GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 2

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Regarding the condoms issue:
I was told by a source via email whose other tips have later been verified by the media that McDaniel at some point said he was a virgin which prompted the discussion about the condoms in his apartment, at which point he said he stole them and went into great detail about where his neighbors kept their condoms.
Re: theft of condoms

The initial searches that were done on the property of Barristers Halls were consensual searches on apts given by the resident..

It's my understanding that this is when the condoms and the skeleton key were found.. Any/all searches that have occurred after this initial consensual search of McD's have been thru a search warrant..

Specifically about the condoms that were found.. Personally the only way that makes sense to Me as to how the condoms were even noticed, much less found to be stolen property.. Is if these condoms were some how labeled or displayed.. No one is claiming or stating that this is a fact.. Nothing of the sort.. But rather for many it is the only logical conclusion that many of us can come to.. It just does not add up or lead to the condoms being known or confessed to as stolen property with other scenarios..

For example, one such scenario that's been posted is that during McD's interview it came up that he was a virgin and therefor when searching his apt and finding 2 condoms that led LE' to question why McD had them if he was a virgin and not sexually active.. Thus led to him blurting out they were stolen.. IMO no way!! First off if this scenario is what happened and after finding condoms they ask McD why have them if your a virgin and not sexually active.. His blurting out they were stolen doesn't even fit or make sense.. He blurts out his commission of a crime and yet it still doesn't answer the question of why if he's not sexually active does he have them?? That question is still not answered.. By his confessing to the crime only tells where they came from, still doesn't answer why? *

So, I just cannot make any scenario like the example ^above^ fit in any way whatsoever.. It doesn't add up.. It's not as if there were police reports of these burglaries that had these exact condoms listed as the stolen property and that LE upon seeing them McD's apt recognized them as similar to what was listed as stolen from other apts in the complex.. That's not the case.. Infact after McD confessed to having stolen a
Condom from 2 different apts LE were tracking down these 2 former tenants to corroborate that at the date of the burglary they even had in their possessions these exact type condoms..

So, there had to have been something about these 2 condoms that easily stood out, whether it be they were somehow labeled, or displayed in a specific manner that would draw attention to them and make them suspect in some way for LE to then question McD about that then led to his confessing to what I'm sure he was under the impression of it being so very extremely minor.. So much so that I'd bet he never in his wildest dreams thought for a moment that it would lead to his being incarcerated for now 3 weeks.. He'd never have thought that..IMO he thought that he'd willingly confess to this as a way of showing LE just how honest that he was being with them.. Which as many of us know is commonly done by a criminal to give this false sense of being totally and completely honest and forthcoming..

Just some of my thoughts and opinions on some of the topics of discussion..
It's a matter of money/business for her and I see her point, but publicly stating that is in poor taste given the circumstances. Moo, Oink and Baaa.

IMO she just likes being on camera. I never saw the video aired, but she attended the Memorial in Macon and then let Lauren Disporito interview her on the front steps of the church. People left at that point because it sickened them. Her words to me have always been about monies in the midst of this tragedy and lady, the POI in this case had a skeleton key to your apt complex. What does she have to say about that???

Sorry I am a little frustrated with Ms Bush.
Yes, wondergirl, that too is my question.. In GA what is the amount of days in order to be able to release the SWs and their subpoenas thru the FOIA?
Re: theft of condoms

The initial searches that were done on the property of Barristers Halls were consensual searches on apts given by the resident..

It's my understanding that this is when the condoms and the skeleton key were found.. Any/all searches that have occurred after this initial consensual search of McD's have been thru a search warrant..

Specifically about the condoms that were found.. Personally the only way that makes sense to Me as to how the condoms were even noticed, much less found to be stolen property.. Is if these condoms were some how labeled or displayed.. No one is claiming or stating that this is a fact.. Nothing of the sort.. But rather for many it is the only logical conclusion that many of us can come to.. It just does not add up or lead to the condoms being known or confessed to as stolen property with other scenarios..

For example, one such scenario that's been posted is that during McD's interview it came up that he was a virgin and therefor when searching his apt and finding 2 condoms that led LE' to question why McD had them if he was a virgin and not sexually active.. Thus led to him blurting out they were stolen.. IMO no way!! First off if this scenario is what happened and after finding condoms they ask McD why have them if your a virgin and not sexually active.. His blurting out they were stolen doesn't even fit or make sense.. He blurts out his commission of a crime and yet it still doesn't answer the question of why if he's not sexually active does he have them?? That question is still not answered.. By his confessing to the crime only tells where they came from, still doesn't answer why? *

So, I just cannot make any scenario like the example ^above^ fit in any way whatsoever.. It doesn't add up.. It's not as if there were police reports of these burglaries that had these exact condoms listed as the stolen property and that LE upon seeing them McD's apt recognized them as similar to what was listed as stolen from other apts in the complex.. That's not the case.. Infact after McD confessed to having stolen a
Condom from 2 different apts LE were tracking down these 2 former tenants to corroborate that at the date of the burglary they even had in their possessions these exact type condoms..

