GUILTY France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo, 2015 *Appeal Trial 2022* #2

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This is the most ridiculous thing I heard in a long time. May have been better if he just brought flowers and jewelry instead or sent a fruit basket, but to bring James Taylor? This is the oddest diplomacy unless French are really into James Taylor.

lol this also has me scratching my head!
Our most immediate threat with potential terrorists comes from our porous southern border with Mexico. Sadly, it seems that only people living in a state on that border truly understand that threat. The U. S. has spent billions on a fence that is about as effective as a line of dominoes. I absolutely do not understand why the majority of Americans don't seem to 'get it'. Anyone with a will can get over or under the fence. In addition there are gaps in that fence that a herd of elephants could traverse. If I were so inclined I could personally escort anyone across our border with Mexico. I personally know people who have found abandoned prayer rugs & abandoned Korans. The U. S. will never be safe from terrorists so long as that problem remains. Not all by any means, but some Mexican officials can be bribed to look away when someone wishes to cross the border. Don't believe me??????? Just ask any resident of any border state. Texas is where I live & the situation is epidemic.

The majority of Americans get it. It is the politicians who don't
Muslims make up 0.6% of the US population compared to somewhere close to 10% of the French population (no official stats allowed) which is an enormous amount more. Muslims are certainly very integrated in France but there are a whole lot more of them, therefore a whole lot more who are not integrated in France than in the US. Also there are family ties here and perhaps more reasons and more ease to emigrate to France and maybe an emigration all the way to the US would imply more intention to integrate. I don't know I could be completely wrong here, just musing.
LOL, Waddles, ask your friends if they have JT on their playlists:)

Ha! I will definitely ask but it doesn't ring any kind of bells! I'm also surprised these people have time to sit down and listen to music-it sort of seems like they're doing it out of politeness, like that awkward dinner party. Most people do like JT but it's all very odd still!

ETA: I'm watching this video on daily mail in stitches, it's too funny and awkward! It's corny, like it would make sense to play that song to kids at a school reeling from the tragedy to show your support but to the President? Huh? The hugging the kisses and the speeches I liked but this James Taylor thing is just bizarre.
Ok I see what you are getting at. I wouldn't quite say he was directly blaming France. But he is implying that America doesn't have the same issues. Interesting comments to say the least.

Here is why I think he was blaming France for the attack in Paris. Obama says that WE don't get attacked because 'our muslims' feel American and are assimilated. Obama was specifically speaking about the Paris attacks because he was replying to a question about it. So he was being asked about the Paris attacks and he goes on to answer that we assimilate our Muslims, amplying the french do not. Thus he was blaming France for their own attack, imo.
Weeeelll I may be wrong. Multiple French press sources talking highly of this "nice surprise" and "moment of emotion" that was James Taylor singing You've got a Friend. Another news source however sarcastically concluded it was "subtle" as a one word line at the end of the article.

Apparently Kerry gave a great speech before this though, I'll have a listen.

RTL-Nieuws reports:


The terrorist cell that was preparing attacks in Belgium, was managed from Greece by a Jihadist who returned from Syria.
A terror expert said this on Belgian broadcaster VTM News.

Terror expert Özgunes Farouk said that the investigation into the terrorist group was opened between Christmas and the New Year after a tip to the police about telephone communications of an inmate in a prison in Liege [near Verviers, Belgium].
According to Özgunes the phone records showed that the detainee was in contact with a Jihadist who had gone from Syria to Greece.
Furthermore the detainee in Liège often called his brother, one of the suspects who was killed on Thursday in Verviers.

By listening to the conversations, the police found out about the plan for an attack on the Belgian police.
The man in Greece alledgedly is the contractor who directed the operation. He alledgedly also provided the money to the terrorist cell.


It is not clear if the man was Greek, only that he was staying in Greece.
And where did HIS money come from?

Garden Lady.

I lived overseas most of my life so I know a lot about different cultures. He was in an official capacity. It would not have been bad form when people were shot to death on the streets of Paris.

I went to school in Switzerland so bully for Kerry. There was reason Kerry was never nominated.

It is not everyday behavior for a Secretary of State. Search Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice.

