GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #12

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Arrestees are not required automatically to give a DNA sample, but with probable cause, a DNA sample can be obtained through a search warrant served on any individual, arrestee or not.

The Georgia Assembly determined DNA to be an individual's "unique property".
O.C.G.A. 33-54-1

The Criminal Code states, in short, that "any item, substance, object, thing or matter" that is tangible evidence can be seized with probable cause.
O.C.G.A. 17-5-21

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 27 June 2011 #11

Thanks, bessie. I remembered we studied and studied on this at different points, but somehow that we finally got it boiled down to this conclusion was escaping my memory. (It amazes me how some details of these many threads I can "see" on the "page" in my memory, and other things just slip away ...! But 12 threads over approx. 6 mos. is a lot and a long time...)

With that cleared up, though -- still wondering: How will SM plead on Monday?
Oops! You're right, BW. I misread the caption. :eek:

and ooops on my part too -- because I read through the article at your link looking for your reference to a hearing -- but DIDN'T even read the photo caption! If I had, I would have understood what the heck you were talking about, LOL.

We must have both been sleep-deprived!
Joe Kovac Jr.'s latest promo on Twitter on the upcoming story:


"Lauren Giddings and the Man Whose Heart She Won: Part 1: 'He's Out to Get Me.'" Midnight

(If it's not ok to quote it directly, please tell me and I will delete...or mod, please delete if not OK)
The story is up:


Lauren Giddings and the man whose heart she won

David S. Vandiver, an athletic man in his late 40s, spent the last Sunday in June in Southern California honing his golf game at an instructional school near Palm Springs.

He remembers because, nearly six months later, he remembers most everything about that trip in excruciating detail. ...

...At a stoplight, he scrolled through his iPhone’s e-mail inbox. He noticed a message from his girlfriend, Lauren Giddings, back home in Georgia. ...

read more at:
The story is up:


Lauren Giddings and the man whose heart she won

David S. Vandiver, an athletic man in his late 40s, spent the last Sunday in June in Southern California honing his golf game at an instructional school near Palm Springs.

He remembers because, nearly six months later, he remembers most everything about that trip in excruciating detail. ...

...At a stoplight, he scrolled through his iPhone’s e-mail inbox. He noticed a message from his girlfriend, Lauren Giddings, back home in Georgia. ...

read more at:

Thanks Backwoods for posting this link.

Information we can add to our knowledge of this case:
1. boyfriend's alibi has been verified by police
2. email had been sent and wasn't just sitting on the computer--sent to boyfriend
3. email may contain incriminating evidence
4. Lauren thought SM an "antisocial creep"
5. jewelry is missing or in possession of LE
6. Lauren had no friendship with SM according to boyfriend
7. both Atlanta and Macon friends searched for Lauren--SM joined in after having suddenly become social
From Part 1 of the new Telegraph/ story:


Vandiver last saw Giddings at his house in Atlanta on the Wednesday before she vanished.

She was on her way to Macon, driving back from her sister Kaitlyn’s wedding in Maryland. Vandiver had also attended the nuptials, but he flew home.

She stopped in Atlanta and spent the night at his place on Tuesday.
Her plans were to go to Macon the next day to study for the bar, get ready to pack and have something of a “last fling” with her friends, Vandiver says.

at link:

Whoa -- I knew Lauren had not been back from Maryland (from attending her sister's wedding) for long before she disappeared, but I was thinking a week or so. But this is saying she didn't get back to Macon until the Wednesday before the last time she was seen on Saturday ...!

I expect some of you did realize this was the timeline, but I just didn't -- a real surprise to me.
Thanks, bessie. I remembered we studied and studied on this at different points, but somehow that we finally got it boiled down to this conclusion was escaping my memory. (It amazes me how some details of these many threads I can "see" on the "page" in my memory, and other things just slip away ...! But 12 threads over approx. 6 mos. is a lot and a long time...)

With that cleared up, though -- still wondering: How will SM plead on Monday?
I know exactly what you mean. Some posts are imprinted on my brain. I can see them in my head, too. Other issues, I recall the conclusion, but the journey there is vague.

