France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2

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Le grand entretien avec Alain Jakubowicz : "On ne refuse pas le dossier Nordahl Lelandais"

Nordahl Lelandais' lawyer is publishing a book, that will be released on 14 November ("Either I win or I learn" by publisher Plon), on his profession and the case that is still ongoing.

You rarely see a lawyer write a book about his or her own client in an ongoing case. Why this book, in which you write having "only blows to take"?

(Sighs...) It's totally unusual and abnormal, I know I'll be blamed for it, and I'll gladly accept it from the people who read the book. Until Nordahl Lelandais, I was a beloved and respected lawyer, most of the time on the side of the victims. But I am the same lawyer, the same man, attached to the same values and the same struggles.

But now you' re on the edge, between professional and educational secrecy?

The investigation was done by the media and in the media and I do not make any revelations. I totally endorse what I write because I think it's right. My problem was of course not to harm my client, it would have been the ultimate disgrace on the part of a lawyer, and not to give the impression of idealizing or humanizing him. It's a very complicated balance.

How do you accept such a file?

Adrenaline. That's terrible. Every lawyer's dream is to get an innocent man acquitted when everything overwhelms him. Being alone against everyone. It's not very honourable, but it's human. When I was called to take this case, I was convinced that it was the child's family who had asked me. I spent very difficult moments with my conscience, but when you are a lawyer, you don't refuse the Lelandais case.

=== Bio express ===

"It's a profession that eats you up. But it's not just a job. We live, we breathe, lawyer." At the age of 66, Alain Jakubowicz, a member of the Lyon Bar, is one of the most important French lawyers in terms of professionalism and commitment.

"The fight against racism and anti-Semitism is my life," the former president of Licra acknowledges. He is among the only ones to have participated in the three major historical trials linked to the Occupation: those of Klaus Barbie, Paul Touvier and Maurice Papon.

With an important business clientele, he also defended the victims of the Air France Rio-Paris flight, the Mont-Blanc tunnel fire, but also common rights cases and stars such as Karim Benzema.


On 4 December 2017, three months after Nordahl Lelandais' arrest, you decided to defend him publicly on BFM TV. Why?

I blame the DA, he caused me do this. This happens at the beginning of the case. So we're working on the case. When the prosecutor publicly fixes the time of Maëlys' disappearance during the evening, I have proof that this is not true. I have fifteen testimonies, and not of the buddies of my client, but of the family, who see her after that time. It's true that at Ruth Elkrieff's TV programme, I explode, I become angry: "That's enough! That's not possible!" And you know the rest.

The rest is his indictment for the death of Arthur Noyer, and the discovery of Maëlys' blood in his car?

It's an earthquake for the case, and honestly I ask myself the question: can I stay? But there is such a rush, such abuses in the violations of the secrecy of the investigation that the nature of the case changes. I am always in the defence of a man, but also in the defence of a principle and I am starting a new Way of the Cross, against the excesses of which Nordahl Lelandais becomes the symbol.

He told you he was innocent. Did he betray your trust?

I can't blame him for lying to me. In France, defendants have the right to lie, including to their lawyers. Honestly, I anticipated it. I didn't fall completely from the tree, but the fall was violent. At first, at the very beginning, with my Don Quixote side, I thought to myself that he might have hidden her and I wanted this child to be found alive, that I should contribute to it for her sake, the child's, for the family and for him, because it was in his interest, if it was him.

It was still very presumptuous....

Totally! Totally! But wait, you don't do this job if you're not presumptuous, if you don't think you can move mountains. That's what the client is always waiting for, for his lawyer to work miracles. We're like doctors, we save lives... or not. I was presumptuous, I assume, because I hate to suffer and in this case I am only suffering. So I'm gnashing my teeth, working on my case and writing a book.


