GUILTY GA - Antonio Santiago, 13 mos, Brunswick, 21 March 2013 - #3

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Another article from Brunswick News...regarding cost of the trial.

"If estimates by Glynn County Finance Director Tonya Miller are accurate, trying the case in Marietta this month could cost more than $150,000."

"After paying for hotel rooms and travel expenses for sequestered jury, attorneys, witnesses, and the judge, Glynn County will have to reimburse Cobb County for use of its courthouse and the security provided by its sheriff's office."

"Glynn County Commissioner Dale Provenzano, chairman of the finance committee, said he has been told the trial could last as long as two weeks, which will only make things more expensive. He is planning for the case to use most of the money from the contingency fund."
Trial will start on Monday, but the Defense is still filing motions. IMO, he is grabbing at straws. From Brunswick newspaper:

Four new motions defense lawyers filed in Glynn County Superior Court prompted prosecutors to tell Judge Stephen Kelley they have had enough of what they call frivolous requests.

"Weeks after this court's deadline for the filing of motions and on the eve of trial, (Public Defender Kevin) Gough continues to file frivolous motions with this court for the sole purpose of disseminating his prejudicial and baseless theories to the media," District Attorney Jackie Johnson wrote in a renewed motion for Kelley to issue a gag order in the case.

Kelley granted her request for an order to prohibit lawyers from talking about the case outside of court after a brief hearing Wednesday.

Johnson contended that the timing of public statements Gough made July 31, the day before a hearing on motions, and later motions he filed in his defense of Elkins, are likely to prejudice the case.

Here are the motions Defense filed this past Monday/Tuesday:

One of them asks for permission to inspect records the New Jersey Department of Child Protection has for Sherry West, the mother of slain 13-month-old Antonio Santiago, who Elkins allegedly shot point-blank March 21 in what police say was an attempted robbery.

Others seek to:

* Have statements an adult daughter of West made about her in New Jersey declared to be admissible at the trial.

* Take the deposition, or out-of-court testimony, of a witness who called police dispatchers after Antonio was fatally shot and West was wounded.

* Learn the name of a female inmate at the Glynn County jail who reportedly has said the gun police say they found in a pond that Elkins allegedly used in the shootings is not the right weapon.

Judge Kelley on Wednesday granted defense lawyers' request to have their own expert inspect the alleged murder weapon, a .22 caliber revolver.

Also going to Marietta, but only to testify, will be Dominique Lang, 15, who is charged along with De'Marquise Elkins with murder, cruelty to children, aggravated assault and attempted armed robbery. Kelley in July granted Lang a separate trial.

IMO, Dominique Lang will tell it all. I hope the jury will see the truth and convict this gang-member for SHOOTING A BABY IN THE FACE!
yes, HickoryBorn. Lang will tell the tale. Thank you ever so much for the snips from the Brunswick.

harder to get news on this one due to the need for subscription on that site. Much appreciated.
Brunswick News today snips: Public Defender Justifies Tactics in baby-killing case
Gough added the comments at the end of a letter sent with the primary purpose of notifying Kelley that he plans to proceed with a trial scheduled to begin Monday at Marietta even if Ashley Glassey, an adult daughter of West, cannot be brought to Georgia from New Jersey for in-person testimony. Glassey is incarcerated in New Jersey on a charge of failing to appear in court in a case there."

"Kelley previously approved Gough's motion to have Glassey declared to be a material witness, essential to the case, because she allegedly had a conversation with West in which West purportedly made comments about collecting insurance money on Antonio."

Also reported: "Prosecutors have criticized Gough for filing numerous pretrial motions implicating that West and Antonio's father, Louis Santiago, may have been involved in the March 21 attack that left Antonio dead and West wounded as she pushed her son in a stroller.

Gough cited gun shot residue on one of Louis Santiago's hands as possible evidence the Santiago had fired a gun the day his son was killed. Santiago later testified at a pretrial hearing that he had touched the gunshot wound to West's leg while she was being treated at the hospital."

IMO, this trial is a slam-dunk for the prosecution.
I agree. Defense attorney is just trying to muddy the waters, IMO. The adult daughter didn't witness anything, so what kind of material witness is she? Even if mother was concerned about child's life insurance, poor people are frequently concerned about money. Every little sum is important for someone who is not well off. The alleged accomplice of the 17 year old from the start supported mother's statements. The only thing he seemed to have disputed is how much he personally was culpable.
This trial starts next week, but I don't know if that means Monday or what?

If someone alerts when they see the trial starting - we can move this thread to trials.

I know both Judge Kelly & Gough. Gough was an attorney in a friend's custody hearing.

Most likely, his theatrics will continue.
Interesting luck of the draw with the venue change to Cobb County. I have to say, were I on trial for SHOOTING A BABY IN THE FACE, Cobb county would be just about the last place I would want to be tried.

Jury selection starts today:

They could not try it in Camden- Gough & Kelley are both from here- and the courtroom seats would have had to have been filled by lottery. The outrage here is huge too.
I will move this to trials right now. Please put your seat belts on.

This case literally makes my stomach hurt and the Defense's strategy is just over the top here. :(

Interesting luck of the draw with the venue change to Cobb County. I have to say, were I on trial for SHOOTING A BABY IN THE FACE, Cobb county would be just about the last place I would want to be tried.

Jury selection starts today:

I so agree with you! We lived in East Cobb when our children were little. It is a wholesome place to raise children. Many of the residents are upper middle class, Republicans. They are well educated and will see through Gough's sleezy tactics in a New York Second.
Brunswick News' Facebook page...the attorneys will pick from 48 potential jurors for the final jury of 12.

"As media from several states filled the gallery of the Cobb County Superior Court ceremonial courtroom, Glynn County Superior Court Judge Stephen Kelley talked with Brunswick Judicial Circuit Public Defender Kevin Gough and District Attorney Jackie Johnson about where the 48 potential jurors would sit."

I am surprised the pool was that few potential jurors.
I so agree with you! We lived in East Cobb when our children were little. It is a wholesome place to raise children. Many of the residents are upper middle class, Republicans. They are well educated and will see through Gough's sleezy tactics in a New York Second.

Let's just say I think this jury is likely to be very anti-SHOOTING A BABY IN THE FACE and also unlikely to be swayed by Gough's "the mother is a crack w****" tactics.

Glynn County District Attorney Jackie Johnson began questioning the 48 potential Cobb jurors just after 10 a.m., asking whether any had history dealing with the criminal justice system or who felt they had already formed an opinion about the defendants’ guilt.
Two members of the jury pool acknowledged very early that they couldn’t view the case without bias, but no decision has been made yet as to whether they will remain in the jury pool.
In addition to murder, armed robbery and aggravated assault charges linked to young Antonio’s slaying, Johnson also told potential jurors the indictment against De’Marquise Elkins includes a shooting and armed robbery on March 11.

Looks like they will be trying him for the earlier armed robbery & shooting of the pastor at the same time. Good.

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