France France- Lina, 15, missing between her hamlet of Champenay and the train station of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche, in the Bas-Rhin region, 23 September 2023

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Google translation
May 21, 2024

A new twist. On May 20, Michel Mary, a former journalist from Nouveau Détective , revealed a crucial piece of information on the Touche pas à mon poste stage . In March of this year, gendarmes had discovered "ammunition in the La Plaine forest", the same forest through which Lina had walked. It was also in this area that her mobile phone had stopped transmitting.

"Investigators are interested in this ammunition. It is possible that it belongs to hunters, but it is also possible that there is a connection to the case," explained Michel Mary. The find is considered a potential "breakthrough" because it could provide DNA traces or fingerprints that are crucial to the investigation.
Google translation
May 21, 2024

A new twist. On May 20, Michel Mary, a former journalist from Nouveau Détective , revealed a crucial piece of information on the Touche pas à mon poste stage . In March of this year, gendarmes had discovered "ammunition in the La Plaine forest", the same forest through which Lina had walked. It was also in this area that her mobile phone had stopped transmitting.

"Investigators are interested in this ammunition. It is possible that it belongs to hunters, but it is also possible that there is a connection to the case," explained Michel Mary. The find is considered a potential "breakthrough" because it could provide DNA traces or fingerprints that are crucial to the investigation.
Well, imo it's more probable those ammunitions belong to hunters
Also I need to say that if it was firstly revealed on the Touche pas à mon poste stage, it's better to take it with a grain of salt... Until further confirmation at least..
La piste d’un salarié disparu au moment de la disparition de Lina explorée

The police officers responsible for investigating the case of the disappearance in Bas-Rhin of the 15-year-old girl are checking a lead launched by the testimony of a business manager in Julien Courbet's show on M6.


As the newspaper Le Parisien notes, the teenager's mother, Fanny Groll, was present Tuesday evening on the set of Julien Courbet's show, on M6, Call for witnesses. A program which was followed by 1.6 million viewers and during which three cases were discussed, including Lina's disappearance.


The show's switchboard received several hundred calls. But one in particular caught the attention of investigators. At the very end of the show, a “witness”, a business manager based in the Bruche valley where Lina lived, indicated on the telephone that one of his employees had disappeared at the same time as Lina. The business manager explained that his employee, who had held a permanent contract for twelve years, had not returned overnight.

A disturbing detail, especially since the employee lived not far from Lina and her mother's home, about ten kilometers away. Still according to our colleagues, the disappearance of the employee had been reported in October, but no connection with Lina's case had been made.
I just found a recent summary of events re Lina's disappearance in English, which may be helpful as a recap. It's an AI-scraped accumulation of facts from other media, but no less useful for that. She also has a wikipedia page.

Missing French teen Lina - her mother troubled by her reputation that she's only now discovering

Disparition de Lina — Wikipédia

I also found some of her facebook accounts. They don't reveal much but I think it can sometimes help flesh out an impression of a missing person to see different photos for instance.

Log into Facebook

I looked for an insta account but instead came across this story (in French, sorry) which is about a fake insta account set up maliciously in her name around the time she disappeared, claiming to be her and that she had run away voluntarily, and generally trying to derail the investigation, which is weird, to put it mildly.

It seems like this young woman attracted more than her fair share of malicious unwanted attention. I find it hard to believe all the various crimes against her are unrelated. Sorry to say I also think it seems unlikely she'll be found alive. It's just my opinion, but I think this has foul play written all over it.


ETA links
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Well, imo it's more probable those ammunitions belong to hunters
Also I need to say that if it was firstly revealed on the Touche pas à mon poste stage, it's better to take it with a grain of salt... Until further confirmation at least..
Even if it's most likely ammunition left by hunters, there is always the possibility of a hunting related accidental shooting. If it was illegal hunting, well, that could explain getting rid of a body.
Lina : disparition et soupçons de réseau clandestin de prostitution


"Lina's relatives are convinced that she was forced into a vehicle and point to the harassment suffered by the teenager as a possible reason for her disappearance.

A tragic event marked Lina's life: she was allegedly the victim of rape by two individuals. Following this, a series of threatening messages invaded her daily life, particularly on social networks, fueling fear and anxiety in the young girl. Furthermore, the theft of two of her motorcycles in the only a few months led her relatives to believe that someone was personally angry with her.

Lina's distraught mother spoke on a television show about the possibility that the rape, the theft of the motorcycles and her daughter's disappearance were interconnected. This hypothesis is reinforced by the statements of a journalist and an honorary magistrate suggesting that Lina could have been drawn into a prostitution network, a phenomenon unfortunately on the rise, often initiated via social networks. However, this avenue, although taken seriously, is not the only one considered and the authorities call for caution before drawing hasty conclusions.