Throughout his book, Me Jakubowicz draws an uncompromising portrait of his client, and key scenes that marked the ongoing investigation.

the meeting

(p. 162) "While one might expect from a man who claimed to be innocent of such serious facts as indignity, revolt and shout at his innocence, I had before me a man who was slaughtered. What was the true face of Nordahl Lelandais? The one of the respectful boy, with whom the guards had no problem whatsoever and who replied to the investigating judges with "Yes Madam, "no Madam"? Or the one about the disturbing marginal, the violent party boy the press was talking about? Who was manipulating who? Nordahl Lelandais appeared to me as a kind of lost person, the fruit of our time and our society. Apart from his passion for dogs and motorcycles, nothing seemed to interest him. I asked him about his interests. The desert, or almost. […]. By the age of 34, he had failed almost everything."

the proof

(p. 175) "I had to break the silence. I said, "I think you understood the situation." He replied, "Yes." At least it was useful for something. Since he could not contest the facts, it was his responsibility to reveal where Maëlys' body was located. If there was anything I could be of use for at that moment, it was at least that. For once, his interest was in justice. I asked him if he knew where the victim was. He answered in the affirmative. It was as if he had just confessed to me that he had killed Maëlys."

the discovery

(p. 181) "Everyone, silent, observed him. He looked, turned his head to the right, to the left, bent down, swept the ground with his hand, stood up... As if he felt the place. Certainly, we were close to the destination. In any case, I think that's what we all felt, suspended from his actions. He then broke the silence. "It's there." I asked him if he was sure. He replied, "Yes. - Are you sure? - Yes"."

the reconstruction

(p. 203) "The man was in front of us. The little girl was replaced by a large rag doll. All eyes were focused on the passenger compartment of the car, this Audi being the only witness to what had happened. Concentrated, he knew what was expected of him. He had to reproduce, as faithfully as possible, the gestures that had been his in this vehicle at that precise moment of the night. "

"What we witnessed shocked, I am convinced, all those who were present. For my part, I had no idea that it was possible to strike with such violence in the position he was in. The court will have to say how and why when the time comes. For the time being, I was paralysed. I couldn't help but think of the girl's parents who were a few meters away from me..."


When the case turns around, your goal becomes to find Maëlys' body. Is this again the role of the lawyer?

It was necessary and indispensable and I think I am there in my role as an auxiliary of justice. Anyway, if he had asked me to contest the blood stain, I wouldn't have remained. I would never go against the obvious. I then know that strategically, we have to move very quickly. It is checkmate. He lied to me, he killed a child and I have to live with it, tell myself that a child is dead, that whoever killed her, I am defending him. It's brutal.

He's asking you about his release from prison. Strange?

I have a very technical perspective on this: a real life sentence, there are only four or five people who have had it, like Fourniret. Nordahl Lelandais is not among them, clearly.

Not like Fourniret? But the gendarmes are going through loads of files!

For two years now, an elite cell of the gendarmerie has been cross-cutting and finding nothing. It is a reality. They can't find anything, because there's nothing. I have got to know this man, I am deeply convinced of this, and not only because he told me so.

You have obtained the withdrawal of the novel about your client written by Michel Moatti from Montpellier...

He played the game, he tried, he failed and he was correct. Today, Nordahl Lelandais has become a marketing product. There are T-shirts with his logo on them that are sold on the internet. We are coining coins around this man and frankly, we cannot say that this guy is a role model. It is staggering. Television justice has become a market whose objective is not information but profitability. There are no more journalists on the set, but "experts", and it's a barter game: come and take up airtime and I'll give you some notoriety. It's very dangerous. We have to stop this excess.

Affaire Maëlys : «Ce soir-là, Lelandais était en mode prédateur», racontent les parents d’une autre fillette

Maëlys case: "That evening, Lelandais was in predatory mood," according to the parents of another young girl

A few hours before attacking Maëlys, Nordahl Lelandais went to a party where his behaviour had worried the mother of a little girl. She tells the story of an evening she has never forgotten.

This is the first time they have spoken. Eric and Élodie (the names have been changed) a couple from Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère), are convinced that on the night of the kidnapping and murder of little Maëlys, their daughter Émilie (the name has been changed), 3 and a half years old, could have been Nordahl Lelandais' prey. "We are speaking today with Maëlys' parents in mind. And to show that we are dealing with a predator who was probably hunting that night," Eric explains.

On the afternoon of August 26, 2017, Élodie celebrates her birthday. With her partner Eric, she lives in a house with a small garden in the centre of Pont-de-Beauvoisin. A little more than a kilometre from the village hall where Maëlys and her parents will participate in a wedding party in the evening. "For my birthday, we invited family members and close friends. There were several children. In the afternoon, we had a barbecue in the garden. It was a great party," Élodie recalls.

