Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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The girl, however, remains untraceable and no large-scale searches are currently underway.

That is unfathomable. How can they stop searching?! They can surely work out how far he drove based on the cctv times and locations, if he was captured on outbound and return cameras.
That is unfathomable. How can they stop searching?! They can surely work out how far he drove based on the cctv times and locations, if he was captured on outbound and return cameras.

IMHO they mean search parties with feet on the ground in the area. No doubt the forensic investigation of the car, mobile contacts and CCTV continues.

We haven't heard about the garbage, if I remember well, only in relation to his missing pants.


The Dauphiné Libéré has been informed this Thursday by judicial sources that the request for a declaration of nullity filed by the lawyer of the suspect in the case of the disappearance of Maëlys, Nordahl Lelandais, will be heard on 21 November.

This motion for a declaration of invalidity was filed at the end of October by Mr. Jakubowicz before the Trial Chamber of the Grenoble Court of Appeal. This is aimed at the first three hearings of his client, the ex-military officer of Domessin, during his first police custody on Thursday, August 31st, four days after the disappearance of the Maëlys girl in Pont-de-Beauvoisin. Hearings that had not been filmed as required by the Criminal Procedure Code. The Trial Chamber shall deliver its judgment by 12 December at the latest.

While he has been incarcerated and indicted for abduction and kidnapping since 3 September, the thirtysomething local of Domessin, who denies all involvement in the girl's disappearance, has still not been heard by the Grenoble investigating magistrates.


The Dauphiné Libéré has been informed this Thursday by judicial sources that the request for a declaration of nullity filed by the lawyer of the suspect in the case of the disappearance of Maëlys, Nordahl Lelandais, will be heard on 21 November.

This motion for a declaration of invalidity was filed at the end of October by Mr. Jakubowicz before the Trial Chamber of the Grenoble Court of Appeal. This is aimed at the first three hearings of his client, the ex-military officer of Domessin, during his first police custody on Thursday, August 31st, four days after the disappearance of the Maëlys girl in Pont-de-Beauvoisin. Hearings that had not been filmed as required by the Criminal Procedure Code. The Trial Chamber shall deliver its judgment by 12 December at the latest.

While he has been incarcerated and indicted for abduction and kidnapping since 3 September, the thirtysomething local of Domessin, who denies all involvement in the girl's disappearance, has still not been heard by the Grenoble investigating magistrates.


So does this mean that his lawyer is asking for his release, because of lack of evidence?
So does this mean that his lawyer is asking for his release, because of lack of evidence?

No. Not because of lack of evidence, but because of procedural mistakes at the start of the investigation - when NL wasn't named a suspect yet.

Paris Match clarifies the details:

The Grenoble Court of Appeal will consider Tuesday morning a motion from the defense of the suspect in the case of the disappearance of little Maëlys, at the end of August in Isère, who could have his initial statements in police custody cancelled. The motion was filed at the end of October by the counsel for Nordahl Lelandais, Alain Jakubowicz, who will plead in closed session before the Trial Chamber. The lawyer, who has been in almost complete silence with the media since taking over the case in September, had previously filed a complaint for breach of the secrecy of the investigation, after several leaks in the press at the expense of his client, a 34-year-old ex-military man who has been claiming his innocence since the case began.

This complaint led to the opening of an investigation by the Grenoble Public Prosecutor's Office, which provoked the anger of the gendarmerie, who were responsible for investigating the abduction of the 9-year-old girl, still untraceable since the night of 26-27 August, despite intense searches. Four days after her disappearance at a wedding party in Pont-de-Beauvoisin, a small town in the north of the department, the gendarmes had placed Nordahl Lelandais in police custody as part of the investigation opened for "kidnapping" by the Bourgoin-Jallieu prosecutor's office. It was during this first detention that a mistake was made: the procedure was carried out in a correctional setting, possible when an abducted person is released before 7 days, and not criminal as should have been the case since Maëlys was not found. As a result, the suspect's hearings on 31 August were not filmed because the penal code requires it only for criminal proceedings, not for an offence.

