GA GA - Hannah Truelove, 16, Gainesville, 24 August 2012

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I don't feel Hannah's mom was being unreasonable for taking away Hannah's cell phone. Not everyone views cell phones as security devices and Hannah's mom apparently had no reason to suspect her daughter was in any danger. We made it into adulthood 20+ years ago without a cell phone. Many parents still consider cell phones a privilege which children often abuse. Maybe Hannah had been using her cell to text and talk to friends while she should have been studying.

Thank you for posting this - the voice of reason. I have a 17-year-old daughter who has always given me a lot of trouble. The FIRST thing I take from her is her phone because she is GLUED to it 24/7, to the point of an obsession. She sleeps with it! As far as being able to reach her when she is out, she is always with others who have phones that I am able to reach her through. As far as being able to get a hold of a kid through a cell phone for "security reasons", some kids just don't answer the phone if they don't feel like talking to a parent. My daughter has lost her phone many times over that. If I'm paying for it, you darn well better answer it!

For those who are criticizing the mom for taking her phone away, I wonder if any of them have an unruly teenage daughter?

By the way, a kid can do as much on an IPod as a phone as far as Tweeting, Facebook, and emailing, so perhaps Hannah had one which is how she tweeted.
Thank you for posting this - the voice of reason. I have a 17-year-old daughter who has always given me a lot of trouble. The FIRST thing I take from her is her phone because she is GLUED to it 24/7, to the point of an obsession. She sleeps with it! As far as being able to reach her when she is out, she is always with others who have phones that I am able to reach her through. As far as being able to get a hold of a kid through a cell phone for "security reasons", some kids just don't answer the phone if they don't feel like talking to a parent. My daughter has lost her phone many times over that. If I'm paying for it, you darn well better answer it!

For those who are criticizing the mom for taking her phone away, I wonder if any of them have an unruly teenage daughter?

By the way, a kid can do as much on an IPod as a phone as far as Tweeting, Facebook, and emailing, so perhaps Hannah had one which is how she tweeted.

Good point about the iPod. I was wondering how she was tweeting without lugging around a laptop or something. You can do everything except make a call, no?
We don't know that Hannah didn't have a new cell phone by the day she was killed. It would be so good to hear her mother's version of all this. How she must be hurting!

The tweet on July 19 - Hannah was still at her dad's, right?

Thinking about all the tweets regarding stomach and back pain, and exercising. 5 miles is a long way to run. I wonder if Hannah could've been suffering from Bulimia. Not only did she tweet about have a tummy, she also tweeted about having a big "butt." To be doing all that exercise and yet complaining about her body (she does not look at all overweight in pictures), it sounds like she had a distorted body image. The excessive exercising could cause the back pain. If she did have Bulimia and purged by vomiting, a stomach ulcer could form, causing the stomach pain. Her legs and butt being sore could've resulted from excessive exercise. With all this pain, it's no wonder Hannah wasn't sleeping well.

I don't know if the possibility that Hannah suffered from Bulimia has any bearing on the case, other than to rule out other possibilities. Some people did speculate earlier that Hannah might be pregnant and was killed by the baby's daddy. I doubt that she would feel like doing so much exercise if she was pregnant.

On June 23rd, Hannah wrote, "I'm NOT going to get pregnant until I find the perfect guy cause I'm not gonna make my baby go without a daddy like I had to". She never said she was vomiting in any of her tweets which is common during the first trimester. When police released a statement about her disappearance, they said she weighed 120-125 lbs. In May she tweeted she was getting fat and from then on she exercised excessively.

Hannah hadn't been feeling well for 4 months so why didn't her mother take her to the doctor for a checkup?

Hannah's mother told the 911 operator her daughter did not have a cell phone because "she`s lost all her privileges because of school and stuff and that`s one of the privileges she lost. That`s why I think she might be up -- she might be up to something."

Why didn't Hannah and her father know why she wasn't allowed a cell phone?

She also said "in the past probably week or so, she`s been, you know, taking off and doing this, but I know the area she`s in, so it`s not been a big deal. She`s just getting her privacy and giving us some space." Hannah and her mother weren't getting along before Hannah was assaulted.

Maybe Hannah wasn't allowed to have a cell phone was because Hannah broke her mother's nose in May and her mother didn’t want the police to know they were hitting each other. In her tweet on May 24th she said “And yeah, I broke my mamma’s nose so not there for awhile.” so maybe Hannah wasn’t staying with her dad because she was on vacation like we thought. If it's true Hannah broke her mother's nose that means Hannah attacked her face. When Hannah's father identified his daughter in the morgue, he said "It looked like she got the crap beat out of her, possibly by another girl, because she had a lot of scratches on her face."

Police read all of Hannah's tweets so did they look into the ones Hannah posted on May 24th?

On Aug 11, Hannah tweeted "hopefully getting a new phone soon. I wonder which one I should get" so why is she hoping to get a phone 2 weeks before she was attacked if she knows her mother won't allow her to have one because of her behavior at school? Her father said he didn't understand why his daughter wasn't allowed to have one and surely if it was because of something she did at school, he'd know why yet he claimed he didn't. MO is someone isn't being honest and they are hiding the truth.

