CONVICTION OVERTURNED GA - Diane McIver, 63, Fatally Shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016 *husband arrested* #2

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Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
4m4 minutes ago
HEADS UP: the news conference is about to start for the prosecution in the Tex McIver Murder trial. He was just found guilty of murder, aggravated assault, possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony and witness influencing. Watch live on @11AliveNews

A breakdown of the verdict in the Tex McIver trial

"Here is a breakdown of what the jury decided in the Tex McIver trial:

1. Murder: “Unlawfully and with malice aforethought, cause the death of Landa Diane McIver, a human being, by shooting her with a handgun” NOT GUILTY

2. Felony Murder: “Unlawfully during the commission of felony, to wit: Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, cause the death of Landa Diane McIver, a human being, by shooting her with a handgun” GUILTY

3. Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon: “Unlawfully commit an assault upon the person of Landa Diane McIver, by shooting her with a handgun.”


4. Possession of a Firearm in Commission of a Felony: “Unlawfully have on and within arm’s reach of accused’s person a handgun during the commission of” certain felonies. GUILTY

5. Influencing Witnesses:

“Unlawfully and knowingly engage in misleading conduct” by instructing Dani Jo Carter to tell law enforcement officers that she was not present when he shot Landa Diane McIver.” GUILTY..."
Mr. Corey speaking now- he concurs with DA's statements..."may Diane RIP- they stood up for Diane today"

DA stated that the verdict is a life sentence- non-parole-able sentence...
Round of applause to the prosecution team.
Dani Jo hugging Mr. Corey...
Latonia P Hines@LatoniaPHines
21m21 minutes ago
Fulton County DA's office press conference. Mr. Corey from Diane's old company spoke on behalf of the company and expressing their happiness for the justice for Diane. #TexMciver


Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
19m19 minutes ago
Clint Rucker: "The Jury told me that they were happy the Judge ask them to go back and work." #TexMcIver

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
18m18 minutes ago
The jurors did not tell the DA what they were deadlocked over. They told him they had issues with the word "intent" and the language in the charge.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
18m18 minutes ago
Felony murder is a mandatory life sentence. So under this verdict #TexMcIver will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Lisa Hagen@TwitrHagen
16m16 minutes ago
Howard says the verdict carries a mandatory, unparollable life sentence #TexMcIver @wabenews


Juror 61 has been interviewed by press. Don't know where to find it though, just reading comments on twitter.

Apparently at no time during deliberations did they think it was an accident.
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
15m15 minutes ago
We just talked to two jurors in the #TexMcIver case. Hear from them coming up at 6.

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
14m14 minutes ago
Clint Rucker: "I wasn't shocked on the amount of time the Jury took, and I wasn't worried." #TexMcIver

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
13m13 minutes ago
Billy Corey: "We didn't think this was an accident." #TexMcIver

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
12m12 minutes ago
Attorney Clint Rutger says Dani Jo's testimony was critical in convicting #TexMcIver

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
10m10 minutes ago
Clint Rucker: "With a resounding voice. The jury said we stood for Diane McIver." #TexMcIver

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
8m8 minutes ago
Attorneys say they knew “pretty early on” people closest to Diane did not believe it was an accident #TexMcIver

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
7m7 minutes ago
Clint Rucker: This jury believed #TexMcIver meant to kill his wife. They made that clear to us."

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
6m6 minutes ago
Big news - because of the Georgia “slayer statute”, #TexMciver will not have access to Diane McIver’s $7 million dollar estate

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
5m5 minutes ago
Paul Howard: If #TexMcIver would have been found guilty of Involuntary manslaughter he would have still been able to get her money." $7MLLION DOLLAR ESTATE!!

Laurence Downey@ljdowney
2m2 minutes ago
Paul Howard : Dani Jo was the MVP in the #TexMcIver trial
Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver Juror "Guns don't just go off, and we did not believe this was an accident."

2m2 minutes ago
Hearing jurors saying “guns don’t just go off.” “we was able to test it out ourselves.” #TexMcIver

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
2m2 minutes ago
"At no time did we think this was accidental." #TexMcIver Juror speaks to reporters.

11m11 minutes ago
What pushed y’all over the top? “The finger on the trigger and Diane not being here today.” #TexMcIver

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
11m11 minutes ago
"We were not lagging on Friday, we were just working." #TexMcIver Juror #61.

8m8 minutes ago
“A lot of things state did not present to us and we had to read between the lines and I 61 chewed the hell out of State because they didn’t give us evidence for malice murder”#TexMcIver

Savannah Belle @SavannahBelle01
7m7 minutes ago
Juror 61: at no time did they think the shooting was accidental. #TexMcIver

Laurence Downey@ljdowney
6m6 minutes ago
Juror #61 interview: Dani Jo should have been charged too because she was the sober one #TexMcIver

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
5m5 minutes ago
"I Juror 61 thought Dani Joe Carter should have been charged also. She shouldn't have gave him the gun, she was the sober one." #TexMcIver

(is she on drugs- I thought Diane gave him the gun???)

Brian Randolph@truth_seeker87
41s41 seconds ago
Juror #61 "I chewed the State out on the evidence they didn't give us on count 1." #TexMcIver
as people see juror interviews it would be great if you could post link. Honestly I got home just after the verdict expecting hung and am shocked. I never saw this coming and guess I owe Clint Rucker much more respect than I have given him. Wow...Tex is done...taken away in cuffs never to see the Ranch again. I am shocked and happy and do feel justice was served. Thanks for all the conversation here and helped me to keep up and see how others saw things. Can't wait for sentencing.
The thing is the state didn't need to give them evidence for motive, so I think juror 61 still misunderstands the charge of malice murder. If he intended to do it whether 61 knew his reasons or not is irrelevant.

Juror in Tex McIver trial explains why they found him guilty

Tex McIver found guilty of felony murder and three other charges in death of his wife

District Attorney: How the jury reached a verdict in the Tex McIver murder trial


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