GUILTY France - Fiona Chafoulais, 5, Clermont-Ferrand, 12 May 2013 *Arrest*

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Since this afternoon Cecile is accused of the same crime as her boyfriend and if found guilty could be looking at 30 years in prison.
She still can't remember where Fiona is buried.

Thankyou for the link to the article marynice!

A translation extract from the article...
Fiona injured a week before his death

It would seem that little Fiona had a hematoma at the head a week before her disappearance. According to statements of Cécile Bourgeon to the Prosecutor, during the week between 7 and may 12, date of the disappearance of Fiona, the girl had a hematoma on the left temple "upon the Tuesday", and she was released Wednesday afternoon with a bandage over the head "to hide" this blue.

On Friday, "Fiona was not okay" and that day, "the hematoma was descended on the eye". The girl was "in poor health" at the time of his disappearance.

According to counsel, the couple is to be able to tell what happened.

It could be that in the next few days, the Prosecutor proceede

Im not sure what it is about this case, but I still think there is something seriously wrong with their story about burying Little Fiona and the way that she died.
I agree with you zwiebel about the 'chances of finding a shovel' story they told. :facepalm:
I don't think they (C & B) want Fiona found at all - and I think if authorities find Fiona (if she is in one place) it will be worst than any story we have heard from Cecile and Boyfriend.

Where are you little one?
I'm hoping they will find you.
And Justice will be served.
Ugh, that sickens me ! SICKENS ME ! She may have died of swelling in the brain for up to 7 days ? Is that correct? Or is it more like the week before she was reported missing, she might have been killed and buried, then the mom waits another week to say she's missing after concocting her really believable story about the park ? Hematoma descended to the eye :( ........ WHY ? Burn in hell , mom and your boyfriend. I don't care which of you did it. Scummy messes! That you were gifted with not one but THREE babies and you look at them as a soda can you can throw out when you're done with is just pissing me all the way off ! You deserve no mercy, no comfort, no sleep and no quiet the rest of your lives.

I'm sorry little Fi :( I'm sorry they didn't love you . We love you baby girl. We love you without ever meeting you :)
Nothing seems more frustrating than having your 2 POI's in jail and they're talking and you know what's happened and yet no one seems to know where they left our baby girl. You've already talked and confessed, so what is the harm now in helping her be recovered and laid to rest. Makes me think AFTER telling what happened, they realized without a body they still might not get life in prison or changed their mind. I thought they would put the 2 together in a room and see what they had to say.
Come home Fiona !
There is a Facebook Page to support the Fiona's biological father.
It is here:

Support for Nicolas Chafoulais father Fiona - Facebook Page

:facepalm: and it seems that Berkane Makhlouf has been swinging a few punches while in prison. Article tells the story ...
Berkane Makhlouf, father-small Fiona indicted for "manslaughter" assaulted two prison officers Moulins at the food distribution Saturday night, learned MYT1News a union source. The two guards were hospitalized and Berkane Maklhouf transferred disciplinary area.

.. and apparently he doesn't like the way he is being treated in detention...

He would be wise to get used to it - he's going to be there for a long time.


Wow they were hospitalized and are grown men. That shows how strong his swings are :( .......... strong enough to hospitalize a grown man who is used to prisoner's strength, then imagine how a fragile little baby would crumble if he punched her.
Wow they were hospitalized and are grown men. That shows how strong his swings are :( .......... strong enough to hospitalize a grown man who is used to prisoner's strength, then imagine how a fragile little baby would crumble if he punched her.

yes - its scary isn't it SCHMAE.

I wonder how the Police investigation is coming along.

Little Fi, where are you sweetheart?
Even the most violent men seem to be able to control their tempers once in prison. I'm sure it's self preservation, but they can do it. Berkane seeming to be unable to even do that, makes my heart bleed for little Fiona. What that little girl must have gone through, and the fear she must have suffered, knowing there was no-one to help her.

Berkane is obviously not finding prison life easy. The only reason I can think of that he is not trying to lessen his jail term a little by being fully co-operative, is a really bad one. I just fear that the whole truth about what happened to little Fiona is even worse than the 'truth' we already have. I want her to be found, but I'm dreading it, frankly. I don't want to hear what she went through.

