GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #10

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another note: I know I read that they searched the cemetery with dogs but that place can be hard too find this time of year with the overgrowth of vines.
I just got through reading all the posts from this past week. Can't keep up now during the week due to going back to work after being off all summer. You girls and guys sure have been busy. I have a question about SM's old room mate. Did Lauren live beside SM while this guy was living there? If so, I wonder if he gave LE any information about a possible fixation SM could have had with Lauren. I too believe he is putting on an act in public. As for me, I don't think any evidence against SM is better than his reaction in his now-much-discussed video interview. On a lighter note. I'm very close to retirement from my profession. I have these odd thoughts about going ahead and retiring so I can stay current with this case and the very good discussions here on WS.
I just got through reading all the posts from this past week. Can't keep up now during the week due to going back to work after being off all summer. You girls and guys sure have been busy. I have a question about SM's old room mate. Did Lauren live beside SM while this guy was living there? If so, I wonder if he gave LE any information about a possible fixation SM could have had with Lauren. I too believe he is putting on an act in public. As for me, I don't think any evidence against SM is better than his reaction in his now-much-discussed video interview. On a lighter note. I'm very close to retirement from my profession. I have these odd thoughts about going ahead and retiring so I can stay current with this case and the very good discussions here on WS.

pearl, I'm thinking the roommate was at another location rather than Barristers Hall, maybe even a dorm -- but I am not sure
(Rough) Transcription of Video Part 1, Uncut, Commitment Hearing, August 26, 2011
*not 100% verbatim

-Stephen McDaniel understands his rights

-Det. Patterson is currently a Violent Crimes Detective, since 2001

-1st info he received was that a Mercer student was missing. When he arrived on scene, at 1058 Georgia Ave., he met with several of Lauren's friends who were at the complex, and he learned that they had previously been inside Lauren’s apartment, that all Lauren’s belongings were still in the apartment, purse, keys, phone, car. No sign of disruption.

-Both Lauren’s friends and next door neighbor assisted with the search. During the early morning hours of June 30th, from 12 midnight to 3 am.

-Det. Patterson noticed an odor coming from the direction of the trashcans. The trash cans were 2 big green roll type containers. The cans are used by the residents of the front 4 apartments. The back 4 apartments have 2 additional trashcans.

-Once Det. Patterson arrived at the trashcans, he observed some flies around the trashcan, and he advised another Sgt., and he had a suspicion about the can, then he looked inside, and he discovered 5 large black trash bags, with the torso inside. At that point no one knew about what they had discovered, so, they immediately secured the crime scene, and he asked Ms. Giddings friends to come to the Det. Bureau, including the accused.

-While the individuals are being interviewed by Det. Patterson, at the apartment complex LE started to look for a crime scene. Outside resources were called in. At some point, other personnel were called in, with the HRD/Cadaver dogs. At that point they began a search. Positive hits were on Lauren Giddings apartment, McDaniel’s Apartment, the apartment below Giddings’ and the Laundry Room

-Det. Patterson was informed of the hits, at some point. Apartment #1 was vacant, still under lease, and the leasor had been living across town with his girlfriend while he moved his stuff out.

-There were other residents at the station giving statements, Det. Patterson asked all the residents and Lauren's friends, if they would allow a search of their apartments

-McDaniel agreed to let LE look inside his apartment

-McDaniel agreed to let the HRD Dogs walk into his apartment. He was concerned because he had been in Lauren’s apartment the night prior with the search for her, and he might have picked up something on his shoes or clothes.

-At this point none of the individuals had been told that a body had been found

-The dogs went inside the apartment, and they alerted. The bathroom and the back bedroom were alerted in. Ms. Giddings apartment, the apartment downstairs and laundry room, were also alerted in.

-At some point a search warrant was obtained, and photographs were taken, and other LE assisted in the search. Of note, a master key to all the apartments, a key to Lauren’s apartment, and a hacksaw package were found.

-A photograph was taken of the hacksaw package. At that time, the hacksaw was not yet retrieved.

-A search was also conducted of the laundry room. The room is towards the back of the complex. All the residents have access to it. There is a punch code on the door. Double stacked washer and dryers. Inside the locked closet, are a bunch of tools, rakes and lawnmower. The door was locked prior to the search was conducted. The lock is opened by a master key. The lock was opened by the master key found in the accused apartment.

-A search was conducted, and a Stanley hacksaw was found in that room, with what appeared to Det. Patterson to be blood on it. It was taken into evidence.

-The hacksaw was sent up to the FBI

-Det. Patterson had a suspicion that the torso was Lauren, but, he wasn’t positive. Ms. Giddings father was on his way to Macon, and when he arrived DP took a DNA sample from him, and the torso matched.

