GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #3

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I hope LE has their man....but sumpin still feels hinky to me.I don't know, wrong guy ...or didn't act alone.Just a odd feeling.Sumpin.

Also, having lived in Atl and still have family there, those apartments aren't nearly as bad as many others in the metro Atlanta area. They aren't great, but oh there are oh way worse. Not excusing anything, but hard to ascertain the truth about a place based on online ratings, imho.
I am curious as to why/what will take months of evidence gathering yet provided enough right away to make an arrest...I DO think they know they have the right person, just wondering what they found so quickly (a fingerprint match? bloodly items?) yet still requires "months" of evidence gathering.

Only because we see so many cases (endless, it seems) where there is a definte POI yet no arrests. Clearly, LE has some solid evidence linking him directly to the crime (IMO), but expect much more that will take a while to develop? Still, months? Just seems odd to me. Nothing really should take months anymore, in a child murder. JMO
I need a beer and a Vicodin cause I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. lololol
I don't understand being so anti LE and pro POI.

I see you are new . . . Welcome to WS!

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What is so awesome about WS is we share own own ideas & insights - we are a community of many different people with opinions & experience. And we are respectful to our fellow posters.

I see no anti-LE or pro-POI sentiment in this thread, but I must say, I have not read every post. I'm fence sitting & keeping an open mind until we are privy to the evidence collected. Until then, :fence:

I would not advise taking narcotics with alcohol, just sayin' :innocent:

Did the apt manager & her son (RBs roommate) help with the searches? Have we heard anything from the Manager? I know we have heard from the mgmt company, but . . .
I've lived in complexes like that too. And you can't blame mgmt for everything. Butts on the ground, trash, etc. If the irresponsible tenants didn't leave it in the first place...

I smoke, but I used to get angry at the person above me who did as he would stand on his balcony and toss the butts onto the lawn. Just because the place has a grounds crew, doesn't mean you are welcome to trash the place. So many people lack common curtesy and manners these days...Ok, starting to sound like my folks, so time for bed. JMO
okay, gngr got me curious so I started reading the comments/reviews about the apartment complex and stumbled across this one from back in February/march of this year.

Does anyone local know, was a body discovered in the trash compactor prior to Jorelys and this case??? If that is true that is mighty bizarre.

I also noted that the problems and bad reviews showed up around the time the current management did, so yes, there is a problem here. Would it have made any difference to Jorelys' fate? I don't know, but I know for me, the blame for what happened to Jorelys lies at the feet of the murderer, not the apartment complex.
okay, gngr got me curious so I started reading the comments/reviews about the apartment complex and stumbled across this one from back in February/march of this year.

Does anyone local know, was a body discovered in the trash compactor prior to Jorelys and this case??? If that is true that is mighty bizarre.

I also noted that the problems and bad reviews showed up around the time the current management did, so yes, there is a problem here. Would it have made any difference to Jorelys' fate? I don't know, but I know for me, the blame for what happened to Jorelys lies at the feet of the murderer, not the apartment complex.

yes - we did find an article ! I will go search Thread #1 . . . I believe a local found reference to it from Mar
Bless you kirmekat you are tireless but don't trouble yourself looking on my account. (shhhh, don't tell my kids but I took a vacation day tomorrow so I plan to have hours of websleuthing time available.) ;) I will track it down then.
I see you are new . . . Welcome to WS!

If you haven't found Forum Information & Esoterica The Rules - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community -- it's full of great information about this forum.

What is so awesome about WS is we share own own ideas & insights - we are a community of many different people with opinions & experience. And we are respectful to our fellow posters.

I see no anti-LE or pro-POI sentiment in this thread, but I must say, I have not read every post. I'm fence sitting & keeping an open mind until we are privy to the evidence collected. Until then, :fence:

I would not advise taking narcotics with alcohol, just sayin' :innocent:

Did the apt manager & her son (RBs roommate) help with the searches? Have we heard anything from the Manager? I know we have heard from the mgmt company, but . . .

I am familiar with the wonderfulness of WS-that's why I joined, thank you.
The pro perp anti LE post are there-one must read between the lines.

FWIW LE arrested the monster for a good reason. LE wasn't grasping at straws trying to pin this henious crime on someone. Thats MY OPINION and I'm sticking to it.
muah muah hug hug and all that jazz.
I am familiar with the wonderfulness of WS-that's why I joined, thank you.
The pro perp anti LE post are there-one must read between the lines.

FWIW LE arrested the monster for a good reason. LE wasn't grasping at straws trying to pin this henious crime on someone. Thats MY OPINION and I'm sticking to it.
muah muah hug hug and all that jazz.

I think they arrested the right person as well. However, I'm not convinced that he acted alone. He *probably* did, but in reading what LE has been saying about all the evidence/info to sift through, etc. --- I can't help but think there may be someone else involved as well.
I hope LE has their man....but sumpin still feels hinky to me.I don't know, wrong guy ...or didn't act alone.Just a odd feeling.Sumpin.Also, having lived in Atl and still have family there, those apartments aren't nearly as bad as many others in the metro Atlanta area. They aren't great, but oh there are oh way worse. Not excusing anything, but hard to ascertain the truth about a place based on online ratings, imho.