The infuriating thing is, after this long I doubt there will be any evidence of everything she went through, unless her bones were broken. I don't think a coroner could detect sexual abuse, skin injuries or even internal bleeding/injuries at this stage. The accused pair are not bright enough to know that though, imo, and are making things worse for themselves unnecessarily.

I am relieved Cecile is facing some hard jail time now. She'll be panicking like crazy now, I should think.

This case is really hard. Just dreadful. I haven't even posted lately because I was so disillusioned when I thought Cecile was likely to just walk away free from what had happened, maybe back to those other little ones. If Cecile's Mom knows or suspects anything, she really must speak out. Fiona has been failed by everyone - whatever amends can be made now, must be.
I hope Berkane is put into isolation in prison, and watched carefully. It sounds as though he could be in danger among other inmates with that temper, and if anything happens to him, Fiona might never be brought home. :(

ETA: And he's given Cecile a perfect opportunity to blame her actions on his violence and intimidation, by attacking those guards. Watch her attorney make the most of it.....
yes it sounds like berkhane will be the one blamed for fionas death and cecile the helpless victim.....
VIDEO. The grandmother of Fiona on her daughter: "I've never seen violent with her children"
Her daughter, she has seen change. Especially in his behavior. For the first time on television, the mother of Cecilia Bud agreed to testify, covered face. TF1, it depicts the young woman including 25 years as a fragile being, under the total control of his companion Berkhane Makhlouf.
Even the most violent men seem to be able to control their tempers once in prison. I'm sure it's self preservation, but they can do it. Berkane seeming to be unable to even do that, makes my heart bleed for little Fiona. What that little girl must have gone through, and the fear she must have suffered, knowing there was no-one to help her.

Berkane is obviously not finding prison life easy. The only reason I can think of that he is not trying to lessen his jail term a little by being fully co-operative, is a really bad one. I just fear that the whole truth about what happened to little Fiona is even worse than the 'truth' we already have. I want her to be found, but I'm dreading it, frankly. I don't want to hear what she went through.

The infuriating thing is, after this long I doubt there will be any evidence of everything she went through, unless her bones were broken. I don't think a coroner could detect sexual abuse, skin injuries or even internal bleeding/injuries at this stage. The accused pair are not bright enough to know that though, imo, and are making things worse for themselves unnecessarily.

I am relieved Cecile is facing some hard jail time now. She'll be panicking like crazy now, I should think.

This case is really hard. Just dreadful. I haven't even posted lately because I was so disillusioned when I thought Cecile was likely to just walk away free from what had happened, maybe back to those other little ones. If Cecile's Mom knows or suspects anything, she really must speak out. Fiona has been failed by everyone - whatever amends can be made now, must be.

I was thinking he knows he's not getting out any time soon , because he's guilty and he knows they know , so why bother playing nice and misbehaving. Perhaps he's even trying to act out so much as to ' suicide by cop ' ? Get into such a huge scuffle, guards are forced to kill him to subdue him? Just thinking out loud. But , like you , his little tantrum has given me a cold chill.

Our poor baby girl :(
A little summary of what the man accused in Fiona's death has been doing in prison;

The prison officers' union says they had been warning about the prisoner's 'difficult and unstable behavior' for days, but he was still being provided with double rations of food which he had been throwing out of the window. For ten days. This 'favoritism' had caused problems with other prisoners, and officers say they haven't been told he has any condition that justifies special treatment.

Saturday, when a guard opened Berkane's door to give him his dinner, Berkane immediately punched him in the face. A second guard jumped in to help, and was also punched. They managed to get the door closed though, and wait for reinforcements.

One guard had his eyebrow cut open, the other had a wound to his forehead.

I was going to say that if he hadn't eaten for ten days he must be in a dangerous physical condition, but that hardly gels with the fighting. He's getting nourishment from somewhere, I guess. I wonder if he is trying to make people believe he has a psychiatric disorder and so isn't responsible for his own actions. Maybe unfit to stand trial?

