GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #10

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He went on to say that police also found a master key to the complex, a key to Giddings’ apartment and packaging for a hacksaw in McDaniel’s apartment.

Interesting. So he had an actual key to her lock and a master key?

Yes, it was reported a while back. Keep in mind LG kept a copy of her key hidden outside her door and it wouldn't have been hard to come by, but I doubt she gave him a key or knew if he made a copy.
Colonel Mustard
08-07-2011, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by cluciano63
Not sure if I understood this part correctly; SM has been charged, but still a grand jury will be called to decide on whether or not to indict? Is this true?If so, will LE generally give the GJ much more evidence than what we have heard so far? I am thinking there is far more DNA involved here than just Lauren's on the saw and really hopeful that SM's is in places he never dreamed of.

I've never heard of charges prior to a GJ convening, so was wondering if I read this wrong, or if GA has special requirements. Would charges be dismissed if GJ does not find cause?

Col. Mustard Said: Yes, you are correct, the grand jury will still be convened for the purpose of issuing an indictment and yes, they will be given much more evidence than what the public is aware of. Grand Jury proceedings are secret, so what goes on in there will not be made public. As for whether charges would be dismissed if the Grand Jury does not indict, yes, theoretically that could happen but it absolutely WON'T happen in this case - not a snowball's chance in hell. First of all, McD's attorney won't be there and there will be no defense put up whatsoever to the testimony that is given to the Grand Jury. Believe me, there is a lot more forensic evidence than the public is aware of yet. They will reveal some of it to the Grand Jury, maybe not all. In any event, he WILL be indicted for Lauren's murder and probably the 2 burglaries as well.
I was initially alarmed after reading about the hearing this morning. The State's case sounded a little flimsy.

But, this was only a commitment hearing to establish probable cause. Winters has no need to tip his hand on the totality of evidence and I think many of the Attorney's have indicated not much is presented at this juncture of the case.

We heard nothing about;

  • Possible scratches on McD-

  • Evidence gained from Autopsy; fibers, tox screens, what the bones may reveal concerning type of cutting instrument used, contents of stomach, possible sexual mutilation of torso, postmortem lividity, etc.

  • Results from the Bathtub & Refrigerator.

  • Purchases made by McDaniel, receipts found in his apartment, analysis of other items removed from his apartment.

  • Complete results of the computer forensics.
Hiya AgentLundy. Thanks for going this morning and sharing with us some of what you observed. Would u mind giving us your opinion on his parents' demeanor. So Stephen never even acknowledged their presence? That is just so bizarre IMO. Hell, even Casey Anthony back at this stage of her court appearances was always speaking to mom and dad!!!

Did his parents speak with Buford at any time before or after??

Thanks again for your first hand experience!
Legal experts.. What is the next step? How does a trial date get set?
I do not recall that either.

On the topic of Mom. And quotes from site are on this article this morning.

QUESTION: I'm thinking instead of not being able to have the girl he wanted (as has been speculated) and knew he could never have.

MAYBE instead, he really hates his mother, stemming from those judgemental types that picked on him in school, and his mother being so overbearing/controlling, as we see it or from what I have gathered from reading posts from sleuthers in regards to her personality. Maybe additionally he hated Lauren secretly, maybe she was an easy target, maybe he hated her advice to "smile more", "don't be so shy" and maybe subconsciously he hated her and reminded him of those who never accepted him and in her voicing her opinion of his actions, he felt she was also of the same type who picked on him in school, and "knows it all" as his mother and acted on that? I dont' know. Just sayin', IT crossed my mind. He does talk alot about torturing a woman/women and I noted something in todays article that lead to my ponderings of this idea.

I also think he didnt' get his handgum permit for concealed weapons becuase of fingerprints and he said in some postings that was in the article named herein, stated he rationalized himself out of it time and again , maybe he knew he'd do something like this one day and did not want his fingerprints on file. DUH.

Which leads me to mention again that was on the earlier sleuth at the end just prior to being shutdown, ARE WE THINKING PRE MEDITATION NOW, with some of the newer evidence???

about the bolded:

I replied to your post in that thread, right before the shutdown.

Was basically something like: It needs to be remembered that nowhere in these postings, however disturbing some of them may be, did he say: I plan to kill and dismember my neighbor. Like it or not, these writings do have to be placed within their context, and the defense, if these are introduced, will no doubt try to see that they are they should be.
I had hoped we'd get more out of this hearing, but I knew the chance was slim.
I'm certainly not back on the fence... but dang if I didn't have to go outside and lean on it :crazy:

Definitely a few new details though... the one's that pop out at me at the moment are the fact that
the boilerplate "wrapped in plastic" is now confirmed as being multiple black trash bags.
Also, DD not only had a master key, but "lots of keys".
Not that I think DD is back in this, but it certainly raises some questions as to just how many
master keys existed and how well this was actually tracked.

