GA - Jenna Wall, 35, shot to death, Powder Springs, 23 June 2016 *Arrest*

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From reading the above mentioned divorce papers, in his answer to her filing for divorce, it appears to me that he really did not want a divorce. He waited until April, 2016 to countersue for divorce and it is 10 pages long.

But now that his mother has taken matters into her own hands, he has no worries regarding custody, child support payments, division of outstanding debts, he gets it all. On the other hand, unless she was smart and changed her investments, retirement accounts, life insurance beneficiaries, the ex will get it all. Her family might take it to court since they were legally separated, and it was his mother who murdered their daughter if she had not changed the beneficiaries.
Her sister goes to my church. Knowing the family that Jenna comes from, I have a hard time believing she had an affair.

Good, nice people can have affairs. Things happen. Even if she came from a great family.
Good, nice people can have affairs. Things happen. Even if she came from a great family.

I agree. But they separated in October and he didn't allege the affair until April. She may have reconnected with the boyfriend during the marriage but if she was intimate with him, I think it probably didn't happen until after they separated. Which is not an affair, in my opinion (although I know some people will probably disagree).
From reading the above mentioned divorce papers, in his answer to her filing for divorce, it appears to me that he really did not want a divorce. He waited until April, 2016 to countersue for divorce and it is 10 pages long.

But now that his mother has taken matters into her own hands, he has no worries regarding custody, child support payments, division of outstanding debts, he gets it all. On the other hand, unless she was smart and changed her investments, retirement accounts, life insurance beneficiaries, the ex will get it all. Her family might take it to court since they were legally separated, and it was his mother who murdered their daughter if she had not changed the beneficiaries.

He won't get custody of his children if it's shown that he was involved in any way. This seems far too convenient to me. One can't help but wonder if this was a well thought out act. The MIL became emotional in court when she was not granted bail. Was she told she would get bail? One wonders... I hope the kids go to her family until this has been thoroughly investigated. If the father is in any way involved then I hope they remain there. MOO.
This happened 1/2 mile from my home. She was a teacher at my children's school. This is a terrible loss. She was an amazing mother to those boys. They worshipped her. In all honesty, she was going through a very nasty divorce and it will be interesting what comes of all this....

Obviously the MIL was not well. Has anyone considered that maybe her son took advantage of this and manipulated his mother into getting rid of his wife for him? Like tell MIL how horrible wife is..all the "bad" things she is doing, trying to take kids away forever blah MIL fixes it for him? Then he has house, all assets and kids with no hassle of divorce...and unwell mom gets help in prison for mentally insane without his having to pay for it or be bothered with anything.
This jumped to my mind because I heard it reported that he claimed his wife was "unstable"in court papers...which manipulative lying people always say to discredit a woman when they get desperate....especially estranged husbands.
Just sayin'
Anyone who is divorced knows that the husbands divorce papers are long, saying the most vile accusatory statements against the wife. A wife can go into a rage reading what she is accused of. One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry from fear of what the judge will think!
Amazing to me that people think murder will solve things.. Especially when it comes to divorce... Even if this gal WAS having an affair, that doesn't warrant death. It seems her husband went alllllll out on his divorce filings in trying to make her look bad.
And visa versa.

Anyone who is divorced knows that the husbands divorce papers are long, saying the most vile accusatory statements against the wife. A wife can go into a rage reading what she is accused of. One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry from fear of what the judge will think!
Sometimes, it's true.

Obviously the MIL was not well. Has anyone considered that maybe her son took advantage of this and manipulated his mother into getting rid of his wife for him? Like tell MIL how horrible wife is..all the "bad" things she is doing, trying to take kids away forever blah MIL fixes it for him? Then he has house, all assets and kids with no hassle of divorce...and unwell mom gets help in prison for mentally insane without his having to pay for it or be bothered with anything.
This jumped to my mind because I heard it reported that he claimed his wife was "unstable"in court papers...which manipulative lying people always say to discredit a woman when they get desperate....especially estranged husbands.
Just sayin'
JMO - my first thought when I heard about this situation was that the ex-hubby had his mother "sacrifice" herself for his greater good. Of course I could be completely wrong but that my just my gut feeling and really hasn't changed since ready more articles.
JMO - my first thought when I heard about this situation was that the ex-hubby had his mother "sacrifice" herself for his greater good. Of course I could be completely wrong but that my just my gut feeling and really hasn't changed since ready more articles.

Yes, I've had the same thought. She only became emotional in court when she was denied bail. That left me wondering if someone told her not to worry and that despite doing this she'd get bail and eventually be able to come home. One wonders...
Good, nice people can have affairs. Things happen. Even if she came from a great family.

I agree... However, once they were legally separated and filing for divorce, it is no longer an affair. It is a new relationship. I don't like the way the media is saying she was having an affair, rather than being in a new relationship, regardless of when this new relationship started. An affair is not a capital offence, neither is walking out of a marriage and starting over. I've heard of ex-husbands killing when the former wife moves on, but I'm amazed the mother in law would think up this "solution" on her own.
It seems MIL was, at least at one time, a teacher herself:

Oh Betsy, why did you do this?? I think a supportive mother could be very easily manipulated, especially as in-law relationships can be uneasy even in the best of families. Now we've got her son playing all the cards that would get her most, the grandkids, and his heartbreak.
This also sets the MIL up for an insanity or mental deficiency defense (the car accident in 1999 and subsequent behavioral/prescription issues) and I'm sure her son knew that...
He won't get custody of his children if it's shown that he was involved in any way. This seems far too convenient to me. One can't help but wonder if this was a well thought out act. The MIL became emotional in court when she was not granted bail. Was she told she would get bail? One wonders... I hope the kids go to her family until this has been thoroughly investigated. If the father is in any way involved then I hope they remain there. MOO.

Very few jurisdictions allow bail on a murder case. Son could have manipulated her. Or maybe mom was not too stable?
Sounds like Grandma had problems for a long time before this.

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