So, there had to have been something about these 2 condoms that easily stood out, whether it be they were somehow labeled, or displayed in a specific manner that would draw attention to them and make them suspect in some way for LE to then question McD about that then led to his confessing to what I'm sure he was under the impression of it being so very extremely minor.. So much so that I'd bet he never in his wildest dreams thought for a moment that it would lead to his being incarcerated for now 3 weeks.. He'd never have thought that..IMO he thought that he'd willingly confess to this as a way of showing LE just how honest that he was being with them.. Which as many of us know is commonly done by a criminal to give this false sense of being totally and completely honest and forthcoming..

Just some of my thoughts and opinions on some of the topics of discussion..

Well the condoms at least had to be out in plain sight, so that LE could see them, and then ask him why do you have those if you are not sexually active...and I agree that he thought he would impress them with his honesty about the condoms, and then get away with his dishonesty concerning Lauren. JMO
I have wondered if SM said, "I'm a virgin" or "I've never had sex with a woman." Maybe the condoms were not there for any potential sex with a woman. He denied having any relationships with women to his mother, reportedly. I have to consider he may be gay and not come out with that yet. It could be a religious reason, or worry over how his family would react, or whatever reason. I think coming out now would not benefit him, especially if he had not had a relationship with a male at this time. It is food for thought. It could explain the condoms that he had in his apartment.

I can also see how upon discovering the condoms, which may have been 2 different brands, may have prompted questioning about his relationships. That, in combination with the pass key, may have gotten him to blurt out he took them from other people in the complex. Without hearing the recordings of the interrogation, we don't know how it was phrased. We are simply guessing. This guess is as good as any other.
IMO she just likes being on camera. I never saw the video aired, but she attended the Memorial in Macon and then let Lauren Disporito interview her on the front steps of the church. People left at that point because it sickened them. Her words to me have always been about monies in the midst of this tragedy and lady, the POI in this case had a skeleton key to your apt complex. What does she have to say about that???

Sorry I am a little frustrated with Ms Bush.

I get what you are saying justiceforlauren ...

"You know it would be nice to have some time to grieve instead of having to be involved in the horror of the investigation,but I'll get my time, I will. I mean Lauren and I knew each other, she wasn't a business person [as a tenant], she was my friend," says Boni Bush, owner of the apartment complex.

Boni says she and Lauren would walk their dogs together and she is not only dealing with the emotional toll of the death, but also the responsibilities of the complex. Boni says she expects that either she or a Macon Police investigator who showed an interest in the complex, will be living in Lauren's apartment for the next year seeing as how other tenants have concerns.
I have wondered if SM said, "I'm a virgin" or "I've never had sex with a woman." Maybe the condoms were not there for any potential sex with a woman. He denied having any relationships with women to his mother, reportedly. I have to consider he may be gay and not come out with that yet. It could be a religious reason, or worry over how his family would react, or whatever reason. I think coming out now would not benefit him, especially if he had not had a relationship with a male at this time. It is food for thought. It could explain the condoms that he had in his apartment.

I can also see how upon discovering the condoms, which may have been 2 different brands, may have prompted questioning about his relationships. That, in combination with the pass key, may have gotten him to blurt out he took them from other people in the complex. Without hearing the recordings of the interrogation, we don't know how it was phrased. We are simply guessing. This guess is as good as any other.

I agree! I think that he has some kind of sexual issues, whether they are just religous based, or he hasn't come to terms with his sexual preferences or whatever, and certainly I am just speculating.
Have any handles or social media profiles been located for SM?
Not that I'm aware of wondergirl.. Speaking of handles or social media sites tied to McD.. I know it's been discussed and we found several of Laurens and even a blog for McD's dad but as far as I know nothing for McD..

Which I do find odd for this day and age and ESpecially given that McD was a big video game lover.. I know there are tons of social media sites geared toward any type gaming you can imagine.. IMO it is a bit strange that he's not been found to be a user on anything, anywhere...
From the video interview with SM, he says that Lauren's friend had to plug in the phone and charge it, to determine when the last call was (he says Saturday night).

I wonder what time Lauren's phone started pinging the cell tower closest to her apartment, and if that correlates to what has been released so far?

I wonder what Lauren's cell phone habits are, if she was the type to always put her phone in the same spot, always charge it upon coming home, have it die on her all the time?
Not that I'm aware of wondergirl.. Speaking of handles or social media sites tied to McD.. I know it's been discussed and we found several of Laurens and even a blog for McD's dad but as far as I know nothing for McD..

