GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #3

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anyone else wonder if RB might have made the wrong new 'friends' when he moved, and got caught up in some sick, horrendous mess?

(not quite the same, but reminds me of a time a 'cool' gal back in school asked me to go to the store with her...naive me...not so cool, she was a shoplifter...I remained a nerd, ha)

He was friends with the manager's son.
hmmm I was thinking like gang types. From his FB he didn't seem to have a lot of close friends, what little I caught. Trying to fit in kind of thing? maybe I don't know, just trying to figure where he got lost
hmmm I was thinking like gang types. From his FB he didn't seem to have a lot of close friends, what little I caught. Trying to fit in kind of thing? maybe I don't know, just trying to figure where he got lost

When I read his FB page yesterday before they deactivated it, I saw a reference in one of the posts that made me think of gangs. The post was between RB and another poster. They were in a heated discussion full of threats and inuendos. Since I have reviewed the posting again to make sure I heard what I thought I did, and I have done some research, I definitely think there is some kind of gang activity but it was before he came to Canton. It is a very interesting exchange between this person and RB.

I definitely think RB has a past. I don't think I can post the exchange, but I believe the FB pages will be posted here somewhere if anyone cares to read them. I would be interested in knowing if anyone else feels the same and draws the same conclusions I did from this.
hmmm I was thinking like gang types. From his FB he didn't seem to have a lot of close friends, what little I caught. Trying to fit in kind of thing? maybe I don't know, just trying to figure where he got lost

That is the sort of thing that struck me about him. He seems (albeit with the little we have seen) to be immature, awkward, disconnected, trying to mimic what he views as 'normal' or 'cool' and missing the mark in some intangible way.

Could be that he's a sociopath, or low IQ, or highly-functioning autistic, or any of a myriad of other conditions/issues.

My gut says he did this evil thing and nothing will excuse that, for me at least. My concern is that any of these things MAY be an excuse for 12 people charged with making a decision about his fate.

AGAIN, this is based on the very little we have seen of RB, and just a hunch, and MOO.

ETA: I know your point was about gangs, but the 'fitting in' thing was something that struck me, too, but in a different way. Sorry for the digression!
---was there more than the one reference to his being "on the run" that was made by ryanB's brother?

--( that brother was on the phone w/ ryanB when he was arrested , he told him "i gotta go"----so the brother would have got that info from ryanB.)
--i never saw that he had "disappeared" anyone else posting it.

Where did this information come from? I have not seen it stated before anywhere else. Not doubting, just would like to read it. ty
Where did this information come from? I have not seen it stated before anywhere else. Not doubting, just would like to read it. ty

FB trail . . . I cannot remember which poster was going through them, but I am sure many have screen shots of the FB pages we followed (I know I do) after Ryan's name was released. I believe it was the beginning of thread #2 when we were discussing it.

I'm curious that the actual Manager of the complex is MIA (and where's her son?) . . .

This is weird because there are conflicting reports about two things. In the above article it says the kids were all 'foster children.' But other reports say they were adopted. And those are two very different things.

Also, in the above article, it said that in court he said he had a 10th grade education. But other articles have said he had his GED. But if he said in court he only had a 10th grade education then I bet he did not have the GED.

It is sad that the article said that his parents rarely attended any of his football games or school events. That is really sad imo.
This is weird because there are conflicting reports about two things. In the above article it says the kids were all 'foster children.' But other reports say they were adopted. And those are two very different things.

Also, in the above article, it said that in court he said he had a 10th grade education. But other articles have said he had his GED. But if he said in court he only had a 10th grade education then I bet he did not have the GED.

It is sad that the article said that his parents rarely attended any of his football games or school events. That is really sad imo.

I found that odd as well. Even within the same article that called them foster kids, it has a quote from mom in her bankruptcy docs that says her income was adoption stipends for the kids. So within the same article exists this very contradiction.

