CONVICTION OVERTURNED GA - Diane McIver, 63, Fatally Shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016 *husband arrested* #2

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Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
3m3 minutes ago
Tune In: Tex McIver addressing the court NOW #TexMcIver

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says given the shackles in he wants to sit to deliver remarks

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver addressing the court.


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
2m2 minutes ago
LIVE NOW: #texmciver speaks to the judge


Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he wants to use notes to speak. Says he has received a lot of mail giving support and questioning the legal system.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
13m13 minutes ago
The court is hearing from #TexMcIver. He says he prefers to sit because of shackles, and to use notes because otherwise he’d get too emotional. He begins by explaining he’d like to share some of the correspondence he’s gotten, challenging our justice system @wsbradio

Shireen Hormozdi@NorcrossLaw
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver addresses the court himself for the first time. You can hear the shackles when he tried to stand.


Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he’s received an incredible outpouring of support. Says he’s getting 11 letters a day from people on different continents.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver is reading a letter from a woman in Ireland “the injustice you received is shocking. We support you”

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
17m17 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says the outpouring of support has been tremendous. He says he's been receiving mail daily.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
16m16 minutes ago
#TexMcIver is calling our supporters by NAME. Says people send him recipes to support him??

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
15m15 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says a racehorse jockey in Australia has been helpful in supporting him because his girlfriend died in an accident. Says his horse retired and he goes swimming with him.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
15m15 minutes ago
#TexMcIver talks about neighbors bringing him food, foreigners sending him recipes in jail. Nothing, so far, about Diane.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
14m14 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he’s had a lot of local people supporting him. Delivered Chik-Fil-A. Says it’s one of the things he has missed the most in jail.
Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
14m14 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says 2nd to last is his family. His grandchild draw cartoons with him as the hero.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
13m13 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he’s the grandfather to 23 children “that he can recall and remember”. Talking about his godson who was a centerpiece of the trial.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
13m13 minutes ago
#TexMcIver is talking about his godson’s baseball game. Encourages people in the courtroom to attend his game.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
12m12 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he’s not sure how he will accommodate missing his godson as much as he does.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
12m12 minutes ago
#TexMcIver thanks his sister for managing his estate “to the extent that I will die in prison”
Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
11m11 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he wants to thank “MY Diane”. Says he did not appreciate how she was described at trial. “I don’t recognize that person”

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
9m9 minutes ago
After thanking supporters who send him letters and encouragement, #TexMcIver begins talking about his late wife. Says he “found it painful at the trial to hear her described the way she was.” Maybe that was how she was at work, but “That’s not my Diane.” @wsbradio

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
10m10 minutes ago
#TexMcIver “the luckiest day of my life was when Diane chose me. We loved each other like small children.”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
10m10 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he and Diane would look at each other and say “is this real? Is this truly real? And if it’s not, please don’t wake me up”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
9m9 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he and Diane were telepathic. “My conscious would hear these words, is this real? I would turn around and see her and know she telepathically communicated that to me”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
8m8 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says she was like a little girl in Alabama looking to show off a new pink dress “I miss her so. There are no words to describe our relationship”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
8m8 minutes ago
#TexMciver says he will not comment further on the case because he doesn’t want to jeopardize his appeal.
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver: “The luckiest day of my life is the day Diane chose me.” @wsbradio

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
7m7 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says Diane issued “corrections” to him. “They were always delivered with love that fostered our dreams. We never crossed bad words among us”

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
6m6 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he has never been angry with Diane. “I have spent 263 nights in a jail cell by myself but I have never been alone. She has joined me there. She has left her earth suit. It’s as if she’s on the other side of a curtain. Another dimension”

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
6m6 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says Diane has been with him for the 263 nights he's spent in jail. "I'm by myself, but I'm not alone."

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
5m5 minutes ago
#TexMcIver “on this earth she was my life and made me complete.... if I might say to her directly. Darling you have brought me more joy and fulfillment than most men.... it is truly real”

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
#TexMcIver concludes with statement to Diane. "Darling you've brought me more joy...until we are together again."

4m4 minutes ago
"I know she's here. I feel her presence. Darling, you have brought me more joy and fulfillment than few men on this earth have ever known," #TexMcIver says about Diane during sentencing.
Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
5m5 minutes ago
#TexMcIver concludes. Judge will now issue his sentence.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
2m2 minutes ago
Judge McBurney says “if you love her as much as you say, there is not a form of punishment than the burden of knowing you took Diane McIver from all of us” #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
29m29 minutes ago
Judge tells #TexMcIver he never heard him say sorry. "That silence that speaks volumes." Sentences him to life with parole, plus five years suspended.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
24m24 minutes ago
Judge McBurney tells #TexMcIver that it’s not unusual to hear complaints of verdicts. Notes that McIver “took Diane from us..” Judge says, “We’ve heard about horses, telepathy, ChikfilA...I never heard you say you’re sorry. To me, that silence speaks volumes.” @wsbradio


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
28m28 minutes ago
#TexMcIver = Judge sentences McIver to life WITH the possibility of parole. He informs McIver he has the right to motion for a new trial.


Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
28m28 minutes ago
Judge now counting down #TexMcIver ‘s appeal options. Motion must be filed in the next 30 days.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
27m27 minutes ago
Judge says #TexMcIver can file a direct appeal. Will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
25m25 minutes ago
Case closed. #TexMcIver will serve life in prison with the possibility of parole.
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
4m4 minutes ago
#TexMcIver addressed the judge before sentencing, and so did Diane McIver’s closest friends.

