GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #3

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Or he could have been home schooled because his mom didn't feel it a good idea for him to be around other kids. Were his other siblings home schooled?

That was my theory originally. But I believe most recent reports state they were all homeschooled. Of course I have no link handy...
vlpate, the FB screen caps are part of Amandareckonwith's archives. Thanks to belimom for having the forethought to screen cap them :)
I heard LE remained at the apartment complex after Jorelys was reported missing and they worked around the clock nonstop over the weekend so I find it hard to believe RB had an opportunity to sneak out and go to the compacter without LE and everyone else working on this case stopping him and asking him why he was there.

This is a large apartment complex, and people live there - they had to do their day to day stuff. People came and went, threw out their garbage, drove in and drove out, etc.

There was a LOT of garbage in that bin - lots of people got there, and put garbage in.

I really don't think it's possible when you have a large community like that to put the brakes on everyone and notice everything.
The trouble with homeschooling is that their are no safety nets for socializing of children. This children may be homeschooled by a parent or guardian. We just don't know the discipline that occurs outside of a learning institution. There are no checks and balances for children outside of academics or PE in a homeschool environment.
Just jumping off your post here. :seeya:

Regarding homeschooling and the Brunn kids. This is all just MOO and out loud wonderings. And I'm not sleuthing mom here, just trying to come up with a Ryan Brunn childhood/background.

I'm thinking momma didn't homeschool because she thought she could provide the children a better education. Or that education was highly valued. Or that she had a great deal of concern on these children's final outcomes. Most home schooled kids I know, and homeschooled adults I know are/were advanced compared to their peers. Education and learning was/is perceived as very important. None of them 'dropped out', let alone 'settled for' a GED. (The homeschoolers would see that as 'settling'.)

Perhaps mom homeschooled because dealing with the school system/homework/etc for 4 kids would be too much work. The school would be too much in their business.

In recent articles it sounded like mom wasn't going to Ryan's football games. It seems odd that a parent that would be so 'hands on' regarding education would be absent supporting her children's other achievements.

Now regarding the 'are they foster kids or were they adopted'? I think, MOO, they were 'Foster to Adopt' kids. It's a choice you can make when you choose to adopt through the foster system. My gut (and my gut has been wrong before!) is telling me that these kids were not formally adopted by mom for a long, long time. Once the adoption is final, those kids are your 100% financial responsibilty and the foster care stipends/financial reimbursements stop coming in. As long as they are foster kids, you get stipend and reimbursements for each child. ANYWAY, :crazy: my point is, I'm passingly familiar with the foster care system, in Georgia, at least. And while there are many wonderful families who do it for the right reasons, there are tons who see the kids as a means of income.

It would be a very large undertaking to up and decide to adopt (or foster to adopt) 4 the same time. (I don't know that's what she did, but it kinda sounded like it.) It seems like 4 at one time would either be someone who is REALLY invested in being a parent ... or someone who was really invested in the financial benefits. One or the other. Moo!

So ... you take some kid who was maybe screwed up from the beginning (from birth or early childhood), and then have him fosterered in an environment where he is nothing more than a means to income... Again, not saying that's what happened, just a possibility.

Also, the brother (SP?) didn't he say something about them moving from NY to Gerogia 'thinking things would get better', or something like that? But they moved from NY when they were little? What things were bad in NY? What happened in NY that mom felt things 'would get better' in GA?

Things that make you go hmmmm.....

We have the same thing in Canada. There are many wonderful people who are foster parents and who provide the loving support that the children under their care need -- and those children flourish. However, there are those who are in it just for the income it brings in.

I work as an Education Assistant/Paraprofessional in a Middle School, and we see both kinds of foster parent. There are some families that have upwards of four (!) special needs foster kids living with them -- that can add up to $6,000 to $8,000 a month in income. Some of the foster parents are single women, others have live-in boyfriends. A few are married couples.