Not that I think it necessarily matters which RB was, fostered or adopted. Although, whatever happened in his earlier years pre adoption or foster may have played a role in who he became.

I wonder at what age he was adopted?

IDK, maybe I will have a better idea if this line of speculation is one to carry further once we know more about the evidence and what LE has dug up as far as any prior possible bad acts.

I think LE is very smart to be looking into past places he lived. If this guy did this, there is some sign back there, in the ether of the past. There are red flags and possible victims back there. MOO

From that article
The meager picture that emerges in Dahlonega is of a family under stress. In the bankruptcy filing, Whiteley listed her sole income over the past three years as child support and an "adoption stipend" received from the state of New York, where the family lived before coming to Georgia. In 2009 and 2010, the stipend came to $48,000; this year it was $40,000.

Wow that is a huge amount to get from the state as an "adoption stipend"

Almost leaves me to believe that the adoptions took place in order to receive such a stipend.. which would also explain the lack of parental involvement at sporting events... trying not to be judgemental but wow...
I am curious as to why/what will take months of evidence gathering yet provided enough right away to make an arrest...I DO think they know they have the right person, just wondering what they found so quickly (a fingerprint match? bloodly items?) yet still requires "months" of evidence gathering.

Only because we see so many cases (endless, it seems) where there is a definte POI yet no arrests. Clearly, LE has some solid evidence linking him directly to the crime (IMO), but expect much more that will take a while to develop? Still, months? Just seems odd to me. Nothing really should take months anymore, in a child murder. JMO

The tox reports will likely take a couple months. And LE has no need to hurry here. If they feel they have the right guy in jail, they are gonna take all the time they need to nail this shut.
Driving around in front of the playground and staring at the children is imo suspicious behavior. being seen at the trash compactor the night of the abduction is also, IMO suspicious. What legal and reasonable purpose could he have to sneak out to the compactor that night?

I heard LE remained at the apartment complex after Jorelys was reported missing and they worked around the clock nonstop over the weekend so I find it hard to believe RB had an opportunity to sneak out and go to the compacter without LE and everyone else working on this case stopping him and asking him why he was there.
Now that IS creepy. the hair on my arms all just stood up watching that look in slo mo.


Anyone else feel that it was unfair of the journalist to point out the although RB didn't have a prior record, his brothers did? They are not implicated in this crime and, as far as I can see, are just collateral damage. These guys didn't do anything but have the unfortunate luck to be related to RB. Why should the reporter sully their names even more by writing about thier unrelated and, IMO, minor crimes?
But there should be no reason for him to have her blood on any of his clothing or for any of his DNA to be found on her body. Because I think that is what he will be dealing with, evidence wise.

You are right katydid23, but at this point we don't know if LE found any blood on RB's clothing and if Ryan's DNA matches the perp's.

I wonder if the clothes RB wore to work on Friday are the same clothes Ryan had on while he searched for JR?

LE claim JR was severely beaten so maybe Ryan was able to commit this horrendous crime without leaving any evidence on his body but afaik he didn't have ANY scratches or bruises on his body.

When RB was arrested and taken into custody, Correction officers likely did a thorough examination of his body looking for cuts, etc. but you can be sure that if he had any visible scratches on him, someone would have noticed and said so.
Anyone else feel that it was unfair of the journalist to point out the although RB didn't have a prior record, his brothers did? They are not implicated in this crime and, as far as I can see, are just collateral damage. These guys didn't do anything but have the unfortunate luck to be related to RB. Why should the reporter sully their names even more by writing about thier unrelated and, IMO, minor crimes?

well for that matter, I am unsure why they needed to drag his mother's bankruptcy into the matter either, the article said she had just recently filed it, on the day Jorelys went missing IIRC (note to self: interesting coincidence?). So the woman already had alot on her plate. Now this. I do feel for this young man's family. This has to have just uprooted their entire lives.

I will say it sounds as if this family has had a bunch of upheaval within the last year or so. Wonder if stress could have contributed to a need to "act out" for RB?
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