GA GA - Katherine Janness & Dog Bowie Fatally Stabbed - Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 2021 #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

“If this was some type of lust murderer that’s driven by his fantasies to murder people and is sexually excited by that, then typically, most often in those cases, the victim is unknown to the offender.”

The moment I heard the rumors about the condition of her body, I said, "this sounds like a lust murderer." They often target strangers, because it's harder to trace the crime back to them. In addition, organized sexual homicide offenders often put distance between them and their crime scene. That means, it's unlikely that the killer lives near Piedmont Park, but that's not written in stone.
Perhaps doesn’t live near PP but imo has spent many, many hours on foot in the park at various times of day and in various seasons. IOW this is his turf…his terrain.

He is intimate in a primal/sensorial way with the park—knows its sights/sounds/lighting/shadow/tree canopy—-with the acuity of an animal prowling for prey on the Serengeti. He is in full possession of himself in that space. He picked that spot under the trees, right by 10th with ppl coming and going, yards away from/earshot of
the condos on Charles Allen because
he knew, regardless, he had nothing to fear.
Katie’s murderer knew Piedmont Park like the back of his hand. I believe he lived and still lives in the MidTown area, probably within a five mile radius of the Park. Midtown would be comfortable for him as he could engage in a certain level of consensual sadism in that community. I also think he’s married and has a job. I think it’s why he’s been able to evade APD. I think they’re looking in all the wrong places. MOO

I ALSO think this perpetrator may have stabbed Patrick Boland to death. An early stabbing attempt.

I, too, believe the killer knows Piedmont Park very well. However, you don't have to live nearby to understand the rhythm of that space. I think the killer spends a lot time in that park; particularly, at night.

This person gets off on violence and degradation. If he's messing around in Piedmont Park, he likely engages in name-calling, choking, slapping, spitting, and his behavior may be misunderstood as rough sex/roleplaying. He may also have a problem with getting excited during consensual sex.

Quote: "Midtown would be comfortable for him as he could engage in a certain level of consensual sadism in that community."

That statement really resonated with me, because I truly believe the killer spends a lot of time in that community, but he has a completely separate life away from it. This is someone who blends into his surroundings.


Perhaps doesn’t live near PP but imo has spent many, many hours on foot in the park at various times of day and in various seasons. IOW this is his turf…his terrain.

He is intimate in a primal/sensorial way with the park—knows its sights/sounds/lighting/shadow/tree canopy—-with the acuity of an animal prowling for prey on the Serengeti. He is in full possession of himself in that space. He picked that spot under the trees, right by 10th with ppl coming and going, yards away from/earshot of
the condos on Charles Allen because
he knew, regardless, he had nothing to fear.

I think the regulars who cruise Piedmont Park after midnight, have encountered this person. They simply haven't made the connection, because of his seemingly normal appearance. However, if he's been intimate with anyone in the park, I'm sure they got a sampling of his sadistic personality.

Keep in mind, this theory is based on the assumption that the killer was hunting in the park and didn't follow Katie there.
I, too, believe the killer knows Piedmont Park very well. However, you don't have to live nearby to understand the rhythm of that space. I think the killer spends a lot time in that park; particularly, at night.

This person gets off on violence and degradation. If he's messing around in Piedmont Park, he likely engages in name-calling, choking, slapping, spitting, and his behavior may be misunderstood as rough sex/roleplaying. He may also have a problem with getting excited during consensual sex.

Quote: "Midtown would be comfortable for him as he could engage in a certain level of consensual sadism in that community."

That statement really resonated with me, because I truly believe the killer spends a lot of time in that community, but he has a completely separate life away from it. This is someone who blends into his surroundings.
So how does he get into and out of the park unnoticed?

It’s a hassle to park in that area. Definitely don’t see him heading to his parked car after killing KJ…blood etc. and heading home. Unless he’s a runner, parked a few miles away and ran to and from.
So how does he get into and out of the park unnoticed?

It’s a hassle to park in that area. Definitely don’t see him heading to his parked car after killing KJ…blood etc. and heading home. Unless he’s a runner, parked a few miles away and ran to and from.

