GA - Kendrick Johnson, 17, Suspicious Death, Jan. 10/11, 2013, #2

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Oh, I took that to mean he missed the class. Practice is held after school hours (my understanding).

I wouldn't expect the school to have the resources to call parents each time a student misses a class, though. There were, what, 3000 students? My school had maybe 300 students and they just marked us absent and when so many days were missed, that's when parents would become involved (if it was about to affect our grade, for example).

Is it normal practice in other schools to call the parents as soon as a student is noted as absent for a class?

Yes, nowadays yes. Even at LHS . It is computerized. Or sometimes there is even a dedicated staff member who follows up too. The evening of the absence. Kj was only a sophomore too . So I would imagine younger class members have even less latitude for free periods etc. that is only a guess though.
Enforcing the policy, making the buildings more safe and secure, and having the media represent at least one positive report each week was added as a goal for the school as of June 2013. I wonder why?

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Do you have a link that outlines the policies of LHS? Thanks!
It says the football coach teaches the weight training class he missed. I haven't been able to find anything that says he was on the basketball team this year. His mom is quoted saying he told her he was staying at school to watch a basketball game. I'll look for the link.

Oh Thank you.. I was really wondering about that too. Especially was wondering about the football coach info .was wondering about basket ball team to . Tyty

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Bullying is on page 16 and I'm not sure where you're going with that? We have no way of knowing for sure that KJ was bullied.

The attendance portion states "repeated or excessive absences". Do we know if KJ repeatedly skipped/missed classes?

ETA: Lastly, this is *this* year's handbook. We can't know what they added/removed/edited.

Rule 09 is strange in any situation.
Oh Thank you.. I was really wondering about that too. Especially was wondering about the football coach info .was wondering about basket ball team too . Tyty

bumping the following excellent and pertinent post about GA public school attendance policies for HS

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That is likely what happened but since the parents asked about the clothes and the reports say they were released to the transport person who delivered them to the funeral home, which denies receiving them, why won't someone in authority, LE or GBI, explain to them what happened? This just shows to me the disregard for the concerns and feelings of the parents, which is really a large part of the problem. They deserve truthful answers to these questions about their son's death.

Whenever the next class began, this has been one of my concerns. The school knew Kendrick was there for the first 3 blocks, and the teacher in the next class knew (surely) he was not present then. Why didn't the school report his absence for the rest of the day to his parents. His mother, thinking he completed the school day and was attending a game later, did not realize he was missing until around 9:30pm, and went looking for him and made calls asking about him. If someone at the school had noticed and reported Kendrick missing in that 4th block he might have been located and saved. This is one of the reasons, I think, the father says 'they killed my son'. This death happened where they believed their son was safe and they do not feel how it happened has been adequately explained. The father knows his son and does not believe he would have gone into the mat as said.

snipped for brevity and bbm

Here is a crash course on education in the state of GA. I retired last May after 31 years as a GA teacher. Due to budget cuts, etc, class sizes in GA usually average 28-30 students in the middle grades and high school. A waiver can be given by the state BOE that will allow some districts to exceed the student teacher ratio set by the state BOE for various hardship issues. A high school teacher in GA probably has about 110-120 students a day sit in his/her classroom. Per state mandate, attendance is taken and reported using one of the approved web based programs. My system used Infinite Campus. Attendance is taken every class period and absences reported electronically via the network to a central server in each school. The server in each school is linked to the school district's office to a server there. This school district server is linked to the GA Dept. of Education in Atlanta. A teacher will probably see a particular student for one class period a day. As a teacher, I would not be aware if one of my students missed a later class. Some systems use an automated calling service to notify parents of a student's absence. Some systems do not. If the service is used, the calls are usually made after the school day ends. Students have been known to block the school's number from their home phones.
Bullying is on page 16 and I'm not sure where you're going with that? We have no way of knowing for sure that KJ was bullied.

The attendance portion states "repeated or excessive absences". Do we know if KJ repeatedly skipped/missed classes?

ETA: Lastly, this is *this* year's handbook. We can't know what they added/removed/edited.

