GUILTY GA - Antonio Santiago, 13 mos, Brunswick, 21 March 2013 - #2

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I respectfully disagree. It doesn't take days (or even hours) to load and fire that gun into the water barrel, retrieve the bullet and compare the markings on it to other bullets recovered from previous crimes. It just doesn't. Now, DNA and fingerprints and stuff like that yea. But just ballistics on the markings - nope.

And with this crime being so high profile - that gun will be the top priority in the lab.

Those ballistics have already been done and results are entered. I also believe that the Grand Jury was presented with that as well. They don't have the results back yet.


I am only repeating what the Police Chief said yesterday. He said it "could take days" for the reports to come back.
Why is everyone so shocked the defense attorney is defending his client? Isn't that his job?

They had better keep this kids in AdSeg if they don't want a case of community inflicted DP.

(I'm not threatening the kids, just making a point that this is not going to play well for them in the joint.)
Not finding much on DL's attorney Kimberly Copeland. I see an attorney of that name on Brunswick street in Jesup.

Could a local let us know if this attorney is known in the area, what her reputation is, etc?

I also noted that in the article up above she is not listed as a PD so I am thinking she has been privately retained?

His parents are reportedly incarcerated so I wonder who has had to come up with attorney retainer money. I get the impression his family is not any more wealthy than Elkins so I imagine coming up with money to hire an attorney would be quite a hardship.

I do not know who is responsible for this young man, but the only family member we have heard from is the Aunt O who cooperated with LE. I have a great deal more respect for how the L family is handling things (staying out of the press with outrageous claims of botched police work etc) than how Elkins family has comported itself.
I've never heard of Kimberly Copeland. Jesup is about 45 minutes NW of here. It's a very small town.

Did you see this review of her?

"We paid $7,500 dollars and they didn't do anything. They waited till the last minute to follow up on the case and had the attitude of " do the time, oh and don't forget to pay us". Save your money and find a lawyer that is dedicated to your case and will follow up. In the end you have to make the choice that is best for you and your family. I am just pointing out how horrible the experience was for me.Plus we are out $7,500. A public defender could have done a better job."

Or this one:

Doesn't look too promising to me. Maybe she's a family friend or something since it doesn't look like she was hired for her expertise.
Actually, people who work with developmentally delayed children can usually spot them by appearance. For DE, it's not FAS I don't think - he really doesn't have any of the features. There's something, though, that catches my eye.

Of course, not diagnose, though--just maybe 'spot'. We can suspect and maybe refer, but FAS has to be diagnosed by docs who specialize in this diagnosis. It's a bit complex, and as I recall, they have to have at least 3 out of 5 of the common characteristice (not just the smooth philtrum, which itself is ranked on 5 levels for 'smoothness').
This is disappointing info about Ms. Copeland (if true).

Of the two boys, DL, the younger, is the one I am concerned about getting good counsel. I feel Eklins has his family who will obviously go to criminal length s to protect his interests. He has Gough, a very well respected attorney.

Who is in DL's corner?

And before anybody reads me the riot act or reminds me that poor little baby Antonio is the victim, depending on the level of involvement this young man, and based on his apparent cooperation since arrest, I feel strongly that I would like to see this kid be properly represented.

I do not want him to get off, I am not advocating for him to have a slap on the wrist. I simply feel that he, much more so than Elkins, might be more likely to feel remorse and wish he'd made other choices. I want DL either plead out or fairly tried.
Of course, not diagnose, though--just maybe 'spot'. We can suspect and maybe refer, but FAS has to be diagnosed by docs who specialize in this diagnosis. It's a bit complex, and as I recall, they have to have at least 3 out of 5 of the common characteristice (not just the smooth philtrum, which itself is ranked on 5 levels for 'smoothness').

Right - you can't diagnose from a mugshot. (Actually in some cases you can, like Down's Syndrome).

I still think there's something not right, developmentally, with DE. And his mother. I know everyone got a good laugh about her alibi yesterday, and with good cause, because she said she was with him in the morning when in fact she was detained by LE at that time. It seems funny on the surface but it indicates an intellectual impairment - in my opinion. And for DE to choose this woman to target in broad daylight, demand her money and then shoot her baby in the head right there in broad daylight - that's impaired thinking. No impulse control. A serious lack of ability to think clearly, IMHO.

The way the family seems to treat him as a child, too.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if he has an IQ higher than 80, or if his mother does either.
Kuritz said social media is often used in investigations, by law enforcement and defense attorneys. Social media allows them to see what suspects are really doing and really saying.

"I've seen several times with social media where people who are convicted felons holding guns, holding drugs, and carrying fire arms and they're posting pictures proudly on websites or social media, only to find out it's going to bite them in the long run."


"They're all doing something individual but at the end of the day you can tie them all together, at the end of the day I would not be surprised to see that in this case."

I agree, I will not be surprised.

