GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Do they have HIS DNA at the scene? His semen?
Yep, I saw it.

Georgiagirl, I'm not sure exactly where it'll be...depends on what I can get in sponsorships. I'll try and make it convenient though!

Well my gut feeling is the city of Canton as well as many Canton merchants would go along with this 5K idea.

It would be awesome to build a playground in a city park named after Jorelys.
Cat Thief, I read it, but was afraid to go to the individual's site (because of a recent virus I got from FB). Did you read his back posts he was talking about? Why was he bragging about being a relative of Cannon's?
Cat Thief, I read it, but was afraid to go to the individual's site (because of a recent virus I got from FB). Did you read his back posts he was talking about? Why was he bragging about being a relative of Cannon's?

I read it too. But, when I went to his FB page I couldn't get to his posts because I wasn't a friend. Was not able to read the back posts he was referring to. Anyone have any luck with that?
Did anyone get a screen shot of his FB page? Nov. 27th was a Sunday. I don't remember the dates and contents of his posts.

I read his FB posts on the day of the arrest. There were no postings past Nov. 7. No recent posts.
Cat Thief, I read it, but was afraid to go to the individual's site (because of a recent virus I got from FB). Did you read his back posts he was talking about? Why was he bragging about being a relative of Cannon's?

I tried to see his back posts but I think he is set up so that only friends can see certain posts. I'm no FB expert. I really don't use FB but that is my take.

I'm sitting here watching people argue with highschool girls that continue to defend this child molester/murderer.

Oh Isn't Facebook grand?
I tried to see his back posts but I think he is set up so that only friends can see certain posts. I'm no FB expert. I really don't use FB but that is my take.

I'm sitting here watching people argue with highschool girls that continue to defend this child molester/murderer.

Oh Isn't Facebook grand?

I share your sentiments.

It's all that and a ball of wax!
OMG....HORRIFIC!!!! Those details. :( Poor Jorelys.

Makes me ill to think about it. What a monster!!!!
I tried to see his back posts but I think he is set up so that only friends can see certain posts. I'm no FB expert. I really don't use FB but that is my take.

I'm sitting here watching people argue with highschool girls that continue to defend this child molester/murderer.

Oh Isn't Facebook grand?

These kids on facebook are saying if he did it, everybody makes mistakes and we still love him.

It's really depressing but I know all young people are not like that, it depends how they are raised. I hear many of you talk about your own kids and the positive things you say about them and I believe it.

I think the recent events at Penn State is a good example. The news showed the majority of the students backing Joe Paterno and talking about how they thought he was wronged for being fired. These kids don't understand that if he spoke up when he first heard of the molestation then he could have saved some kids. He swept it under the rug and there were more victims because of that.

Why don't these parents sit down and talk to their kids about these issues? It's some pretty important stuff and it's part of growing up.

Isn't it?
OK just some thoughts that were bothering me last night about the news article reporting the details of her murder. Did they go into details with Sandra Cantu's sexual assault? Or anyone else's? We heard Melissa Huckaby used a rolling pin, but I don't recall ever reading WHERE, it was just left open. Most articles say the victim was sodomized...why say "an unknown object was inserted into her anus"??? The use of the word "inserted" is absurd too! To insert something is usually without force, like you insert a CD into the player. I'm quite certain none of this murder was without force! :banghead:
These kids on facebook are saying if he did it, everybody makes mistakes and we still love him.

It's really depressing but I know all young people are not like that, it depends how they are raised. I hear many of you talk about your own kids and the positive things you say about them and I believe it.

I think the recent events at Penn State is a good example. The news showed the majority of the students backing Joe Paterno and talking about how they thought he was wronged for being fired. These kids don't understand that if he spoke up when he first heard of the molestation then he could have saved some kids. He swept it under the rug and there were more victims because of that.

Why don't these parents sit down and talk to their kids about these issues? It's some pretty important stuff and it's part of growing up.

Isn't it?

I agree and it's disturbing. I was on youtube the other day and someone had made a video blog about this case (JR) and how glad they were they caught rb etc, basically our sentiments here only with a lot more flavorful language. :) There was one person who made a few comments, however, basically saying that what rb did wasn't as bad as some of the things others of us have done, he could have done a lot "worser" things, etc etc. Boy, I flew off the handle on that one. First for the grammar itself and second, either this person doesn't know the details of how this baby died, or they are just complete scum of the earth morons. I don't know how much "worser" poor Jorelys could have died...just praying she died early on in the ordeal.
These kids on facebook are saying if he did it, everybody makes mistakes and we still love him.


