GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
7m7 minutes ago
Should clarify drive time from site of shooting -- thats 15 min to Emory Hosp. right now. Less traffic at 10 pm on a Sun #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
4m4 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter says #TexMcIver navigated them to Emory and she knew they were in the area when she saw the blue "H" Hospital signs. She heard only one shot that night; never saw the gun after that. We've had a brief break to take out the SUV exhibit. Back in now. @wsbradio


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
3m3 minutes ago
Dani Jo testifies #TexMcIver exited the vehicle and started yelling for help once they got to #Emory Hospital.


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
36s36 seconds ago
Carter says #TexMcIver talked about being in Vietnam and pulling wounded people out of battle.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter says #TexMcIver never called anyone, even Emory to notify them. He never told her why he chose Emory. When they pulled into the valet circle, she thinks he yelled for gurney. When Diane was taken out, DJC got both their purses; hers was in backseat @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
46s46 seconds ago
Upon arriving at Emory Hospital, #TexMcIver was "pretty calm," Dani Jo testifies

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
54s55 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter says #TexMcIver said something about being reminded of pulling guys out in Vietnam. @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter: #TexMcIver took his phone and started calling what she thought was his attorney. "I know this doesn't look good."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
"I know this doesn't look good," #TexMcIver told Dani Jo Carter as he scrolled through his cell phone for attorney Steve Maples' number

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
39s39 seconds ago
Carter says #TexMcIver called his lawyer within 10-15 minutes of getting to the hospital.

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
22s22 seconds ago
#TexMcIver - Dani Jo identifies this photo as Steve Maples, Tex's attorney that he called to the hospital that night.


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
48s48 seconds ago
Dani Jo says #TexMcIver told her "I don't trust these guys...I've seen how these things can go down" as they sat in the hospital.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
29s29 seconds ago
"I don't trust these guys ... Dani Jo I hate you to get wrapped up in this. I 've seen how these things can go down." #TexMcIver allegedly told Dani Jo Carter in the waiting room at Emory University Hospital

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
42s42 seconds ago
In waiting room at Emory Hospital, #TexMcIver told Dani Jo, "You just need to say you came down here as a friend of the family"

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
58s58 seconds ago
Carter says #TexMcIver gave her instructions: "You just need to say you came down here as a friend of the family."

Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
1m1 minute ago
Cathy Russon Retweeted Christian Boone
Witness tampering charge #TexMcIver
Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
In waiting room at Emory Hospital, #TexMcIver told Dani Jo, "You just need to say you came down here as a friend of the family"

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Dani Jo's response, "Tex, I just drove you into the emergency room!" #TexMcIver "There was no reason for me to be at Emory Hospital, where I never go, with no car, 15 mins. after his wife had been shot. How was I supposed to claim that?"

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo says she reminded #TexMcIver that she'd just driven him to the ER. "Well, they don't know that," she testified he said.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
51s51 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter says at the hospital, she gave #TexMcIver the phone. His lawyer Steve Maples showed up about 10 mins later. Tex told her, "I know this doesn't look good. I don't trust these guys. I hate to see you get wrapped up in this." @wsbradio
Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
50s50 seconds ago
#TexMcIver - Dani Jo Carter testifies that Tex McIver told her in the hospital waiting room to say she just came there (hospital) as a friend of the family, not that she was driving.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Carter says she told #TexMcIver "I can't lie." "I'm not asking you to do that," she says he said.