The issue at stake in the hearing and the judgment to be delivered - after a probable deliberation - is the extent to which the documents could be annulled: will it concern only the suspect's first three statements? Or can it bring down his second custody by a domino effect? After the discovery of a DNA trace of Maëlys in his car, it had led to the indictment of Nordahl Lelandais. While the whole procedure should not suffer, there is still a "rather unpleasant impression of amateurism", according to a source close to the file, while at the same time "the investigation is progressing even if it does not say where the child is."

The decision of the Chamber will determine the suspect's next hearing by the investigating magistrates, which he has not yet seen since his imprisonment on 3 September, although the case has been expanded through the use of video surveillance footage.

It depends upon what neighborhood one's in. Many kids from working-class families have almost no supervision when they're not in school.

It will take a few days to find out the opinion of the court. The Trial Chamber of the Grenoble Court of Appeal will render its decision, in writing, on November 30 on the motion for a declaration of nullity filed by the lawyer for the principal suspect in the case of Maëlys' disappearance, on August 26. An in camera hearing was held on Tuesday morning in the presence of Nordahl Lelandais' defence and the lawyer for the girl's parents.

Alain Jakubowicz, the lawyer of the principal suspect, a 34-year-old ex-military officer, filed a request to have part of the investigation by the gendarmes cancelled. At stake: the detention of Nordahl Lelandais on 31 August. The procedure was not followed because the first hearings of the thirty-year-old were not filmed, as required by the criminal investigation law.

If the Trial Chamber of the Grenoble Court of Appeal were to cancel this part of the investigation file, it would not call into question the indictment of Nordahl Lelandais, which took place after a second detention in police custody caused by the discovery of Maëlys' DNA in the suspect's vehicle.


France Soir

For 13 weeks now, the little Maëlys de Araujo has disappeared, on the eve of a wedding party that was held in the multipurpose hall of Pont-de-Beauvoisin. And for 13 weeks, while the investigation has still not been able to find out what happened to the little girl, her family has been living in anguish. Also, on the side of the main suspect Nordahl Lelandais, who remains presumed innocent and who assures us that he is not involved, the situation is equally noxious. The television cameras have long since left, and the media are no longer rushing through the small commune on the banks of the Guiers, in the face of an investigation that only delivers information sparingly. In the streets of Pont-de-Beauvoisin and the surrounding villages, only some relatives of the young girl and the bride and groom remain, who bump into the suspect's family, notably his brother Sven, who fights tooth and nails for Nordahl's innocence. And the latter assures us: in the investigation into the disappearance of the child, the investigation by the gendarmes is directed entirely against his brother.

"I thought the gendarmes were impartial people. Well, no, sorry, they're not," Sven Lelandais accuses. He speaks to France-Soir exclusively. The man who had agreed to speak in the press when his brother was imprisoned after being indicted on 3 September, now refuses all contact with the media, and ensures that he lives in an openly hostile environment, although he was never involved in the case. "Since my brother was indicted, I have received many threats and insults on Facebook. I wanted to file a complaint with the Pont-de-Beauvoisin gendarmerie. A gendarmette received me and told me clearly +The Lelandais family, you are blacklisted + They did not take my complaint."

The thirty-something, the suspect's older brother, describes an investigation that first tried to overwhelm Nordahl. "These gendarmes are dirty cops, I have no confidence in them. But I still trust the police."

As a reminder, the role of the gendarmerie in this case remains confused, in addition to being fraught with suspicions about procedural errors. The prosecutor of the Republic of Grenoble opened an investigation against the military for violation of the secrecy of the investigation and about ten military personnel had to answer Tuesday 21 to questions from police officers... whoiare charged with investigating investigators.

Sven, who lives with his parents in Domessin (Savoie) a few minutes by car from the multipurpose hall, must continue to face insults. France-Soir already revealed the exchanges of name-calling between him and relatives of Maëlys. But according to the suspect's brother, the violence is not just verbal. "Threats also concern my family. Some of them have come to see me, and they are... especially one cousin of Maëlys," according to the man who says he is afraid for his family. "People who insult me don't scare me. Besides, nobody's coming to tell me anything across the street. But I'm a seasonal worker and I have to go to work between December and April. And I fear for my family." His voice choking, Svend Lelandais seems to be on the edge of a breakdown, but he refuses to crack and dreams of a rehabilitation of his brother in the public square. "But when Nordahl gets out, we'll summon the reporters, tell the whole truth about the gossip that everyone has been carrying around on our account." While they are waiting, Nordahl Lelandais is still sleeping in prison, waiting to be summoned again by the investigating judges.