To be fair, the kids seem to be well-dressed -- but are not necessarily emotionally well cared for. We had one foster mother of four special needs kids who lives in a trailer with them in a rural area (no mass transportation there) and was unable to drive a car for over a year due to a DUI charge-- and she was allowed to keep the children! Of course, they have been with her for years and she is the only mother they know. CFS would be hard-pressed to find another foster home where they could stay together, so they work with the mother.

We have also seen parents of foster kids who hire respite workers who take the kids almost every weekend so the parents have free time. They pay these workers approx. $100 a day, but do not necessarily give them additional money to spend on food, entertainment, etc. for the kids. I have considered signing up as a respite worker to get some additional income, but have been informed by a couple of people who have done the job for various families that it is a labour of love-- and that the money you get paid invariably goes to the children and you end up just breaking even.

It is difficult enough to raise one special needs child -- imagine raising four when you don't necessarily have a spouse who is committed in the same way you are. IMO, the kids are not getting the individual attention they need-- there is no way that it could be happening.

All the foster children I know attend a provincial school -- I wonder if a foster parent is paid additional money if they home school the children in their care.

The point of my post is to say that, if RBs "mother" declared bankrupcy due to lack of income-- income that was once coming in from having 4 children in her care-- well she was most likely "working" as a foster parent.
Thanks Belimom and Amanda! I've been reading them and it looks like something around possibly Sept. happened. RB asked a friend if he was staying out of trouble and he said he moved to Deluth and laying low, there's more of the convo. RB was moving shortly afterward and announced that he was moving about one month before he moved to Canton and he had to go and get away. RB was living in Dahlonega, GA and getting ready for the move starting in Oct to Canton. What happened maybe during Sept-Nov 5th when RB moved? Also, like someone posted earlier, had only one Happy Birthday from a friend. (forgot the date)

The long posting of back and forth comments on FB with another friend or ? Got rugly. RB accused that person of stealing Xbox games or something. It didn't seem so threatening like a gang would talk to me. More like why his step brother got sent away to jail/prison but got out early. Please correct me now that the pages were saved by Beli!! thank you!

All of this is truely telling and may help solve another damn crime and pray it's not another child. It is obviously on the down low though in some parts. I advise everyone to go read them although immature and tedious to sift through, it's worth the read.

May be nothing though. But there's something in Sept. to Nov. that they are being on the down low about. jmo xoxo

The gang talk that stood out to me was when the other guy referred to him putting on his 'red flag'. That is definitely gang reference. I researched it and even found the name of the gang that wear the 'red flag'. Could just be a punk acting tough, but still it is there and was very curious to me. jmo
I feel this is just one of RB's excuses for acting out on Joreyls.
We have the same thing in Canada. There are many wonderful people who are foster parents and who provide the loving support that the children under their care need -- and those children flourish. However, there are those who are in it just for the income it brings in.

I work as an Education Assistant/Paraprofessional in a Middle School, and we see both kinds of foster parent. There are some families that have upwards of four (!) special needs foster kids living with them -- that can add up to $6,000 to $8,000 a month in income. Some of the foster parents are single women, others have live-in boyfriends. A few are married couples.

To be fair, the kids seem to be well-dressed -- but are not necessarily emotionally well cared for. We had one foster mother of four special needs kids who lives in a trailer with them in a rural area (no mass transportation there) and was unable to drive a car for over a year due to a DUI charge-- and she was allowed to keep the children! Of course, they have been with her for years and she is the only mother they know. CFS would be hard-pressed to find another foster home where they could stay together, so they work with the mother.

We have also seen parents of foster kids who hire respite workers who take the kids almost every weekend so the parents have free time. They pay these workers approx. $100 a day, but do not necessarily give them additional money to spend on food, entertainment, etc. for the kids. I have considered signing up as a respite worker to get some additional income, but have been informed by a couple of people who have done the job for various families that it is a labour of love-- and that the money you get paid invariably goes to the children and you end up just breaking even.

It is difficult enough to raise one special needs child -- imagine raising four when you don't necessarily have a spouse who is committed in the same way you are. IMO, the kids are not getting the individual attention they need-- there is no way that it could be happening.