(Video clip Twitter...)

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
13m13 minutes ago
Diane McIver’s friends were hoping to hear #TexMcIver apologize for shooting his wife, but that never happened.
(video clip Twitter...)
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
9m9 minutes ago
DA Paul Howard addressing the media after the #TexMcIver sentence. McIver must serve 30 years before he can obtain parole.


Bill Rankin@ajccourts
17m17 minutes ago
Judge: #TexMcIver's inability to say 'I'm sorry' says it all. McIver gets his life sentence after rambling, largely self-centered statement to court. @AJCBreakdown @ReporterJCB Judge: McIver’s inability to say ‘I’m sorry’ says it all


Judge Chides Tex McIver’s Lack of Apology in Imposing Life Sentence for Murder

"Disgraced Atlanta attorney Claud “Tex” McIver was given a parolable life sentence Wednesday for the 2016 murder of his wife, Diane, ensuring that—absent a successful appeal—the 75-year-old former Fisher & Phillips partner will likely die in prison for a crime he’s always insisted was an accident.
Georgia law dictated McIver’s life sentence, foreclosing any discretion by Fulton County Superior Court Chief Judge Robert McBurney, except on the question of whether McIver could be eligible for parole. McBurney agreed with the recommendation of Assistant District Attorney Clint Rucker that McIver serve a parolable life sentence rather than life without parole.

For McIver, the distinction likely makes little difference. In Georgia, felons sentenced to life must serve 30 years before they are eligible for parole. McIver could not be considered until he turned 105.

But, after listening to McIver make an extended statement to the court, during which McIver talked about letters of support from strangers who watched his murder trial on television, about his love for his wife and his belief that she remained a presence in his life, McBurney said there was a “telling” omission from McIver’s colloquy.

McIver had plenty of time to compose a statement “about what you thought was most important for me to hear. … I never heard you say you are sorry for what you did. To me that silence speaks volumes,” McBurney said."

Judge Chides Tex McIver’s Lack of Apology in Imposing Life Sentence for Murder | Daily Report
Tex McIver sentenced to life with possibility of parole (with clip)

"ATLANTA - A judge sentenced Buckhead attorney Tex McIver to life with the possibility of parole for murdering his wife....

McIver spoke during the sentencing, saying the outpouring of support has been "tremendous."..."

TEX MCIVER SENTENCING: Atlanta attorney sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole

Ex-Fisher & Phillips partner gets life sentence, says he spoke 'telepathically' with slain wife

"...During the hearing, McIver said he and his wife were very much in love, and he was able to communicate with her “telepathically” when she was not with him. “There just aren’t words to describe the nature of our relationship; the energy we derived from each other,” he said.

McIver said he has not been alone in his jail cell because he felt the presence of his slain wife. “It’s as if she’s on the other side of a curtain or another dimension. I’ve never felt alone,” he said.

McIver thanked people who supported him during the trial, praised his younger sister who was in court every day, and said one of the things he misses most is Chick-fil-A.

After McIver spoke, McBurney said he never heard McIver say he was sorry for what he did. “To me, that speaks volumes,” McBurney said."

Ex-Fisher & Phillips partner gets life sentence, says he spoke 'telepathically' with slain wife
Tex McIver speaks: Talks Chick-fil-A, telepathy, ghosts -- doesn't say 'I'm sorry' (with clip)
Tex McIver had a lot to say before being sentenced in his wife's death, but the judge quickly picked up on what was left unsaid.

"He said a lot in the 13-minute speech at his sentencing hearing, but it’s what Claud "Tex" McIver didn’t say that rang the loudest for the judge...."

Tex McIver speaks: Talks Chick-fil-A, telepathy, ghosts -- doesn't say 'I'm sorry'
Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
12m12 minutes ago
#TexMcIver says he’s not sure how he will accommodate missing his godson as much as he does.

Snipped for focus

Missing his godson? How about missing his wife?

ETA. Ok, he got to Diane later... He misses her, but not that much since she is with him psychically every night .o_O
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Tex McIver Sentencing (starts @ 20:25, then restarts @ 22:35)

Vincent Hill Ashley Willcott and Aaron Keller Talk Tex McIver Sentencing on Law & Crime Network 0523


What jurors said they regret the verdict???? I haven't heard anything about that.
So the one thing he mentions he misses in prison is Chik-Fil-A and not people??!! He doesn't miss his family and friends?? (no wonder his children are estranged from him) or as people on here have pointed out....his Godson?? Diane??? They don't come to mind at all?? No I'm sorry???!!!

I'm not going to pretend I understand people or the law, but this right here speaks volumes to me.
I was appalled by the defense attorney's total lack of respect for the victims. She talked continuously through the impact statements.

McIver showed his true colors. Didn't expect anything more; had he said he was sorry I wouldn't have believed him anyway. Only sorry he got caught.
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I was appalled by the defense attorney's total lack of respect for the victims. She talked continuously through the impact statements.

McIver showed his true colors. Didn't expect anything more; had he said he was sorry I wouldn't have believed him anyway. Only sorry he got caught.
Yes, I found it outrageous Tex and that female atty chatted animatedly at length during victim impact statements!!! WTH??? Glad he shuffled off in chains. His statement sounded like early dementia to me. Good riddance Tex, you can ride your high horse off into the sunset now.

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