GUILTY France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo, 2015 *Appeal Trial 2022* #2

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Die Welt


The Wolfsburg police have arrested a suspected IS-terrorist. He is said to belong to a cell of about 40 people who traveled from Lower Saxony in the jihad and fought there.

Police have arrested a suspected member of the Islamic State in Wolfsburg. This was confirmed by the Federal Attorney General in the evening. The accused was "suspected of being a member of the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIG) ," it said in a notification. According to information from the newspaper "Bild" the man is the 26-year-old Ayoub B. (26). The paper said five members of the cell are currently fighting in Iraq and Syria. Two fighters came back already.

The detainee alledgedly "has gone through a combat training for the militant jihad and subsequently recovered dead and injured from the battlefield in a military offensive .... He also has recruited more fighters for the association," the chief federal prosecutor said.

Against Ayoub B. the Attorney General already initiated investigations into the "Preparation of a serious subversive violence". According to information from "Bild" Ayoub B grew up in Wolfsburg and first led an inconspicuous life.

Three years ago, Ayoub B. radicalized suddenly. At the end of June 2014 he first moved in an IS-training camp, where he was trained in the use of weapons and explosives. Later, he reportedly took part in terrorist operations in the Anbar region in western Iraq. According to "Bild", since his return he lived again with his parents and his brothers in a brick building in the Wolfsburg district Reislingen, in which the "German-Tunisian Association for Culture and Integration" is located. There he was allegedly being shadowed intensively by the security forces. "Bild" reported about about 50 people in the city who are members of radical groups.

Wolfsburg cell "greatest accumulation of Syria-fighters"

Terrorism expert Peter Neumann of King's College, University of London said the Wolfsburg cell was next to the group in Dinslaken, North Rhine-Westphalia , the "largest known accumulation of Syria-fighters". Wolfsburg is thus an important center for the IS. Dangerous are not only the returnees, but also the supporters, Neumann said.

Neumann refers in his assessment to IS spokesman Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Adnani. He had called on IS-sympathizers in September to carry out attacks throughout the West. A spokesman for the Protection of the Constitution of Lower Saxony said currently there are 40 people from Lower Saxony known to the authorities who "have left the country in the direction of Syria" to get involved in fights. As a "special focus" had in Lower Saxony Wolfsburg / Braunschweig region emerged.


IMHO, a next Charlie has been prevented ....

Die Welt


The Wolfsburg police have arrested a suspected IS-terrorist. He is said to belong to a cell of about 40 people who traveled from Lower Saxony in the jihad and fought there.

Police have arrested a suspected member of the Islamic State in Wolfsburg. This was confirmed by the Federal Attorney General in the evening. The accused was "suspected of being a member of the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIG) ," it said in a notification. According to information from the newspaper "Bild" the man is the 26-year-old Ayoub B. (26). The paper said five members of the cell are currently fighting in Iraq and Syria. Two fighters came back already.

The detainee alledgedly "has gone through a combat training for the militant jihad and subsequently recovered dead and injured from the battlefield in a military offensive .... He also has recruited more fighters for the association," the chief federal prosecutor said.

Against Ayoub B. the Attorney General already initiated investigations into the "Preparation of a serious subversive violence". According to information from "Bild" Ayoub B grew up in Wolfsburg and first led an inconspicuous life.

Three years ago, Ayoub B. radicalized suddenly. At the end of June 2014 he first moved in an IS-training camp, where he was trained in the use of weapons and explosives. Later, he reportedly took part in terrorist operations in the Anbar region in western Iraq. According to "Bild", since his return he lived again with his parents and his brothers in a brick building in the Wolfsburg district Reislingen, in which the "German-Tunisian Association for Culture and Integration" is located. There he was allegedly being shadowed intensively by the security forces. "Bild" reported about about 50 people in the city who are members of radical groups.

Wolfsburg cell "greatest accumulation of Syria-fighters"

Terrorism expert Peter Neumann of King's College, University of London said the Wolfsburg cell was next to the group in Dinslaken, North Rhine-Westphalia , the "largest known accumulation of Syria-fighters". Wolfsburg is thus an important center for the IS. Dangerous are not only the returnees, but also the supporters, Neumann said.

Neumann refers in his assessment to IS spokesman Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Adnani. He had called on IS-sympathizers in September to carry out attacks throughout the West. A spokesman for the Protection of the Constitution of Lower Saxony said currently there are 40 people from Lower Saxony known to the authorities who "have left the country in the direction of Syria" to get involved in fights. As a "special focus" had in Lower Saxony Wolfsburg / Braunschweig region emerged.


IMHO, a next Charlie has been prevented ....

This case is growing faster than I can keep up with it, and hitting home on so many levels. It is so worrying.
Just in case you thought I was exaggerating, imams in Canada want to use ancient blasphemy laws to prosecute religious cartoons. You can't appease a fanatic.