Saturday 25, it has been 90 days since Maëlys de Araujo has vanished.


Where are you, Maëlys?

France Soir

For 13 weeks now, the little Maëlys de Araujo has disappeared, on the eve of a wedding party that was held in the multipurpose hall of Pont-de-Beauvoisin. And for 13 weeks, while the investigation has still not been able to find out what happened to the little girl, her family has been living in anguish. Also, on the side of the main suspect Nordahl Lelandais, who remains presumed innocent and who assures us that he is not involved, the situation is equally noxious. The television cameras have long since left, and the media are no longer rushing through the small commune on the banks of the Guiers, in the face of an investigation that only delivers information sparingly. In the streets of Pont-de-Beauvoisin and the surrounding villages, only some relatives of the young girl and the bride and groom remain, who bump into the suspect's family, notably his brother Sven, who fights tooth and nails for Nordahl's innocence. And the latter assures us: in the investigation into the disappearance of the child, the investigation by the gendarmes is directed entirely against his brother.

"I thought the gendarmes were impartial people. Well, no, sorry, they're not," Sven Lelandais accuses. He speaks to France-Soir exclusively. The man who had agreed to speak in the press when his brother was imprisoned after being indicted on 3 September, now refuses all contact with the media, and ensures that he lives in an openly hostile environment, although he was never involved in the case. "Since my brother was indicted, I have received many threats and insults on Facebook. I wanted to file a complaint with the Pont-de-Beauvoisin gendarmerie. A gendarmette received me and told me clearly +The Lelandais family, you are blacklisted + They did not take my complaint."

The thirty-something, the suspect's older brother, describes an investigation that first tried to overwhelm Nordahl. "These gendarmes are dirty cops, I have no confidence in them. But I still trust the police."

As a reminder, the role of the gendarmerie in this case remains confused, in addition to being fraught with suspicions about procedural errors. The prosecutor of the Republic of Grenoble opened an investigation against the military for violation of the secrecy of the investigation and about ten military personnel had to answer Tuesday 21 to questions from police officers... whoiare charged with investigating investigators.

Sven, who lives with his parents in Domessin (Savoie) a few minutes by car from the multipurpose hall, must continue to face insults. France-Soir already revealed the exchanges of name-calling between him and relatives of Maëlys. But according to the suspect's brother, the violence is not just verbal. "Threats also concern my family. Some of them have come to see me, and they are... especially one cousin of Maëlys," according to the man who says he is afraid for his family. "People who insult me don't scare me. Besides, nobody's coming to tell me anything across the street. But I'm a seasonal worker and I have to go to work between December and April. And I fear for my family." His voice choking, Svend Lelandais seems to be on the edge of a breakdown, but he refuses to crack and dreams of a rehabilitation of his brother in the public square. "But when Nordahl gets out, we'll summon the reporters, tell the whole truth about the gossip that everyone has been carrying around on our account." While they are waiting, Nordahl Lelandais is still sleeping in prison, waiting to be summoned again by the investigating judges.

Saturday 25, it has been 90 days since Maëlys de Araujo has vanished.


Where are you, Maëlys?

The brother seems more concerned about himself than finding Maelys.
Indeed. Paints a strange picture, and definitely not flattering for NL.

I feel so bad for Maelys’s family, especially including her sister. What awful, unsettled times for such a young sibling.

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The brother seems to be going about this all wrong. Saying he dreams of the time his brother is pronounced innocent in the public square seems insensitive---, how about instead, saying something like;

I don't think my brother is guilty of this horrible crime and we all need to wait for the investigation. But no matter what happens, my family and I are not involved n any way and we should not be receiving threats and anger from the public.

I think most people would agree with those sentiments. JMO


Maëlys' mother posted a video on Facebook that moved internet users on Tuesday. A photo slideshow of the girl, at various stages of her life. She expresses her distress and love for her daughter.
Today she is asking for the truth. Three months after the young girl's disappearance, the grey areas remain. The suspect's family continues to claim his innocence.


Video at link

Le Figaro

Three months after the disappearance of little Maëlys in Isère, the man suspected of kidnapping her obtained on Thursday the cancellation of his first statements in police custody. Subsequently, he will be heard again by the investigating magistrates.

