Sorry not to include links, just going on memory, but...
On early video Dad said, why could they not just "take the pocketbook" and go? (My paraphrasing)
On video Mom said, (after perp demanded money and she said she had none,then perp said I'm going to shoot, again my paraphrasing), he tried to "grab my purse."
I'd say to myself, let the purse & contents go, money or no money, with or without credit or debit cards, checkbook, wedding ring, jewelry, smart phone, inhaler, sentimental knickknack, or whatever in there.
(Or I think I would, esp. w.multiple perps. I've practiced it in my head.)
When faced w. a gun, even one she said she thought was a toy gun,why not let them take the purse?
If there was no money, perps would not learn that until they were a block away and she had had a chance to escape and/or seek help.
There was speculation upthread about a poss. drug transaction.
Some other stmts were puzzling too, but this purse thing jumped out at me.
In any case, sad sad sad that precious baby lost his life.