GA - Katherine Janness, 40, fatally stabbed and dog killed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 July 2021 #2

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It really doesn't sound like there's been an official answer on whether Katie walked down Piedmont Road and entered the park through 11th/12th street, or if they continued on 10th and entered that way.

One point of context. Katie and Emma lived about .7 miles south of Piedmont Park. Near the intersection of North Ave and Myrtle. Myrtle Street runs directly to almost the entrance of Piedmont Park.

On a normal day, if they walked their dogs to Piedmont Park, you'd likely be taking Myrtle 90% of the time. The nearest entrance is right after Post Midtown Apts, I refer to it as the "10th street entrance" but not sure if others do. It's a sidewalk in Piedmont Park that runs parallel to 10th. Using that as context because if they were coming from Henry's, they'd probably feel more comfortable entering the park on 10th street, and using that sidewalk.

I'm a male, who walks dogs in the park and there's really no way I'd want to enter via 12th/11th with the goal of taking the larger walkway through the park to exit at Charles Allen. It's really not well lit at all and has a ton of tree canopy coverage that makes it even darker (more secluded) than normal.

My initial instinct was they were walking on the 10th street sidewalk (not PP sidewalk.) Because at night, it's not well lit--and you'd likely encounter at least 5 or 6 homeless people who may try to engage in conversation with you. That happens during the daytime, I'd definitely want to avoid it at night.

If they did take the Piedmont Park sidewalk that runs parallel to 10th, that will bring you right up to the Charles Allen entrance. I'd likely be exiting there to turn around and take 10th street to Myrtle to head home (or to Henrys.) You of course could take Charles Allen to Ponce, but that's a sketchier route in general.

Since they haven't released (maybe intentional) photos of Katie walking on the 10th street sidewalk, my best guess is that they were on the Piedmont Park sidewalk which runs parallel to 10th. Upon nearing the Charles Allen entrance I'd wager someone was possibly hiding there. They may have encountered Bowie (which would match up with where body was found, and Katie may have run away and ended up over to the right by the tree where she was found.)

I just find it so hard to believe that she would want enter Piedmont Park from 11th or 12th street entrances. It's way out of the way, and significantly sketchier at night.

Last input I have, is I really hope they reached out to all the residential houses that live East of Monroe and border the park. I'd also wager Park Tavern has some cameras. I really doubt the Killer exited at a main entrance. If I was trying to leave undetected, I'd probably head towards Park Drive or Amsterdam to exit the area.
The inside the park 10th Street path via the small entrance further on 10th St. is the route I believed she may have taken. The reason that seems uncertain now is that they have not released a photo of Katie crossing rainbow intersection 10th/Piedmont St.
But let's presume she crossed at some point there or further North on Piedmont, to entrances on 11th or the half 12th near the condos or by Willy's. This could still put her onto that path. That area behind condo to the small entrance has both homeless/transients and alcohol/drug users. She or Bowie could have disturbed or caught the attention of someone there. They could have followed her up the path as she walked towards Charles Allen. I believe she was found near a tree by near the park lamp by Charles Allen where it intersects that trail. So, someone could have come from behind on that trail (as she was going toward the lamp instinctually) or was ahead nearer to bathroom room area.
I attached a photo that shows; known areas Katie was seen alive, possible entries and path highlighted, known possible witness locations and possible danger areas.
ALL IMHO and conjecture


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Any one know when they released the crime scene and opened the area up where anyone could walk there/leave flowers?

It was open the very next morning. Not roped off or anything just back to how it was, but with flowers at the entrance and where she was found. It was very bizarre in my opinion. I expected it to be closed off.
The darkness in the park is what makes me think the killer crossed paths with Katie elsewhere, then followed her and positioned himself in a location to surprise her.

It wouldn’t make sense for the killer lie in wait all night and attack a complete random. Because in that area at that hour, it sounds like his odds would’ve been just as likely to accidentally pounce on a machete welding homeless man. He had to know who or what he was attacking.

Maybe I’m crazy (rhetorical), but I feel this person is on camera somewhere. LE aren’t really asking for the publics help right now and everything is quiet. I think this is a positive sign for justice.

I think the killer is on camera somewhere too! Agreed.

And I don’t know, the act was so depraved that it goes beyond an impulsive slaying. I think that’s EXACTLY how someone looking to kill to fulfill some bizarre instinct would do it...They’d lie in wait. The public nature of it could be more of a thrill.

Also, wouldn’t a person who had beef with her also assume the same risks of getting caught? It just doesn’t make sense on so many levels that it was a brutal killing borne from bad blood or a distant preoccupation with Katie given the inconvenience of timing etc. While near her home, it wasn’t like she was shot while getting the morning newspaper (THAT would seem personal). The killing of the dog too...It’s such a strange and abnormally gruesome way to kill someone that it seems likely that the killer was in it for the thrill. I could be wrong though.
I’ve been trying to think of different scenarios that will make some of the puzzle pieces fit. The main puzzle piece I’m thinking of is how on earth did this happen where she was located out in the open with a great probability of people being around. It seems like the killer spent some time committing this murder.

Could they have been killed somewhere else and somehow dropped off where they were found? I know it sounds crazy and unlikely but it also seems unlikely that a woman and her dog were killed where they were found, and no one was close enough to see or hear.