Aaron Keller@AKellerLawCrime
2m2 minutes ago
Dani Jo says defendant #TexMcIver told her to say she was just there to support the family. She told him it made no sense because she didn't have her own car. She also told him she could not lie.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
To which #TexMcIver responded, "Well, they don't know that." Dani Jo Carter said that took her breath away. "I can't lie," she told him Tex: "No, I'm not asking you to do that." She left the room, "That really took me aback."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
18s19 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter said after #TexMcIver told her to say she'd just shown up at the hospital as a friend, she replied, "I can't lie." Then he said, "Oh, I'm not asking you to do that." She was taken aback and went to go find some water. @wsbradio
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter spent 10 minutes with a hospital chaplain after a cop asked her if she’d wait in another room. At that point #TexMcIver came in with 2 Atlanta Police ofcrs; one was plainclothes. DJC talked to Emory PD; they didn’t ask about shooting circumstances @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
6m6 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter got a text from her husband telling her Diane had died. #TexMcIver didn’t call her. She says she started crying; doesn’t recall what else the text said. She says she could get texts & calls but not converse on her phone @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
38s39 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter looks over AT&T phone records of calls between her and #TexMcIver from Sept 26-Oct 5, 2016. (The shooting was Sept. 25.) There were five calls on 9/26, all from Tex to her. One was at 1:17:17 AM. She thinks she recalls that Diane died at 1:30. @wsbradio


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
On drive home from Emory Hospital, #TexMcIver asked Dani Jo Carter's husband, Tom, if he could "borrow her for a few hours."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
50s50 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter says #TexMcIver had been asking about getting the SUV back but "I knew he wasn't getting it back." Her husband Tom drove them to the McIvers' condo. Tex asked her husband if he could "borrow" Dani Jo for a few hours. She never asked Tex what had happened @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
They didn't talk about the shooting. #TexMcIver wanted Dani Jo Carter to help tell the masseuse, who normally came on Mondays, what had happened. Once at the condo, he was making phone calls, and "I was sitting on the sofa in a daze." @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
36s37 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter says as #TexMcIver dialed a call, he said, "I want you to listen to what I'm saying." She saw the condo phone ring, & that it was Billy Corey calling, so she answered. He asked what was going on. She said "There's been an accident & Diane's been killed." @wsbradio

Wow. This case is just nuts. It's really hard for me to believe he accidentally shot her and then requested they go to Emory instead of somewhere closer. It seems like it must be deliberate. I've been in an emergency situation in a car before where dh and I were considering a hospital farther away. But when it was clear how bad I was doing dh immediately took me to the closest hospital instead. I just don't think Tex and Dani Jo are stupid people

So I'm baffled by Dani Jo as well. I guess if she's driving she'd just assume he'd handle any phone calls etc. And she'd not be expected to grab her phone out of her purse while driving. And I'd guess she would assume she should follow and go to wherever Tex told her to drive since it was his wife. But why did she never ask him, "Are you sure we shouldn't go to a closer hospital? Don't you think you should call the hospital and let them know she's been shot and we are on our way?" It's very hard for me to believe she never thought to ask him anything or suggest anything other than follow his advice to drive 15 min to Emory.
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
28m28 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter says #TexMcIver took over the call from Billy Corey. She does't recall how long the men spoke. McIver told Corey that Diane was dead, that there was an accident, and that he couldn't go into any details. Judge calls for afternoon break. @wsbradio

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
18m18 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Court is back in session with Dani Jo Carter still under direct examination.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
8m8 minutes ago
Within 2 to 3 days of the shooting, #TexMcIver was cataloguing wife Diane's jewelry, says Dani Jo Carter

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
7m7 minutes ago
Masseuse, housekeeper came to #TexMcIver's; around 5:30 that afternoon Janie Calhoun came home. She went over to Janie's. Dani Jo, who had been sober for years, says at that point, "I decided to have a drink." She spent the night there @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
5m5 minutes ago
Diane McIver had more than 100 furs, said Dani Jo Carter #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Friend Dani Jo Carter learned #TexMcIver was cataloguing Diane’s jewels, etc. on Tues/Wed. Janie Calhoun told her that Tex had asked her to help. Diane had a “beautiful custom closet; gems color-coordinated; hats, shoes. Diane had around 100 furs, she says @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter says Tuesday evening, she also spent night at Janie’s. #TexMcIver sat with DJC; asked her to tell him what she recalled about shooting night. He wrote notes. She said “Tex, those are my memories; you just need your memories” and she walked out @wsbradio
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Carter testifies #TexMcIver arranged for her to meet with his lawyer after the shooting.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Carter says later on there were "lots of attempts" by #TexMcIver to discuss what happened with her.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
48s48 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter says while #TexMcIver was getting a massage, she went into the room and gently edged out the paper that had the paragraphs he'd written about her memories of the shooting. Tex made an appointment for her to go to his lawyer Steve Maples' office Wednesday. @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
34s34 seconds ago
Dani Jo Carter says she went to former @wsbtv reporter Dale Cardwell's house to avoid going to a deposition #TexMcIver had set up for her.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
7m7 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter didn't want to go Tex's attorney to give deposition; #TexMcIver called her husband multiple times