The increase in worrying disappearances of young girls raises many questions and calls for increased vigilance regarding the use of social networks. Lina's case is still under investigation and investigators are continuing their efforts to unravel this complex case and find the young teenager."
Disparition de Lina : cette liste de noms que les enquêteurs sont en train d'établir, selon la police scientifique

Investigators are drawing up a list of people present in the area at the time of the incident

Information revealed by a scientific police spokesperson for the independent union of agents of the Ministry of the Interior (SNIPAT), Sébastien Aguilar, and who reveals that the police began an in-depth analysis of the telephony on the day of the disappearance of the young teenager: "It's something very complex, much more than we let on and therefore it takes time" he specifies. This analysis will above all make it possible to identify the people who were in the area where Lina disappeared at the time of the incident between 11:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

The former head of the Montpellier SRPJ criminal brigade, Félix Allary, then affirmed in Le Figaro that these analyzes were possible thanks to “requisitions from operators”. The goal is to obtain a list of names in order to cross-reference those already known to the police.
"Disparition de Lina : le profil génétique de la jeune fille retrouvé dans une voiture"

Disappearance of Lina: the genetic profile of the young girl found in a car
Lina, aged 15, disappeared on Saturday 23 September 2023 along the D350 road in Bas-Rhin. A ‘major breakthrough’ was announced in the investigation on Friday 26 July.

This is a ‘major breakthrough in the investigation, which should make it possible to locate Lina’, announced Yolande Renzi, the Strasbourg public prosecutor, in a press release published on Friday 26 July. ‘Following lengthy and meticulous investigations by members of the national gendarmerie [...], the investigators‘ attention was drawn to a previously unmentioned vehicle’.

‘Analysis of the geolocation of this stolen vehicle has revealed that it was located not far from where young Lina disappeared last September. Analysis of the samples taken from this vehicle has now revealed Lina's genetic profile’, explains the press release, which states that investigations are continuing. [...]
"Disparition de Lina : le profil génétique de la jeune fille retrouvé dans une voiture"

Disappearance of Lina: the genetic profile of the young girl found in a car
Lina, aged 15, disappeared on Saturday 23 September 2023 along the D350 road in Bas-Rhin. A ‘major breakthrough’ was announced in the investigation on Friday 26 July.

This is a ‘major breakthrough in the investigation, which should make it possible to locate Lina’, announced Yolande Renzi, the Strasbourg public prosecutor, in a press release published on Friday 26 July. ‘Following lengthy and meticulous investigations by members of the national gendarmerie [...], the investigators‘ attention was drawn to a previously unmentioned vehicle’.

‘Analysis of the geolocation of this stolen vehicle has revealed that it was located not far from where young Lina disappeared last September. Analysis of the samples taken from this vehicle has now revealed Lina's genetic profile’, explains the press release, which states that investigations are continuing. [...]
There doesn't seem to be any info out there about who was driving this vehicle at that time, I mean, did Lina knew them or were they complete strangers ? Also how did LE locate the vehicle ?
Hope some more will be realeased in the next days/weeks cause it seems like a very promising lead!!
A little more context about where LE found the car :

"The car in which the DNA of Lina, a 15-year-old teenager who disappeared in September 2023 in Alsace, was found in the south of France, a source close to the case told AFP on Saturday July 27, confirming information from "Le Parisien".

There were no arrests or police custody, according to this source.


This vehicle was sought by investigators who had established that it was not far from where Lina disappeared last September. The car was sent to the National Gendarmerie Criminal Research Institute (IRCGN) where it was established that Lina was inside."

From : Disparition de Lina : l’ADN de l’adolescente détecté dans une voiture volée retrouvée dans le Sud
The potential suspect commited suicide.
They’re now digging in search for evidence.

“The investigation into French teenager Lina (15), who disappeared ten months ago, has been reopened. This was reported by various French media. A few days ago, DNA traces of the missing girl were found in the car of her suspected kidnapper, who is said to have committed suicide after his car was confiscated. Excavations have also been started to find the body of the teenage girl.”

Mogelijke doorbraak in het onderzoek naar de vermiste Franse tiener Lina (15): “Vermoedelijke ontvoerder pleegde zelfmoord”
"A source close to the investigation indicated on Tuesday, July 30, that the owner committed suicide when his vehicle was seized by the police. This man in his twenties – a "local th ug" according to Le Parisien – had in fact been suspected for a long time. The suspect allegedly kidnapped Lina, whom he did not know, when he came across her on his way to the station. He then allegedly murdered her in circumstances that remain unclear for the moment. The Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) prosecutor's office will make a statement this evening."

