CONVICTION OVERTURNED GA - Diane McIver, 63, Fatally Shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016 *husband arrested* #2

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Nancy Grace in her podcast spoke to Clint Rucker after the verdict and it is quite interesting.According to Clint Rucker, friends and family say the marriage between Dianne and Tex was one of convenience. They never never never wanted to be alone; Inviting people over every single morning for breakfast, inviting people over for lunch and dinner.Never going on vacation alone, always going with friends. Never spending weekends alone.
Apparently, Tex had told his friends that he had erectile dysfunction and according to friends and family,they slept in separate rooms and Dianne had been complaining that she was carrying Tex.
The note that Dianne had got Tex to sign for the loan was actually filed with the court -so she was very serious and she had added a stipulation that said that she could foreclose on the ranch at any time at all. She did not need a specific reason.
Clint Rucker also mentioned how Tex did not want to be with Dianne when she was in the hospital even though Emery allowed relatives to stay in the room. He did not want to hold her hand. He did not stand outside the room. He did not show any concern for her at all.
I have heard Clint Rucker somewhere talking about -if it had been a KKK demonstration that weekend and not a black lives matter demonstration- but, unfortunately,I can not remember what came after that. Can we be certain that it was not mentioned in passing during the trial?

I thought that interview was interesting too ; however nothing that he said was really that new....clearly it was so obvious a business type marriage and I remarked many times about them never wanting to be alone. I think they entered into this relationship both having just had very difficult divorces and for a guy that looked like he did...well what a catch!!! But still don't think Rucker and the state proved the case and in listening to Amanda Clark Palmer and Aaron everything single thing they said made sense to me. And it now looks like we are left with only that unbelievable interview with juror 61 in the cloud of smoke to try to understand what the jury was thinking. Sad that none of the rest stepped forward but I certainly respect why they do not.
Tex McIver: Did his grief expose his guilt? (with clip)

"Tex McIver called his wife, Diane, the love of his life. But after shooting her to death, he seemed most concerned about her money and his future. Are these the actions of a grieving husband or a cold-blooded killer?

In the case of Tex McIver, there is a lot we do not know....

We may never know what was actually going through Tex's mind when he pulled the trigger. What we do know is that after Diane's death, Tex did not behave in a manner that one would expect of a husband in mourning. Of course, there is no "proper" way to grieve. After losing a loved one, some cry uncontrollably, while others seem to suffer in silence. Optics, however, are everything. And when it comes to Tex McIver, the way he grieved may have landed him behind bars for the rest of his life. ..."
Does a man in a state of shock only ask about the money, the income, the payments due her and sell all her things within weeks? If that's a grieving man, no wonder IM so confused about todays society, cuz that's not normal to me...Then maybe I'M THE CRAZY much wrong her, SO MUCH

ANd if it takes an extreme narcissist to act this way................THEN HE DIDNT LOVE HER ANYWAY, they don't love
Why was Tex McIver found guilty? (with clip)
"Should Tex McIver die in prison," Vinnie Politan asked. "I think it's the punishment that most appropriately fits the crime," one prosecutor replied.

"...Before the sentencing, the entire prosecution team sat down with 11Alive's Vinnie Politan from #TheLateFeed to answer questions that weren’t answered during the trial.

In the interview prosecutors talked about their reaction to the verdict, the most surprising moment of the trial and whether they believe Tex McIver should now die behind bars."
Since WS will be down on the 23rd - thought I'd post this now.

Wednesday, May 23rd:
*Sentencing (@ 9am ET) - GA - Diane McIver (63) (Sept. 25, 2016) - Claud "Tex" Lee McIver III (74/now 76) arrested (12/14/16) charged (4/27/17) with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and 1 count of influencing witnesses and bribery (Judge dismissed Counts 6 & 7). Plead not guilty.
4/23/18: Jury says it doesn't see path to resolve its differences in counts 1, 2, 3 & 5. Judge gives jurors Allen Charge & back to deliberations. @ about 4pm ET: McIver Jury:
Count 1: Murder - Not Guilty
Count 2: Felony Murder - Guilty
Count 3: Aggravated Assault - Guilty
Count 4: Possession of a weapon during the commission of a felony - Guilty
Count 5: Witness influencing - Guilty

4/24/18: Sentencing has been set for May 23rd.