Around 5pm, Eric decides to go buy new bottles of alcohol with his brother-in-law. "In the parking lot next to the house, we came across Nordahl Lelandais who was in his Audi A3. He was waiting, phoning with his cell phone. I've never seen him before. But Elodie's brother knew him a little. He greeted him. So I asked him to come and have a drink with us. But he declined the invitation," Eric recalls. However, Lelandais remains in the area.

In the early evening, the former soldier arrives at the Pont-de-Beauvoisin village hall where a wedding is celebrated. He was invited by the groom. But strangely enough, around 10 p.m., Nordahl Lelandais returns to Élodie's birthday. And his attitude is intriguing. "He was quite cold. He smoked cigarette after cigarette, his jaw tight, his eyes fixed. Without a smile, even though he was at a party. He was weird. He created a sense of unease," Eric explains. But there is something even more worrying.

"While he's not supposed to know my daughter, he came to me and asked me if I was Émilie's mother," says Élodie. "I told him yes. He then said to me: "Your daughter is very pretty, kind and polite". At that point I sensed that there was something wrong. It was my maternal instinct that spoke. I didn't understand why he told me that my daughter was kind and polite when at that time Émilie was rather wild with people and didn't say hello.

From then on, I was very vigilant. I never let my daughter out of my sight. And I was watching Nordahl Lelandais. He probably noticed it. And after a while, he finally left the party," Élodie remembers. "Looking back, I think he was in predator mode. He was looking for a prey. And that prey could have been our daughter. I have this conviction," Eric says. "At parties like these, everyone had a few drinks. He thought he was taking advantage of the parents' inattention. It's scary," Émilie's father explains.

In the night, at around 3 a.m., Nordahl Lelandais kidnaps little Maëlys from the village hall in Pont-de-Beauvoisin. And kills her. Accidentally, he says. When she learned of Maëlys' death, Élodie was upset. "It could have been my daughter," she says today. "It's very hard for a mother to think about that kind of thing. I have nightmares about it. Émilie was only three and a half years old in 2017. But Lelandais did sexually assault one of his 4-year-old little cousins."

Nordahl Lelandais consulted child *advertiser censored* sites. Was he trying to act out certain fantasies? Maëlys' parents are convinced that their daughter was raped. And that Lelandais premeditated his actions. This is denied by the person concerned. Élodie went to tell the police about that evening, August 26, 2017. But she remains traumatized. "Every time we see Lelandais' picture on TV, I think back to that night. And I have a thought for Maëlys who is in our hearts."


So he did indeed go from one party to another. And apparently, he wasn't dealing drugs like he did at the wedding.
Nordahl Lelandais : sa mère a dû être hospitalisée sous son nom de jeune fille

As revealed by lawyer Alain Jakubowicz in his book Either I win or I learn, published by Plon, Nordahl Lelandais' mother was recently hospitalized under her maiden name to avoid comments.

How has the Lelandais family lived since the light was shed on the murders perpetrated by Nordahl Lelandais? The man, who confessed to killing Corporal Arthur Noyer in April 2017 and then Maëlys four months later, is also suspected of sexually assaulting several of his little cousins when they were only four years old. Nordahl Lelandais is also singled out in five other unsolved criminal cases: those surrounding the suspicious deaths of Grégory Mercier (34 years of age), Thomas Pernet (22 years of age), Nordine Seghiri (49 years of age), Thomas Rauschkolb (18 years of age) and Yann Cau (17 years of age).

In his book Either I Win or I Learn, published since Thursday, November 14 by Plon Publishing, Alain Jakubowicz, Nordahl Lelandais' lawyer, looks behind the scenes of the case, both in terms of the media and the courts. In particular, he evokes the descent into hell of the entire Lelandais family, singled out by their entourage and totally annihilated. While the brother is unable to find work because of his name, the mother was forced to be hospitalized under her maiden name to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

"His father himself had been violently attacked while shopping in a supermarket. His brother couldn't find a job because of his name. His sister had been threatened. As for her mother, who was the victim of an accident, she had to resort to being hospitalized under her maiden name to avoid being referred to as Nordahl Lelandais' mother," revealed Alain Jakubowicz. Nordahl Lelandais' lawyer explains that he has always refused to let his client's relatives speak to the press, but the brother has often come out of the woodwork: "Each of his statements was felt as a provocation. The latter didn't understand that no other word is audible than those that accuse his brother."