They call the premeditated brutal murder of a child a mistake? Those kids need mental help.
I agree and it's disturbing. I was on youtube the other day and someone had made a video blog about this case (JR) and how glad they were they caught rb etc, basically our sentiments here only with a lot more flavorful language. :) There was one person who made a few comments, however, basically saying that what rb did wasn't as bad as some of the things others of us have done, he could have done a lot "worser" things, etc etc. Boy, I flew off the handle on that one. First for the grammar itself and second, either this person doesn't know the details of how this baby died, or they are just complete scum of the earth morons. I don't know how much "worser" poor Jorelys could have died...just praying she died early on in the ordeal.

I don't think that she died early on, since they are saying 1 to 1 1/2 hrs after she was kidnapped. I fear that he tortured her first and then killed her. IMO they will go for the death penalty.
Just read something on "Prove Ryan Brunn is Guilty" facebook page and it's kind of strange. It's a guy that said he lived across the hall from Ryan...

Reading all the comments he has posted on that page he strikes me as telling the truth.
I don't really have anything meaningful to add at this point, just wanted to chime in that I am still here and while the new details are painful (I think we all lost hope of a quick and painless death), it is good news that they not only have so many charges, but have charges that imply a good bit of evidence.

In our local Canton newspaper/magazine, there was an announcement that Jorelys current fund is making a screen print t-shirt with some of her drawings and a memory message, they said they would put out the final details in next month's issue and I will be glad to pass that link on when it becomes available. They had a pic of one prototype that was pink, with a drawing by Jorelys that showed a happy, stick figure girl under a rainbow...brought back the impact of that rainbow-over-dumpster pic we all saw :). When the shirts are available I will get one for each of my children, both to honor her memory and to start conversations about the dangers out there.

I seriously wonder if he will have the opportunity to plead guilty to remove the DP, or if this will end up in trial...Thanks to the poster who mentioned that the lying and cover-up sure hurts his chances at an insanity defense!
OK just some thoughts that were bothering me last night about the news article reporting the details of her murder. Did they go into details with Sandra Cantu's sexual assault? Or anyone else's? We heard Melissa Huckaby used a rolling pin, but I don't recall ever reading WHERE, it was just left open. Most articles say the victim was sodomized...why say "an unknown object was inserted into her anus"??? The use of the word "inserted" is absurd too! To insert something is usually without force, like you insert a CD into the player. I'm quite certain none of this murder was without force! :banghead:

I was surprised at the level of detail they offered. I was not, however, bothered by it. I think our society, in sanitizing these things, does itself no favors. Whether we are talking war, or crimes like this one, I think it is better overall if the horrible truth is known and discussed. And while this would arguably result in some desensitization over time, I still believe that this is preferable to ignorance.

We see this, for example, with war. Our entertainment media present it as nothing more than a glorious adventure, strategic splatters of dirt and blood on flawless faces and artfully dishevelled hair, a game where pain and death are set to stirring music, each casualty nothing more than an oportunity for our heros to display their courage and honor. The result is evident in our society. We glorify and sanitize war and by-god we love doing it.

The same can be said for crimes like these. They are scrubbed clean of blood in the news and entertainment. Crimes happen off camera and the horrible reality remains a mystery and almost shameful secret to the public at large. So much so that gangsters are good guys, socipathic cannibals like Hannible Lecter are heros, and the real life victims of crime often feel compelled to hide their victimization in shame.

You can see this at work in this case as well. Simply by look at facebook. Look at the innocent fools defending and offering excuses for this maniac. Who among us, they ask, hasn't made mistakes. They ask this because they do not understand the brutal horror that this child suffered, and they do not understand because in the past no one told them the horrific truth -- it was considered too terrible to discuss, and the result is ignorance.

So yeah, I SALUTE the media for writing this.

Just my opinion though.
I'm looking at the page and don't see anything. Can someone pm me and tell me what I'm supposed to be looking for?
Also, not to derail the thread, but I have a four year old, and I have no idea how to have this conversation with him. Like, about personal safety.

I grew up in the 80's, and it was all stranger danger, and stranger abductions are rare, so that doesn't seem helpful.

We're taking him to Disney next week, and he's been lost in a crowd once before, and despite talking to him about finding a mommy with kids, he just runs around and screams his little head off. How do I teach him to protect himself? I don't know where to start.

It doesn't help that I'm super overprotective. Like, helicopter-mom grade.

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