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
4m4 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Dani Jo says Tex arranged for her to give a depo with his attorney. She didn't want to do that. She says McIver left a voicemail with her husband when she didn't show.
Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Two weeks after Diane's death Dani Jo asked Tex where Diane's ashes were. He said the woman at the crematorium hadn't called him back.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter said #TexMcIver told her he and Diane had made appointments to change the will but had canceled them

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Carter says #TexMcIver and Diane had appointments to change her will, but had to cancel the appointments. "He said that he had" cancelled them.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter testifies that Steve Maples and #TexMcIver, at his attorney Maples' office Wedn. AM, wanted the paper with her recollections back; she gave it. She was there 25 mins; didn't talk to anyone there about facts/circumstances surrounding shooting @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
"We had talked about Austin and the ranch a lot," Dani Jo Carter said, and there were ppl in (Diane's) will whom she hadn't spoken to in years, #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter testifies later, there were "lots of attempts" by #TexMcIver to talk to her about the night of the shooting; wanted her to meet with Maples, do a deposition & having @ajc reporters there; she first said Yes. Retained attorney b/c press was "hounding" her @wsbradio
Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
4m4 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - The McIver's drank wine out of this "Yeti" tumbler on the way to Longhorns.


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - The gun in the plastic bag in the back seat is shown to jurors.


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Wine bottle in the seat back in front of Tex.


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver - Dani Jo Carter testifies the gun was in a plastic bag in this console. She then identifies a leather gun holster.


Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
36s36 seconds ago
#TexMcIver - Court is adjourned for the day. Direct examination of Dani Jo Carter resumes tomorrow.
Joseph Scott Morgan Talks Tex McIver Trial on Law & Crime Network 03/19/18

Shooting Witness Dani Jo Carter Begins Testifying in McIver Murder Trial

"Dani Jo Carter, the only witness to the shooting of Atlanta attorney Tex McIver's wife, Diane, began testifying to open the third week of the murder trial Monday...."

Star witness Dani Jo Carter takes stand in Tex McIver murder trial

"...Monday morning, jurors heard for the first time from star witness Dani Jo Carter, who was behind the wheel at the time of the shooting.

They also heard from a man who was with Tex and Diane just before the fatal shooting. Craig Stringer was the number two man at Corey Enterprises, reporting directly to Diane. He, Tex and Diane all played golf and then had dinner on the day of the shooting...."
Tex McIver Trial Day 5 Part 2

Thanks a bunch for the tweets YESorNO - sure helps in keeping up with this trial!!

wondering why no one is commenting on or discussing this trial. I am finding it very interesting ...a Desperate Housewives of sorts...I mean you can't make up some of the people in this case of characters. Bottom line based on the ability of pros. attorney I have to think "Tex" could walk. The victim told the doc it was an accident which I find odd...I don't think this was the first time "Tex" pulled a gun on her.
would love comments from attys or other trial watchers on this state attorney..I am watching his questions of the ER Doc that talked with Diane...he writes every thing on this board which is nonsense...even the doc says "he needs a scribe"...I mean talk about time consuming...and he not only writes it he repeats each and every thing the dr. says. He drives me crazy.
I'm watching this trial. It started off very slowly but is getting more interesting. I have no idea whether Tex is guilty of murder or not. I don't think the prosecution has done that well so far.
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