Three months after the disappearance of Maëlys in Isère, the investigation returns to the starting point this Thursday. The principal accused, Nordahl Lelandais, was granted the annulment of his first statements in police custody on 31 August, following a request for defence filed by his lawyer at the end of October. The Trial Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Grenoble responded favourably to his request this Thursday.

Due to a procedural error, the statements of the 34-year-old ex-military officer had not been filmed, whereas the Penal Code requires it for a criminal case. Investigators assert that they have been "prepared" for this cancellation for a long time and that they do not attach too much importance to these initial statements, which, in their view, were mainly "contradictions". The suspect, however, has always denied that he was involved in the disappearance of the girl.

At the same time, the judges will again question the prime suspect in this case. They have not seen the suspect since his incarceration on September 3. The public prosecutor in Grenoble, Jean-Yves Coquillat, will hold a press conference at the end of this hearing by the judges. During this interrogation, he was accompanied by his lawyer, Alain Jakubowicz, who took up his defence at the end of September. At the end of October, he had obtained the postponement of his client's hearing because he did not have all the documents in the file. He then filed a complaint for breach of the secrecy of the investigation, due to multiple leaks in the press, and then filed a motion for invalidity after discovering the error made at the start of the investigation.


While the main suspect in the case of Maëlys' disappearance, Nordahl Lelandais, is being heard this Thursday at the court of first instance in Grenoble for the first time since his indictment, investigations aiming to find the girl resumed in the morning, according to our information.
A source close to the file has indeed confirmed to BFMTV that research is currently underway in an area near Pont-de-Beauvoisin, in Isère.

Three months after the disappearance of little Maëlys in Isère, the man suspected of abducting her during a wedding party in Pont-de-Beauvoisin on the night of 26-27 August, managed this Thursday morning to obtain the cancellation of his first statements in police custody, before being reheard, for the first time, by the judges.


While the main suspect in the disappearance of the 9-year-old girl continues to deny his involvement, investigators have overwhelming evidence at their disposal. Several images of Nordahl Lelandais's vehicle were taken as he left the wedding party on the night of his disappearance. On his side, a white silhouette wearing clothes similar to those of Maëlys.

These are elements that feed into the case of the 12 investigators who are permanently working on the Maëlys case. Three months after the little girl's disappearance, and while the main suspect who continues to deny any involvement is expected to be heard soon, the investigation is progressing, notably on Nordahl Lelandais's schedule during the night of 26-27 August. According to our information, there are not one but several images of the vehicle of the 34 year old ex-military leaving the wedding party.

One of the photographs was taken around 3 a. m. by a video surveillance camera installed between two shops in the centre of Pont-de-Beauvoisin, in Isère, only 800 metres from the hall where the wedding party was taking place. The schedule coincides well with the suspect's statements, who told the gendarmes that he went to buy cocaine at the time. The man had already gone back and forth several times in the evening, a first time to see his dogs, as he said. A second one, to get some beers. And finally, a third time to change after getting stained, according to his statements to the investigators.

At this last departure, the suspect was not alone. The picture, which BFMTV was able to view, is taken from above and through the windshield of the black car. It shows a small human figure dressed in white on the passenger seat. The face cannot be identified. By reworking the cliché, the investigators were able to determine that several details of this outfit corresponded to the clothes that Maëlys wore on the evening of the wedding. In the zoomed photo, the white garment is round-necked and sleeveless. Like the little girl's dress.

The driver and the vehicle licence plate could not be captured by the video surveillance camera, in particular because of lighting only on the passenger side. But for the investigators, there is no doubt that this is the car of Nordahl Lelandeis. To confirm this, they have several elements at their disposal: a defect in the lighting of the rear lamps, the positioning of the stickers on the windscreen and the presence of a clearly recognisable sticker.

Around 3 a. m., when Maëlys' parents realized that their daughter had disappeared, Nordahl Lelandais had vanished. Thirty minutes after the first photo was taken, a second shot is captured. We see the same vehicle in the opposite direction. The small white silhouette has disappeared this time. In his first statements, the ex-military said that he did participate in the search for the girl. But, confronted with the version of his friends, who claim to have failed to reach him during this time slot, he now explains that he went to buy narcotics.