TRUELOVE: She never said that to me. You know, she didn`t say anything pertaining to anything other than she was upset with her mother because she was supposed to -- I was going to get her a telephone. She need a cell phone, and her mother wouldn`t let her have one. And they don`t have any phone other than her mother`s cell phone that she carries to work, and I wanted her to have a phone there with her. Every other child has. But no phone. And she was upset with her mother about that.

And that`s why she was sitting on the picnic table, I`m sure, because she thought her mother may be at home any time, you know? She gets home around 7:30 or 8:00. And she didn`t want to see her because she was upset about the telephone. And I really don`t blame her there. You know, she was -- she was a good girl all summer long. Everything, she`s always been a good girl. I don`t see why she couldn`t have a telephone."

School began August 3rd and ended May 17 so school was closed for the months of June and July. Hannah passed her school year and had attended school for about 2 weeks before she was found dead.

On July 22nd she said she was counting the hours until she was back home and on the 26th she said “I’m supposed to be back home right now." so yes, Hannah was staying with her father on July 19th but why the delay in returning her home to live with her mom? Did her mother not want her back?
Thank you Bluesky. After I read what the lady said about Hannah's situation, I got lost in reading about the lady's two cute cavaliers.

I'm glad you found it because the article is at the bottom of the page.

Ninette Sosa told Nancy Grace the mom made a phone call about her missing daughter at 10:15 pm because it was too late for her to be out but that is when she called 911. At 9 pm, Mr.Truelove received a call from Hannah’s mother when it wasn’t too late for her to be out and not dark yet.

The woman who wrote this article said “I understand she was 16 and teenagers don’t always come home by curfew and sometime sleep at a friend’s house because they are mad at their parents” and that casts suspicion on the mom who at 9 pm was already on the phone to her father alerting him of a potential problem.

Her mother arrived home from work between 7:30 – 8 pm when Hannah was last seen sitting at the picnic table.
Here is another interesting article I found today.

Gainesville High School Students' Racist YouTube Rant Forces Girls To Leave School, Apologize (video)

Feb 12, 2012 - After two minors from Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Fla., posted a nearly 14-minute-long racist rant on YouTube, the girls are "no longer students at the school."
I'm glad you found it because the article is at the bottom of the page.

Ninette Sosa told Nancy Grace the mom made a phone call about her missing daughter at 10:15 pm because it was too late for her to be out but that is when she called 911. At 9 pm, Mr.Truelove received a call from Hannah’s mother when it wasn’t too late for her to be out and not dark yet.

The woman who wrote this article said “I understand she was 16 and teenagers don’t always come home by curfew and sometime sleep at a friend’s house because they are mad at their parents” and that casts suspicion on the mom who at 9 pm was already on the phone to her father alerting him of a potential problem.

Her mother arrived home from work between 7:30 – 8 pm when Hannah was last seen sitting at the picnic table.

Thank you for posting that link!

After reading that I'm very suspicious of the mother. She hasn't made a statement, and didn't ask anyone else in the complex if they had seen Hannah? Yet it merited a phone call to the father an hour before 911 was called?

If her mother truly thought that she was OK, then would she not have verified that she was actually at a friend's house by calling/facebooking/whatever so she could rest assured that night?
Here is another interesting article I found today.

Gainesville High School Students' Racist YouTube Rant Forces Girls To Leave School, Apologize (video)

Feb 12, 2012 - After two minors from Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Fla., posted a nearly 14-minute-long racist rant on YouTube, the girls are "no longer students at the school."

Hannah is from Gainesville, GA (Unless I'm missing the relevance of this article :blushing:)
Another notable thing in the transcripts: When the clip begins, it says Cobb County 911. Hannah was in Hall County, so why was the call routed to Cobb which is notably far from Hall? (Towards the bottom, it's the same transcript and it says Hall though, so maybe it was a misprint?)
Thank you for posting that link!

After reading that I'm very suspicious of the mother. She hasn't made a statement, and didn't ask anyone else in the complex if they had seen Hannah? Yet it merited a phone call to the father an hour before 911 was called?

If her mother truly thought that she was OK, then would she not have verified that she was actually at a friend's house by calling/facebooking/whatever so she could rest assured that night?

When and after Hannah and her mother had an episode, Hannah never went to stay with friends, she always stayed in the area. She didn't have access to a vehicle or a phone so she couldn't call anyone for a ride.

Why was Hannah’s mom concerned enough to call police Thursday night and not after any of the other episodes that took place over the past week is the question.

Why did the mother sound an alarm at that particular time when we now know her daughter was dead?

Hannah’s mother told the operator she didn’t see her daughter Thursday evening when she returned home from work and we don’t know if anyone observed the mom's movements. On Nancy Grace, it was reported that there were no surveillance cameras on the grounds at the time of the murder and the woods right beside the apartment building offer privacy.