Yes, and even after it's 'taken down' they of course have complete access to it. I keep remembering the screenshot I have of the angry 'close family friend' [Elkins family friend] who was confronting DE on his wall about how he and family lied to authorities, because his FB postings (his whereabouts that week) didn't match up with what he'd told authorities.
Right - you can't diagnose from a mugshot. (Actually in some cases you can, like Down's Syndrome).

I still think there's something not right, developmentally, with DE. And his mother. I know everyone got a good laugh about her alibi yesterday, and with good cause, because she said she was with him in the morning when in fact she was detained by LE at that time. It seems funny on the surface but it indicates an intellectual impairment - in my opinion. And for DE to choose this woman to target in broad daylight, demand her money and then shoot her baby in the head right there in broad daylight - that's impaired thinking. No impulse control. A serious lack of ability to think clearly, IMHO.

The way the family seems to treat him as a child, too.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if he has an IQ higher than 80, or if his mother does either.

Boy, I'd agree with you there...some obvious judgment impairments all around (whether organic, due to substance abuse, to complete lack of morals, or any combination thereof).
District Attorney Jackie Johnson of the Brunswick Judicial Circuit said in a statement Thursday she would not seek the death penalty against either suspect because Georgia law doesn't allow capital punishment for defendants charged with crimes committed before they were 18. Both teens are charged as adults.


Kimberly Copeland, the attorney for the 15-year-old suspect, said she planned a vigorous defense but had no further comment.

"I believe in the innocence of my client," Copeland said.

DL has an attorney and is being charged as an adult.

Could a mod weigh in on whether or not 15 year old DL, charged as an adult with murder, can be named as Elkins (17) is in this thread or if we must continue to use his initials only? Please and thank you.

He is charged as an adult per GA law. He has been named by LE and all media outlets at this point. So using his name is okay.

We do need to be cognizant that this suspect is going to defend that he was not a player, but a victim also. While this is highly unlikely, we don't have all the facts yet, so we should use a little restraint.

Okay - we have arrests and indictments here, so this case is going to move to "Awaiting Trial." I will set up a new thread, copy some pertinent posts over, post the link here and lock this thread up just as soon as I have everything all set up.

Boy, I'd agree with you there...some obvious judgment impairments all around (whether organic, due to substance abuse, to complete lack of morals, or any combination thereof).

I'm not sure I believe this myself, but I'm going to throw it out there for consideration. I briefly wondered yesterday if the mother blew the alibi intentionally. Maybe she's afraid of her son and he threatened her to provide an alibi. So, she provided an alibi that wasn't an alibi at all.

As I said, not sure I believe it, but I did wonder that yesterday.
I commented earlier this week that, in spite of reports to the contrary, this sort of violence does occur in this area quite frequently. Why anyone would say otherwise I don't know. This article highlights what I'm talking about. Incidents were occurring regularly before the article was written (Dec. 2012) and continue to this day. I wonder if DE and his little street thugs are involved in any of this. All of this is happening in the same vicinity where Thursdays shooting occurred.

More at link.

Yes, and neighbor/friend Mathis, who drove Santiago to the funeral home to get Antonio's remains, also said he heard gunshots frequently in the middle of the night. I trust what the locals say more than what PR-driven news accounts might say.
<snipped for space>

His parents are reportedly incarcerated so I wonder who has had to come up with attorney retainer money. I get the impression his family is not any more wealthy than Elkins so I imagine coming up with money to hire an attorney would be quite a hardship.

I do not know who is responsible for this young man, but the only family member we have heard from is the Aunt O who cooperated with LE. I have a great deal more respect for how the L family is handling things (staying out of the press with outrageous claims of botched police work etc) than how Elkins family has comported itself.

ITA tl - but think about this. DL's parents are incarcerated. He rolled - rather quickly - which probably means he was "traumatized" by witnessing DE shoot that innocent child - hell, maybe even lil Antonio looked at him (DL) the moment he was shot! Horrific.

<snipped for space>


I know I've read that DL's parents were both incarcerated, but this article seems to dispute that--Brenda Moses, Lang's mom, seems to have been quoted along with the grandmother that day outside of court:

"I feel sorry for the mother. I feel sorry for the baby. And my baby is innocent. He could've been dead too," said Brenda Moses, Lane's mother.

Outside court Monday, Moses and Lane's grandmother, Verdell Hunter, said Lane doesn't know Elkins. Hunter said her family doesn't know exactly what happened, but her grandson lives in the area and told her he was simply walking by when he saw Elkins.
I'm not sure I believe this myself, but I'm going to throw it out there for consideration. I briefly wondered yesterday if the mother blew the alibi intentionally. Maybe she's afraid of her son and he threatened her to provide an alibi. So, she provided an alibi that wasn't an alibi at all.

As I said, not sure I believe it, but I did wonder that yesterday.

Well - I don't know, but he is obviously violent and he was itching to shoot someone, in my opinion. His problem was that he was not a very good shot, apparently and couldn't hit a moving target :(

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