I was wondering why the bio dad did not notie the bruises. I cannot make my mind up on the bi dad one artice indicated he got Cecile into hard drugs and another article says the relationship ended because of Cecile's drug habit (but why would you leave a heroin addict in charge of 2 young kids)

Nicolas said that immediately Cecile began living with Berkane, problems started with custodial arrangements - everything depended on the mood of Berkane.

He was not able to see Fiona, and actually broke his leg after an altercation with Berkane, while trying to see the children.

I cannot ignore though, that Nicolas was not give custody even after Cecile was jailed. And media has stated he also had drug issues. I don't know if he still has them - but he looked very, very thin and gaunt in all the media photos of him.
I think it is so sad for Fiona's little sister Eva.
The trauma will carry over and on for a long time, if not the rest of her life.
It sounds as if she had a very rough time when she lived with Cecile and Berkane.
and now is being shuffled from home to home - and now she is back being looked after by Social Services, with visits from her dad.

I hope that she gets to settle down very soon. A loving home - safety and comfort - school and friends.
I wish this for her very much.

I cant see any more regarding the searches for Little Fi.
I hope they are still happening.

Find Fiona !

Absolutely SCHMAE!!

I had really hoped that there may have been some leads - that someone saw something in the forest - or saw the car at some stage.
I hope they wouldn't be frightened to come forward - even now after such a long time - or about anything they saw.

I also hope the searches are still happening.
I wonder if the group of people who were looking for Fiona on weekends are still doing that.
My hats off to them if they are.
Keeping the Faith.
I believe that one day she will be found . I hope it is in the not too distant future.
I found this article,,1825764.php
apparently Cecile was charged with hiding a body and not helping a person in danger with a maximum sentence of 5 years, but with the information given by her boyfriend she is now also to be charged with aggravated manslaughter.
Eva has been placed with a foster family in Clermont-Ferrand to be closer to her biological father
I found this article,,1825764.php
apparently Cecile was charged with hiding a body and not helping a person in danger with a maximum sentence of 5 years, but with the information given by her boyfriend she is now also to be charged with aggravated manslaughter.
Eva has been placed with a foster family in Clermont-Ferrand to be closer to her biological father

Well if they are charged with her death , either way, then why not disclose her location ? Perhaps after trial, if they are found guilty. Could they truly have been so racked on dope they do not remember?
Poor little FI !
Well if they are charged with her death , either way, then why not disclose her location ? Perhaps after trial, if they are found guilty. Could they truly have been so racked on dope they do not remember?
Poor little FI !

Yeah, I'm thinking the sentence was very light - even after upgrading it to manslaughter .
I'd like to know how many other such cases there are where 2 people cant remember where they have dumped their precious children :mad:
It wasn't years after they were caught - it was weeks...
I wonder if they dumped Little Fi at night - and that's why they cant remember where they put her. I'm sure they made out that they dumped her little body during the day hours.
It just seems extraordinary that between both of them they have no idea.
How out of it were they? They were driving on the roads with another child in the car!
Oh Please!!! :facepalm:

Fiona Case: Lawyers Cecile Bud asking for his release
Published on July 28, 2014 .
*=my edit
Lawyers for the mother of Fiona, Cecile Bud, requested his (*her) release to help them remember the place where the girl disappeared in May 2013 in Clermont-Ferrand, was buried a-been learned Monday from one of them.

"This release could allow him (*her) to enjoy a more serene setting to remember where the child's body was buried," said AFP-Jean Gilles Portejoie, confirming a report in regional daily La Montagne.
Currently incarcerated in the prison of Lyon-Corbas Cecile Bud "doing everything to remember the place where she buried Fiona . She's obsessed with it, with the idea to give a decent burial to his daughter, "said the lawyer Clermont.

If it was released, the mother of Fiona would live with his mother in the Pyrenees-Orientales, he also specified.


Im thinking 'Life in Prison' would give Cecile a better memory than living on the Coast of France with her mother :mad:

I wish the translator would have been able to fill me in on the comments on the bottom of the page - even for my non-French speaking eyes, they don't look too happy either.
WTF ! A serene setting will help her REMEMBER? If they grant this, then France's prosecutors are FOOLS !
She's obsessed with it? Have they tried hypnosis? Why do I feel she'll toil away all the rest of her days' on a mountaintop trying her hardest to remember where little Fi is ?
This is not a joke , is it?
Is this a conditional release ? Only long enough to provide info? This is confusing me.

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