-At that point, after the positive ID, then the result from the hacksaw was matched to Lauren’s DNA

-The official DNA profile was already obtained from FBI

-The hacksaw matched the packaging found in SM’s apartment, confirmed with manufacturer

-An old roommate was contacted from 1st year, and during Det. Patterson’s interview, SM used to talk about how he would commit the perfect murder, and the methods he would use to avoid detection. The statements he had made to his roommate were consistent to what the Det. knew in the case at that time.

-Buford questions Det. Patterson.

-Det. Patterson has done approximately 20 murder investigations. SM voluntarily went to the Det. Bureau, he was helpful, concerned about the disappearance of Ms. Giddings, and answered questions. He was there 2-3 hours the 1st time he was there, and more than 2-3 hours the second time. The total was at least 8-9 hours. During the time SM was there, his comments were videotaped, but, not all the comments.

-LE went back to all the apartments, and the dogs alerted in all 3 apartments. The resident of the downstairs apartment gave permission. The dog did go into Lauren’s and McDaniels apartment also. The dog did not go into any other apartments.
So, a few things from Part 1:

-Blood was actually visible on the hacksaw.

-There is a punch code on the laundry door

-Odor and flies around trashcan. :(

I wonder if anyone else besides SM was concerned about the HRD dogs hitting on their apartments, due to the fact that they were also in Lauren's apartment?

Since Lauren's friends were also in Lauren's contaminated apartment, wouldn't their shoes, clothes and/or apartment have also been contaminated with decomp? :waitasec:
(Rough) Transcription of Video Part 1, Uncut, Commitment Hearing, August 26, 2011
*not 100% verbatim

-Stephen McDaniel understands his rights

-Det. Patterson is currently a Violent Crimes Detective, since 2001

-1st info he received was that a Mercer student was missing. When he arrived on scene, at 1058 Georgia Ave., he met with several of Lauren's friends who were at the complex, and he learned that they had previously been inside Lauren’s apartment, that all Lauren’s belongings were still in the apartment, purse, keys, phone, car. No sign of disruption.

-Both Lauren’s friends and next door neighbor assisted with the search. During the early morning hours of June 30th, from 12 midnight to 3 am.

-Det. Patterson noticed an odor coming from the direction of the trashcans. The trash cans were 2 big green roll type containers. The cans are used by the residents of the front 4 apartments. The back 4 apartments have 2 additional trashcans.

-Once Det. Patterson arrived at the trashcans, he observed some flies around the trashcan, and he advised another Sgt., and he had a suspicion about the can, then he looked inside, and he discovered 5 large black trash bags, with the torso inside. At that point no one knew about what they had discovered, so, they immediately secured the crime scene, and he asked Ms. Giddings friends to come to the Det. Bureau, including the accused.

-While the individuals are being interviewed by Det. Patterson, at the apartment complex LE started to look for a crime scene. Outside resources were called in. At some point, other personnel were called in, with the HRD/Cadaver dogs. At that point they began a search. Positive hits were on Lauren Giddings apartment, McDaniel’s Apartment, the apartment below Giddings’ and the Laundry Room

-Det. Patterson was informed of the hits, at some point. Apartment #1 was vacant, still under lease, and the leasor had been living across town with his girlfriend while he moved his stuff out.


snipped, and about what I bolded in blue

Here is some information I don't believe we had before.
AArrggh..Video cut off right when Buford asks det.if he took dogs into other apts..oh man..
So, the newly hired Private Investigator found the blue gloves.

I am sure that the blue gloves are probably useless, except for the purpose of showing on the stand that one of the Lead Detectives didn't know they had been found.

Over the course of the investigation Buford has been working with a private investigator. Buford says the investigator has uncovered new clues including a blue glove in the laundry room.
I have a real concern about exactly what this defendant has not only done, but to just what lengths that he has done these things.. I, of course cannot be certain at this point..However, there are more and more pieces that are coming to light that are consistent with there being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE TO THIS MURDER CASE than we ever dreamed.. My instincts have been alerting on this since of course when we had the MM hurled under the fastest moving bus that Stephen could find barreling thru town.. And little by little the details we are learning are truly at this point making take a look at the possibility that did this man really and truly attempt to make an absolute "game" out of slaughtering this precious woman.. I truly believe we have components that can support this atleast in theory at this point..

Has he really and truly plotted, schemed, and enjoyed ruthlessly not only what we know to be an extreme in brutal nature of a murder of a woman..but has he made a morbid game out of that brutal murder in his having taken it even a stepf further with actually attempting a frame job of sorts on two fronts//..what I mean is to have attempted to frame the MM and at the same time attempting to make it appear as tho he is the one actually being framed??

There is no reason on this earth, nor in God's heaven, nor even in Satan's hottest pits of hell that he could have and/or would have left visible blood of his victim on the blade of that hacksaw!!!