Disparition de Lina : suicide du principal suspect, de nouvelles fouilles… ce que l’on sait sur les dernières avancées de l’enquête
"According to a source close to the case, a suspect was identified several weeks ago. The man was 43 years old and hanged himself on July 10 in Besançon (Doubs), franceinfo learned on Tuesday July 30 from a source close to the case.

The forty-year-old was to be tried on July 22 for violent thefts committed in August 2023. Previously inserted, according to a source close to the case, the man found himself involved in acts of delinquency. He also spent time in a psychiatric hospital. This suspect, identified several weeks ago, committed suicide after his car was seized by investigators who were to analyze it."

from :
I also happened to find an article giving the name of the suspect but Idk if it's ok to share it here ?

It's on "L'est républicain" website btw
The police have only given his first name and the initial of the surname, it's mentioned in several of the French newspapers, Samuel G.
The police have only given his first name and the initial of the surname, it's mentioned in several of the French newspapers, Samuel G.
Yes but I was still wondering if it was against the rules of ws or not
But I guess you replied to my question lol
I also happened to find an article giving the name of the suspect but Idk if it's ok to share it here ?

It's on "L'est républicain" website btw
Exclusif. Disparition de Lina : sur les traces de Samuel G., principal suspect retrouvé pendu à Besançon
According to this article, on August 25 (less than a month before Lina disappeared) Samuel G. assaulted and robbed an elderly female pedestrian, and on the same day then held up a supermarket cashier with a knife, both in the city of Besançon.
Disparition de Lina : le principal suspect aurait tenté d'enlever une autre femme le mois dernier

The man who is now believed to be the main suspect in the Lina case lived in Besançon, where he killed himself in early July. Neighbours revealed that nine months after Lina's disappearance, he attempted to hold a woman hostage in his home.

The man, discreet, hardly spoke with his neighbors. "I saw him from time to time, coming in, going out, he was on his bike". But a few weeks before, he had already disturbed the peace of this neighborhood: "it was in June", "the police came to get him" reports his neighbor.

"He had kidnapped a lady!", the retiree still can't believe it. "She had been kidnapped upstairs for four, five days, and she managed to escape and ask for help from a craftsman who was working downstairs". Placed in police custody, he had returned to his home two days later.

According to our information, the investigation was however closed without further action. The material evidence was apparently too few.
Searches resumed in the Vosges mountains on Thursday to locate Lina (15), who disappeared in September 2023. New information sheds more light on the profile of prime suspect Samuel G., who committed suicide three weeks ago. He was thus prosecuted for two brutal thefts in Besançon and had confided to a psychiatrist that he was "freaking out".

On 25 August 2023, Samuel G. committed two armed thefts in Besançon. A 90-year-old woman who was attacked at the time testified to the newspaper L'Est Républicain about what had happened to her: "He dragged me along the pavement, I had bleeding knees. And then he snatched my bag". She sustained a broken arm.

On the same day, he robbed a supermarket and threatened the cashier with a knife before snatching 400 euros from the till. The man had no criminal record at the time of these acts, Besançon prosecutor Etienne Manteaux told 'AFP'.

Footage from surveillance cameras made it possible to quickly establish a link between the two thefts, but the suspect only came into the detectives' sights last month.

In June this year, the case accelerated when the 40-year-old was taken into custody as part of an investigation into unlawful deprivation of liberty. "A female drug addict filed a complaint against him for unlawful deprivation of liberty, but the investigation soon showed that her allegations — including through analysis of her phone records — were false, and this person's detention was lifted," Manteaux continued.

However, a detective recognised the man as the perpetrator of the theft captured by surveillance cameras on 25 August 2023. According to L'Est Républicain, when Samuel G. was summoned by Besançon police for the two aggravated thefts in August 2023, he had asked police crying "to come and get him". This phone call allegedly took place in June 2024, a month after he committed two other violent thefts.

Samuel G. was thus arrested again on 17 June and confessed to the thefts.

The man was placed under judicial supervision. He told a court psychiatrist that he had been freaking out since 2023, the year he stopped working. The man used a lot of cannabis, cocaine and alcohol, the expert noted.

On 10 July, Samuel G. ended his life "alone at home". The man who was divorced and had two sons reportedly left several goodbye letters, reports 'DH'. "I have lost my honour, my dignity and my humanity, I have to leave. I cannot control myself, things are moving too fast. I am suffering too much, it is better this way," were his last words.

The new searches for Lina come days after the announcement of the discovery of dna traces of the missing girl in a stolen car found in southern France. The suspected driver of that car was Samuel G.

From: Vermoedelijke ontvoerder Lina (15) belde huilend naar politie: “Kom me halen”

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