Rule 09 is strange in any situation.

I couldn't believe this part!?? wtH?
Attendance Related Level
1 - Any incident involving
Offense Level 1 –Action
must be State Reported
Disposition – Includes
Detention 2 Days,
Corporal Punishment, ISS,
OSS, Expulsion, Bus
Suspension, Referral to Alt
School, or Referral to
Bullying is on page 16 and I'm not sure where you're going with that? We have no way of knowing for sure that KJ was bullied.

The attendance portion states "repeated or excessive absences". Do we know if KJ repeatedly skipped/missed classes?

ETA: Lastly, this is *this* year's handbook. We can't know what they added/removed/edited.

Rule 09 is strange in any situation.

I am not being snarky but I am really curious why you are so emphatic that we can't know what has been added/removed/edited?
We can...someone can.
1. I am positive the handbook from last is not only in digital form and can be printed ( it is relevant to this case so it can't be destroyed completely it is a public record too), unless you know other wise or for some reason that would not be still available at all I would personally like to know.
2. I knew someone would say that , and that is why i supplied Pearl's wonderful first hand knowledge and post.
I was searching the other day, looking for information on the automated notification system for absences and couldn't find the policy information I was looking for.

I did run across an article though, where the parent of a missing child didn't get the notification until late in the day. (It was the Sierra Lamar case) It was explained in that case, that the notification system wasn't implemented for student safety reasons, it was implemented to notify parents of truancy.

I just can't imagine trying to keep track of so many students, in such a large school. Parents are suppose to call in when a student is absent or notify the school when a student will be arriving late or leaving early but many parents don't. In a school of 3000 students, I wonder how many just take off at lunch or skip class. I realize that they have a automated system for when kids don't show up, but I didn't realize that they have one for when they don't attend a later class during the day. Back in the day, in high school, we basically came and went as we pleased. There was no immediate phone notification for missing a class. If there was chronic truancy then there was a phone call or something from the school or teacher of the class.

When safety issues arise, then schools evaluate their policies. I couldn't find anything in writing either at LHS, the GADOE or the US Department of Education that would clarify that there was any negligence on the part of the school. It seems to be a matter of interpretation for many.

So much has changed since I was young when it comes to safety measures. There still is no way that everyone can be protected 100% of the time from accident or people that commit horrid crimes like at Sandy Hook.

I think it's normal to want to blame someone or something when these things happen. Sometimes even when there is a crime committed, some want to blame or judge the victims or family members just as much as the perp.

I believe this was a freak accident. There is no one to blame. No one caused this to happen.

May Kendrick RIP and may his family begin the healing process. It can be a long journey.
I believe this was a freak accident. There is no one to blame. No one caused this to happen.

May Kendrick RIP and may his family begin the healing process. It can be a long journey.


This entirely.

I don't see the point in picking apart the school's policy. Even IF the school had notified the parents that he missed class, they may very well have intended to discipline him later when he got home. I highly doubt they would have called for an immediate search and rescue. Plus, by the time anyone made a call or a notification happened, unfortunately, KJ was already gone. It didn't take long for him to suffocate in that position :( And that's nobody's fault either. How could they know he was trapped in a gym mat rather than skipping to hang out with friends? Who would immediately assume their teenaged kid was in mortal danger because of a missed class? It's obviously super easy to see alllll the ways this could have been prevented now, but in the moment? Doubtful that anyone would have taken immediate action anyway, as tragic as that is :( JMO!
Thank you iSleuth for link to Student & Parent Handbook for 2013-2014 school year.