There are over a dozen government planes that Kerry has at his disposal. He doesn't need a fighter jet!. He could have flown to Paris.which the French are our oldest allies not India.

They didn't recently have a terrorist attacks either.

I will drop it but it was a public relations disaster. I wouldn't have sent Kerry. He is NOT a head of state or a VP. Obama blew it.

Also it is not custom all over the world.

BTW I was not ridiculing the custom, again I am very familiar with living overseas not visiting, I was pointing out the lack of protocol and etiquette in Obama's administration.

I don't like being accused of being rude or ridicule of people or their customs. I am not. We are entitled to our own opinions.

Please address other posters separately.

This is my post and I don't like to be accused of saying things or implied that I am ignorant.

I didn't miss the provincial insult. Those that call someone provincial are generally provincial themselves.
What she said

The UK National Secular Society has translated the editorial of this week's Charlie Hebdo

For a week now, Charlie, an atheist magazine, has accomplished more miracles than all the saints and prophets together.


In recent years, we have felt rather lonely, trying to push back with our pencils straightforward connerie* and pseudo-intellectual subtleties that they were throwing at our faces and that of our friends who were strongly defending secularism: Islamophobes, Christianophobes, troublemakers, people assuming no responsibility, those who throw oil on the fire, racists, you-asked-for-it ... yes we condemn terrorism, but. Yes it is not good to threaten cartoonists with death, but. Yes, setting fire to a magazine's headquarters is wrong, but.

Read on!

* I replaced an English B-word with a possible French translation, because it would be highly unCharlie-like to mitigate their own French as ******
Eowwww (cat-like sound) .... give the guy a break. Please.
This is not a defense of the Jihad.

Francis called upon the islamic leaders to urgently seek reform of their religion.
He prayed for Charlie Hebdo together with four Imams. He called this a double attack, both on human life and on the freedom of speech.
He calls the freedom of speech not only a human right but (BUT!) a duty for the sake of the common good.
And he says that action causes reaction. Basic social science.

Freedom of speech is much easier if you are living in a free country.

Urging people to speak up for the sake of common good who do not live in such a country, cannot come without a caution. Action causes reaction, so be careful.

Call me a nit-picker, but it's the machine gun shaking and calls to kill the infidel that sound like defense of jihad to me. Please.
today in the joint press conference with Cameron, he talked about it:

==================== =================================================
Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There’s this incredible processs of immigration and assimilation that’s part of our tradition, and that’s probably our greatest strength.” .

There are parts of Europe “where that’s not the case,” Obama says. It’s important that Europe not respond with a hammer, he says. He says he told Cameron all this before.============================================================================

So Obama implies that the reason France was attacked was because the French Muslims did not feel French. Unlike our American Muslims who are fully embraced and assimilated? Did he forget the Boston Marathon and 9/11 already?


Just when Kerry put so much effort in improving relations - brought HIS favourite singer and everything [emoji57] -Obama starts to blame Europe snd France for not doing enough to integrate muslims. All in aftermath of Paris terror attacks.
He holds France partly responsible for terror, in Obama mind muslims have some elevated status, above all others.

Doubtful it's even true what Obama said that muslims in America have integrated so well, some will never do. Boston marathon attacks just one example.
Oklahoma beheader was born in America, but converted later (in jail) .

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There is terrible rioting in Niger, churces torched and Christians-owned shopped looted as muslims react to Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

But there was not protests when Bono Haram killed 2000 last week.

Perhaps because Boko Haram has won hearts & minds by crimes lke this: Boko haram has slaughtered 1700 Christians in Nigeria

It is clear islam is very intolerant &hateful, you just cant overlook the facts.

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Obama: Europe should better integrate Muslims

The US leader said the 2013 Boston marathon bombing showed that the United States was not entirely safe from Islamic militant cells, but suggested that it had had more success than others in integrating minorities.

“Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations feel themselves to be Americans and there is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition,” he said.

“There are parts of Europe in which that’s not the case... it’s important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems.”

bbm #1 The usa has always been a nation of diversity, and #2 It's not his job to tell other countries how to do business.


Belgium deploys army as Europe remains on high alert

Belgium has it right.

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