So, could Katie and Bowie have been attacked/abducted closer to Caribou Coffee?
One scenario that comes to mind is what SK Brandon Lavergne did when he killed Mickey Schunick. He bumped her Bike to disable her and then put her in his truck.
The killer could have hit Bowie with a vehicle and then offered to drive them to pets are people too, the 24 hour vet nearby.
IMO the likelihood of the attack being perpetuated by a transient is slim. Yes, blades are the weapon of choice for some in the homeless population but that could be due to low maintenance and convenience. Doesn't this seem more random, and skilled, like an inhuman that enjoyed their work. Not afraid of Bowie because they may have previous experience in terrorizing dogs, animals? As previously stated about the behavioral science unit being asked to assist, due to the brutality that APD eluded to, its imperative to Know Thine Enemy.
IMO the likelihood of the attack being perpetuated by a transient is slim. Yes, blades are the weapon of choice for some in the homeless population but that could be due to low maintenance and convenience. Doesn't this seem more random, and skilled, like an inhuman that enjoyed their work. Not afraid of Bowie because they may have previous experience in terrorizing dogs, animals? As previously stated about the behavioral science unit being asked to assist, due to the brutality that APD eluded to, its imperative to Know Thine Enemy.
Quite possible, but I am not so sure the behavioral science unit being asked to assist has been established. A hard drug user/dealer or a transient seems a much simpler explanation than a homicidal maniac or serial killer lying in wait.
I guess we must consider the caliber of the other people hanging out in this park at that hour and what their motives for being there might’ve been.

In other words, there may have been witnesses, but they are afraid to come forward for fear of disclosing their own business in the park at 12-1AM.
This report says only one of the seven potential witnesses have come forward.
Police continue to work to solve Piedmont Park deadly stabbing
This says 1 of the 7 witnesses have come forward…who am I forgetting? The 3 ladies, cane guy, jogger (it’s reported that he’s the 1), hoodie guy…is the 7th the person heard in the background of Emma’s 911 call? Cause that would be weird if a person who witnessed the body hasn’t come forward or didn’t stick around…?

or is that a mistake in reporting?
The flowers and card are from the first 911 caller the second 911 caller was Emma. This info was found via twitter so it might not be accurate.

If that is the source of a "first" 911 call that was not Emma it's not a real source, just talk.

The details of the night and the crime are getting muddier, not more clear.

I wish there would be some kind of update from LE, even just to clear some things up. The one thing Nancy Grace's podcast got right was her guest said that if this was a random attack in the park, and not someone the victim knew who was doing this to her for some reason, then there is a "maniac" out there and we should all be scared because anyone could be next. That warrants some kind of public communication from LE, IMO.

I'm hardly taking my dog to any parks anymore. I just don't feel comfortable going where we used to go all the time, like wooded areas, Silver Comet Trail, etc., because of this horrible crime. The public needs some update on this.
This says 1 of the 7 witnesses have come forward…who am I forgetting? The 3 ladies, cane guy, jogger (it’s reported that he’s the 1), hoodie guy…is the 7th the person heard in the background of Emma’s 911 call? Cause that would be weird if a person who witnessed the body hasn’t come forward or didn’t stick around…?

or is that a mistake in reporting?
I believe there are two joggers— Beltline guy in teal shirt, and then headlamp guy at park gate. IMO.
This says 1 of the 7 witnesses have come forward…who am I forgetting? The 3 ladies, cane guy, jogger (it’s reported that he’s the 1), hoodie guy…is the 7th the person heard in the background of Emma’s 911 call? Cause that would be weird if a person who witnessed the body hasn’t come forward or didn’t stick around…?

or is that a mistake in reporting?
You're correct:
3 Ladies (as reported by the media) I believe are actually 2 females and a male
1 Hoodie guy
1 Cane guy
1 Jogger
So that leaves us either with someone unknown, the 911 call witness, or sloppy reporting (including jogger twice?)

The puzzling one is why the "3 ladies" haven't come forward, they seem in the clear time and appearance wise. Not to say the others were involved but may be more the type not to want to get involved with LE or follow the media.
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It was open the very next morning. Not roped off or anything just back to how it was, but with flowers at the entrance and where she was found. It was very bizarre in my opinion. I expected it to be closed off.[/QUOTE
This says 1 of the 7 witnesses have come forward…who am I forgetting? The 3 ladies, cane guy, jogger (it’s reported that he’s the 1), hoodie guy…is the 7th the person heard in the background of Emma’s 911 call? Cause that would be weird if a person who witnessed the body hasn’t come forward or didn’t stick around…?

or is that a mistake in reporting?
we did question whether there were two different runners in blue shirts.
@FonsecaFan I believe you are correct re:
2 joggers and I believe only one so far has come forward (the other cld have come forward but media hasn't reported ... that I have seen)
He is the same jogger shown at multiple locations.
APD initially released video images captured by Charles Allen entrance, and then added some from the Beltline. (A good job of examining other video by LE)
UPDATE: Potential witness in Katherine Janness murder at Piedmont Park has come forward - Atlanta Intown
You're correct:
3 Ladies (as reported by the media) I believe are actually 2 females and a male
1 Hoodie guy
1 Cane guy
1 Jogger
So that leaves us either with someone unknown, the 911 call witness, or sloppy reporting (including jogger twice?)

The puzzling one is why the "3 ladies" haven't come forward, they seem in the clear time and appearance wise.

I saw a guy resembling “cane guy” walking literally right past the Willys by Piedmont/12th last week. He had a cane.

Could be a total coincidence but I assumed it was the same guy and he may be homeless and lived in area. I assumed police made contact and interviewed many of the “regulars” who live in the park.
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