Regarding the article, I have new questions. Were the diamond bracelet and necklace the only valuables missing? Is it possible Lauren was wearing the bracelet and necklace Saturday night? Was she wearing them the night before when she went out with friends? Was it the kind of jewelry you might wear all of the time, like a simple chain and small pendant? If she wasn't wearing them, and nothing else is missing, then I want to know why they were taken. If he were trying to stage a break-in, there would have been other signs left around the apartment. Did he know the jewelry was given to her by her bf? The stolen jewelry could signify that McD was enraged by jealousy and rejection. I'm haunted by one of his posts where he said that he didn't have pictures of a gf in his apartment because he didn't have a gf. He ended with, "I just made myself very sad."
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I had hoped another question might be answered with regard to the e-mail. Did the mention of the hoodlums come at the end? Or was it sandwiched in the middle? I'd love a chance to figure out if Lauren wrote it herself.
respectfully snipped
Whoa -- I knew Lauren had not been back from Maryland (from attending her sister's wedding) for long before she disappeared, but I was thinking a week or so. But this is saying she didn't get back to Macon until the Wednesday before the last time she was seen on Saturday ...!

I expect some of you did realize this was the timeline, but I just didn't -- a real surprise to me.
I knew the wedding was the previous weekend. Not sure I knew which day she went home. Why the "whoa"?
I know exactly what you mean. Some posts are imprinted on my brain. I can see them in my head, too. Other issues, I recall the conclusion, but the journey there is vague.

Regarding the article, I have new questions. Were the diamond bracelet and necklace the only valuables missing? Is it possible Lauren was wearing the bracelet and necklace Saturday night? Was she wearing them the night before when she went out with friends? Was it the kind of jewelry you might wear all of the time, like a simple chain and small pendant? If she wasn't wearing them, and nothing else is missing, then I want to know why they were taken. If he were trying to stage a break-in, there would have been other signs left around the apartment. Did he know the jewelry was given to her by her bf? The stolen jewelry could signify that McD was enraged by jealousy and rejection. I'm haunted by one of his posts where he said that he didn't have pictures of a gf in his apartment because he didn't have a gf. He ended with, "I just made myself very sad." (I'm not going to post a link because we're not supposed to discuss this topic up here. I'll post it downstairs later. By now anyone who is interested knows how to find his posts, and I don't see a problem with alluding to them now and then.)

I had hoped another question might be answered with regard to the e-mail. Did the mention of the hoodlums come at the end? Or was it sandwiched in the middle? I'd love a chance to figure out if Lauren wrote it herself.

Yes, yes -- the jewelry opens up a whole slew of new questions, doesn't it?

We'd wondered in passing before, I remember, whether she might have had jewelry she customarily wore and, if so, whether it might be missing. And it turns out that way...

bbm: bessie, if you look at the picture with the article, the caption says Lauren is wearing the necklace. From what I can tell, it is pretty much as you describe a piece that could be worn often -- nothing really ostentatious.

And, like you, I am wondering if they can pinpoint when someone last remembers seeing her wear either of the pieces. Maybe even during some of the sister's wedding activities, if not later ... maybe there would be pictures from the wedding (or surrounding events) with her wearing one or the other or both.

ETA: I'm thinking in one article (not this one) it was said that the "hoodlums" thing came near the end -- I'll see if I can hunt it up ('cause I'm not sure -- maybe I dreamed that!) ... later ETA: Well, can't find it, so maybe I DID dream it ...if I run across any statement like that later, I'll post anew.
Ah! I missed that. Thanks, Backwoods. Yes, that does look like a necklace she might've worn all the time, which would explain why it's missing. I still wonder if he disposed of it with her clothes, or if like her bf suggests, stashed it away as a keepsake. Ugh!
Thanks, bessie. I remembered we studied and studied on this at different points, but somehow that we finally got it boiled down to this conclusion was escaping my memory. (It amazes me how some details of these many threads I can "see" on the "page" in my memory, and other things just slip away ...! But 12 threads over approx. 6 mos. is a lot and a long time...)