Hannah’s mom called JT at 9 pm and the police at 10:15, when it was dark because she knew what happened was a big deal compared to what happened the other times her daughter distanced herself from her. She admits she always knew where her daughter was during and after these episodes and she also admitted her daughter never left the area where her body was found the next day.

If you piece her words together they can lead you to her daughter imo.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, sir, not after dark or anything, no, she`s not. (INAUDIBLE) in the past probably week or so, she`s been, you know, taking off and doing this, but I know the area she`s in, so it`s not been a big deal. She`s just getting her privacy and giving us some space. Hannah&#8217;s mom told the 911 operator.
Hannah is from Gainesville, GA (Unless I'm missing the relevance of this article :blushing:)

Thank you for pointing that out.

Hannah’s school records would show whether the mom is telling the truth about her daughter’s misbehavior at school. If Hannah was disciplined by her teacher, they would record the incident, contact the parents, etc.

Hannah’s tweets express an appreciation for black people and she wasn't condensing in anyway as far as I can tell so I doubt she was causing the kind of problems the girls in FL were.

We don’t know if Hannah's tweet on May 24th about an altercation really happened but you can't hide a broken nose.

I wonder if the scratches JT saw on his daughter's face were from her puppy?? Hannah said when he wanted to fight he doesn't take no for an answer.
Another notable thing in the transcripts: When the clip begins, it says Cobb County 911. Hannah was in Hall County, so why was the call routed to Cobb which is notably far from Hall? (Towards the bottom, it's the same transcript and it says Hall though, so maybe it was a misprint?)

"The Sheriff’s Office took over the case when it was determined her body was found outside of the Gainesville city limits" Sgt. Stephen Wilbanks said.

The Lake Lanier apartments are situated on Dawsonville Highway.

Most people call 911 when they have an emergency situation on their hands and need help immediately.
Hannah&#8217;s mom told the 911 operator &#8220;She`s lost ALL her privileges because of school and stuff and that`s (a cell phone) one of the privileges she lost. That`s why I think she might be up -- she might be up to something.&#8221;

OTOH, LaCrisia Larkin, the principal of Gainesville High School, where Truelove was a student, said, "She had a very supportive group of friends she hung around. She was a sweet young lady, very well-mannered and respectful."

She was not aware whether Truelove had any issues with a "stalker."
Because Hannah didn&#8217;t have her own phone and there wasn&#8217;t one in the apartment,
all the calls from Hannah&#8217;s father to Hannah were screened by her mother.

And if Hannah's friends wanted to call her (and vice versa), they'd have speak with her mother first.
Because Hannah didn’t have her own phone and there wasn’t one in the apartment,
all the calls from Hannah’s father to Hannah were screened by her mother.

And if Hannah's friends wanted to call her (and vice versa), they'd have speak with her mother first.

Poor Hannah!

I think Mom has major issues and raises red flags to me.

Gainesville police said they issued an alert earlier Friday seeking information on the girl, who was last seen Thursday morning near the apartments but a resident at the complex said, &#8220;Apparently Hannah Truelove went missing Thursday night and I had no idea, not because I was out of the loop, but because no one had any idea. Even though she lived in my complex with her mother there were no frantic knocks on my door asking if I had seen her or anyone outside just gossiping and talking about a missing 16 year old girl. Literally the first time I heard that she had been missing since the night before was when I learned she was dead. The same with everyone else in my complex I have spoken with. No one knew she went missing.

Sgt. Wilbanks also said a lot of people walk the trail but Hannah&#8217;s body wasn&#8217;t found until Friday evening so apparently no one walked the trail situated behind the huge apt. complex the entire day!

That is just so odd!
Wouldnt you be screaming from the rooftops?
Banging on doors?
When and after Hannah and her mother had an episode, Hannah never went to stay with friends, she always stayed in the area. She didn't have access to a vehicle or a phone so she couldn't call anyone for a ride.

Why was Hannah&#8217;s mom concerned enough to call police Thursday night and not after any of the other episodes that took place over the past week is the question.

Why did the mother sound an alarm at that particular time when we now know her daughter was dead?

Hannah&#8217;s mother told the operator she didn&#8217;t see her daughter Thursday evening when she returned home from work and we don&#8217;t know if anyone observed the mom's movements. On Nancy Grace, it was reported that there were no surveillance cameras on the grounds at the time of the murder and the woods right beside the apartment building offer privacy.

Hannah&#8217;s mom called JT at 9 pm and the police at 10:15, when it was dark because she knew what happened was a big deal compared to what happened the other times her daughter distanced herself from her. She admits she always knew where her daughter was during and after these episodes and she also admitted her daughter never left the area where her body was found the next day.

If you piece her words together they can lead you to her daughter imo.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, sir, not after dark or anything, no, she`s not. (INAUDIBLE) in the past probably week or so, she`s been, you know, taking off and doing this, but I know the area she`s in, so it`s not been a big deal. She`s just getting her privacy and giving us some space. Hannah&#8217;s mom told the 911 operator.

BBM That sentence speaks volumes!
Did they ever give cause of death?

Seems it was very violent!

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