GA - Katherine Janness, 40, walking dog, both fatally stabbed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 July 2021

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Oh, @Quell. That's the best description of the emotion of that call. And I'm crying again. :(
@Lore Listener I'm with you on that. I'm inexplicably devastated by this. It's just so so heartbreaking. I think I'm compelled to be on this forum (never been here before this case) to just try and get my head around it.
I dunno, reading into things, as a norm we generally refer to cuts to the face as slashed and to the body parts as mutilation. With the throat being cut, we would immediately put our hands to our neck, if possible, leading to a large transfer of blood already coming from the wound and most likely the mouth. I agree with another poster saying that Emma's words "grabbed her face" doesn't lean to the face being actually disfigured. Not that this changes the nastiness but facial disfigurement is more prevalent with a known attacker, mutilation is an act of someone who gained satisfaction.

I'm not hearing much shock in the bystanders voice at all. i've listened to that call a few times now. I was a serving Met pol officer for a good few years and know 'shock' affects people differently, adrenalin kicks in and we react odd at times. something makes me on edge, can't quite put my finger on it yet

I think the wife saw the neck injury and perhaps any facial injury was hidden by hair/blood and wasn't immediately apparent at that time.

my opinion
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Adding a few more pics for the possible path she may have taken from the crossing the sidewalk on the left to the Charles Allen entrance area to the right, (presuming the rainbow crosswalk picture is the last know photo of her alive).
Things to note:
1) The area by that small entrance on 10th is among the darkest in the park. You can see tree cover from above, and not many lights.
2) There are often people seated on those benches. Even in the google maps photo you see can the bench occupied. Obviously the photo and those people have NOTHING to do with this case, but for illustrative purposes.
3) That area of the park is frequented by homeless and drink/drug use.


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She may not have known him but he may have seen her somewhere and become obsessed. He may have stalked her and figured out her path and pattern of where she walked the dog. I don't think this is someone she knew personally. I think this was/is a sadistic sociopath who had some type of obsession with her in particular for some reason and for whatever unknown irrational reason wanted to kill her in particular. I think other women out there who fit his "victim profile" and show up on his radar are in danger. This is just my theory and opinion based on the information that has been officially and unofficially revealed. I do pray the APD and FBI have some leads and apprehend this dangerous person very soon. My heart goes out to Katie's loved ones.

That makes sense and is a terrifically creepy thought. Totally possible though. But yes, I want a break so bad in this case so her family can get justice!
I've only been in the park after dark once, and that's been years ago now, so I don't really recall how dark it was, but according to some other locals there are at least parts that would be so dark, you can't see more than a few feet in any direction. It occurred to me that depending on what the lighting was like in the area of the attack and perhaps how long Bowie's leash was, the killer may have not realized initially that she had a dog with her. That makes a lot more sense to me than the idea of someone deciding to take on a pit bull.

True but people are INSANE. Plus whoever it was obviously “could take on” a Pitbull, even if it probably wasn’t easy.
One reason could be that many have lost faith in the Mayor and Atlanta Police Dept. to the level that parts of the city are discussing succeeding. The new police chief appears in over his head and was a temp appointment made permanent after a conflict with old chief and Mayor. A member of the LGBT+ community killed in a gruesome manner in the highest rent residential area of the city is pretty high profile. (All this coinciding with the Secoriea Turner news release which made the Mayor and police department look very inept).

I personally think this was someone whom she didn't know.
He killed her in a very high risk place, with a dog and cameras all over the place. I don't think someone would do that if they knew the victim, they would want to reduce the risk of being caught. The killer took their time. IMO this was someone who had a certain fantasy about her. I can't really say whether this was premeditated or impulsive, though i'm leaning more towards premeditated. And by the way LE said the killer disfigured her, i'm thinking about a crime with a more power oriented motive.
This is all a theory though, i'm always open to new discussions and arguments.

Where are all the fantasy/obsession theories coming from?
Honestly the more I think about this case the more I think it's gang related, especially if it's as brutal as it sounds it may have been. The Atlanta AG brought up gangs in her press conference the other day and mentioned gangs are growing in the area. I did a little searching around and found out that there are gangs in the area, a lot of them, and a gang member stabbed a girl and killed her about a year ago in the general Atlanta area, (a suburb) so it does happen here.

