Friday 8/1/08 3 PM Press Conference

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I was just thinking to myself the other day...... I feel like a damn teenager trying to get crap done before my mom comes home from work to see that I've been sittin' on my butt....I'm a grown woman for crying out loud, why do I feel so guilty??? (besides the fact that I haven't done SQUAT for going on nearly two weeks now????) :ashamed0005:

It's nice to know I'm not the only one...Caylee's grabbed my heart. :blowkiss:
That is exactly the way it is perceived. They want a dead body so Casey can be prosecuted instead of a baby that is alive, well and whole. I can not believe what I am reading on this board. :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

That's not true at all Rose. You are perceiving things incorrectly. Go check the archives on EVERY OTHER missing person's case. We all prayed for closure for the Peterson's. We didn't have a body but we knew what the end would be. It's REALITY.
If you feel Caylee is alive then what is YOUR theory on the cadaver dogs, fluids, and scent in the trunk? Casey's lies? ETC??? This is what we do here at WS. It's ugly but it IS REALITY!
I don't think people WANT Caylee to be dead, I think everyone is just preparing for the worst. TWO different cadaver dogs hit on TWO seperate areas. That doesn't bode well for a happy outcome. No one has come forward to say they've seen Caylee since June 15th (if Jesse is correct in his recollection and Casey wasn't pulling something, last heard on June 24th). No one has ever seen this "nanny". The way everything adds up, at this time, points more strongly to homicide than anything else.

You may believe in cadavar dogs but I DO NOT unless a body is found. They find no body then there is NO PROOF there was a body.

I was just thinking to myself the other day...... I feel like a damn teenager trying to get crap done before my mom comes home from work to see that I've been sittin' on my butt....I'm a grown woman for crying out loud, why do I feel so guilty??? (besides the fact that I haven't done SQUAT for going on nearly two weeks now????) :ashamed0005:

Don't feel guilty. I think it shows a tremendous amount of empathy. I think we all hold a small kernel of hope that somehow, by being here, by discussing theories, we can help.
I don't disagree with you... people can be mean.

But that's why it's a gamble to upload pictures or post personal messages to a public area of the internet.... they're out of your control.... forever.

Exactly. she chose to put them there knowing full well that they could end up anywhere....and she has made the bed she is lying in.
We are on the press conference thread - with that said


We found nothing out - nothing new - (I have to admit I got a little excited when Shep said they could be waiting for ajudge to sign something - yea right - like that happened).

I think LE held that to appease the media and the public - do they NOT get it? It doesn't appease anyone - it just Pi**es us off even more?

And - by the way - WHERE IS LEE TODAY? No one has seen or heard or spoke of him - is he at the funraiser as well?

And shouldn't we take this back to the main discussion thread?
no sides here but the comment did not seem rude - it is was it is, a comment -

Definitions of rude
Rudeness is the (apparent) disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette.

ill-mannered: socially incorrect in behavior

No it was rude. It is rude to insinuate that we want Caylee dead. As a grad student in Psych getting my PsyD., I do not need a definition to understand the meaning of the word rude.
It was extremely rude.
You may believe in cadavar dogs but I DO NOT unless a body is found. They find no body then there is NO PROOF there was a body.

I think that may be what Casey is thinking and hoping for.
New here, but I've been reading.

Someone earlier today pointed to Casey's words in her initial call home from jail. She asked Cindy, "You don't know what my involvement is in stuff?"

I think Casey let on with that question that she is involved in Caylee's disappearance, AND that she's not the only person involved. IMO, it also points to the idea that Cindy is not involved.

AND - when Cindy said no - she did not know Casey's involvement - did you hear Casey's voice change just a little? Seemed to me that Casey took this to mean that she (Casey) was fooling everyone and she could keep on doing it. I think this was a defining moment. If Cindy would have been able to say something like - no, but LE thinks they know what your involvement was - letting Casey know someone was on to her, but Mom still believed everything she was saying, Cindy might have gotten some real info. This was before all the phone calls were released, so Casey might have spilled, at least a little bit, because LE was being so "unfair" to her...... arresting her on a "whim."

Opportunities lost,

I'm going to throw this out there to see what everyone thinks. MAYBE casey told cindy/george/lee to get something from the house that would prove "Zanny" is real, that she may have her fingerprints on it so that is why Cindy and George asked LE to go retreive these items. I'm just trying to come up with something positive but I have not heard this so please don't ask for a link. IMO

What i did hear at the presser was that the Anthonys are the ones who asked LE to retreive those items and that they felt it would help.
Oh for the love of Pete! If that's how you feel than why be here? I haven't come across a single poster here that would want that outcome. However, we are all more than familiar that the more time passes that there is a body. And that body needs to be found and properly mourned. And then justice and responsibility should be meted out swiftly. The thought of that child dumped somewhere has me FURIOUS whether she is alive or not. Her mother I have no sympathy for period. As for what's being said, Casey brought that upon herself, with her own lack of cooperation.
I think that may be what Casey is thinking and hoping for.

I agree Mendara. Casey feels she's going to walk. The simple fact is that cadaver dogs are very accurate. When one dog hits on a scent, it's a definite sign there was a body in that area. In this case, TWO dogs alerted to the trunk and yard. I'm not trying to sound harsh. I just want justice for this child.
LOL! Too funny!

What we all need is a housekeeper... I wonder if Zenaida does housework also? haha

If they'd find that damn Black Jack, maybe we could get her number and find out!!!!!!!!! :smiley4:
i'm sorry, i really didn't mean to insult anyone. but i think partying for an entire month while your 2 year old is missing deserves attention - whether offensive or not. i also think what casey anthony is doing to the police, the press, her family, and the taxpayers of florida is offensive.

but i did not mean to offend anyone here, at all. and for that, i apologize.

you didn't offend me,.. ACTUALLY I posted those pics yesterday when I found them on another thread here. :blowkiss:
That is exactly the way it is perceived. They want a dead body so Casey can be prosecuted instead of a baby that is alive, well and whole. I can not believe what I am reading on this board. :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

what we WANT is the TRUTH!! if someone took her then tell LE ALL the CORRECT info in order to find her. stop playing her childish, spiteful games and start telling the truth. she has the media, the LE, her family and friends ALL running around in circles while she's in jail sitting back laughing at them.

if there was ANY truth to what she's said chances are the LE would have found the CORRECT nanny by now. the LE has said the one's casey said introduced her to this nanny said they don't KNOW the nanny!! the dogs smelled decomp in the car and backyard. these things do not seem to add up to Caylee being alive which we would ALL LOVE WOULD HAPPEN!! but we don't live in a fantasy world unlike Casey!!

talk about offensive!!! CASEY IS OFFENSIVE!!!!
Once there was a girl named Caylee, and now ... there isn't. If they don't find the girl, then there is NO PROOF that she is alive.

You may believe in cadavar dogs but I DO NOT unless a body is found. They find no body then there is NO PROOF there was a body.
I don't, I hope they find an alive little girl.

I can not believe so many people want that baby to be dead. Seem to be disappointed there wasn't an announcement that she is deceased. Lord I can't believe this.

Come on home baby Caylee very much alive and well.

My thinking she is dead is not me wanting her to be dead. Are you kidding me?
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