GUILTY France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo, 2015 *Appeal Trial 2022* #2

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Chérif and Saïd Kouachi’s Path to Paris Attack at Charlie Hebdo

NYT longread

The 10-year evolution from easily spooked amateur to hardened killer is a story of steadily deepening radicalism that occurred virtually under the noses of French authorities, who twice had Chérif in their grasp. After the arrest of Chérif in 2005, when he was no more than a fledgling jihadist, he spent 20 months in prison.
There, he met and became an acolyte of Al Qaeda’s top operative in France, Djamel Beghal, who had been dispatched to Paris to set up a cell aimed at attacking United States interests here, French counterterrorism officials said.

He also befriended a convicted robber, Amedy Coulibaly, who would later synchronize his own terrorist attack with the Kouachi brothers, killing a police officer and staging a siege inside a kosher supermarket in the days after the Charlie Hebdo carnage, bringing the death toll to 17.

Much remains unclear about their lives. But thousands of pages of legal documents obtained by The New York Times, including minutes of interrogations, summaries of phone taps, intercepted jailhouse letters and a catalog of images and religious texts found on the laptops of Chérif Kouachi and Mr. Coulibaly, reveal an arc of radicalization that saw them become steadily more professional and more discreet.

They shaved regularly, eschewing the conspicuous beards worn by many Islamists. They dressed in jeans and basketball sneakers, offering no outward hint of their plans or jihadist beliefs.

After at least one of the Kouachis traveled to Yemen in 2011, the United States alerted French authorities. But three years of tailing the brothers yielded nothing, and an oversight commission ruled that the surveillance was no longer productive, said Louis Caprioli, the deputy head of France’s domestic antiterrorism unit from 1998 to 2004.
The brothers appeared so nonthreatening that surveillance was dropped in the middle of last year, he said, as hundreds of young Muslims cycled back and forth to Syria for jihad and French authorities shifted priorities.

“The system is overwhelmed,” said Jean-Charles Brisard, a terrorism expert who is a former counsel to France’s chief antiterrorism prosecutor.


Chériff Kouachi started on the path towards Jihadism because he was sickened by images of American soldiers humiliating Muslims at the Abu Ghraib prison, [and] he made plans to go fight United States forces. (NYT article)

Non-violent extremism imported from Saudi Arabia takes young Muslims to the door of extremism

The Independent reports:

Last week four British Muslims told the BBC’s Panorama why they believe the government is right to identify “non-violent extremism” as the ideology that helps lays the ground for violent extremism. They explained that this non-violent ideology is the politicised version of puritanical Sunni Islam that dominates Saudi Arabia and which has been exported to Britain and around the world over decades.

The programme showed how Salafi Wahhabism is wreathed in anti-westernism, contempt for parliamentary democracy, reactionary attitudes to gender equality and gay rights, and disdain for other faiths. Through its UK-based adherents, this puritanical strain of Islam has taken on a life of its own here with a proliferation of Islamic teaching institutions, activist groups and Islamic satellite channels. It “takes young Muslims to the front door of violent extremists” said Sara Khan.

Khan runs a counter-extremism organisation called Inspire. Like the three other interviewees, she believes Salafi Wahhabism is growing and “drowning out the prospect of developing a British version of Islam”.

Actually I don't feel all that safe in America. It's only a matter of time until the terrorists strike here.

How do free countries protect themselves? I don't know.


They already have. Several times.
Muslims make up 0.6% of the US population compared to somewhere close to 10% of the French population (no official stats allowed) which is an enormous amount more. Muslims are certainly very integrated in France but there are a whole lot more of them, therefore a whole lot more who are not integrated in France than in the US. Also there are family ties here and perhaps more reasons and more ease to emigrate to France and maybe an emigration all the way to the US would imply more intention to integrate. I don't know I could be completely wrong here, just musing.

bbm, right and yet I read this.

NYC may yank terrorism report to appease mosque ‘spying’ critics

Go figure. jmo
I am puzzled by something and would love a response as I am not truly caught up yet.

Has the attack on Charlie Hebdo prompted more sleeper cells to activate, causing countries like the UK, Belgium, and Greece to hunt for these cells now? Or is it just that these countries are now acting on the intelligence they have received? Thank you so much.
I am puzzled by something and would love a response as I am not truly caught up yet.

Has the attack on Charlie Hebdo prompted more sleeper cells to activate, causing countries like the UK, Belgium, and Greece to hunt for these cells now? Or is it just that these countries are now acting on the intelligence they have received? Thank you so much.