Which I do find odd for this day and age and ESpecially given that McD was a big video game lover.. I know there are tons of social media sites geared toward any type gaming you can imagine.. IMO it is a bit strange that he's not been found to be a user on anything, anywhere...

Thanks, SO.

Actually, I found some gaming sites using for his name early on, but, that was before it was announced he was a gamer. Might be worth a 2nd look.
Thanks, SO.

Actually, I found some gaming sites using for his name early on, but, that was before it was announced he was a gamer. Might be worth a 2nd look.

I saw those too, ran them down and it's a guy in Cali-
Speaking again of the mysterious email that was sent from Lauren's laptop at 10:30pm Saturday, the 25th..

I realize that we have alot of info regarding the email and at the same time we have very little info about the email.. We have alot of info about the email from McD's lengthy and detailed acct that he gives on camera.. But we have little to nothing else as far as information about this email from or
Through anyone else.. I believe very early on the same friend that sent and left msgs for Lauren about their upcoming camping trip.. He too is the only other person that comes to mind as having publicly spoke about the email.. IIRC it was very general speaking about it only saying he was told it was sent to a male friend in Atlanta.. He spoke IMO as someone who had only heard anything about the email possibly by third or fourth person hearsay(but that's jmo)..

So, again what we do know about the email for the most part is what we were told per McD.. When he is asked to whom the email was sent, his reply is that he can't recall, doesn't know the name or the person.. Only knows that the guy lives in Atlanta..
He doesn't elaborate any further on who this recipient was..

I know that I have read in a couple of different posts that some are of the belief that the recipient is known and that it's known that Lauren's lawyer boyfriend from Atlanta is who was the recipient..*

If any have read my long and lengthy post regarding this email it's clear that MOO is that the email recipient IS NOT LAUREN's BOYFRIEND IN ATLANTA, or any other male living in Atlanta.. But rather that IMO I feel it's quite possible that the recipient does infact not even exist, nor did that matter given the emails exact motive of being discovered and read as an outgoing msg from Lauren's outbox of her email acct on her personal laptop.. I still believe that to be entirely possible and close to what or how the actual email and its discovery transpired..

My question is to those that believe that Lauren's boyfriend was the recipient of the email in question.. Would you mind sharing where this particular information was received
Or found?.. I am only attempting to either firm up certain parts of a theory or debunk and discount those parts of a particular theory.. There are many aspects that unfortunately cannot be ruled either way(to confirm or to discount/debunk) but I believe atleast certain aspects such as this can be.. I personally have not read or come across any information that stated that Lauren's boyfriend was the recipient of the email.. Tho, I fully realize that doesn't mean that info does not exist.. Thus my question to those of you who believe the boyfriend to have been the recipient of the email, could you please point me in the direction of the information that led you to this particular conclusion??

I would greatly appreciate it, as I said there is so little that we can confirm or deny.. But this is one aspect that for certain can be put to rest as true or untrue..

Re: theft of condoms

The initial searches that were done on the property of Barristers Halls were consensual searches on apts given by the resident..

It's my understanding that this is when the condoms and the skeleton key were found.. Any/all searches that have occurred after this initial consensual search of McD's have been thru a search warrant..

Specifically about the condoms that were found.. Personally the only way that makes sense to Me as to how the condoms were even noticed, much less found to be stolen property.. Is if these condoms were some how labeled or displayed.. No one is claiming or stating that this is a fact.. Nothing of the sort.. But rather for many it is the only logical conclusion that many of us can come to.. It just does not add up or lead to the condoms being known or confessed to as stolen property with other scenarios..

For example, one such scenario that's been posted is that during McD's interview it came up that he was a virgin and therefor when searching his apt and finding 2 condoms that led LE' to question why McD had them if he was a virgin and not sexually active.. Thus led to him blurting out they were stolen.. IMO no way!! First off if this scenario is what happened and after finding condoms they ask McD why have them if your a virgin and not sexually active.. His blurting out they were stolen doesn't even fit or make sense.. He blurts out his commission of a crime and yet it still doesn't answer the question of why if he's not sexually active does he have them?? That question is still not answered.. By his confessing to the crime only tells where they came from, still doesn't answer why? *

So, I just cannot make any scenario like the example ^above^ fit in any way whatsoever.. It doesn't add up.. It's not as if there were police reports of these burglaries that had these exact condoms listed as the stolen property and that LE upon seeing them McD's apt recognized them as similar to what was listed as stolen from other apts in the complex.. That's not the case.. Infact after McD confessed to having stolen a
Condom from 2 different apts LE were tracking down these 2 former tenants to corroborate that at the date of the burglary they even had in their possessions these exact type condoms..