I skimmed 50+ pages for policy re notification to parents re student absences, how it notifies, when it notifies parents of partial day absences.
Page 2
"It is current as of July 1, 2013. Updates may occur during the school year due to changes in state or local board policies and/or state laws. Updates will be posted online and parents will be notified through the school district’s all-call phone system." BBM

Page 17:
State Reported
Repeated or excessive unexcused absences
or tardies; including failure to report to class,
skipping class, leaving school without
authorization, out of assigned area, or failure
to comply with disciplinary sanctions."
Then it sets forth the sanctions iSleuth listed, a few posts upthread, but nothing about how the school notifies parents.

page 26
1. Students are required to provide written excuses
for absences in accordance with Board Policy JBD.
The principal of each school will designate a person
or persons who are to maintain a record of students’
excused and unexcused absences. Written notes
explaining the reason for the student absence are to
be retained until the end of the school term.
2. Teachers must maintain timely and accurate
attendance records that reflect absences as
excused or unexcused. A dated and signed note
from the physician or parent/guardian or an e-mail
from a verified parent/guardian account must be
sent to the student’s homeroom teacher explaining
the reason for the absence within three (3) school
days of returning to school. Otherwise, the absence
will remain unexcused.
3. Upon a student’s 3rd unexcused absence and
notification by letter, the parent/guardian is to
contact the school designee to discuss the student’s
4. Upon a student’s 5th unexcused absence and
notification by letter, the parent/guardian is to
contact the attendance officer to discuss the
student’s attendance. A referral to the Truancy
Intervention Program (TIP) may be made if the
student is found to be in violation of the Attendance Law...."

I may have missed explanation for a partial day or one day absence.

Maybe another school document sets forth its policy and procedure for notifying parents of partial or one day absences?
Has anyone seem the policy in writing, from the school itself?

How do we say the school violated its policy re notifying parents by not calling them earlier for KJ missing afternoon classes, when we don't see the policy in writing?

Anyone? :seeya:
Thank you iSleuth for link to Student & Parent Handbook for 2013-2014 school year.

I skimmed 50+ pages for policy re notification to parents re student absences, how it notifies, when it notifies parents of partial day absences.
Page 2
"It is current as of July 1, 2013. Updates may occur during the school year due to changes in state or local board policies and/or state laws. Updates will be posted online and parents will be notified through the school district’s all-call phone system." BBM

Page 17:
State Reported
Repeated or excessive unexcused absences
or tardies; including failure to report to class,
skipping class, leaving school without
authorization, out of assigned area, or failure
to comply with disciplinary sanctions."
Then it sets forth the sanctions iSleuth listed, a few posts upthread, but nothing about how the school notifies parents.

page 26
1. Students are required to provide written excuses
for absences in accordance with Board Policy JBD.
The principal of each school will designate a person
or persons who are to maintain a record of students’
excused and unexcused absences. Written notes
explaining the reason for the student absence are to
be retained until the end of the school term.
2. Teachers must maintain timely and accurate
attendance records that reflect absences as
excused or unexcused. A dated and signed note
from the physician or parent/guardian or an e-mail
from a verified parent/guardian account must be
sent to the student’s homeroom teacher explaining
the reason for the absence within three (3) school
days of returning to school. Otherwise, the absence
will remain unexcused.
3. Upon a student’s 3rd unexcused absence and
notification by letter, the parent/guardian is to
contact the school designee to discuss the student’s
4. Upon a student’s 5th unexcused absence and
notification by letter, the parent/guardian is to
contact the attendance officer to discuss the
student’s attendance. A referral to the Truancy
Intervention Program (TIP) may be made if the
student is found to be in violation of the Attendance Law...."

I may have missed explanation for a partial day or one day absence.

Maybe another school document sets forth its policy and procedure for notifying parents of partial or one day absences?
Has anyone seem the policy in writing, from the school itself?

How do we say the school violated its policy re notifying parents by not calling them earlier for KJ missing afternoon classes, when we don't see the policy in writing?

Anyone? :seeya:

I don't think you missed anything. Unfortunately, I too wasted a bit of time trying to verify the school's supposed policy to no avail. jmo

eta: I know of no high school that calls home for a missed class in the middle of the day. Even when they don't show up at all, the earliest call comes at about 1 1/2 - 2 hours after school starts, if it comes at all. And my dd's school has a 12:1 student/teacher ratio. If you're not there, they notice. jmo
Hey Everyone.