Grégory Mercier:

HAUTE-SAVOIE / APPEL A TEMOINS. Meurtre de Grégory Mercier : une adresse mail pour relancer l'enquête

Since the discovery of the body of the librarian from Annecy murdered on the night of Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 August 2011 between the A40 motorway and the paintball road at the Pont de zone, the investigations have so far not allowed the inquiry to focus on a serious lead.

The circumstances in which the 34-year-old bookseller was found, in an isolated area known as a place of furtive encounters and deals, left several doors open: bad meetings, settling scores, robbery (the victim's belongings had disappeared), crime of passion...

Despite several dozen hearings recorded by the police, the investigation is now at an impasse. But new elements could revive the investigations.

Thomas Pernet:

Méribel: le corps d'un vacancier retrouvé

30 December 2014

Thomas Pernet reportedly disappeared overnight from Sunday to Monday, after an evening in a restaurant and then in a bar with a friend, according to the regional daily. He then decided to walk home alone. His body was found dead in the stream, the Doron des Allues.

An autopsy performed today should provide more information on the causes of his death. "For the time being, no avenue is ruled out," law enforcement officials said.

Yann Cau:

Le corps de l'adolescent de 17 ans disparu à Sablons (Isère) retrouvé dans le Rhône

The body of Yann Cau, missing since Saturday night, was found on Monday 10 April 2017 in the Rhône.

The 17-year-old was found drowned in the Rhône in the early afternoon by the rescue services. Search teams with dogs were mobilized in vain on Sunday and this Monday. It was finally a team of divers who discovered the body, downstream of the rave party where the young man had participated this weekend.

The unregistered musical and festive gathering was held Saturday evening in the port area of Sablons in Isère, on the banks of the river. The alert was issued on Sunday and his personal belongings were found in the area.

The parents were notified and identified their son's body. An autopsy was requested by the prosecutor from Vienne with the aim to clarify the causes of his death.


Nordine Seghiri and Thomas Rauschkolb are already on Niner's list. The other three are new to me. I wonder where Closer got their info, it is not clear if this comes from the book that the lawyer has published.
On second thoughts, about these new names for Niner's list ~the lawyer would never reveal information from the files that is not already in the public domain. So where does this list come from? Is it a copy-paste from another publication?

And as far as I'm aware this is the first time that I have seen these names in this context, although Grégory Mercier and Thomas Pernet were mentioned by the ARPD as cases that they wanted investigated, but it remains unclear if these case made the cut and are being investigated by the Ariane cell ~with Nordahl Lelandais as a POI.

I can find no mention of Yann Cau in connection with the ARPD. 30/03/2018
SAVOIE / AFFAIRES LELANDAIS. Le dossier de la disparition de Lucie Roux classé sans suite

Lucie Roux's family recently received a letter from the public prosecutor of Chambéry, informing them that the case of her disappearance in which Nordahl Lelandais might have been involved, has been closed without further action.

Lucie Roux is the 43-year-old woman who disappeared on a Sunday in September 2012, while living in an apartment rented in Bassens in Savoie by the psychiatric hospital. She was suffering from depression and lived there with three roommates.

In April 2018, following the creation of the Ariane cell designed to work on possible links between missing persons and Nordahl Lelandais, Lucie Roux's family had reported themselves to the courts. Olga, Lucie Roux's mother, had been intrigued to learn in the press that Nordahl Lelandais had also been treated periodically at the Bassens hospital for his alcoholism and anxiety attacks.

The case, which had initially been handled by the national police, had been transferred to the gendarmes.

The Roux family, through their lawyer Christian Saint-André, has requested to be received by the public prosecutor of Chambéry so that this decision to close the case can be explained to them: "We will see what is in the file. And the fight for the truth for Lucie Roux continues. We are relaunching a call for testimonies."

