GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Dani Jo really presented herself as a loyal friend of 40 years, but then as testimony goes on you hear that she was an alcoholic that Diane cut off all contact with and didn't speak to for years or even invite her to her wedding to Tex. And then she was borrowing money from Diane to buy a car?

Seems like Diane unfortunately surrounded herself with people that may have had ulterior motives......

I thought that was fishy too. Someone you'd cut off from a wedding invite as long as you knew they were drinking does not sound like a super close friend.
i find it odd that Dani Jo spent more time with Tex and Diane than her own husband. All of these characters seemed to be on the take...Stringer lived at the"outlaw house" at the Ranch and on and on.

And why in the world would Tex invite her to come down when he was changing his will?!? That's just really really odd to me.....that's like inviting your wife's friend along for a colonoscopy. Who invites someone to something private like that that has absolutely no bearing on them?
Diane lent money to all of her friends at 5% interest- and she was very very strict with payments-so her friends got a cheaper loan and Diane made her money work for her. Better than buying stocks and shares.
Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
37m37 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Court is about to begin following the lunch break. The voicemail will be played. McIver left a voicemail on 10/06/16 for Tom Carter asking him to tell Dani Jo not to talk with police and to delete the voicemail. …


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
21m21 minutes ago
Post lunch. The #TexMcIver jury hears a voicemail McIver left for Tom Carter, whose wife Dani Jo was driving when Tex shot his wife: "Tommy Lee, this is Tex. Sir, let me just be plain: Dani's about to send me to prison. Please erase this...but call me right away..." 1/2 @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
20m20 minutes ago
More of voicemail from #TexMcIver to Tom Carter.
"You all have no idea the problem this is causing. It’s innocent, it’s absolutely nuclear for me. Please, Please call me.”

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
18m18 minutes ago
Jurors see log of calls #TexMcIver made to Tom Carter when Dani Jo didn’t show up to a meeting with his lawyer.


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
15m15 minutes ago
#TexMcIver voicemail to Tom Carter: "Dani's about to send me to prison. Please erase this voicemail message...."

Video clip:

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
13m13 minutes ago
The jury sees the phone records of how many times #TexMcIver called Tom Carter: Six times before Tom called Tex back. When they finally spoke, Tex was upset that Dani had hired a civil attorney, Lee Davis. Tom said it was to fend off the press hounding them. @wsbradio



Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
12m12 minutes ago
Tom Carter says #TexMcIver was upset Dani Jo had hired an attorney. Carter says she did that to "fend off the press. They were hounding us night and day."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
12m12 minutes ago
#TexMcIver called Thomas Carter, Dani Jo's husband, 6 times on Oct. 6, 2016 before Carter finally called her back. He was upset she had hired an atty; T Carter said they did so to "fend the press off. They were hounding us day and night." Tex wanted her to speak to media

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Tom Carter testifies #TexMcIver acted at the hospital contrary to how he think he'd act if his own wife, Dani Jo, had died.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Defense says when #TexMcIver told Dani Jo a couple of days after he shot his wife Diane, “We need to talk about our stories,” it’s not that he said, “Let’s get our stories straight,” right? Correct, says Dani’s husband Tom Carter. @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
32s33 seconds ago
Tom Carter says they hired a lawyer to keep reporters "at bay." #TexMcIver wanted her deposition taken before @ajc reporters, he testified.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Defense: No one told Dani Jo what to say. Tom Carter: That is correct #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
6m6 minutes ago
Juror just heard three other voicemails #TexMcIver left to Tom Carter asking him to call him back.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
On cross-examination, Tom Carter concedes #TexMcIver never told Dani Jo whom to talk to or what to say. He was only concerned her hiring a lawyer would make him look guilty.
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
The state has called @trustdale to the stand. #TexMcIver.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
41s42 seconds ago
Atlanta TV personality Dale Cardwell takes the stand #TexMcIver

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - State calls Dale Cardwell to the stand. He used to work at WSB-TV


Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
10m10 minutes ago
Cathy Russon Retweeted Veronica Waters
#TexMcIver -
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
State calls Dale Cardwell, journalist-turned-consumer investigator of @trustdale fame. He met Diane McIvercovering a lawsuit that her boss, Billy Corey, was involved in ~2004, and he and Diane later became friends. Tex gave Dale legal counsel. Says Tex was "meticulous" @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
7m7 minutes ago
Dale Cardwell says Diane was playful, dominant in a way that didn't seem to bother #TexMcIver too much. She would say demeaning things to him. He says it would become uncomfortable at times because it went a little too far. @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Not long after that, Dale Cardwell and #TexMcIver talked about going to lunch together, but never did. Why not? "I was uncomfortable," he says. Tex never relayed any version of the shooting to Dale. @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
41s42 seconds ago
Around October 5/6, 2016, Dale Cardwell talked to Dani Jo Carter; Dani & her husband Tom then came over. She gave Dale details of what happened in the SUV when #TexMcIver shot his wife, what happened at the hospital right after, & what Tex said to her there alone @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
10m10 minutes ago
With jury on break, the #TexMcIver defense is trying to keep out testimony by Dale Cardwell b/c Dani Jo Carter didn't say stuff to law enforcement first...? State summary says "Dani Jo says that Tex told her to 'Stay out of it,' meaning the events of the shooting." @wsbradio


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
4m4 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Cardwell is brought to the stand to be questioned outside the presence of the jury.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
According to Dani Jo, #TexMcIver appeared to be in a "strategy situation, not a grief situation" -- Dale Cardwell. Jury not hearing this; judge trying to determine what part of Cardwell's testimony will be heard.
Tex McIver Told Sole Witness to Shooting He 'Can’t Go To Jail'

"Dani Jo Carter, a longtime friend of shooting victim Diane McIver, testified Wednesday that she had witnessed a shoving match between Tex McIver and his wife months before he shot her.