Story: AJC

I'm not hearing much shock in the bystanders voice at all. i've listened to that call a few times now. I was a serving Met pol officer for a good few years and know 'shock' affects people differently, adrenalin kicks in and we react odd at times. something makes me on edge, can't quite put my finger on it yet

I think the wife saw the neck injury and perhaps any facial injury was hidden by hair/blood and wasn't immediately apparent at that time.

my opinion

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@Lore Listener I'm with you on that. I'm inexplicably devastated by this. It's just so so heartbreaking. I think I'm compelled to be on this forum (never been here before this case) to just try and get my head around it.
Same. I am curious why her immediate family hasn’t spoken out (aside from a letter her mom typed/sent in)? It’s been left to Emma to keep the media attention/focus on the case. In other cases, siblings and parents usually are at the forefront begging for resolution.
Same. I am curious why her immediate family hasn’t spoken out (aside from a letter her mom typed/sent in)? It’s been left to Emma to keep the media attention/focus on the case. In other cases, siblings and parents usually are at the forefront begging for resolution.
She may not have had a lot of family. It’s possible she did not have siblings and her father could have passed or not be in the picture.
She may not have had a lot of family. It’s possible she did not have siblings and her father could have passed or not be in the picture.
She had a sister who she was about to go visit - her mom mentioned her in the note she typed. But that has been all that has happened on her immediate family side. Here is link to news article with the note: ‘She is my rock, my soul:’ Mother of woman murdered in Piedmont Park speaks out

“Because of COVID, we haven’t been together since Christmas 2019, " her mother wrote. This was the first occasion I’ve been looking forward to in so long. Her sister Ronnie and I have missed her company, and now instead of hugging her hard and laughing at her wit, we are in complete agony.”
Does anyone else think the figure approaching the rental-looking bike appears to be wearing camo?

I also thought the guy in white appeared odd because he seemed to have a cane but had really big biceps. And that apparent red stain on his side. But would he be looking down at a cellphone on the way out?

Atlanta Police release new photos of possible witnesses to Piedmont Park murder

Hoodies and camo-hoodies are not too unusual.
Atlanta bike share info for any interested: Atlanta | HOPR

IMHO the odds of someone committing a heinous murder and soon after strolling out of a main entrance when there is a lake, a bathroom area and many other egresses points to use instead seem pretty low.
(worth repeating all imho and conjecture based on observational evidence )
Hoodies and camo-hoodies are not too unusual.
Atlanta bike share info for any interested: Atlanta | HOPR

IMHO the odds of someone committing a heinous murder and soon after strolling out of a main entrance when there is a lake, a bathroom area and many other egresses points to use instead seem pretty low.
(worth repeating all imho and conjecture based on observational evidence )

I listened to the 911 call when it was released (unless what I heard was an edited version). The shock we hear from the bystander, and the gf's description, did not necessarily point to any specific wounds, I didn't think. We hear her say "she's like dead, dead," and here she says there was a lot of blood and her neck was slashed, so it was clear she was dead. Of course, none of this speaks to injuries elsewhere on the body, but there's nothing that jumps out at me as face specific. I could be wrong, and maybe I haven't heard it all?