And imams are claiming more converts to Islam following the attacks on our parliament.

This is sobering, and, indicative of a people who are nothing but dangerous. They really want to have everything their own way and have no intention of becoming part of the wider society.

Brenda Stoter Boscolo @BrendaStoter
Dutch journo: Al Jazeera, Al-Monitor, De Tijd, AD, Middle East Eye. Writes about the Middle East and The Netherlands. Human interest. Special focus on women.



Also on FaceBook a lot of mutual contact between Belgian and Dutch fans of IS. At this moment, becasue of what happened in #Verviers

(question from tweep: maybe I am naive, but even so I think: there will not be that many in The Netherlands?)

Dozens have returned. And I see supporters contacting one another on FB

Conflict News ‏@rConflictNews 2 min.2 minuten geleden

BREAKING: Belgian police have arrested several suspects in the 2nd home, no use of force was needed. #Verviers #Belgium via @spillthenews


Video in French, with English subtitles

"Islam is a religion of peace, but above all, it is a religion of justice!" *shakes machine gun*


VTM reports:


Today a video was posted online of the Islamic terrorist movement IS.
In this video jihadis call on their "brothers" to continue the jihad wherever possible in Europe. That reported the website of Het Laatste Nieuws

The video appears as a response to the attacks in France. These would only be the beginning of a series of terrorist attacks in Europe. Belgium is named as one of the countries where supporters of IS will commit attacks. Also mentioned are Germany and Switzerland.

IS specifically asks to kill police officers. "If you see a cop, then kill him. . Kill them all "
IS-combatants who can not come to the IS caliphate, in Europe, should their "do best"to kill infidels,"Do what you can."

Today anti-terrorist actions were carried out throughout in the country by the police. In the town of Verviers two died during an action.
The safety level is for justice and police buildings had already increased to level 3. Whether there is a connection with the threatening video is not clear.

If the man suspected of selling arms to the Paris killer was not an arms dealer, why did he have weapons and documents related to the arms sale in his house?

Very likely there is a connection. This lawyer-ambulance chaser can say what he wants.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I am so grateful to see the good guys score!! May they have continued success!! Thanks to all of you!!
Bill Clinton On Politics Of Islam: Paris Killers Exemplify ‘World’s Greatest Double Standard’ [VIDEO]

“If you come to our country, we won’t let you worship the way you want. We won’t let you say what you want. They won’t let you do what you want to do,” Clinton continued. “However we have come to your country, therefore we have a right to do whatever we want to do, including kill you if you make us mad.”

“It’s just madness,” the former president said. “I think it can be rooted out if, and only if, the modernizing Muslims, the Arab Emirates, for example, Oman, which has tried to be a force in moving away from this, will do what they should do.”
Pope Francis wants to limit freedom of expression regarding religions so that no one is offended.

What a shock! The ruler of a religious institution that has hidden rapists and pedophiles, that supported the de facto slavery of women in the Magdalene Laundries scandal ( that has placed the blame for alcoholic husbands squarely on the shoulders of their wives, has decided to blame the victims once again.
"Poe is reintroducing a bill in the coming days that will compel the State Department to revoke the passports of Americans who join or assist any foreign terrorist organization."

"Sen. Ted Cruz will also reintroduce similar legislation in the Senate, his spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told CNN. The Texas Republican introduced a bill last year to strip Americans who join terrorist organizations of both their passports and their citizenship."

Poe unsuccessfully pushed the legislation in the House in September, but he said the attack in Paris underscores the need for such legislation."

I cannot believe that the minute our idiots started departing for Syria and Iraq, to fight for Isis, that our government would have had in place the ability to terminate their citizenships. They should be forced to stay there. No running home to mommy and daddy! When you lost your mind, you lost your citizenship. It should be like the saying, "You can never go home." End of discussion!

The other thing I don't want to believe is that the Democrats voted it down, in September 2014.
JMO They should not put the photo in the paper or crop it, but erasing a woman is wrong. JMO
"A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel is making waves internationally for removing German Chancellor Angela Merkel from a photo of this week's Paris march out of modesty.
The picture in Hamevaser cut out other women, like Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, though the newspaper clumsily left her dark glove on the sleeve of a marcher. The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, was also cropped out.
Pope Francis wants to limit freedom of expression regarding religions so that no one is offended.

What a shock! The ruler of a religious institution that has hidden rapists and pedophiles, that supported the de facto slavery of women in the Magdalene Laundries scandal ( that has placed the blame for alcoholic husbands squarely on the shoulders of their wives, has decided to blame the victims once again.


The full quote of what Francis said can be found here:

Pope Francis said Thursday there are limits to freedom of speech, especially when it insults or ridicules someone's faith.
Francis spoke about the Paris terror attacks while en route to the Philippines, defending free speech as not only a fundamental human right but a duty to speak one's mind for the sake of the common good.
But he said there were limits.