Poor Fiona. She didn't stand a chance.
Oh, and he's in isolation on the disciplinary wing now. Bet that's pleasant.
:tantrum: Withdrawal, anyone? :tantrum:

A 'Bing' translated extract of a news article on Berkane...
Article is here: (in French) - Le -
Bing Translator Click Here

Berkane Mada: portrait of a "scum"
The - published 2013-09-27 12:51 - amended 2013-10-01 22:53

Suspected of having dealt the mortal blow on Fiona, the man of Algerian origin jealous, dealer and drug addict, was nicknamed "trash to drugs".

Thin, to the limit of the thinness. The face carved in the sickle and look dark. And at the outset, Berkane Maklouf, 31 years old, does not inspire sympathy. From his first contact with journalists in the aftermath of the disappearance of Fiona, man had set the stage of a beautiful staging, on bottom of exasperation, aggressive and threatening. "But let us rebuild us! Let us give us Plumb, he implored, tears in the eyes. We also, we want to find our little girl, it is not known where she is. You believe what?" Now, we know the answer.

Shortly before, this Clermontois of adoption happened Nevers a few years ago, well-known addict of the police for acts of violence and drug use, had settled with Cécile Bourgeon, Clermont-Ferrand, near the Montjuzet Park, which is now the sordid scene of their mythomania. At the simple mention of his name, the neighborhood look up to heaven. Few speak, still traumatized by the grisly outcome of the disappearance of Fiona.

Another article with footage....
Auvegne -

The Union recalls that it has already, on several occasions, alerted on the behaviour of the inmate. "This is an individual who, since his incarceration, shows a behavior very hostile, very vindictive..." He claims many things, tobacco daily, it requires to be in a court and not in another at the time of the promenade...He threw his meal by the window from 10 days ".
Reached by phone, Sunday morning, counsel for Berkane Makhlouf maintains its line of defense: the conditions of detention of his client. It intends to request the transfer of the accused to another detention centre.

Another article here about Berkane's behaviour in prison. Guard's version - he's aggressive, abusive, violent and that's despite getting special treatment.!VLLduJFX16SWI/

Berkane's lawyer's version - his client has been treated badly for no reason, insulted, put under psychological pressure, and abused by those watching him, and he has been trying to sound the alarm about his client's degraded health, and wants him moved. Berkane is on a heroin substitution program.

The lawyer's version of why Berkane is aggressive/unhealthy is undermined, in my opinion, by the photo accompanying the article. It shows Berkane in a hoodie being aggressive with journalists while he was free, and also looking far from healthy. Prison guards weren't responsible for that tirade. Maybe it's just in his nature?

I can't help feeling Berkane's spent his whole life blaming other people for his own angry behaviour, and it was just poor little Fiona's terrible luck to be dragged close enough to him to bear the brunt of that blame. I hope the anger and violence he's shown towards trained professionals can be used in the trial, as character evidence.
Another article here about Berkane's behaviour in prison. Guard's version - he's aggressive, abusive, violent and that's despite getting special treatment.!VLLduJFX16SWI/

Berkane's lawyer's version - his client has been treated badly for no reason, insulted, put under psychological pressure, and abused by those watching him, and he has been trying to sound the alarm about his client's degraded health, and wants him moved. Berkane is on a heroin substitution program.

The lawyer's version of why Berkane is aggressive/unhealthy is undermined, in my opinion, by the photo accompanying the article. It shows Berkane in a hoodie being aggressive with journalists while he was free, and also looking far from healthy. Prison guards weren't responsible for that tirade. Maybe it's just in his nature?

I can't help feeling Berkane's spent his whole life blaming other people for his own angry behaviour, and it was just poor little Fiona's terrible luck to be dragged close enough to him to bear the brunt of that blame. I hope the anger and violence he's shown towards trained professionals can be used in the trial, as character evidence.

Right, They are kind enough to give him heroin substition , methadone? And yet he complains. My understanding when someone is coming down off of heroin, they are the opposite of aggressive and are so under the weather and sedentary and sickly,t hey could not muster the strength to beat up 2 guards. So which is it ?
I've asked my french friend to translate that video Zwie! The man speaking I believe is the prosecutor or police chief. Will be interesting to see what he says . Today might bear some fruit, eh ?

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