One thing is clear: when the gendarmes, alerted at 3:57 a. m., arrived in the hall where the wedding guests were gathered, the suspect was no longer there. Shortly before 4 a. m., the telephone of this last connects with a terminal - that is to say, it emits waves - near the party hall. Did the thirty-year-old come back, without showing himself, when the search to find Maëlys had begun? That's a hypothesis. Anyway, this is the last time this phone will be on the air until 7 a. m. the next morning. The suspect had hitherto suggested a network problem, the investigators now know that the phone has been turned off voluntarily.


While the main suspect in the disappearance of the 9-year-old girl continues to deny his involvement, investigators have overwhelming evidence at their disposal. Several images of Nordahl Lelandais's vehicle were taken as he left the wedding party on the night of his disappearance. On his side, a white silhouette wearing clothes similar to those of Maëlys.

These are elements that feed into the case of the 12 investigators who are permanently working on the Maëlys case. Three months after the little girl's disappearance, and while the main suspect who continues to deny any involvement is expected to be heard soon, the investigation is progressing, notably on Nordahl Lelandais's schedule during the night of 26-27 August. According to our information, there are not one but several images of the vehicle of the 34 year old ex-military leaving the wedding party.

One of the photographs was taken around 3 a. m. by a video surveillance camera installed between two shops in the centre of Pont-de-Beauvoisin, in Isère, only 800 metres from the hall where the wedding party was taking place. The schedule coincides well with the suspect's statements, who told the gendarmes that he went to buy cocaine at the time. The man had already gone back and forth several times in the evening, a first time to see his dogs, as he said. A second one, to get some beers. And finally, a third time to change after getting stained, according to his statements to the investigators.

At this last departure, the suspect was not alone. The picture, which BFMTV was able to view, is taken from above and through the windshield of the black car. It shows a small human figure dressed in white on the passenger seat. The face cannot be identified. By reworking the cliché, the investigators were able to determine that several details of this outfit corresponded to the clothes that Maëlys wore on the evening of the wedding. In the zoomed photo, the white garment is round-necked and sleeveless. Like the little girl's dress.

The driver and the vehicle licence plate could not be captured by the video surveillance camera, in particular because of lighting only on the passenger side. But for the investigators, there is no doubt that this is the car of Nordahl Lelandeis. To confirm this, they have several elements at their disposal: a defect in the lighting of the rear lamps, the positioning of the stickers on the windscreen and the presence of a clearly recognisable sticker.

Around 3 a. m., when Maëlys' parents realized that their daughter had disappeared, Nordahl Lelandais had vanished. Thirty minutes after the first photo was taken, a second shot is captured. We see the same vehicle in the opposite direction. The small white silhouette has disappeared this time. In his first statements, the ex-military said that he did participate in the search for the girl. But, confronted with the version of his friends, who claim to have failed to reach him during this time slot, he now explains that he went to buy narcotics.

One thing is clear: when the gendarmes, alerted at 3:57 a. m., arrived in the hall where the wedding guests were gathered, the suspect was no longer there. Shortly before 4 a. m., the telephone of this last connects with a terminal - that is to say, it emits waves - near the party hall. Did the thirty-year-old come back, without showing himself, when the search to find Maëlys had begun? That's a hypothesis. Anyway, this is the last time this phone will be on the air until 7 a. m. the next morning. The suspect had hitherto suggested a network problem, the investigators now know that the phone has been turned off voluntarily.


This is so enraging, I feel like there’s no way on earth that this man is innocent. With so much on the line, if he truly was innocent, he wouldn’t have lied so many times to the police.

It feels to me like not only did he abduct Maelys, he’s putting the family through hell now on purpose, by not telling them anything.

P.S. I would be very interested to see the photo of her in his car, but I presume it’s not accessible to the public.

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This is so enraging, I feel like there’s no way on earth that this man is innocent. With so much on the line, if he truly was innocent, he wouldn’t have lied so many times to the police.

It feels to me like not only did he abduct Maelys, he’s putting the family through hell now on purpose, by not telling them anything.

P.S. I would be very interested to see the photo of her in his car, but I presume it’s not accessible to the public.


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BFMTV has made a reconstruction in a short video. IMHO given the legal secrecy of the investigation they were not even allowed to see the pictures.
The video is in French, but most of the images are self-explanatory.