Just a reminder...attack the post and not the poster. This is an emotional case. Let's please stick to facts and reasonable opinions based on the facts.

Thank you,
This is a link for the k-12 handbook
some good reading, over all. more links to follow.

Anyone see anything interesting on page 12? re bullying? then attendance? Final Handbook for printer - REVISED(1).pdf

Still not seeing anything to support your statement that school policy regarding mid-day absence/truancy is reported immediately to parents. Please post a link to that policy. I've read, and other posters have read, and we're not seeing it. At all.

Thank you iSleuth for link to Student & Parent Handbook for 2013-2014 school year.

I skimmed 50+ pages for policy re notification to parents re student absences, how it notifies, when it notifies parents of partial day absences.
Page 2
"It is current as of July 1, 2013. Updates may occur during the school year due to changes in state or local board policies and/or state laws. Updates will be posted online and parents will be notified through the school district’s all-call phone system." BBM

Page 17:
State Reported
Repeated or excessive unexcused absences
or tardies; including failure to report to class,
skipping class, leaving school without
authorization, out of assigned area, or failure
to comply with disciplinary sanctions."
Then it sets forth the sanctions iSleuth listed, a few posts upthread, but nothing about how the school notifies parents.

page 26
1. Students are required to provide written excuses
for absences in accordance with Board Policy JBD.
The principal of each school will designate a person
or persons who are to maintain a record of students’
excused and unexcused absences. Written notes
explaining the reason for the student absence are to
be retained until the end of the school term.
2. Teachers must maintain timely and accurate
attendance records that reflect absences as
excused or unexcused. A dated and signed note
from the physician or parent/guardian or an e-mail
from a verified parent/guardian account must be
sent to the student’s homeroom teacher explaining
the reason for the absence within three (3) school
days of returning to school. Otherwise, the absence
will remain unexcused.
3. Upon a student’s 3rd unexcused absence and
notification by letter, the parent/guardian is to
contact the school designee to discuss the student’s
4. Upon a student’s 5th unexcused absence and
notification by letter, the parent/guardian is to
contact the attendance officer to discuss the
student’s attendance. A referral to the Truancy
Intervention Program (TIP) may be made if the
student is found to be in violation of the Attendance Law...."

I may have missed explanation for a partial day or one day absence.

Maybe another school document sets forth its policy and procedure for notifying parents of partial or one day absences?
Has anyone seem the policy in writing, from the school itself?

How do we say the school violated its policy re notifying parents by not calling them earlier for KJ missing afternoon classes, when we don't see the policy in writing?

Anyone? :seeya:

Sorry was called away to continuing festivities , will search around for more on this . If that will help .

And right this / any student handbook is a little different than the school policy any way for stuff like partial absences - though that is in there I tried to highlight a fellow poster on GA policy but not no avail.

I've worked in schools and had my kids in schools public private charter parochial - with different policies and actions. I have been part of writing absence policies. There are issues with regard to hours in class in school for a number of reasons . I will look around some more for this school. LHS

There are attendance offices with dedicated staff and phone lines as well as computers And I am sure there was one at kj's school. ( if not it wouldn't be prestigious 21st century model.) and legal Ga board of Ed. Schools have to!! And DO call when students do not arrive at school when they do not hear from a parent. If a student leaves they need a note and permission - it has to be held against excused and non excused absences - all towards legal hours students need for graduation. ( especially in HS )Attendance is posted by each teacher by the end of the day.
By then mr And Mrs Johnson already knew something was wrong and contacted LE.
It is Pretty significant to me that they already had worried their son was possibly in danger and he was. Did LE immediately check records and the parents already knew in the pm that he missed his last scheduled class and also missed attending a basketball game ( atleast as a fan )

Btw I know you all know this Calls or letters go out to parents for paper trail for school back (ourselves )up. As a teacher we are responsible. Beyond grades etc I am not joking you god forbid something happens a child dies coming or going from school.. (Especially when students are so much more autonomous in HS)Or right in front of us. Omg I think I would have a massive coronary myself. There would be two bodies.