The Roux family's lawyer also believes that scientific investigations could still be carried out in the house Lucie occupied at the time of her disappearance: "No one has lived there since then, it's a chance! There may still be clues to find."

Created in January 2018 by the national gendarmerie, the Ariane cell has retained forty unsolved cases of missing or dead persons in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The cell's work consists of making all possible cross-references to establish or rule out any link with Nordahl Lelandais.


Apparently, no link with Nordahl Lelandais has been established for now.
ZaZara said:
Nordine Seghiri and Thomas Rauschkolb are already on Niner's list. The other three are new to me. I wonder where Closer got their info, it is not clear if this comes from the book that the lawyer has published.

You are correct - I do not have Yann Cau, Thomas Pernet or Gregory Mercier on my list - should I go ahead and add them in??

TIA! :)
You are correct - I do not have Yann Cau, Thomas Pernet or Gregory Mercier on my list - should I go ahead and add them in??

TIA! :)

You sure know what question to ask, Niner! :confused: :confused:

The idea of a list is to have all the relevant names together. The big question is: are these names relevant for this case?
If this news had been published in Le Dauphiné Libéré or Le Parisien, IMHO there would be no problem in adding them.

But since the source is Closer... not so much.
I did a reverse search for Nordahl Lelandais and Yann Cau, and the only items that pop up are the same Closer and a few local radio stations who copy that message, plus oddly enough a strange American website called Websleuths. And they refer to Closer too. They sure all know how to keep themselves busy!

Yan Cau was found drowned in the river Rhone, with no signs of a struggle or violence.

His case did make it to another list, on French Wikipedia. That list is called: Investigations - or requests for investigations - for murder where N. Lelandais' involvement is not impossible

On the 'not impossible' list are the same five names that Closer mentions.

The description of Yann Cau's case reads:
Found in the Rhône the day after his disappearance, following a rave party. His death and that of Arthur Noyer are only separated by three days and a journey of one hour and twenty minutes.

Except for the date, there is nothing to link him to Nordahl Lelandais. He was found very soon, so if there had been signs of foul play they would have been visible or detectable still.

The WIKI page has more lists, on one of them Sydney Font is still missing. The page is very active according to its history, but they have not included Edwige Ukundirwase or Pierre Alexandre Seenyen.

IMHO I would not include them in your list Niner. They are in Wikipedia, so we know how to find them.
Okay - thanks for explanation ZaZara - I shall NOT be putting them on my list.

scratching out their names. ;)
La disparition de Lucie Roux en Savoie est classée sans suite

The disappearance of Lucie Roux in Savoie is closed without further action

Lucie Roux, 43 years of age, disappeared seven years ago in the agglomeration of Chambéry. The file had been selected by the Ariane cell of the gendarmes investigating Nordahl Lelandais. The parquet floor of Chambéry closed it without further action.

Confirming information from the Dauphiné Libéré, Christian Saint-André, the lawyer for Lucie Roux's mother and sister, explains that he received a letter from the public prosecutor's office in Chambéry with the conclusions of the investigating judge. The disappearance is closed without further action. "We take note. We will be able to access the findings and see what new evidence the gendarmes have gathered. This is not the first time that this disappearance has been closed without further action. The family does not believe in Lucie Roux's alleged suicide, since her body was never found and she would have made her body disappear herself! This seems inconceivable to us and that is why Lucie Roux's family wants us to continue this fight for the truth."

When asked if this discontinuation definitively cleared the man who killed Maelys and Corporal Arthur Noyer, Christian Saint André recalled that "there were real testimonies that seriously indicated to us that Nordahl was present at the same time in the hospital of Bassens, a small facility. A lot of "hope" - in quotation marks - had been put on the investigation around Nordahl Lelandais. The problem is that it is 2019 and Lucie disappeared in 2012. Put yourself in the position of the investigators. It's complicated to know what really happened seven years ago."

The family of Lucie Roux and their lawyer will soon be received by the new Prosecutor of the Republic of Chambéry and will be informed of the details of the new investigation. And depending on the situation, they will take a new position. "Find new evidence to restart the investigation or look for other leads."