I know what you mean. I have a funny feeling too. I think it is because it is so bizzare and unbelievable. I sure hope they are right and come out with some tangible proof they can share with us soon. jmo
I have been told the same thing by two different people who have inside info. They said there is NO doubt they DO have the right guy and that the world will hate him even worse when it all comes out. Now I'm dying to know too!

Well, if y'all find out, pleeeeeease tell me. LOL:seeya:
I think they arrested the right person as well. However, I'm not convinced that he acted alone. He *probably* did, but in reading what LE has been saying about all the evidence/info to sift through, etc. --- I can't help but think there may be someone else involved as well.

belimom, I admit I'm curious about him having help like maybe with the clean up of evidence, clothes-that kind of thing.
In regards to the remarks that LE is confident they have arrested the right person, whatever might be said for the relative size of the police departments of Canton or Cherokee County, the GBI is no rinky dink organization. Atlanta alone is the 9th largest metropolitan area in the U.S. with a population of +5 million and Georgia is the 9th most populous state. The GBI is not in the business of cutting corners or arresting people just to be arresting someone. I believe that the evidence will bear this out when more becomes known.

O/T: I am so tickled that so many people either have been to Amos's BBQ or live near there! Maybe one day we'll run into one another there. It's a small world. :)

bbm I agree Minettte. I feel a bond now with you other Ga peeps. Will have to check out Amos'.
I am curious as to why/what will take months of evidence gathering yet provided enough right away to make an arrest...I DO think they know they have the right person, just wondering what they found so quickly (a fingerprint match? bloodly items?) yet still requires "months" of evidence gathering.

Only because we see so many cases (endless, it seems) where there is a definte POI yet no arrests. Clearly, LE has some solid evidence linking him directly to the crime (IMO), but expect much more that will take a while to develop? Still, months? Just seems odd to me. Nothing really should take months anymore, in a child murder. JMO

I wonder if it meant investigating any other crimes he could be linked to in prior cities and the Canton area.
okay, gngr got me curious so I started reading the comments/reviews about the apartment complex and stumbled across this one from back in February/march of this year.

Does anyone local know, was a body discovered in the trash compactor prior to Jorelys and this case??? If that is true that is mighty bizarre.

I also noted that the problems and bad reviews showed up around the time the current management did, so yes, there is a problem here. Would it have made any difference to Jorelys' fate? I don't know, but I know for me, the blame for what happened to Jorelys lies at the feet of the murderer, not the apartment complex.

As part of my job, I have to read our ratings about once per week - the ratings for this community was the first place I looked (and posted in the first few pages). I too was taken aback by the body in the dumpster comment. I anxiously opened the comment and found nothing. I don't know if the post was edited or if the person just forgot to mention it. Posts are not supposed to be edited - the only time, and I've had this done, is when supervisors, manager, or any other staff member's full name is posted. Even then, the entire post is usually removed.

One thing to remember about - you can't take the reviews as gospel. People never write when they're happy, only when they're mad or when they are threatening to write worse if the management doesn't give them their way - usually around the 10th of the month when they haven't paid rent and they've gotten an eviction notice. Many times the posts are spot on - after years of reading them and knowing the properties, I can tell the difference. This property has huge issues and the fault lies squarely with the management company. The manager does what she is told and has her hands tied by management. If two women were assaulted, and the management company told her or him to keep it quiet, she would have no choice. If a resident needed something replaced, and it wasn't in the budget, she or he wouldn't be able to buy it unless she or he wanted to lose their job. At the end of the day, a property like this ends up with a compliant manager who doesn't care that these things are going on, and thus, doesn't care whether the residents like it or not.

As for the management company not knowing (someone said they sent a link to the ratings to them), trust me, they know - most have someone in the company who is copied on every review.
Reading this I am wondering did they perhaps find the murder weapon (what he struck her in the head with) perhaps in his possession and perhaps with blood on it or hair belonging to Jorelys?


Sounds like that to me too. My first thought was a hammer. sorry.
anyone else wonder if RB might have made the wrong new 'friends' when he moved, and got caught up in some sick, horrendous mess?

(not quite the same, but reminds me of a time a 'cool' gal back in school asked me to go to the store with her...naive me...not so cool, she was a shoplifter...I remained a nerd, ha)
Plastic ties From say like garbage bags? What type of plastic ties were used?

I don't know what type of ties were used but when NG asked N. Lance whether Jorelys's body was found in a plastic bag, here is what Natisha told Nancy....


GRACE: Was the body of Jorely, was it in a trash bag?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: We don`t know if the body was in a trash bag, Nancy, but I did speak to the GBI director today. What he told me is that the body was not visible when they pulled this dumpster from the apartment complex. And he also said that it took a lot of sifting in order to get down to the body. The body was contained in between heavily condensed garbage.
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