: I

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Sorry was called away to continuing festivities , will search around for more on this . If that will help .

And right this / any student handbook is a little different than the school policy any way for stuff like partial absences - though that is in there I tried to highlight a fellow poster on GA policy but not no avail.

I've worked in schools and had my kids in schools public private charter parochial - with different policies and actions. I have been part of writing absence policies. There are issues with regard to hours in class in school for a number of reasons . I will look around some more for this school. LHS

There are attendance offices with dedicated staff and phone lines as well as computers And I am sure there was one at kj's school. ( if not it wouldn't be prestigious 21st century model.) and legal Ga board of Ed. Schools have to!! And DO call when students do not arrive at school when they do not hear from a parent. If a student leaves they need a note and permission - it has to be held against excused and non excused absences - all towards legal hours students need for graduation. ( especially in HS )Attendance is posted by each teacher by the end of the day.
By then mr And Mrs Johnson already knew something was wrong and contacted LE.
It is Pretty significant to me that they already had worried their son was possibly in danger and he was. Did LE immediately check records and the parents already knew in the pm that he missed his last scheduled class and also missed attending a basketball game ( atleast as a fan )

Btw I know you all know this Calls or letters go out to parents for paper trail for school back (ourselves )up. As a teacher we are responsible. Beyond grades etc I am not joking you god forbid something happens a child dies coming or going from school.. (Especially when students are so much more autonomous in HS)Or right in front of us. Omg I think I would have a massive coronary myself. There would be two bodies.

: I

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No one's asking for "more" on this. They're asking for "this." There was statement made as fact about LHS policy for mid-day absences and parent notification and nothing to back it up that I've seen. Presumbly, if the statement was made as fact, there was something to support it. So even if it wasn't linked at the time, imo, it should be easily linked or taken off the table as supposed "fact." jmo
By then mr And Mrs Johnson already knew something was wrong and contacted LE.
It is Pretty significant to me that they already had worried their son was possibly in danger and he was.
Did LE immediately check records and the parents already knew in the pm that he missed his last scheduled class and also missed attending a basketball game ( atleast as a fan )


I'm confused by this. Do you mean to say they had already contacted LE (or at least were worried) about KJ being in danger, before the end of the school day?
I found another link referring to student absences, re acceptable reasons, etc.
But this video clip re policy does not discuss school's notification to parents, except after repeated absences for which school notifies by letter.

Maybe elsewhere on the website?

iSleuth, thank you for your community service - in your capacity - in helping draft absence policies. And for sharing your experience w. us here on W/S.
<modsnip> I implore ANYONE to provide me with a STATUTE that requires parental notification of a high school student after a partial absence. Good luck with that. The only statutes you will find have to do with truancy. . .and the usual standard, but varies from state to state, is 3 unexcused absences.

Look, what happened to Kendrick was a HORRIBLE, freak accident. But no laws were broken. I feel extremely confident in saying that nobody wished him dead or tried to cover up his death. I wish that brought some kind of comfort to his family, but it probably doesn't. I feel for them. :(

However, as an educator, I feel compelled to ask for links and proof when an assertion is made. <modsnip> Prove it or. . .:silenced: Sorry that is just how I feel. There are too many other cases that need our attention <modsnip>

Everyone feels bad for what happened to Kendrick. It is a true tragedy! Sometimes, no matter the effort, no one is to blame. <modsnip> Happy Thanksgiving! Prayers to all the children who's name have shown up on this forum. There are far too many. :(

I'm wordy. . .so ETA. . .I would like to remind everyone here that there are 2999 other students at this high school who are now grappling with their own mortality. . . something that they had never considered before or that had ever even crossed their minds. We've all been that age. They think they are immortal. It is traumatizing, whether they were close to Kendrick or not, realizing that they are mortal. I will also guarantee you that there isn't a staff member at that school who doesn't lay awake at night trying to think about how this could have been prevented. When I worked in Sped Ed (severe profound) for eight years, I lost a student a year. It's not something you forget. It's doesn't magically get any easier. I can guarantee you that EVERYONE is hurting.
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