Shortly after police were called to Piedmont Park, someone reported an abandoned scooter in the middle of 7585 John Lewis Freedom Parkway. The caller said, it was left in the middle of the street. People leave scooters everywhere, but dumping one in the middle of the road sounds like someone was in a big hurry.

Other theories:

Was the killer wearing protective coveralls? Was there a change of clothes in a backpack or in the trunk of a car? Homeless people who sleep in parks, often hide their clothes/belongings in bushes or garbage bins. It's possible the killer hid a bag or a change of clothes in a similar spot. Also, if the killer was wearing black clothing, it would be hard to see blood stains in the dark.

Given the fact that the letters FAT were carved into KJ, your notion that the killer might be a runner/into fitness, sounds plausible.
Shortly after police were called to Piedmont Park, someone reported an abandoned scooter in the middle of 7585 John Lewis Freedom Parkway. The caller said, it was left in the middle of the street. People leave scooters everywhere, but dumping one in the middle of the road sounds like someone was in a big hurry.

Other theories:

Was the killer wearing protective coveralls? Was there a change of clothes in a backpack or in the trunk of a car? Homeless people who sleep in parks, often hide their clothes/belongings in bushes or garbage bins. It's possible the killer hid a bag or a change of clothes in a similar spot. Also, if the killer was wearing black clothing, it would be hard to see blood stains in the dark.

Given the fact that the letters FAT were carved into KJ, your notion that the killer might be a runner/into fitness, sounds plausible.
Can def see change of clothing.

Coveralls imo may be a bit bulky/restrictive for range of motion required for what I imagine to be the extreme physicality of this crime. It was also hot-humid July and those wld def be out of place/ draw attn.

Can’t imagine scooter as getaway as those stand out on any given day and esp at night.

To me, this perp wouldn’t be so careless to be in the middle of a major intersection that night.
In the shadows, under extended tree canopy, near an intersection, where he can see but not be seen, yes.
That’s a good question. I would love to know who that person is and what they saw. I’d also like to know about the person who was making a 911 call around the time of Emma’s call.
I do not believe that one reporter was the only source. From my recollection, I was at a local event the afternoon of the day her body was found and it seemed like many people there already had the correct details even though I never saw any official confirmation of them until much later. Lots of city officials/reporters/attorneys live in the neighborhoods nearby. The park’s largest annual festival was set to take place the following week. I think there was a lot of fear about an ongoing threat to the neighborhood and several people let details slip out where they inevitably found their way to social media
Can def see change of clothing.

Coveralls imo may be a bit bulky/restrictive for range of motion required for what I imagine to be the extreme physicality of this crime. It was also hot-humid July and those wld def be out of place/ draw attn.

Can’t imagine scooter as getaway as those stand out on any given day and esp at night.

To me, this perp wouldn’t be so careless to be in the middle of a major intersection that night.
In the shadows, under extended tree canopy, near an intersection, where he can see but not be seen, yes
if you walk north through the park past the dog park you eventually connect to the east side beltline trail. It was unfinished then (so no cameras or lights) and really only traveled at night by unhoused people, teenagers and graffiti artists. From there you could come out behind Ansley mall on Monroe, cut across the Ansley Golf Course, or walk to the train yard at Armour Drive and go….pretty much wherever. There are several large and small encampments where people live around the train yard. Most people driving by wouldn’t bat an eye seeing someone hop a guard rail or duck through a hole in a fence around there to get to the street.
if you walk north through the park past the dog park you eventually connect to the east side beltline trail. It was unfinished then (so no cameras or lights) and really only traveled at night by unhoused people, teenagers and graffiti artists. From there you could come out behind Ansley mall on Monroe, cut across the Ansley Golf Course, or walk to the train yard at Armour Drive and go….pretty much wherever. There are several large and small encampments where people live around the train yard. Most people driving by wouldn’t bat an eye seeing someone hop a guard rail or duck through a hole in a fence around there to get to the street.
Welcome to Ws @Saucebat, always nice to have a local person here!
if you walk north through the park past the dog park you eventually connect to the east side beltline trail. It was unfinished then (so no cameras or lights) and really only traveled at night by unhoused people, teenagers and graffiti artists. From there you could come out behind Ansley mall on Monroe, cut across the Ansley Golf Course, or walk to the train yard at Armour Drive and go….pretty much wherever. There are several large and small encampments where people live around the train yard. Most people driving by wouldn’t bat an eye seeing someone hop a guard rail or duck through a hole in a fence around there to get to the street.