All the foster children I know attend a provincial school -- I wonder if a foster parent is paid additional money if they home school the children in their care.

The point of my post is to say that, if RBs "mother" declared bankrupcy due to lack of income-- income that was once coming in from having 4 children in her care-- well she was most likely "working" as a foster parent.

All I have seen posted is in reference to RB's mother. Do we know anything about his father? ty
How in the world is this guy balding at 20??? That's crazy!! He looks to be in his 30s.

I know he was a foster child or ultimately adopted. I would like to know how he ended up in the system in the first place. I tend not to blame the foster system or foster parents, but rather the bio parents who he was taken away from.

Not an excuse, so don't even think that, but someone broke this guy at a very young age.
I feel this is just one of RB's excuses for acting out on Joreyls.

To be sure, if this conjecture about his upbringing turns out to being even close to true, it still does not mitigate, or excuse, in any way, what he did to Jorelys. Not in my mind.
To be sure, if this conjecture about his upbringing turns out to being even close to true, it still does not mitigate, or excuse, in any way, what he did to Jorelys. Not in my mind.

Nothing could excuse what he has done, but something turns these people into monsters. Whether it's genetic or he is a product of his environment, it needs to be understood so we can try to prevent these things from happening.

It's not acceptable to sit back and wait for people like this to strike, then say "fry him...cut off his *****...etc." It needs to be stopped before it happens. Go through every minute possible of his life. Dissect his brain. Whatever it takes, so these people can be recognized as a threat early on. People need to stop turning heads when there are signs. We can send a man to the moon and perform medical "miracles", but can't figure out what makes a person tick? I don't see enough in the way of prevention.

Just wanted to add that I believe someone like this has NO place in society other than being used as a lab rat.
o/t my grandfather was from Waycross GA. Love those people, still have family there.

Back on topic.

I wonder how long we will have to wait to find out exactly what phsyical evidence LE has linking RB to this crime. They seem very sure they have their man. I feel confident they are right but I want to know what their evidence is because if this killer is not locked down and if he walks free, we all should be very very afraid.

As to RB possibly being a sociopath, I am not seeing that yet. For me, its too early to tell that sort of thing and we have not got enough info about him to form that opinion.

He may well be a sociopath, I just think its too soon to proclaim that, even for simple armchair psychology. Lots of people running around doing horrendous, unthinkable things to others. This site is filled to the brim with threads proving that. Not all of them are socoipaths. Not many of them are IMO. So that means the majority of them are just seriously messed up horrible people.

I am not sure what variety RB is, but time will surely tell us.
I heard LE remained at the apartment complex after Jorelys was reported missing and they worked around the clock nonstop over the weekend so I find it hard to believe RB had an opportunity to sneak out and go to the compacter without LE and everyone else working on this case stopping him and asking him why he was there.

Then how did she get in there? Someone put her there. Why would RB not have the opportunity but some unknown murderer would? RB would know the complex as well as anyone and when and how to get around without notice. Being the groundskeeper, RB would have the best chance to go to the compacter without being questioned.
I heard LE remained at the apartment complex after Jorelys was reported missing and they worked around the clock nonstop over the weekend so I find it hard to believe RB had an opportunity to sneak out and go to the compacter without LE and everyone else working on this case stopping him and asking him why he was there.

When was he seen poking in the dumpster with a stick/pole? Was it before or after LE got there?
I have a close family member by marriage who is sociopathic. RB reminds me of him greatly - the look in his eyes & the body language. From the very first time I saw him on TV, I knew that this is a deeply evil person. I imagine there are people who have seen his dark side but they want to be certain that he will never, ever get out of prison before they speak out against him.
When was he seen poking in the dumpster with a stick/pole? Was it before or after LE got there?

I believe that was Sunday night when someone saw him with a flashlight and a black trash bag and then saw him poking the trash with a stick. Not very smart to use a flashlight and draw attention to himself.
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