Dani Jo Carter, the sole witness to the 2016 fatal shooting of Diane McIver, on Wednesday told the jury hearing the murder case of Atlanta attorney Claud “Tex” McIver that he told her, “I can’t go to jail.”

Carter said McIver made the comment while at Emory University Hospital shortly after he fatally shot his wife. McIver and his lawyers have always insisted Diane McIver’s shooting was an accident—a conclusion Carter testified she believed at the time and had shared with Atlanta police...."

Prosecutors Say Tex McIver's Wife Told Five People About Her New Will
As the murder trial of a former Fisher & Phillips partner gets underway, prosecutors want to introduce hearsay testimony that Diane McIver changed the terms of her will to her financially-strapped husband's detriment.

Mar 07, 2018

"Fulton County prosecutors have at least five reasons to argue that Diane McIver drew up a new will before her husband killed her.

Before Atlanta attorney Claud “Tex” McIver shot his wife to death in 2016, Diane McIver told as many as five people—including three friends and two employees at Corey Airport Services where she was the company president—that she drew up a new will and named new beneficiaries, according to prosecutors.

In a notice of their intent to introduce hearsay evidence at Tex McIver’s ongoing murder trial, prosecutors cited emails showing that, for at least three years before he shot his wife, the couple wrangled with Atlanta lawyer Harold Hudson over the terms of her new will...."
Tex McIver Trial Day 7 Part 1

Stray tweet

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
I had to step away from Twitter for a bit, so I'll tweet later what Dale Cardwell said outside the jury's presence that #TexMcIver's defense got to keep the jurors from hearing. Things Dani Jo Carter told Dale re: Tex being in "strategy mode" after shooting Diane, etc. @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Emory Police Ofcr. Frank Stroop testifies that at the hospital, #TexMcIver's lawyer Steve Maples arrived seemingly "managing the situation." Passing door to family consult rm, saw Tex & Steve leaned in to each other. Tex said, "What do I say?" or "What's the plan?" @wsbradio


Star witness reveals surprising story in Tex McIver murder trial

"..."Have you ever seen Diane get angry at the defendant?" asked Chief Assistant District Attorney Clint Rucker.

"Yes," replied Carter.

She told the jury about a fight the McIver's had after their godson got hurt.

"Diane was saying he was alright,” said Carter. “Tex was trying to get Diane to be quiet and they shoved each other, and Tex kind of pushed Diane out of the bedroom and closed the door."

Carter said it happened a few months before Diane’s death...."
Dale Cardwell sure told a different tale about the utopia there and Dani as she wore down admitted lots today too.
Anyone know what is up with juror 61...they were late today...a couple of times judge directed some comments to him about how he is and then he had some emergency alert on his watch and needed to leave at 5pm promptly...wonder if he will be back?
Wow I can't believe that Tex' son (estranged) is a trauma surgeon and Tex does not know to take her to level 1 trauma center...Doc. clearly stated that on a Sunday night no guarantee that there would even be a surgeon question in my mind the way the time was handled between the shot and getting her to the wrong hospital cost her her life and Tex really did not seem to care.
now listening to her personal assistant ...not sure of his name...made the comment that Tex was shocked at how much less money she had than he expected...3 days after talking about make the condo back into one to be able to maximize profit on sale...and shortly before memorial saying Janie Calhoun was not happy with Les (her husband) and maybe he could get her back...sorry but Tex was not as happy at all...he had motive for sure but his execution was really sloppy.,-84.354793,33.846569,-84.36241_rect/16_zm/

They sure did like their wine. Here are the listing photos when the combined condo was on the market. They had wine displayed on an entire wall, a large wine fridge, and then described one listing photo as the "wine tasting" table. I wonder how much they had to drink in the SUV on the ride back home on Sunday? Or if they had been drinking all day?

Another interesting think I noticed from the listing photos is that both master closets seem to be filled with only men's clothing.
impression from Terry Brown's testimony....some creative accounting going on at Correy and US Enterprises....I think as we move along in this trial we are going to see (despite Diane being very private about her businesses) that money issues are at the heart of their conflict and both were feeling pressure. the defense attorney is in a way trashing Diane as a totally materialistic and lavish spending woman...nice that Tex would rather go thru this public dress down of his wife and himself rather than have worked out some settlement. As I listen to this is really does not speak to what he did.
I agree that it all came down to money. She was 63 and he was 69 at the time of her death I believe. Usually people at that age who had such successful careers would be retiring and enjoying the fruits of working hard all those years. It appears to me that they may have been pretty big spenders and had to keep working just to keep up their extravagant lifestyle. Did Diane have any retirement funds or was the $1.1M a life insurance policy?
wow if Diane was paying they went first class but if Tex paid for his own then he went coach and she would fly first...the picture I am getting from this assistant it the lavish spending was Diane's and not his but of course he had no problem spending her money.
personal assistant punched a time clock...that seems odd and frankly insulting but guess that is what happens in big corporations?
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