That route makes perfect sense.
Welcome to Ws @Saucebat, always nice to have a local person here!
Thanks! This was the case that made me finally make an account. I’ll add a bit of a note: this section of the park park parallel to the botanical gardens was very new at the time and relatively unknown to most visitors because of its distance from the center of the park and parking areas. That section of the beltline was even less known, and its entrance was relatively nondescript (a gravel path behind a storage facility).

I see two possibilities for leaving the park. The first is luck, where they walk out somewhere in plain view along 10th or Piedmont and are never caught by cameras or noticed by passersby. Given that the last time Katie was seen on camera was the 10th and Piedmont intersection before walking a good distance down 10th, this seems unfortunately somewhat plausible (although deeply unsatisfying that someone could slip through the cracks in the center of town like that). I do remember at the time they had police going door to door for a week or so asking for Ring camera footage and such, but I guess they had no luck.

The other option is that this person knows the area very, very well. A lot of people pointed fingers at the local unhoused community at the time, and I believe those in communities living closest were questioned by police. To me, this doesn’t sound quite right as a lot of these people have had a fairly consistent presence in the area for years while this type of murder is (as far as I know) unheard of for the area in recent memory. I have full confidence the guys who live along the trail would inform police if they suspected a killer was hanging around where they sleep.
KJs case also prompted my joining WS. I was frozen in fear for months after that July because so many of my habits were similar to KJs … confident in my surroundings, walking a dog solo after dark, service industry, lover of PP, and so on.

Not anymore.

I think you’re spot-on with the beltline exit behind Ansley (I mentioned the same unthread).

I thought it was a bit out of line that the homeless community initially took some heat around this. My feeling from having lived on the park was that they were mostly very decent people and based on my experience if the killer were amoung their population at any point, he would have been turned in by now.

KJs case also prompted my joining WS. I was frozen in fear for months after that July because so many of my habits were similar to KJs … confident in my surroundings, walking a dog solo after dark, service industry, lover of PP, and so on.

Not anymore.

I think you’re spot-on with the beltline exit behind Ansley (I mentioned the same unthread).

I thought it was a bit out of line that the homeless community initially took some heat around this. My feeling from having lived on the park was that they were mostly very decent people and based on my experience if the killer were amoung their population at any point, he would have been turned in by now.

The police do say, too, that they are a community who will give any info. they have or get to the authorities. It’s sad that the reward money is still sitting there.

Numerous posts have been removed due to some information presented as fact with no known source or link to an approved source (i.e. MSM or LE)

Each case at Websleuths has its own thread. This thread is dedicated specifically to discussion of Katie's case, so please do not bring details from various other cases into this discussion. If at some point down the road there is an obvious connection or LE indicates a potential connection between Katie's case and others, we can then look at possibly combining threads or reviewing how to handle it at that time depending on the specifics (as we had to do with numerous suspects in the Delphi case before Richard Allen was arrested). We have to keep fairly strict control of the various discussions or the board would become just a melting pot of information scattered all over the place.

Members are always welcome to discuss off topic issues with other WSers through the private messaging system (i.e. if you wish to discuss similarities between other cases). In a private messaging group you can have up to 20 members, and while members can discuss just about anything there, do not bring information from any of those private conversations to the public thread.

TOS (aka The Rules, linked in my signature) can't possibly cover every single detail of how this forum is intended to run but it is an excellent start for new members to familiarize themselves with how we roll.
Thanks! This was the case that made me finally make an account. I’ll add a bit of a note: this section of the park park parallel to the botanical gardens was very new at the time and relatively unknown to most visitors because of its distance from the center of the park and parking areas. That section of the beltline was even less known, and its entrance was relatively nondescript (a gravel path behind a storage facility).