I'm hoping YESorNO will pass thru here and post the live stream link to this case. I can't see it, so HOPING she will copy/paste/SAVE the tweets that she has been doing for us all thru this trial!!


Life in prison for Tex?? I'm thinking.... at his age, probably!
Niner- I will post the tweets when WS reopens (and the Ytube- I hope they have one).
McIver's sentencing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Wednesday :

Convicted murderer Tex McIver to be sentenced Wednesday (with clip)

May 22, 2018

"...On the eve of Tex McIver's sentencing, Channel 2's investigative reporter Mark Winne spoke with both legal teams in the case and learned what the prosecution will request....

Prosecutor Clint Rucker told Channel 2 Action News that late Tuesday afternoon, the Fulton County D.A.’s Office decided to ask the judge to add 10 years to McIver’s sentence for a firearm charge and a witness influencing charge in addition to the sentence for felony murder, but they are not seeking the maximum. The recommended sentence for felony murder is life with the possibility of parole.

“We will ask the judge to impose a sentence that is commensurate with what Mr. McIver did in this case, and that is the intentional killing of his wife,” Rucker said.

“In my head, I am looking at the circumstances of all the cases that come before here in the D.A.’s office,” said Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard. “This appeared to be a case where the most appropriate sentence would be one with life with parole.”

“He’s not statutorily eligible for parole for at least 30 years,” said defense lawyer, Bruce Harvey. "Tex McIver is now 74, 75 years old. He doesn't have a 30-year life span. Without any relief on appeal, this is the end of his life."...

McIver's defense team said they are not letting up.

"It's not over, Tex McIver continues to maintain his innocence," Harvey said.

Harvey indicated Judge Robert McBurne, under the law, has to sentence McIver to either life with the possibility of parole or life without parole for his felony murder conviction.

"I think it's [gonna] be an emotional event for everybody, but what's going to happen is pretty much written in stone," Harvey said....

Bruce Harvey told Channel 2 Action News there will be a motion for a new trial."

Convicted murderer Tex McIver to be sentenced Wednesday
Rahul Bali@rahulbali
12m12 minutes ago
Getting ready for the sentencing of Tex McIver. Last month, he was convicted of felony murder in the shooting of his wife Diane in September 2016, while the couple rode back from their Putnam County ranch to their home in Atlanta. #TexMcIver #TexMcIverTrial – at Fulton County Courthouse

Wild About Trial@WildAboutTrial
6m6 minutes ago
#TexMcIver sentencing will begin at 1:55 ET. Judge had to clear some other cases first.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
3m3 minutes ago
Court to resume in a few minutes for the #TexMcIver sentencing. Packed courtroom.

Rahul Bali@rahulbali
3m3 minutes ago
This courtroom at the Fulton County Courthouse is packed for the sentencing of Tex McIver. #TexMcIver #TexMcIverTrial – at Fulton County Courthouse

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
33s34 seconds ago
Tex McIver brought in to the courtroom in a jailhouse jumpsuit and cuffs. Clean shaven but looks much different than at trial.

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
50s51 seconds ago
#TexMcIver - Prosecutor Clint Rucker asks judge to impose the mandatory life sentence.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Prosecutor asks judge to sentence #TexMcIver to life in prison with parole for murdering his wife Diane.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
4m4 minutes ago
Prosecutor asks for permission to let Billy Corey, Jay Grover, Elaine Williams and Dani Jo Carter to give witness impact statements. Judge will allow it. #TexMcIver.

5m5 minutes ago
Here's a look at the potential sentences for the charges McIver was facing. He was found guilty of counts 2-5. WATCH LIVE: Tex McIver Trial | WSB-TV


4m4 minutes ago
William Corey, founder and owner of U.S. Enterprises, the company where Diane McIver worked, is giving a victim impact statement at #TexMcIver sentencing.


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Billy Corey: Diane was more than just a friend. She was the family matriarch of U.S. Enterprises. #TexMcIver.

Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
5m5 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Diane McIver's boss, William Corey: "Diane's death was not an accident."


Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
5m5 minutes ago
Billy Corey: “Each of you stood up for Diane and I am eternally grateful to you. God Bless American Justice and thank you.” #TexMcIver #11Alive

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Corey: "Rest in Peace, Diane." #TexMcIver.
Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
6m6 minutes ago
Jay Grover is now giving a victim impact statement “Diane’s death left a huge void in all of our lives. Diane was the smartest, savviest business woman I have ever know. She had a sharp tongue and a sharp wit. But also so much compassion” #TexMcIver

5m5 minutes ago
Jay Grover, friend and coworker of Diane McIver, gives victim impact statement: "Her death left a huge void in the hearts and lives of many and that void can never be filled."


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
6m6 minutes ago
Grover starts to address #TexMcIver directly, but the judge stops him.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
54s54 seconds ago
But he was about to speak directly TO McIver, instead of the judge, and *that* is not allowed. I found out what Diane McIver’s friend Jay Grover was going to say to #TexMcIver at the end, though; he let me take a photo of it: “May God have mercy on your soul.” @wsbradio


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Grover says #TexMcIver intentional actions and "one shiny bullet" left a void that can never be filled in Diane's death.
4m4 minutes ago
Diane McIver's friend and coworker Elaine Williams chokes up during victim impact statement: "A hole has been left in my heart and the heart of those who really loved her ... she deserved so much better." WATCH #TexMcIver sentencing


Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
4m4 minutes ago
“I hold no anger or hostility towards anyone. But a hole has been left in my heart and everyone who loved her. I’ve lost sleep and had nightmares because I so wanted to believe it was an accident. But there was no care or compassion shown” (from #TexMcIver) “She deserved better”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
1m1 minute ago
“I have no closure. It’s as if she said goodbye to me on a Friday afternoon and just walked in to space. She deserved so much better. But there is no joy here today. No winning. I just pray for God’s mercy on us all” -Elaine Williams #TexMciver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
4m4 minutes ago
Lots of tears in the courtroom by the time Elaine Williams finished speaking at the #TexMcIver sentencing: “I’ve found forgiveness, but a hole has been left in my heart.” @wsbradio

1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver sentencing: Elaine Williams tears up as she talks about how she never got to say goodbye: "I have no closure."
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter now addressing the judge. #TexMcIver.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
8m8 minutes ago
Now #DaniJoCarter is giving her victim impact statement in the #TexMcIver trial. She’s having a hard time composing herself

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
7m7 minutes ago
Tex McIver lied to me and asked me to lie. Tried to get an innocent 11 year old boy and me to make him seem more like able. #DaniJoCarter on #TexMcIver

6m6 minutes ago
#TexMcIver sentencing: Only witness to deadly shooting, Dani Jo Carter, gives emotional victim impact statement: "I miss her terribly ... I still pick up the phone to call her."


Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
6m6 minutes ago
“I still go to call her and have to stop. I dream of her often. She was smart, beautiful, challenging, and fun. She was the perfect blend of toughness and tenderness. I miss her terribly. I stand for Diane” #DaniJoCarter #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
4m4 minutes ago
Carter says #TexMcIver lied to her, had his friends intimidate her..."but it didn't work."
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
4m4 minutes ago
#TexMcIver will address the court before sentencing, his attorney just told the judge.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
2m2 minutes ago
Defense attorney says this is a sad day for everyone... including #TexMcIver. Says it’s saddest for Tex McIver who will never leave prison. Says they disagree with the jury’s verdict. They want life with parole.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
1m1 minute ago
Defense Attorney says #TexMcIver has been living with the guilt of killing his wife and that should be punishment enough. Says again he did not do it on purpose.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
41s41 seconds ago
Attorney says she's submitted letters to the court on #TexMcIver behalf. More than a dozen from friends and family.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
6m6 minutes ago
Friends of #TexMcIver say he’s “loving, a true southern gentleman. He’s selfless and I look up to him”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
5m5 minutes ago
Defense Attorney Amanda Clark Palmer says she was struck by letters of support written about #TexMcIver ‘s generosity and support of other people.

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