So in today's hearing he gave an account (on film) of what he did that night?

Thank you all for the article updates!!


The man suspected of kidnapping the 9-year-old girl was heard again by judges on Thursday. He continued to deny the facts during the hearing, which lasted almost eight hours.

Two crucial court sequences followed on Thursday 30 November in the case of the disappearance of little Maëlys during a wedding in August in Isère. Nordahl Lelandais, a former army dog-handler, was indicted for murder after being heard by the three judges in charge of the case. Earlier that same day, the man suspected of abducting the girl obtained the cancellation of his first statements in police custody after three months of investigation, with suspicions of violations of the secrecy of the investigation.

The 9-year-old Maëlys, who was wearing a sleeveless white dress that night, has not been found since her disappearance on the night of August 26-27 at a wedding party where 140 guests had gathered in Pont-de-Beauvoisin. The investigation, which involves twelve people, is continuing.

On Thursday, at the end of the hearing of Nordahl Lelandais, which lasted nearly eight hours, the prosecutor of the Republic of Grenoble, Jean-Yves Coquillat, recalled that the suspect benefited from the presumption of innocence and detailed his schedule. Twice that night, his vehicle was filmed "with a small, frail silhouette dressed in a white dress on the front seat" to the right of the driver, he said at a press conference. However, Mr. Lelandais continues to deny the facts.

The 34-year-old former soldier arrived Thursday morning, just before 9:30 a. m., at the Grenoble courthouse to be heard by investigating judges. The magistrates, two women and one man, had not seen him since his imprisonment on 3 September. The suspect was accompanied by his lawyer, Me Jakubowicz, who refrained from speaking to the media.

The judges returned to the entire case, and in particular to the seventeen hours at the heart of the investigation, starting on Sunday, August 27, at about 2:45 a. m., when the girl was last seen by her grandmother, and until 5:30 p. m., when the suspect came out of a car wash after meticulously cleaning his Audi A3.

According to the images from the station's video surveillance camera, the suspect washed his car for over two hours, including nearly forty minutes vacuuming the passenger compartment, focusing on the passenger side and the interior and exterior door handles on the passenger side and the interior and exterior door handles. He also used some polishing tissues, which he stored in a bag, a bag that was never found again, reports Le Parisien. On this point, Nordahl Lelandais assured that he wanted to sell his vehicle to a buyer, who has since been identified by the investigators.

However, one crucial element undermines his defence: Maëlys' DNA was found on the dashboard. According to the suspect, whose comments were reported by his lawyer, the girl was reportedly taken to the back seat of her Audi A3 during the evening in the company of a little blond boy - whose existence was not confirmed by the investigation. They would have wanted to see if his dogs, which he had previously told them about, were in the trunk, before coming out and going back to the party hall.

During the ceremony, the last-minute guest made several round trips back and forth between the party hall and the exterior. During his interviews, he had an explanation for each of his escapes, saying he was absent to: make sure his dogs locked in his car were okay, get beers or change his shorts "stained with wine and vomit" because of his intoxication.

According to an image from a video surveillance camera installed on the front of an optical store 800 metres from where the wedding was being held, the suspect would have been absent much longer. This photograph at the heart of the investigations would support the thesis of the abduction.

It shows a vehicle of which the judiciary considers that it is the suspect's, which Mr. Lelandais also disputes. In the images of this car, the front passenger seat shows "a frail, small-sized figure dressed in a white dress", as the girl did that night.

However, the investigators were satisfied that the vehicle was indeed Nordahl Lelandeis's vehicle, in particular because of a lack of illumination of the rear lights, the positioning of the stickers on the windscreen and the presence of a recognizable sticker, BFM-TV lists.

Another troubling element is his second mobile phone, the existence of which he had refrained from mentioning to the gendarmes, before the gendarmes got their hands on it. The night of the girl's disappearance, the device "pinged" several times, especially outside the party hall. The suspect assures that he went to buy cocaine near the place where his phone "pinged".

At about 4 a. m., when the gendarmes arrived at the scene of the ceremony, the suspect was not there, but his phone emitted radio waves near the hall, before he put it in plane mode, to reactivate it at about 7 a. m. The suspect was not there. This "to save battery", according to the suspect. The prosecutor stated that Nordahl Lelandais had requested the termination of his phone line the next day.

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