I see two possibilities for leaving the park. The first is luck, where they walk out somewhere in plain view along 10th or Piedmont and are never caught by cameras or noticed by passersby. Given that the last time Katie was seen on camera was the 10th and Piedmont intersection before walking a good distance down 10th, this seems unfortunately somewhat plausible (although deeply unsatisfying that someone could slip through the cracks in the center of town like that). I do remember at the time they had police going door to door for a week or so asking for Ring camera footage and such, but I guess they had no luck.

The other option is that this person knows the area very, very well. A lot of people pointed fingers at the local unhoused community at the time, and I believe those in communities living closest were questioned by police. To me, this doesn’t sound quite right as a lot of these people have had a fairly consistent presence in the area for years while this type of murder is (as far as I know) unheard of for the area in recent memory. I have full confidence the guys who live along the trail would inform police if they suspected a killer was hanging around where they sleep.
Yes looking at Google maps, it looks like he could just walk North, thru park grass, to about a half block away, to the north border of the park. Towards Monroe. I'm looking on Google maps, there are several residential streets that come right up to the border of the park. There does not appear to be fences there. He could have just parked on one of those residential streets. I'm sure he could find a space somewhere.
i cannot believe this hasnt been solved yet.
Well with no DNA and no witnesses, it's not so easy. I was looking some more at Google maps and the north side of the park, and it looks like you can drive a winding route through there in residential streets, to avoid traffic lights. And the further away you get, the less suspicion you attract. So like, once you make it a few blocks past there, I don't know how easy it would be to trace the car. So I don't understand why everybody thinks it's so mysterious, on how he got to the park. He just drove down one of those roads.
Well with no DNA and no witnesses, it's not so easy. I was looking some more at Google maps and the north side of the park, and it looks like you can drive a winding route through there in residential streets, to avoid traffic lights. And the further away you get, the less suspicion you attract. So like, once you make it a few blocks past there, I don't know how easy it would be to trace the car. So I don't understand why everybody thinks it's so mysterious, on how he got to the park. He just drove down one of those roads.
People assume because of the entrance to the park that gets so much attention due to the photos police released that everyone must come and go into the park from an entrance like the one in the photos.
But that is not the case, you can enter or exit the park from almost anywhere around its perimeter.
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People assume because of the entrance to the park that gets so much attention due to the photos police released that everyone must come and go into the park from an entrance like the one in the photos.
But that is not the case, you can enter or exit the park from almost anywhere around its perimeter.
Exactly. Especially since there doesn't seem to be a big fence around it. So I don't think he would enter on the south or the east side, the East side being 10th Street, because both of those are busy streets. But the north side seems pretty isolated. And it is not too far away. He either took a walking path there, or maybe just walked through the grass. I would say walking through the grass, because you wouldn't see people that way. Then he got in his parked car there and crossed over Monroe. Everyone knows there are cameras at traffic lights, but there are a couple streets you can cross there, that don't have traffic lights. And then you are going to drive through a residential district, according to Google maps. That's probably the route he took. They should look at the traffic lights cams surrounding that residential district. Because eventually, he's going to have to hit a traffic light. And also, what time should they look? If he was a organized perp, he could wait till the next morning to leave. That would make it harder to find the car. Just blend into rush hour.
Exactly. Especially since there doesn't seem to be a big fence around it. So I don't think he would enter on the south or the east side, the East side being 10th Street, because both of those are busy streets. But the north side seems pretty isolated. And it is not too far away. He either took a walking path there, or maybe just walked through the grass. I would say walking through the grass, because you wouldn't see people that way. Then he got in his parked car there and crossed over Monroe. Everyone knows there are cameras at traffic lights, but there are a couple streets you can cross there, that don't have traffic lights. And then you are going to drive through a residential district, according to Google maps. That's probably the route he took. They should look at the traffic lights cams surrounding that residential district. Because eventually, he's going to have to hit a traffic light. And also, what time should they look? If he was a organized perp, he could wait till the next morning to leave. That would make it harder to find the car. Just blend into rush hour.
How do you cancel a comment here that you accidentally started, before you post it? I tried to just delete everything and then it keeps coming back, lol. It's making me make a comment. So here it is... my comment.

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