I wonder if the house where Lucie used to live has been searched scientifically in the meantime. This is an old wish from the family, no one has lived in the house since the disappearance of Lucie, so who knows what still can be found there.


Lucie's mother and the lawyer on the steps of the house.

ISÈRE. Des objets volés sur la tombe de Maëlys, la famille en colère

Objects stolen from Maëlys' grave, the family outraged.

The family of the little girl kidnapped and murdered at the end of August 2017 is outraged: several objects have been stolen from Maëlys' tomb in the cemetery of La Tour-du-Pin (Isère) in recent weeks.

Jennifer, Maëlys' mother, told our colleagues at RTL that the statue of an angel had disappeared. The statue was placed on the occasion of the second anniversary of the child's death. The young mother says she is "scandalized".

She asks the thief to bring the object back to her daughter's grave.

In addition, chrysanthemum pots, brought by Maëlys' grandmother on the day she would have turned 11, have also disappeared. Maëlys' tomb is perfectly identifiable, thanks in particular to the photos of the little girl that decorate the tomb.

Maelys' parents' lawyer, Master Fabien Rajon, confirmed the facts: "Yes, a statue representing a little angel and flowers were stolen from Maelys' tomb on All Saints' Day." And adds: "Maëlys' family, sorely affected by the tragic disappearance of their child, really didn't need this. So I will file a complaint on their behalf, for theft, as soon as possible."


It sometimes pays to take a hard look at the other graves in the cemetery. Wouldn't be the first time that someone "needed" flowers and found some.
Breaking news:

Disappearance of Estelle Mouzin: Michel Fourniret is under investigation for kidnapping and sequestration followed by death

BFMTV via twitter
BFMTV on Twitter


Nordahl Lelandais had already been excluded in thes case, he was in Guyana when Estelle disappeared.
The investigation into convicted serial killer Fourniret comes after Monique Olivier, his ex-wife retracted her testimony about his whereabouts at the time, she has been given official witness status in this case.
Michel Fourniret is said to be suffering from the early stages of dementia.

Thinking of Estelle's family tonight.
VIDEO - Bourges : le skate-parc Arthur Noyer inauguré en présence des parents du caporal berruyer

The skateboarding and extreme sports community showed its solidarity this Saturday, December 7. About a hundred people came to Bourges for the inauguration of the Arthur Noyer skate park, named after the Corporal from Bourges who died in 2017. In this case, Nordahl Lelandais has been indicted.

Arthur Noyer was a skateboarding enthusiast. He had been practicing it since childhood. He got his first board when he was five years old. "He always had his skateboard with him. Even when he was in the army," recalls Cécile, Arthur's mother. His friends were the ones who had the idea of paying tribute to him by giving his name to a new skatepark in Bourges. The municipality implemented the project, with the agreement of the parents. "We said yes. An emotional yes. Thank you for making this skatepark of Arthur's dreams," Didier Noyer said during the ceremony.

Skateboarding is a sport of sharing, transmission and exchange. "It's a real family. I met Arthur in the skatepark at Place Seraucourt. He was friendly to me, he was always happy. It is a beautiful tribute to him," says Ernest, who was present at the inauguration ceremony. It is the parents' wish to make this skate park a place of joy and sharing. "It's the greatest gift we can give. A place of life, of transmission, of knowledge, of respect. It's very important for us," Cécile Noyer said.

Mort à la sortie d'une boîte de nuit : un juge creuse la piste Lelandais

A judicial investigation against X has recently been opened, four years after the death of Thomas Rauschkolb, found in a river in Savoy.

Did the accidental fall hide a murder? What about the murder, the possible "signature" of Nordahl Lelandais? This is what the father of Thomas Rauschkolb, an 18-year-old man found dead in the Sierroz River (Savoy) in December 2015, is trying to find out. After a complaint filed with a civil action, he has recently obtained the opening of a judicial investigation against X for murder. In other words, an investigating judge will now have to shed light on the death.


The rest of the report is subscription-only.
from the timeline - I've added the above.