My understanding is that parts of the 911 call were redacted, probably to protect details of the case that they don't want going public and probably also out of sensitivity to her surviving loved ones. Emma may well have described Katie's injuries in more detail and she may have also mentioned Bowie (I saw some people commenting on another sight about her not mentioning him but we don't know that she didn't).
I think an animal attack would leave lots of hair and dna, so even if the wounds didn't speak for themselves, the forensic evidence would. That being said, the fact that a dog (a pitbull, no less) was murdered, as well, feels significant to the story, imo.
Agree about significance of a dog being murdered, especially a pit bull. Has it been discussed anywhere if they know if Bowie was killed first - or if Katie was? If Katie was killed first and then the attacker tried to leave, but Bowie chased the attacker, it could be the dog was only killed to avoid a scene as the attacker went to escape? Maybe that is when he possibly bit the murderer and why they were found separated, and the dog ended up killed too? I feel like murdering a dog along with victim is really rare - and important to this case like you mentioned. Idk. Really hope whoever it is is caught soon. All of this is horrific.
One sliver of hope that I have is the abundance of DNA probably left at the scene and the recent emergence of genetic genealogy. I don’t want to get into the philosophical arguments surrounding law enforcement using genetic genealogy, but suffice it to say it’s another tool law enforcement has.
Agree about significance of a dog being murdered, especially a pit bull. Has it been discussed anywhere if they know if Bowie was killed first - or if Katie was? If Katie was killed first and then the attacker tried to leave, but Bowie chased the attacker, it could be the dog was only killed to avoid a scene as the attacker went to escape? Maybe that is when he possibly bit the murderer and why they were found separated, and the dog ended up killed too? I feel like murdering a dog along with victim is really rare - and important to this case like you mentioned. Idk. Really hope whoever it is is caught soon. All of this is horrific.

This makes tons of sense to me. I can see the dog lashing out after realizing it’s owner was gone. I then wonder though, how did the killer go such despicable lengths to maim the victim if the pit was still around? I would think the pit bull would have intervened while the guy was attacking Katie.
One sliver of hope that I have is the abundance of DNA probably left at the scene and the recent emergence of genetic genealogy. I don’t want to get into the philosophical arguments surrounding law enforcement using genetic genealogy, but suffice it to say it’s another tool law enforcement has.

This makes tons of sense to me. I can see the dog lashing out after realizing it’s owner was gone. I then wonder though, how did the killer go such despicable lengths to maim the victim if the pit was still around? I would think the pit bull would have intervened while the guy was attacking Katie.
This is maybe a little tangential to your point here but I recall APD a few days after the murder say that they were asking anyone who knew or noticed someone with significant unexplained (paraphrasing here) injuries to extremities/ body... or who hadn't been to work or school in a few days or who had recently changed their appearance ... dyed hair or shaved beard...again paraphrasing. This statement made me think the injuries to the perpetrator were possibly extensive and also that they might have caught the perp on why would it matter re appearance change if they hadn't? I hope Bowie got a good bite out of the guy either way.
One sliver of hope that I have is the abundance of DNA probably left at the scene and the recent emergence of genetic genealogy. I don’t want to get into the philosophical arguments surrounding law enforcement using genetic genealogy, but suffice it to say it’s another tool law enforcement has.

This makes tons of sense to me. I can see the dog lashing out after realizing it’s owner was gone. I then wonder though, how did the killer go such despicable lengths to maim the victim if the pit was still around? I would think the pit bull would have intervened while the guy was attacking Katie.

So, maybe it’s other way around - Bowie first, Katie runs, then Katie is killed? Or there were two people involved. Seems like a lot to do in short amount of time?
The obsessive stalker theories are interesting. I can see a stranger pining over her from a far carrying out something like this, but the one thing that doesn’t fit to me is the location. I know people keep saying “well they could have learned her routine”.

Would that then mean the killer camped out in Piedmont park in hopes of catching her walk by? But then again, just because someone has a routine doesn’t mean they are as predictable as Japanese bullet trains. “12:03 Wednesday is when she walks by! I’ll make my move”. I just don’t buy it.

That then leads me to think that a deranged stalker would have had to follow her around Midtown and then into the park. But surely they would have video of that?

I wonder if there is any evidence to substantiate the latter.
This is maybe a little tangential to your point here but I recall APD a few days after the murder say that they were asking anyone who knew or noticed someone with significant unexplained (paraphrasing here) injuries to extremities/ body... or who hadn't been to work or school in a few days or who had recently changed their appearance ... dyed hair or shaved beard...again paraphrasing. This statement made me think the injuries to the perpetrator were possibly extensive and also that they might have caught the perp on why would it matter re appearance change if they hadn't? I hope Bowie got a good bite out of the guy either way.

Right I think there might have been forensic evidence suggesting that the dog bit the assailant. I’m not sure about the video evidence either way (it’s possible)...
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