So, there had to have been something about these 2 condoms that easily stood out, whether it be they were somehow labeled, or displayed in a specific manner that would draw attention to them and make them suspect in some way for LE to then question McD about that then led to his confessing to what I'm sure he was under the impression of it being so very extremely minor.. So much so that I'd bet he never in his wildest dreams thought for a moment that it would lead to his being incarcerated for now 3 weeks.. He'd never have thought that..IMO he thought that he'd willingly confess to this as a way of showing LE just how honest that he was being with them.. Which as many of us know is commonly done by a criminal to give this false sense of being totally and completely honest and forthcoming..

Just some of my thoughts and opinions on some of the topics of discussion..

I actually agree that it makes no sense that McD would reveal he was a virgin then say those condoms were stolen when asked, since he could have just said "Well I'm a virgin right now but hopefully that will change at some point so I uh, got those condoms..." but like I said, the person who told me this information has been very reliable with all other information, in fact it was he who told me a while before it came out in the media that the stolen items were condoms.
But I always felt like whatever non-valuable item McD had would only have been noticeable if compulsively labeled or arranged in some way. The fact that the source also told me McD raised eyebrows by describing in too much detail, seemingly with relish, exactly where his neighbors kept their condoms is congruent with the kind of personality who would be obsessive compulsive in how he stores whatever "trophies" he had taken. I agree also that confessing to the thefts was his way of trying to show he wasn't a liar, and he may have tried to minimize it in his explanation as well.
Speaking again of the mysterious email that was sent from Lauren's laptop at 10:30pm Saturday, the 25th..

I realize that we have alot of info regarding the email and at the same time we have very little info about the email.. We have alot of info about the email from McD's lengthy and detailed acct that he gives on camera.. But we have little to nothing else as far as information about this email from or
Through anyone else.. I believe very early on the same friend that sent and left msgs for Lauren about their upcoming camping trip.. He too is the only other person that comes to mind as having publicly spoke about the email.. IIRC it was very general speaking about it only saying he was told it was sent to a male friend in Atlanta.. He spoke IMO as someone who had only heard anything about the email possibly by third or fourth person hearsay(but that's jmo)..

So, again what we do know about the email for the most part is what we were told per McD.. When he is asked to whom the email was sent, his reply is that he can't recall, doesn't know the name or the person.. Only knows that the guy lives in Atlanta..
He doesn't elaborate any further on who this recipient was..

I know that I have read in a couple of different posts that some are of the belief that the recipient is known and that it's known that Lauren's lawyer boyfriend from Atlanta is who was the recipient..*

If any have read my long and lengthy post regarding this email it's clear that MOO is that the email recipient IS NOT LAUREN's BOYFRIEND IN ATLANTA, or any other male living in Atlanta.. But rather that IMO I feel it's quite possible that the recipient does infact not even exist, nor did that matter given the emails exact motive of being discovered and read as an outgoing msg from Lauren's outbox of her email acct on her personal laptop.. I still believe that to be entirely possible and close to what or how the actual email and its discovery transpired..

My question is to those that believe that Lauren's boyfriend was the recipient of the email in question.. Would you mind sharing where this particular information was received
Or found?.. I am only attempting to either firm up certain parts of a theory or debunk and discount those parts of a particular theory.. There are many aspects that unfortunately cannot be ruled either way(to confirm or to discount/debunk) but I believe atleast certain aspects such as this can be.. I personally have not read or come across any information that stated that Lauren's boyfriend was the recipient of the email.. Tho, I fully realize that doesn't mean that info does not exist.. Thus my question to those of you who believe the boyfriend to have been the recipient of the email, could you please point me in the direction of the information that led you to this particular conclusion??

I would greatly appreciate it, as I said there is so little that we can confirm or deny.. But this is one aspect that for certain can be put to rest as true or untrue..

They also found an email she had sent her boyfriend, an Atlanta lawyer, saying she feared someone had tried to break into her apartment the week before, said police spokeswoman Jami Gaudet.
Regarding the condoms issue:
I was told by a source via email whose other tips have later been verified by the media that McDaniel at some point said he was a virgin which prompted the discussion about the condoms in his apartment, at which point he said he stole them and went into great detail about where his neighbors kept their condoms.
That sounds a lot like the scenario I posted last week.
Not that I'm aware of wondergirl.. Speaking of handles or social media sites tied to McD.. I know it's been discussed and we found several of Laurens and even a blog for McD's dad but as far as I know nothing for McD..

Which I do find odd for this day and age and ESpecially given that McD was a big video game lover.. I know there are tons of social media sites geared toward any type gaming you can imagine.. IMO it is a bit strange that he's not been found to be a user on anything, anywhere...

I know of someone with some bizarre [yet harmless in his case] sexual fixations who is constantly online but virtually untraceable because he knows his way around a computer and doesn't want his name connected with his online activities.
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