Thomas Rauschkolb: Sunday (December 27, 2015) around 4:50 p.m., the father of an 18-year-old man contacted the gendarmes to report the disappearance of his son. The latter was last seen around 2:30 a.m., during the night from Saturday to Sunday while leaving the "Studio 54" nightclub in Grésy-sur-Aix. The young man left the nightclub, leaving behind his jacket. The gendarmes immediately established a search perimeter around the nightclub, especially to the bridge that spans the Sierroz at this location." Thomas R.'s body was found the next day, in the river. Grésy-sur-Aix is about 25 minutes north of Chambéry, by car. Curious fact: after leaving the nightclub, he takes the opposite direction and follows a dead end passageway. At the end of this alley, he stepped over a fence as he was maybe trying to escape something. In his race, he looses a shoe and falls 14 meters below. His belt was found caught in the grid on the garden side. Why has he taken off his belt? There were marks on his phalanges. As Jean-Christophe Morin, he seemed afraid of someone.
Request from family to investigate.
Family at 4/27/18 Lyon meeting.
On Ariane cell list
12/17/19 Update: A judicial investigation against X has recently been opened, four years after the death of Thomas Rauschkolb, found in a river in Savoy. After a complaint filed with a civil action, his father has recently obtained the opening of a judicial investigation against X for murder. In other words, an investigating judge will now have to shed light on the death.
En 2020, Nordahl Lelandais sera-t-il jugé cette année ?

Will there be a Nordahl Lelandais trial, or even two trials in 2020? The former soldier is being prosecuted by a judge in Grenoble for the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys in August 2017, and by a judge in Chambéry for the murder of Corporal Arthur Noyer in April of the same year.

Neither of the two Courts of Appeal in Grenoble or Chambéry wish to answer the question of a possible trial before the Assize Court this year. The idea of a single trial for both cases seems to be disappearing. Arthur Noyer's parents are firmly opposed to it.
A first trial on the death of Arthur Noyer would be more likely

Which of the two trials can go first? There is no answer there either, bearing in mind that the Arthur Noyer murder case seems to be the most advanced.

The parties are awaiting the conclusions of the examining magistrate of Chambéry. If they arrive at the beginning of the year, a trial is possible in Chambéry in the autumn. Unless Nordahl Lelandais' lawyer challenges the referral to the criminal court for assassination. His client insists that it was an accident, after a fight and a fall, therefore a murder. "If the judge's order is contested, we'll go back to court for one year," warned the lawyer of Arthur Noyer's parents, Bernard Boulloud, for whom the judge has completed the investigations.

In Grenoble, the examining magistrate still seems far from giving his conclusions, which are indispensable for a referral of Nordahl Lelandais to the assize court. Because there are more appeals in this case: there is the appeal of the defense, which has partly challenged the conclusions of the psychiatric experts, but also the testimony of a former co-detainee of his client. He (NL) lost that battle.

There is also the appeal of Maëlys' parents who want Nordahl Lelandais to be indicted for rape and murder, and no longer for kidnapping and murder. The same request from the Grenoble public prosecutor's office, which was unsuccessful in its appeal to the examining chamber of the Court of Appeal and is now asking the Court of Cassation to arbitrate. The stakes are enormous for Nordahl Lelandais, the sentence being much heavier, but also for his lawyer. The conclusions of the Grenoble examining magistrate will therefore not be issued immediately.

Thanks for the updates on the cases ZaZara!

regarding this sentence from the article:

Neither of the two Courts of Appeal in Grenoble or Chambéry wish to answer the question of a possible trial before the Assize Court this year.

What is the Assize Court ?? If you know... TIA! :)
Thanks for the updates on the cases ZaZara!

regarding this sentence from the article:

Neither of the two Courts of Appeal in Grenoble or Chambéry wish to answer the question of a possible trial before the Assize Court this year.

What is the Assize Court ?? If you know... TIA! :)

Cour d'assise is a court for the more severe crimes, with a jury.


A French cour d'assises or Assize Court is a criminal trial court with original and appellate limited jurisdiction to hear cases involving defendants accused of felonies, or crimes in French. It is the only French court consisting in a jury trial.

Under French law, a crime is any criminal act punishable by over 10 years of prison, including murder and rape. (The English word "crime" is "infraction" in French legal terminology). In the past, the cour d'assises could also sentence convicted criminals to the death penalty for certain crimes, but the death penalty was abolished in France in 1981.

More about the procedures at link.

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