GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 5

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I don't know much more about plumbing than "Hot to the left, Cold to the right, and Sh.. don't run uphill" so I'm only speaking of things I have heard from apartment dwellers I have known.

Some have had their tubs, sinks, and showers begin to fill up from the drain because of something from an apartment above them. Too much water being drained from above or something. Maybe that is why LE removed drains from several other apartments.
"A funeral for Lauren Giddings, the North Laurel 27-year-old who was killed in Georgia a month ago shortly after graduating from law school there, has been set for Aug. 6. ...
Meanwhile, Macon police continue to search for the rest of Giddings' body. So far, only her torso has been discovered.
For Wheeler and her family, the search remains critically important."


Found this info a little earlier on another site but hesitated to post as I wasn't sure if the site was allowable. This one looks good though -- I think?

I thought the info about only the torso being found, if correct, could answer some questions we have been raising. Also, this is interesting in regard to what someone proposed toward the end of thread #4, that, if SM is the perp, a deal might be struck for a confession and location of body parts.
I do hope they find the rest of her. Her family deserves to have closure. Whether the perp is SM or some other person, I truly do hope and pray they have all the evidence they need, and they can dot the i's and cross the t's to punish this person completely. No one should ever lose a child, especially this way. I do want justice for Lauren.
The photos of Lauren's apartment post-investigation are so incredibly sad, with the smears of finger print dust appearing in wisps all over the walls near the windows and doors like the clawing of a desperate ghost...

I pray they figure out who did this to her and have ample evidence to convict. No one has the right to arbitrarily maim so many lives with such brutality. My thoughts are with her family, my thoughts are with Lauren.
Thank you to PsychoMom for helping me with moving my question from one thread to another. I'm still learning how to navigate things here.
Thank you to PsychoMom for helping me with moving my question from one thread to another. I'm still learning how to navigate things here.

Me, too! :coffeecup:
The photos of Lauren's apartment post-investigation are so incredibly sad, with the smears of finger print dust appearing in wisps all over the walls near the windows and doors like the clawing of a desperate ghost...

I pray they figure out who did this to her and have ample evidence to convict. No one has the right to arbitrarily maim so many lives with such brutality. My thoughts are with her family, my thoughts are with Lauren.

I agree Angelanalyzes. She was a beautiful girl and appears to have had a beautiful heart. I'm sure it was heartbreaking for her family to see those photos of her apartment in the paper. I have lost a child, but I can't imagine the pain of losing one in this manner.

I too hope they find forensic evidence to convict whoever did this horrible deed. Macon needs answers. I feel for the law students and their concerned parents also. If it was SM there will be two heart broken families.
In the pictures of Lauren's apartment, the contrast between that cheerful yellow paint and the black-gray of the fingerprint dusting powder was stark. Almost like a black-gray personality destroying a cheery sunny personality. I sometimes find that it is the oddest things that make an impact on me. I would think the apartment owner would know that there are businesses that provide crime scene cleaning services. We even have one in my small rural area. From what I get from her interviews, she is doing some of it herself.
I have a feeling that when the arrest is made(and it will be made)that there will be ppl who still are not satisfied and demand MORE!

We will not get "facts" certainly not anywhere near the majority of them.. They are kept quiet and saved for the place and time where they have been collected for.. The trial in a court of law.. This is not a trial, this is not a court of law and we will not be privy to what is held for a purpose until the trial in a court of law..

This LE has not shown one iota of incompetence or unprofessional behavior(yet they have been bashed).. This LE along with the DA are soon going to make an arrest.. An arrest of the person whom the evidence collected points to..

That is the facts here.. Whether ppl like it or not, that is the facts here and there is NOTHING whatsoever, that is indicative that anything but a professional and thorough investigation has taken place(and a tight lipped one at that) and that the person arrested will be the person that is responsible for Lauren's heinous murder..

