Found Safe GA - Blaise Barnett, 1, sitting in car when stolen, later found abandoned, Clarkston, 10 Nov 2021

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Bags of clothes? From where?

Good question. Was it laundry, new clothes, hand-me-down baby clothes?
Clothes that were so important that they couldn't be unloaded in the morning? So many bags of clothes that one person couldn't carry it all so the other could get the baby?
So much wrong with this account! MOO
Living in a house in a rural area, I used to leave my babies sleeping in the car when I unloaded groceries. We rarely lock our cars in the driveway. My suburban/urban friends would never think of doing that. They lock the car doors and bring the keys with them between trips into the house when unloading groceries. However you do it becomes a habit, part of your routine.

Do we know if Blaise’s parents recently moved from a rural area? Or have they lived in that area for a while? Would leaving the car doors unlocked and the keys in the car be part of their normal routine? (Rhetorical questions)

When first reported the story was believable and I expected Blaise and the car to be found together within a few hours. The car being found but no sign of the baby, brings up all kinds of questions. The first one I have is: When was the last time anyone outside the family saw the baby? Was he even in the car?

She is local going back a few generations. Definitely not new to the area. And everyone knows this is not a good area of town.
CCTV shows parents entering apartment complex.

Bring him home before it gets cold? So he can eat and have a bath? These just sound odd. There is no cold front coming in, not anymore than recent that I'm aware of. Presumably if someone has him he's not outside. But she took him out in the middle of the night in only a tank top and diapers herself.

Also I'm sure a kidnapper can figure out feeding and bathing a child. How about we love him and miss him desperately. Please don't hurt him. Maybe it was just a weird section of an interview that didn't otherwise sound odd. But she just sounds so incredibly detached from this baby. And these are some incredibly shallow sounding reasons to ask for the return of your child.
I guess I've lived here so long I didn't take their statement that the teenager was by the bus stop to mean he was actually waiting for the bus. Just that he was near it.

And if it's a sheltered stop, it's not uncommon to see people using them even after busses stop running.

Someone said the stop was right at the entrance. If so it was not sheltered. I only saw what looked like an area of woodchips near the entrance. It looked more like a landscape planting to me with flowers in the picture. But I was sick last night so maybe not thinking straight while looking. I don't recall seeing like a MARTA sign or anything identifying it. I did note that the land slopes and is not level and I really don't see how you'd see the shoes on someone on the sidewalk by the road.
Personally, I don't think this went down like what's been reported. Ultimately I believe it was staged as well.

Something like close family members are helping them cover their tracks? That might explain taking their nephew in the house but leaving their son with the keys in the car. I still think that's hella weird. Taking one kid in and it's not yours or the youngest one. Then the car is ditched not far down the road and unharmed. But the child in the carseat is missing. It's all done at a late time of night when others aren't likely to be around to corroborate the story.

Was it Baby King whose family did this? Pretended to kidnap him from a gas station? But dad had already "accidentally" killed him and buried him right down the street. The family was in on covering it up.
In the brief (and likely edited plea) for Blaise's, return, Listen to what, Mum say's. There are some +'s (positive's), some -'s (not so good) and some, Neutral, (indifferent).

The first interviews are vital to discern one's state of mind and whom is priority.

LD (Linguistic Disposition)

For example. If we look at the, CS, case. Mums LD, was in the positive in her initial interviews, and as we know, C was found and Mum wasn't involved.


We do not want to hear anything negative however subtle about the victim.
We do want to hear concern of what the victim maybe going through. Are they warm, are they hungry, are they thirsty etc etc....
We do not want to hear what the guardian is feeling, going through (unless asked) because priority is concern for the missing.
We do not want to hear praise for LE (unless asked) when they have not located the victim.
Linguistic empathy. This is to say, i wouldn't like anyone to go through this. (Positive)
We want to hear the victims name early and often. We want to hear the pronoun "my" taking ownership, showing closeness and not distant, unless speaking alongside a partner, parent (We") Even then, the expected (especially from a Mum) should be "My".

All these are just some things to look out for. IMO.

More statements needed.

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