By way of example, he referred to Alberto Gasparri, who organizes papal trips and was standing by his side aboard the papal plane.
"If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch," Francis said half-jokingly, throwing a mock punch his way. "It's normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others."

His pretend punch aside, Francis by no means said the violent attack on Charlie Hebdo was justified. Quite the opposite: He said such horrific violence in God's name couldn't be justified and was an "aberration." But he said a reaction of some sort was to be expected.


IMHO there is no indication at all that he decided to blame the victims once again.


Pope Francis has celebrated a Mass in memory of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, decrying the "human cruelty" that people are capable of.
Francis asked for prayers for the victims at the start of Mass and said "we also ask for those who are cruel so that the Lord may change their heart."
Francis also sent a one-line tweet from his @Pontifex handle: #PrayersforParis.

IMHO, there are others who are happy about the massacres and think the Charlies deserved what they got.

HLN.BE reports


The training camp for jihadists in the Belgian Ardennes took place in Jalhay, which is located about ten kilometers from Verviers. This was reported by the newspaper Sudpresse in November.

In October 2014, twelve people moved into the cottage Prunelles in Jalhay and attracted attention, according to the French broadcaster RTL at the time. "Some of them wore djellabas, others had beards, made their appearance reminiscent of radical Islamists," said Damien Leboutte, substitute of the public prosecutor.

These men from Antwerp were seen in groups at the edge of the forest. Locals had warned the police that weirdos were hanging out. The police conducted an identity check, but no one in the group was a suspect," spokesman Michel Parotte, spokesman for Jalhay said to newspaper Sudpresse.


Nice cottage, with info in English

I have not been there for a while, but I used to hike there. Charneux, Jalhay, Solwaster, Barrage de la Gileppe, Hautes Fagnes ....
Hills with woods and marshes, lots of marshes. Rocks.

I don't know what to say. Chilling.
Derk Jan Eppink @djeppink verfied account

Senior Fellow London Policy Center NYC; Columnist De Volkskrant. Former MEP; Former member cabinets Bolkestein/Kallas; journalist NRC Handelsblad; De Standaard



Not surprised about Jihadism in Belgium. Urban areas with "no go zones" were incubator radicalism. Politics closed eyes; molenbeek

In Brussels, AK-47s for sale for 5000 euros. Molenbeek a no go municipality. Mayor Moureaux (PS) allowed everything in return for Muslim votes.

Belgium became the incubator of terrorists and their hub to Syria. Socialists were silent and citizens now reap terror from Islamic State

Bill Clinton On Politics Of Islam: Paris Killers Exemplify ‘World’s Greatest Double Standard’ [VIDEO]

“If you come to our country, we won’t let you worship the way you want. We won’t let you say what you want. They won’t let you do what you want to do,” Clinton continued. “However we have come to your country, therefore we have a right to do whatever we want to do, including kill you if you make us mad.”

“It’s just madness,” the former president said. “I think it can be rooted out if, and only if, the modernizing Muslims, the Arab Emirates, for example, Oman, which has tried to be a force in moving away from this, will do what they should do.”

The madness lies in Clinton's suggestion that Oman's state religion, Islam, and the basis of Oman's laws, sharia, can be forces in stopping religious extremism. But at least Clinton is consistent in the Western pretense that moderation is a relative thing, and some sharia is somehow more friendly than others. Thanks for that memo, Bubba.

The full quote of what Francis said can be found here:

Pope Francis said Thursday there are limits to freedom of speech, especially when it insults or ridicules someone's faith.
Francis spoke about the Paris terror attacks while en route to the Philippines, defending free speech as not only a fundamental human right but a duty to speak one's mind for the sake of the common good.
But he said there were limits.

By way of example, he referred to Alberto Gasparri, who organizes papal trips and was standing by his side aboard the papal plane.
"If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch," Francis said half-jokingly, throwing a mock punch his way. "It's normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others."

His pretend punch aside, Francis by no means said the violent attack on Charlie Hebdo was justified. Quite the opposite: He said such horrific violence in God's name couldn't be justified and was an "aberration." But he said a reaction of some sort was to be expected.


IMHO there is no indication at all that he decided to blame the victims once again.


Pope Francis has celebrated a Mass in memory of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, decrying the "human cruelty" that people are capable of.
Francis asked for prayers for the victims at the start of Mass and said "we also ask for those who are cruel so that the Lord may change their heart."
Francis also sent a one-line tweet from his @Pontifex handle: #PrayersforParis.

IMHO, there are others who are happy about the massacres and think the Charlies deserved what they got.

BUT, by the Pope's own words he is engaging in the now predictable, 'We must defend freedom of speech, BUT.../"Violence is wrong, BUT..." narrative, popularized by the West, and sung like an anthem by our cowering media.

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