There is no conspiracy going on here, there is no frame job being done with McDaniel as the fall guy!! The FBI has been involved from day 1, so for anyone to believe that McDaniel is being set up to be a fall guy and intentionally manipulating the investigation in his direction, IT IS NOT HAPPENING!! the FBI has had a hand in this since day one so regardless is Burns had even attempted to NOT do a thorough investigation, he had the GBI and FBI there as well seeing his every move.. This needs to be thought on long and hard because mark my words there is going to be an arrest sooner rather than later and I fully recognize some still will not be satisfied and have issues.. Think long and hard because there is nothing going on here that is nefarious in any way with this investigation, nor in any way negligent.. It has been run throughout with a great deal of integrity and there making damn sure they get the right man that brutally snuffed out this beautifully intelligent woman with her entire life ahead of her.. Not some gang banger that's shot up while perpetrating a crime, but a totally innocent human being that was well on her way to be an absolute asset to our society!!! To better the world that you and I live in!!! That is who was brutally murdered and stolen from us, but most importantly stripped from the arms of those who love her!!.. That is who this LE, GBI, and FBI are working tirelessly 24/7 to get the right man, the murderer of Lauren Teresa Giddings!!! And that's exactly what we are going to see happen.. That time is coming quickly!!
Thank you to PsychoMom for helping me with moving my question from one thread to another. I'm still learning how to navigate things here.
It's not difficult, Pearl. Open the old thread in a separate tab (or window, if you're not using tabbed browsing), then copy and paste into your new post. You can wrap quote tags around it, but it's not necessary if you're copying your own post. You can also ask a mod to copy it over. I would've gladly done that for you, but I was at work when I started the new thread, so I was only online for a few minutes and didn't see your request. Anyway, I'm glad Psychomom was able to help you out.
In the pictures of Lauren's apartment, the contrast between that cheerful yellow paint and the black-gray of the fingerprint dusting powder was stark. Almost like a black-gray personality destroying a cheery sunny personality. I sometimes find that it is the oddest things that make an impact on me. I would think the apartment owner would know that there are businesses that provide crime scene cleaning services. We even have one in my small rural area. From what I get from her interviews, she is doing some of it herself.
I wonder if she has to return the damage deposits on the three vacated apartments. It occurred to me that might be the reason she made the ridiculous statement about McD's apartment not being very clean.
The statement was:

It didn't say "before she was missing." It said "during the time she was missing." While they may have been gone, the newspaper reported it as a direct quote from the landlord. Officially may not be the right word, but I meant not on a blog or someone's individual point of view. Something verifiable is what I meant. That verbalizes a big hole in a lot of theories. You can guess that it meant one thing, but it is stated as another.

As for them being named as POI, LE has not named many of them. And SM is not in jail for this crime at this point. If he is named as the main suspect, or even charged with this crime, this subject will haunt the prosecution if the body was in the refrigerator at all. By narrowing down the facts now, we will be ahead of the curve.

I am not trying to start WWIII. I am trying to nail down facts over rumors. At this point, we are stuck at rumor on where these residents were during the critical days before her body was discovered.

IF the resident (singular) had moved most of his stuff out a month prior, then never returned until after LG's body was found, then the statement would be accurate and make sense exactly as written ... was in the process of moving during the time that LG was missing. That's all I'm saying.

Having trouble understanding how you are interpreting the statement in today's article (or maybe it was yesterday) I quoted in post 12 (also mentioned by Knox): "Bush said the resident had left and carried off most of his stuff before Giddings was killed. But on the day he went back for a final clean out, he was so shaken by what may have transpired there ...". Emphasis mine. He left before she was killed, he came back after she was found.

I am not trying to be overly argumentative here either .... as you say it's important to distinguish between facts and rumors, and this is an important detail. I just don't think, based on the TWO statements we have seen here from BB about that apartment's resident, that one line of thought is any more rumor (or any less fact) than the other. That is, that the neighbor was gone the whole time Sunday to Thursday, versus that the neighbor was actively moving things in and out Sunday to Thursday.
I wonder if she has to return the damage deposits on the three vacated apartments. It occurred to me that might be the reason she made the ridiculous statement about McD's apartment not being very clean.

I would think she would have to return their damage deposits. I've never been involved in a lease myself, but some of my family members have. I think the wording in the standard lease was something like the deposit would be kept to fix anything damaged personally by the tenant. But you never know about some people. I know of a woman who has several rental apartments. She had a tendency to look for things so she could keep the deposits. She refused to return one girl's deposit because there was dust on the light bulbs in the ceiling fixtures. The lightbulbs not the light fixtures. I kid you not. This girl took her to court and won.
Wow. You should check out the Friends numbers for Lauren and her family's Facebook pages...
I have a feeling that when the arrest is made(and it will be made)that there will be ppl who still are not satisfied and demand MORE!

We will not get "facts" certainly not anywhere near the majority of them.. They are kept quiet and saved for the place and time where they have been collected for.. The trial in a court of law.. This is not a trial, this is not a court of law and we will not be privy to what is held for a purpose until the trial in a court of law..

This LE has not shown one iota of incompetence or unprofessional behavior(yet they have been bashed).. This LE along with the DA are soon going to make an arrest.. An arrest of the person whom the evidence collected points to..

That is the facts here.. Whether ppl like it or not, that is the facts here and there is NOTHING whatsoever, that is indicative that anything but a professional and thorough investigation has taken place(and a tight lipped one at that) and that the person arrested will be the person that is responsible for Lauren's heinous murder..