So, I guess I'll just have to wait for the full video and transcript
before I can make a thorough reassessment of my position. :waiting:

WMAZ needs better IT staff :rolleyes:
Hiya AgentLundy. Thanks for going this morning and sharing with us some of what you observed. Would u mind giving us your opinion on his parents' demeanor. So Stephen never even acknowledged their presence? That is just so bizarre IMO. Hell, even Casey Anthony back at this stage of her court appearances was always speaking to mom and dad!!!

Did his parents speak with Buford at any time before or after??

Thanks again for your first hand experience!


He's bizarre alright.
All this shuffling around, blank staring into space and acting like
some child that's been sent to his room and doesn't understand why. :therethere:
Does he plan on doing this through the entire trial?
Makes you wonder when he's going to snap out of it..
What? Who? Where am I? What's going on?!?! :noooo:
Please... :eek:hdear:
IMO no longer is there a question of could possibly the posts that we've all read be what is referred to in the warrant as having detailed how he would go about murdering someone and many details matched and were consistent with details of Lauren's murder..

IMO the theory of it possibly being the board posts was always weak for me and I did not see a murder arrest warrant being based on message board postings such as we"ve read..
Now that it is answered and perfectly clear that there is actually a name and a specific individual's testimony that we now know to exist.. Stephen's former roommate and boy, do I bet his jaw was anchored to the floor when the details started coming to light of just what all Lauren's disappearance, murder, and cover up entailed.. and then to make it even that much more shocking would be to then see the very individual who at one point{on more than one occasion}had boasted to you about how he could get away with murder.. For him to see that very person on TV in that on cam interview where we all recognize him to be so chatty.. The ex roommate..much to his horror realizes that individual who'd once bragged about details eerily the same was this now murdered woman's very next door neighbor and fellow classmate.. WoW!! Jaw dropping is an understatement IMO!!!

I'll go it even one step further and say that IMO I believe that its very likely that this individual pretty quickly came forward and let this be known to police, rather than waiting around to see if they found him..That's just a hunch and an opinion but It's

Lordy, what this poor guy knows.. and likely pretty intricate details.. I mean, of course when he was told of these "hypos" by roomie, Stephen and given IMO all types of elaborate details[as we certainly have seen from his postings seems to be his M.O].. of course at that time they were nothing more than a hypothetical, a victimless murder so to speak in that when describing the details of a murder plan in this type situation..if one were to picture it in their mind there would not be a specific individual's face that one would have.. Stark in contrast to fast forward to 3 short years later and that roomie that'd given you all those "victimless" hypos of how he'd get away with murder..suddenly that victim now had a face.. That IMO would be alot of disturbing knowledge for one individual to have in their head by no doings of their own whatsoever.. Makes me see that he is just another ripple in the never ending ripple effect that continues to work its way out from Stephen having committed one of the most brutal murders I've ever personally followed.. Sad and so many hurt and whose lives will never be the same from the actions of one man..One man who many of them didn't know existed, his name, face, nothing..and now there lives forever altered by his selfish actions..makes me sick!!!

In looking at todays slideshow from court when it came to DV, Lauren's longterm boyfriend whom she was 5 short days away from being back residing in Atlanta alongside him when she was stolen from her life sometime late the night of the 25th.. Less than 5 days..That teeny tiny window of time haunts me and does not escape me for long before it again resounds in my head... She was so close IMO to escaping her very own death.. literally hours within its reach.. Her very last known communication, the email to DV she was brimming with anticipation and excitement with her long awaited and hard work and dedication to achieve this bright future that was just one turn away.. less than 5 days away.. All she'd worked so hard for..all she'd dreamed an entire lifetime of dreams about.. all her loved ones had supported her thru.. it was all right there!!!!... and in the blink of an eye it was all gone... and most importantly she was gone..

My heart hurt for DV today when I saw him there in that Bibb Co. courtroom.. Donning a pink polo in support of Lauren.. with his head tilted back at rest on the wall of that courtroom.. His mind looked a million miles away and the toll this tragedy has taken was apparent on his face.. My eyes stung with tears for him and at the same time for Lauren, too..
Hiya AgentLundy. Thanks for going this morning and sharing with us some of what you observed. Would u mind giving us your opinion on his parents' demeanor. So Stephen never even acknowledged their presence? That is just so bizarre IMO. Hell, even Casey Anthony back at this stage of her court appearances was always speaking to mom and dad!!!

Did his parents speak with Buford at any time before or after??