I would hazard, Zuri, a bit of both? As crazy as this sounds, I was once at the airport in south Louisiana & began a conversation with an older gentlemen who held forth what he said was his informed opinion that there was a sleeper cell in this town of young Muslim men. This was 10 years after 9/11. He was no crazy, but a retired, fairly well-off businessman with ties to LE & the military.
The Turkish newspaper Zaman, a publication in English, offers more information about the 'open borders of Turkey'and the alledged delivery of weapons to Al-Qaeda by the Turkish Governement.

Turkish officials' inclination to use the country's open-door policy for Syrian refugees as an excuse for the country's failure to prevent foreign fighters from reaching Syria via its border is not a convincing argument, analysts have said.

“The fact that the [Syrian] border is open for humanitarian reasons can be no excuse for the failure to stop foreign fighters from crossing the border,” Mahmut Akpınar, a security analyst at the Ankara-based Center of Law, Ethics and Political Studies (HESA), told Sunday's Zaman.


Hayat Boumedienne, partner of Casher Supermarkte terrorist Coulibaly is believed to have travelled from Turkey to Syria.

About the weapons for Al-Qaeda delivered by Turkish secret Service, see my previous posting

This case is gaining attention - as it well should! Apparently, Dutch politicians have been aware of the transport since November and questions have been asked in Parliament. reports:

Dutch opposition says has documents proving Turkey sent arms to Syrian jihadists

One of the things that has bothered me about the White House and President Obama is their seeming lack of awareness of optics. I have no clue who is advising the president, but they are clueless.
I am puzzled by something and would love a response as I am not truly caught up yet.

Has the attack on Charlie Hebdo prompted more sleeper cells to activate, causing countries like the UK, Belgium, and Greece to hunt for these cells now? Or is it just that these countries are now acting on the intelligence they have received? Thank you so much.

LE in Belgium was aware of the threats since December, and acted on the information that an attack was a matter of hours.
It has been suggested that this was part of a lager, international operation that pre-dates the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Casher Supermarket.
The Belgian terrorists are connected with Syria and ISIS.

The Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly were not under suspicion or vigilance by French LE. The brothers were initially recruited by Al-Qaeda.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is rolling in his grave.

I hope, darlin, this doesn't lead to desecrating Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī's grave. That would require a response...a punched nose?

Do you all think this has anything to do with a terror cell or just some random crazy guy? Jill Biden is my friend. Her grand daughter Naomi and my daughter are friends. I have had the honor of calling her friend for over 20 years. I love her and her family and this has me very upset.

I think it is some random crazy nut. The shots were no where near the actual living quarters. It might not have even been connected to the VP. JMO

Do you all think this has anything to do with a terror cell or just some random crazy guy? Jill Biden is my friend. Her grand daughter Naomi and my daughter are friends. I have had the honor of calling her friend for over 20 years. I love her and her family and this has me very upset.

We will probably never know. If it was a terror cell the government will most likely keep it hushed up unless they are able to catch them. In addition to terrorists we have plenty of lone, deranged bad guys out & about.

Do you all think this has anything to do with a terror cell or just some random crazy guy? Jill Biden is my friend. Her grand daughter Naomi and my daughter are friends. I have had the honor of calling her friend for over 20 years. I love her and her family and this has me very upset.

That would be very, very upsetting.
If it was planned, perp would, or should - have known, that the Biden's were not home at the time of shooting.
Wondering if it was a " tester " by crazy trouble maker, to gage the reaction of security. imo.

VP Biden had talk planned on Monday..

"The vice-president planned to speak on Monday in Wilmington at the Organisation of Minority Women’s Dr Martin Luther King Jr breakfast".

The Guardian reports:

On a labyrinthine upper floor of King’s College London is the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), the first global initiative of its type, whose offices are frequently contacted by counter-terrorism officers, hungry for information on the continuing flow of Britons to the ranks of Isis.

At 4.30pm on Thursday the centre’s researchers were assiduously examining social media “accounts of value”, noting the ongoing ripples of jubilation following the Charlie Hebdo and Paris attacks. A pseudonymous jihadist from Manchester, Abu QaQa, had said that the shootings had persuaded Isis and al-Qaida supporters to bury their differences.

“He’s saying we should be happy that jihad was made against the crusaders. It doesn’t matter that AQ and IS have been fighting each other – if it brings attacks against the west he’ll support it,” said Joseph Carter, research fellow at the ICSR.

So far the centre’s database has amassed profiles of about 700 western foreign fighters who have joined either Isis or groups such as al-Qaida’s Syrian offshoot, the al-Nusra Front. Each individual is categorised according to 72 data points, such as their birthplace or previous employment.


“We are using information that is openly accessible to anyone who wants to look. Over the years we’ve become quite clever, but none of what we’re doing involves hacking and obviously we do not have special powers granted to us by the authorities,”


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