There is no conspiracy going on here, there is no frame job being done with McDaniel as the fall guy!! The FBI has been involved from day 1, so for anyone to believe that McDaniel is being set up to be a fall guy and intentionally manipulating the investigation in his direction, IT IS NOT HAPPENING!! the FBI has had a hand in this since day one so regardless is Burns had even attempted to NOT do a thorough investigation, he had the GBI and FBI there as well seeing his every move.. This needs to be thought on long and hard because mark my words there is going to be an arrest sooner rather than later and I fully recognize some still will not be satisfied and have issues.. Think long and hard because there is nothing going on here that is nefarious in any way with this investigation, nor in any way negligent.. It has been run throughout with a great deal of integrity and there making damn sure they get the right man that brutally snuffed out this beautifully intelligent woman with her entire life ahead of her.. Not some gang banger that's shot up while perpetrating a crime, but a totally innocent human being that was well on her way to be an absolute asset to our society!!! To better the world that you and I live in!!! That is who was brutally murdered and stolen from us, but most importantly stripped from the arms of those who love her!!.. That is who this LE, GBI, and FBI are working tirelessly 24/7 to get the right man, the murderer of Lauren Teresa Giddings!!! And that's exactly what we are going to see happen.. That time is coming quickly!!

Have we been reading the same posts? I haven't seen anyone accuse LE of anything nefarious or intentionally manipulating the investigation. I have seen posts questioning whether SM is the killer based on the info we have seen so far, including my own. In fact most posters have clearly stated that they want to see indisputable forensic evidence to enable a conviction regardless of who is charged.

As far as us getting facts. I think Macon deserves facts out in the open. There are parents with children at Mercer who have grave concerns about their safety. There is a reason FLA has the sunshine law. No one can say allowing the public to see the evidence prevented Casey Anthony from getting a fair trial.
P.A. ~ I understand you are incredibly upset by my question. <Modsnip>. I simply wanted clarification. You don't know the answer anymore than I do, <Modsnip> I would like to know. It's fine that you don't. I consider it a valid question. The answer may be he was gone, and it may be he was not. I am not picking on you. I simply wanted an accurate answer.

S.O. ~ Who has said anything about SM being framed? And who called LE incompetent? I missed that! I would be highly disappointed if they managed to convict him with no more evidence than what we have seen so far, but if they have more evidence, I am all for going after him with both barrels. I have never said SM is innocent. I know it has been mentioned as a consideration by some, but no one screamed his innocence from the rooftops. Several members would like to hear more evidence and find out some facts. <Modnsip> I am thoroughly aware we will not get them all, but I do expect a few more before they arrest someone.
I am confused on how this is antagonistic to expect more information before an arrest is made. Asking questions is a way of discovering new things. I think a lot of us do want more info.<Modsnip> I don't think any of us mean it that way. I know I don't. I ask questions to see what I might be missing. Not to tick anyone off. I learn a lot by reading other opinions. I have not claimed to know what happened, or who did it, or even who didn't do it. I am tossing out ideas for people to consider. And I am considering their ideas. If I have a question about their view, I ask. If I have information I think is useful, I provide it. If I need more info, I request it. No ill will behind any of it.

"A funeral for Lauren Giddings, the North Laurel 27-year-old who was killed in Georgia a month ago shortly after graduating from law school there, has been set for Aug. 6. ...
Meanwhile, Macon police continue to search for the rest of Giddings' body. So far, only her torso has been discovered.
For Wheeler and her family, the search remains critically important."


Found this info a little earlier on another site but hesitated to post as I wasn't sure if the site was allowable. This one looks good though -- I think?

I thought the info about only the torso being found, if correct, could answer some questions we have been raising. Also, this is interesting in regard to what someone proposed toward the end of thread #4, that, if SM is the perp, a deal might be struck for a confession and location of body parts.

This is so upsetting.

I truly thought LE had recovered the rest of Lauren's remains, and just never released the information.

How absolutely devastating. :(
P.A. ~ I understand you are incredibly upset by my question. <Modsnip> You don't know the answer anymore than I do, but you do not seem to want to know one way or the other, and that is perfectly okay for you. I would like to know. <Modsnip> I consider it a valid question. The answer may be he was gone, and it may be he was not. I am not picking on you. I simply wanted an accurate answer.

S.O. ~ Who has said anything about SM being framed? And who called LE incompetent? I missed that! I would be highly disappointed if they managed to convict him with no more evidence than what we have seen so far, but if they have more evidence, I am all for going after him with both barrels. I have never said SM is innocent. I know it has been mentioned as a consideration by some, but no one screamed his innocence from the rooftops. Several members would like to hear more evidence and find out some facts. <Modsnip> I am thoroughly aware we will not get them all, but I do expect a few more before they arrest someone.
I am confused on how this is antagonistic to expect more information before an arrest is made. Asking questions is a way of discovering new things. I think a lot of us do want more info. <Modnsip> I ask questions to see what I might be missing. Not to tick anyone off. I learn a lot by reading other opinions. I have not claimed to know what happened, or who did it, or even who didn't do it. I am tossing out ideas for people to consider. And I am considering their ideas. If I have a question about their view, I ask. If I have information I think is useful, I provide it. If I need more info, I request it. No ill will behind any of it.


This is so upsetting.

I truly thought LE had recovered the rest of Lauren's remains, and just never released the information.

How absolutely devastating. :(

I don't recall Chief Burns telling the media whether or not anymore remains were found. All I remember during the pressers when a reporter asked him, he gave his famous answer, "I'm not going to answer that." So maybe the media is only reporting what they do know?
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