With that cleared up, though -- still wondering: How will SM plead on Monday?
I lean toward a guilty plea. On the one hand, I think he'll be loathe to admit he possessed the cp, so he'll plead not guilty. But if he goes to trial, all the details will come out which could be worse.
respectfully snipped

I knew the wedding was the previous weekend. Not sure I knew which day she went home. Why the "whoa"?

Just my surprise -- I'd been thinking the interval was a little longer, so it sort of took me aback. Just one of those moments when it hits what a whirlwind from happy times to tragedy this was, you know?
December 11, 2011

Lauren Giddings and the Man Whose Heart She Won

David S. Vandiver, an athletic man in his late 40s, spent the last Sunday in June in Southern California honing his golf game at an instructional school near Palm Springs.

He remembers because, nearly six months later, he remembers most everything about that trip in excruciating detail.

Part II
It Was Just Like Her: Unmissable

A close friend from her days at Agnes Scott College and, later, at the law firm where they interned, thinks she favored pink because of the way she embodied its beam.

“It was just like her. Unmissable,” that close friend recalls in an e-mail.

“Unapologetic in its simultaneous innocence and boldness, and certain to draw a smile and start a conversation. If there are two things of this world that sum (her) up they are champagne and the color pink -- they are sweet, life-affirming and cause for celebration.
First of all, this article just makes me terribly sad. I'm sure that the more personal glimpses we get, the more heartbreaking it will be. And with that information, the tragedy will seem that much more.

I agree with others above - the missing jewelry is an interesting piece. If that was evidence the police have, that would be it for McD. However, with most of her remains still missing, that seems unlikely. The idea of a keepsake is sickening, but since so little evidence that we are aware of, I am guessing the jewelry is long gone. It was probably something she wore everyday - maybe even if running. It was probably dear to her because it was a special gift.

I hope part 2 goes into more of what Lauren thought of McD. It seems to me, from the info we've been given, that he was definitely jealous of her.

I will add this - just a tiny oddity I got from the article. Did anyone feel it weird that they hadn't spoken in more than a few days and it took him that long to become concerned? My heart breaks for him, but something about that just seems a little weird to me. Maybe it always has - the fact that from Sunday to Wednesday, no red flags were raised while she was missing.
Ah! I missed that. Thanks, Backwoods. Yes, that does look like a necklace she might've worn all the time, which would explain why it's missing. I still wonder if he disposed of it with her clothes, or if like her bf suggests, stashed it away as a keepsake. Ugh!

Thanks for that article, Backwoods.
The missing jewelry opens up whole new possibilities for searching for Lauren's remains- if the jewelery was not seized by LE from his apartment.

If LE seized it during a search, it would have to be logged somewhere. I wonder if we can find that info?
First of all, this article just makes me terribly sad. I'm sure that the more personal glimpses we get, the more heartbreaking it will be. And with that information, the tragedy will seem that much more.

I agree with others above - the missing jewelry is an interesting piece. If that was evidence the police have, that would be it for McD. However, with most of her remains still missing, that seems unlikely. The idea of a keepsake is sickening, but since so little evidence that we are aware of, I am guessing the jewelry is long gone. It was probably something she wore everyday - maybe even if running. It was probably dear to her because it was a special gift.

I hope part 2 goes into more of what Lauren thought of McD. It seems to me, from the info we've been given, that he was definitely jealous of her.