Thanks again for your first hand experience!
Yes, Smooth , the McD's were two of the first people I saw when I got down there, sitting outside the courtroom on a bench all by themselves. I also saw LG's boyfriend, but didn't recognize it as him until after I saw his picture on I was in the courtroom when the McD's entered. They were on the second row pretty much right behind Floyd Buford and their son. I was directly across from them and didn't watch them much during the proceedings. I was looking at McD for much of the time, and could not believe how much he just stared straight ahead the entire time. He did not make eye contact with anybody coming or going or during the proceedings.When they first brought him in he was chained all the way around , legs, arms, waist. Then LE figured out he needed to be unchained for the proceedings so they took him outside the courtroom , unchained him, and he came back in . If he ever looked at his parents or anyone I couldn't tell it and I was staring straight at him the whole time. Floyd had a conversation with the parents both before the proceeding and afterwards outside in the hall as I was leaving. LE tightly controlled the leaving process and would not let any of us leave until after McD was chained and taken away. If it were me accused of murder, I would be extremely engaged, more like Casey Anthony, taking notes, shaking my head no no no, instead of going all zombie. Especially if I had internet postings telling everybody that is how I would react after killing someone.

He's bizarre alright.
All this shuffling around, blank staring into space and acting like
some child that's been sent to his room and doesn't understand why. :therethere:
Does he plan on doing this through the entire trial?
Makes you wonder when he's going to snap out of it..
What? Who? Where am I? What's going on?!?! :noooo:
Please... :eek:hdear:

Yes, it has been long enough for the trauma of being arrested to settle in. Now it just smells of I am acting nuts.:nuts:
Wonder how long before they have to bring him in on a gurney?
Looks like McD is going to loss some of his defense money from extended family according to a poster on

That poster is very upset over the whole situation.

They tell how upset they are for a young woman they never met. (wow that will get you)
Here's a random, speculative thought.

If SM really was trying to frame the MM, then, perhaps the MM should think about any locations that HE was known to frequent, in the search for the rest of Lauren's remains.

Maybe SM planted the evidence THERE?

Thanks for the chuckle, King tut!! Regarding McD in his orange jumpsuit strapped to a Wouldn;t be surprised tho it is as if the man has been bitten by a zombie that has rendered him a dead man walking.. I don't think even with the best Hollywood make-up could you get more creepier and zombied out..

**speaking of King Tut I mentioned it as everytime I see your username and Steve Martin as your profile pic I start playing the Steve Martin song, "King Tut" in my I was a little bittie girl I used to get my families old little 45s out and play them on a little ol' box record player..and "King Tut" was one of my favs even way back then..and we're talking a mere babe at the age of no more that 4..but honey, I knew every word to "King Tut" and had a dance to go with it..hehehehhehe!!..I've always been a bit dramatic..I know, shocking, right???
1. Giddings Case: Blue Gloves

Video of Court Proceedings regarding the finding of the Gloves. Buford questions Det. Patterson:|tvideo|endslate

2. Giddings Case: Master Keys

Video of Court Proceedings regarding the Master Keys. Defense Buford questions Det. Patterson.

3. Giddings Case: McDaniels DNA Not Found on Hacksaw

Video of Court Proceedings regarding DNA on Hacksaw. Defense Buford questions Det. Patterson.

4. Giddings Case: McDaniel's Prior Statements

Det. Patterson details McDaniel's prior statements to SM's former roomate.

5. Giddings Case: The Hacksaw and Packaging

Det. Patterson details information about the hacksaw and packaging

6. Giddings Case: McDaniel questioned at Detective Bureau

Det. Patterson details information about SM being questioned voluntarily for 2-3 hours the first time, and more than 2-3 hours the second time, at least 8 or 9 hours. Not all of SM's comments were videotaped at the station.

7. Judge Finds Probable Cause to Charge McDaniel
Here's a random, speculative thought.

If SM really was trying to frame the MM, then, perhaps the MM should think about any locations that HE was known to frequent, in the search for the rest of Lauren's remains.

Maybe SM planted the evidence THERE?


you know wondergirl I think you are right.
I have also had a nagging thought since this began about places that Mercer students might know about.

At one time there was a class about death and dying (plus some Christianity classes) that would take students to a certain spot in Rosehill cemetery (left side under an old huge oak where musoleums were in the hill and covered with vines-they were broken into) sometimes certain groups would use those and homeless would go into there.

Another spot was some land Mercer owned (don't know if they still do) but they use to take bio students there. It had a pond/lake (plus broken down farm/hunting lodge thin) and was very removed off a highway.

It makes you ponder about where would he go-if he didn't get out much maybe something in his former classes might have influenced him.

*by the way I love the song King Tut too:crazy:
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