There isn't and you and I and everyone on here knows it!!! There is no logical reason that can be concluded for why he would have done this??

Save for the reason that you wanted it to be known that saw was used in committing the murder of the victim.. The pieces are there.. and as much as I have attempted to ignore it, explain it away, and shoo it ain't going nowhere and it is adding up.. I'm terrified at what we are really in for here with this case.. I think it is so much more than any of us ever gave this voluminously maned man credit for.. This man is sick in ways that I just don't even wanna know exist in that a life taken and then that murder used to destroy only another's life, who then only destroys anothers life.. what he has done is so much greater than what any of us have even acknowledged!!
Wondergirl, THANK YOU for transcribing!!!!
So, the newly hired Private Investigator found the blue gloves.

I am sure that the blue gloves are probably useless, except for the purpose of showing on the stand that one of the Lead Detectives didn't know they had been found.

Shouldn't the PI have followed the protocols we see in volunteer searches? Why didn't he call LE to come and collect the gloves?
I wonder if anyone else besides SM was concerned about the HRD dogs hitting on their apartments, due to the fact that they were also in Lauren's apartment?

Since Lauren's friends were also in Lauren's contaminated apartment, wouldn't their shoes, clothes and/or apartment have also been contaminated with decomp? :waitasec:

Her friends probably weren't paranoid like SMD (hmm, I wonder why he was so paranoid?) .. And is it even possible to track decomp if the crime scene (assumed to be her apartment) was so well cleaned that everything looked to be in it's place and no sign of a struggle was found?
So, the newly hired Private Investigator found the blue gloves.

I am sure that the blue gloves are probably useless, except for the purpose of showing on the stand that one of the Lead Detectives didn't know they had been found.

How can they prove that the gloves were really there when the police investigated the laundry room? So much time has elapsed since the initial investigation and the PI being hired, those could have been put there at any time.

He's bizarre alright.
All this shuffling around, blank staring into space and acting like
some child that's been sent to his room and doesn't understand why. :therethere:
Does he plan on doing this through the entire trial?
Makes you wonder when he's going to snap out of it..
What? Who? Where am I? What's going on?!?! :noooo:
Please... :eek:hdear:

If I'm not supposed to talk about this here, please delete, but Wasn't SOL quoted in another forum as saying he would stare blankly (among other things)........Also.....I wonder if he's trying to gain sympathy? I wondered after seeing him today entering and then leaving the court, that he looked awful awful frail and even depressed somewhat when you see Buford talking to him just prior to leaving court. It even crossed my mind he might commit suicide, is he trying to starve himself to death? I think in earlier threads it was discussed about how he cannot let his mother/parents down by admitting guilt but is that behavior of ignoring his parents who are there for him, a sign of guilt or shame? Especially if he's guilty, if not, he would acknowledge them?
Shouldn't the PI have followed the protocols we see in volunteer searches? Why didn't he call LE to come and collect the gloves?

Sounds like another Baez tactic. Just create doubt?
How can they prove that the gloves were really there when the police investigated the laundry room? So much time has elapsed since the initial investigation and the PI being hired, those could have been put there at any time.

This handy blue glove is confusing me. A couple weeks ago, MaMa McD let it be known that the police were searching SM's apartment for blue cloth, etc and that SM has a lot of blue clothes because it is her favorite color. I don't recall it being reported about what kind of material this blue glove was made of (latex, cotton, neoprene, etc). I just don't think Macon LE overlooked something like this. Since it was found by SM's investigator and was obviously not given to the police for testing since the lead detective did not know about it, of what value is it going to be for SM? I don't think an evidence history could be completed for it to be allowed as any kind of trial evidence. To be used as evidence at trial, wouldn't the glove have had to be photographed where it was found, logged into evidence, and accounted for until it reaches court?
Looks like McD is going to loss some of his defense money from extended family according to a poster on

That poster is very upset over the whole situation.

They tell how upset they are for a young woman they never met. (wow that will get you) has closed the comment section where this was posted.:(
How can they prove that the gloves were really there when the police investigated the laundry room? So much time has elapsed since the initial investigation and the PI being hired, those could have been put there at any time.

McD was probably shocked they didn't find the gloves to begin with. He probably dragged them through the blood and planted them in the room with the hacksaw. It would be interesting to hear if the PI actually found this on his own, or if McD "remembered" something else like "I know I said I saw MM on Lauren's balcony, but I think I remember him wearing blue gloves."

If you are trying to get away with murder, you throw away the murder weapon with the rest of the body. If you are framing someone, you plant the evidence in their freaking apt. or the closet that they have access to. You don't plant the packaging in their apt. but then keep the murder weapon in the closet that is linked to you.
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