I will add this - just a tiny oddity I got from the article. Did anyone feel it weird that they hadn't spoken in more than a few days and it took him that long to become concerned? My heart breaks for him, but something about that just seems a little weird to me. Maybe it always has - the fact that from Sunday to Wednesday, no red flags were raised while she was missing.
Bingo Southern Kate, that was the thing that really hit me , I find it odd they hadn't spoken, and even more odd that Joe said That wasn't unusual. That is kind of sad for a couple that a) is apart b) about to move in together and c) in love . In this day and age of e mail , text messages, etc,and they were both on Facebook, you would expect some type of daily interaction. Maybe if there were, and he missing been reported earlier , McD could have been caught red handed . As it stands now, this guy could conceivably get off , and that is truly a sad thought.
Bingo Southern Kate, that was the thing that really hit me , I find it odd they hadn't spoken, and even more odd that Joe said That wasn't unusual. That is kind of sad for a couple that a) is apart b) about to move in together and c) in love . In this day and age of e mail , text messages, etc,and they were both on Facebook, you would expect some type of daily interaction. Maybe if there were, and he missing been reported earlier , McD could have been caught red handed . As it stands now, this guy could conceivably get off , and that is truly a sad thought.
I don't think he'll get away with it, Agent Frank, but if he does, it's not the bf's fault. It seems a little odd to me that they would normally go so long without some kind of contact, but it's the norm for some couples. I was surprised to find out that he had not read the e-mail until he learned LG was missing. Whatever she wrote in the beginning must've really ticked him off at the time. I imagine he's wrestling with a lot guilt now, and I feel very sorry for him.
First of all, this article just makes me terribly sad. I'm sure that the more personal glimpses we get, the more heartbreaking it will be. And with that information, the tragedy will seem that much more.

I agree with others above - the missing jewelry is an interesting piece. If that was evidence the police have, that would be it for McD. However, with most of her remains still missing, that seems unlikely. The idea of a keepsake is sickening, but since so little evidence that we are aware of, I am guessing the jewelry is long gone. It was probably something she wore everyday - maybe even if running. It was probably dear to her because it was a special gift.

I hope part 2 goes into more of what Lauren thought of McD. It seems to me, from the info we've been given, that he was definitely jealous of her.

I will add this - just a tiny oddity I got from the article. Did anyone feel it weird that they hadn't spoken in more than a few days and it took him that long to become concerned? My heart breaks for him, but something about that just seems a little weird to me. Maybe it always has - the fact that from Sunday to Wednesday, no red flags were raised while she was missing.

Yes, I agree, and I find it strange that he did not read the entire email until days later, apparently.

I'm with you -- a weird thing about this case (I've always thought so) is that, with all of her devoted friends and family, Lauren's absence wasn't caught on to sooner -- especially during a few days when, as DV apparently said (per this article), she planned to have a last fling with friends. Oh, I see how it could happen -- sadly -- but it has always been odd to me. In no way "blaming" anybody here, just saying -- I bet this is one of those things that people close to Lauren have gone over and over in their minds, perhaps with a feeling of guilt -- again, not that there should be guilt, but that is just the way grief works...
Thanks for that article, Backwoods.
The missing jewelry opens up whole new possibilities for searching for Lauren's remains- if the jewelery was not seized by LE from his apartment.

If LE seized it during a search, it would have to be logged somewhere. I wonder if we can find that info?

I was wondering when I first read it if the new info on the jewelry might not "fit" somehow into your quest, Oriah!

I know that SM's mom indicated in one Telegraph article that she knew something of what was seized (either from documents given her or SM or their family per protocol or left behind unintentionally).
I don't find the level of contact between Lauren and David odd. IIRC, they have been together for four years or more? They met and started dating during her internship at K&S. IMO, their relationship was that of two very busy, independent people. The number of times they communicated in a week would have no bearing on their commitment to each other.

The email and when it was sent, has always been for me the most relevant marker in a timeline of that night. There were no calls or text messages, no communication from Lauren to anyone after that point. David seems to feel there is a possibility that Lauren was interrupted while writing that email. Many seem to feel that one sentence "Macon hoodlums tried to break into my apartment" is odd. The fact that McD repeated that sentence verbatim on camera, makes me feel he remembered it because he wrote it. One of those things we probably will never know the answer to.

The jewelery is very interesting. Did he stash it as a trophy or is it with her remains? But what about her underwear which was rumored to have been found in his apartment? Was it taken during one of his creepy crawler missions (condoms).

Backwoods, as you pointed out, the time line is very interesting. Lauren was gone for 3 weeks for her sister's wedding festivities, IIRC? She returned home Wednesday and was killed Saturday night? Is that correct? I need to look back and see if that is correct. McD would have had very little contact with Lauren in the period leading up to her death. IMO, that points to obsession and premeditation on his part.

No doubt in my mind he is guilty or that he will be convicted. My thoughts are with Lauren's family and friends, this is going to be a long journey for them.
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